Lỗi microstation cannot measure area of this element

For curves, sets the maximum percentage of the distance between the true curve and the approximation used to measure. A low Tolerance makes the measurement more accurate but increases calculation time.

Mass Properties

If on, the mass property analysis is displayed in the .

Display Centroid

If on, a graphic crosshair that represents the measured element's center of mass is displayed.

Locate Interior Shapes

[When Method is set to Flood] Sets the largest distance allowed between consecutive elements. If zero, the elements must connect to bound an area.

Applies To Product[s]: MicroStation Version[s]: Environment: N\A Area: Measure Subarea: N\A Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group


Measure Area tool does not start and tool settings do not show.

Product: MicroStation V8 XM Edition Version: Area: Dimension/Measure, PROBLEMSOLVING


Place a fence in the view, the start the tool.

Reason: Measure Area tool has Method set to "Fence" but no fence is placed. When the tool was last used it was used with a fence and the Method set to "Fence", but then the fence was clear afterwards. The Prompt and Message Center reports message "No Fence Defined".

To correct: 1. Place a fence somewhere in the view, then start Measure Area. [The tool should now start] 2. Switch the Method to the desired setting. 3. Use tool as needed.

Notes: In MicroStation V8 XM edition and previous, the Prompt does not keep the warning visible but it is still listed in the Message Center. Starting with MicroStation V8 XM Edition version the Prompt area retains the warning message.

I use this tool often, and now it appears to not be working on some elements. Is anyone else having this problem?

I select the tool and select my starting point. The element will highlight, but there's no dynamic highlight to go with that. When finished, it queries me for the next point, but there is no result. Sometimes the elements are in a reference file, sometimes they are in the active file. Sometimes I can measure one reference file but not another [settings are all the same]. Sometimes I can measure in View 2, but not View 1. All the files are 2D. Very frustrating.

That may not be enough to go on...but it's what I've got.


  • Hello Mary, Can you send us some testcase file having this problem? Regards, Bhavesh
  • I will - when I get another one that does this. Thank you MaryB Power GeoPak Power InRoads OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2
  • Mary when I get erratic behavior I delete my upf file and because I have a duplicate as user.spf and defined in the user config to use the user.spf as a template to rebuild this then its automatic if I delete the upf .. you only need to delete the upf reset up ustn to the settings and tool layouts you want then make a duplicate for the upf as backup and use that to reinstate youre upf when it gets corrupt or deleted... This fixes a multitude of microstation sins .. why I dont know but it does.. today the raster manager refused to show the names of raster attachments but I could detach and attach but not choose one and turn it off .. deleted the upf and restart cad and the same problem file now works as its supposed to... Lorys Started msnt work 1990 - Retired Nov 2022 [ oh boy am I old ] But was long time user V8iss10 [] dabbler CE update 16 [] MicroStation user since 1990 Melbourne Australia. click link to PM me


I have had this issue off and on for quite a while. I was going to attach the file that I am having the issue now but I do not know how to do that. I work in CADD Support for MaineDOT and this is an issue for us since a lot of us use this tool. I just started in this position so I am learning as I am going. Here is my summary of my issue.

I have had issues with using the Measure Distance Along Element tool where it will not select the curve [element] and highlight it so it will measure along it. The most recent occurrence is along a 5,770 ft. curve on an alignment. I want to measure from a Station mark to another line intersecting the curve. I select the start point then reject the section of the Station mark and then accept the selection of the Alignment line. Then it just highlights part of the Station mark and gives me its distance. This is something that happens quite often and it seems to be on curves and ones along a string or SmartLine. Any suggestions are welcomed. We are using MicroStation V8i SS2 v.

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