ListingPro payment gateway

ListingPro Multipurpose Directory Theme

The ListingPro theme is a flexible and highly customizable directory theme that you can use to create online directory of any niche.

You can use this theme to create a simple location-based directory, an automotive directory, a directory for events, review and rating directory, a restaurant directory, a real estate directory, a city guide website, etc.

With the features and customization options, you can make this theme look and work as per your requirements. Moreover, there is custom field support, that we will discuss in detail later in this article. With custom fields, you can make your listing as informative as possible.

It can be used to create almost any kind of WordPress directory website, but you can browse for a multipurpose business theme here.

Listing pro demo designs to get you started

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ListingPro payment gateway

Starting on a blank site can be really confusing, therefore, this feature-packed directory theme comes with demo data to get you started easily.

By importing the ListingPro demo data, your website will start looking exactly like the ListingPro demo. However, there are different variations of demo designs to choose for.

Importing the demo content will set all the design elements, widgets in widget areas, sample banners, and install some sample listings so you can understand your site better.

With the sample data installed, you will have your website looking like a professionally designed site with example data. All you are required to do now is to edit your site with the easy options and replace the example data with your actual content.

ListingPro Customization and Page Building

ListingPro WordPress theme comes with easy customization options to personalize your website as much as possible.

The dashboard of this theme comes with well organized and intuitive options to let you change the colors, fonts, and other things about your website.

ListingPro payment gateway
ListingPro payment gateway

ListingPro supports the page builder by WPBakery for drag and drop page building functionality.

The page builder by WPBakery is a premium WordPress page builder but comes included ListingPro for free. So you wont have to buy it separately.

With the page building options, you can change the appearance of each and every element on your page just with the drag and drop options.

So you can totally change the appearance of your website with easy options without being a technical expert. It is really fun to be able to change the appearance of your site without being a designer.

Also, the options and settings are well-organized so that you dont end up messing up the design of your site. Therefore, achieving a personalized and professional look for your online directory website is simple with the Directory WordPress Theme.

Is the Listing pro theme easy to set up and manage?

Yes, ListingPro WordPress theme is really easy to set up and manage, even at a beginners level. Mostly all of the premium WordPress themes are designed to make sure that they can be used by WordPress beginners as well as programming experts.

You will find the backend of this theme loaded with well organized and intuitive options so that you can easily personalize your website.

It is safe to say that everything in the ListingPro WordPress Directory theme can be managed without editing a line of code.

Listing pro documentation

Even if you are a WordPress expert, you will need the documentation of the theme as it explains the individual elements and the working of your theme.

ListingPro WordPress theme comes with documentation with more than 200 articles on different subjects. This knowledge base can help you find answers and to understand the functionalities of your theme.

Also, you can rely on the theme support if the documentation doesnt help. The engineers at their help center will respond to your queries with a relevant and useful answer to your questions.

So if you have any doubts or confusions, the support will help you understand better. And above all, are the video tutorials and helps to make it easier for their users.

Therefore, as far as documentation and support are considered, ListingPro themes help channels are well up to the mark.

Multiple Monetization options

ListingPro payment gateway
ListingPro payment gateway

If you are building a commercial directory, then you would like a directory website template with multiple options to convert your visitors into paying customers.

However, the Listing Pro WordPress theme comes with different options to help you make money through your website.

With the available options, you can easily integrate the best money making features and use it to make money through your website.

AdMonetize your ListingPro directory

The easiest way to earn through the ListinPro theme is by displaying advertisement banners on your directory website. Since Online directories are prone to have massive traffic, the advertisements can earn you good revenue at the earlier level.

The advertisements can be sponsored advertisements through banners, or you can use the advertisement networks service like Google AdSense.

Since both types of advertisements are supported, you can choose one or implement both ways to earn through advertisements.

ListingPro payment gateway
ListingPro payment gateway

When creating a website using the ListingPro directory theme, you can also earn by allowing paid listing submissions.

Your directory will serve as an advertising platform as well as an information portal where the visitors can search for information.

Therefore, those businesses who want to be listed on your WordPress directory can be allowed to pay and submit their listing through the inbuilt submission form.

The submission form and the whole paid submission procedure comes pre-programmed and therefore all you have to do is create the pricing packages and start allowing paid submissions on your website to earn through it.

Listing claim feature

Do you already have businesses listed on your site? Then you can allow the business owners to claim their listings and have the ownership of the listing on your website.

The ownership claim feature of the ListingPro directory theme lets you set a price for the visitors to submit the ownership claim.

ListingPro payment gateway
ListingPro payment gateway

This technique works when you have a lot of businesses already listed on your website and want to allow them full access and ownership.

Online bookings

Add the book now feature to your website with this directory listing WordPress theme. With booking features, you can allow visitors to make bookings and pay online through your websites payment processing feature.

This can be an appointment booking, room/service booking, or table booking. The booking system used is Timekit andresurva.

Another way to make money through your online directory is through featured listings.

Sometimes, the listing owners may want to draw extra attention to their listing and have their business featured on your website.

And what better place than the homepage banner to have the listing featured?

With the listingPro directory theme, you can set the price of the featured place and duration for which the listing will be featured for the given price.

Listingpro features

Apart from the ones already discussed, there are several other features in the ListingPro directory theme that can help you build efficient directory websites.

Supports custom fields

The listing directory WordPress theme allows you to create custom fields for your directory listings. So if there are more fields that you want to appear on your listing page, you can easily add them.

Moreover, you can even edit, remove or update an existing field.

The custom fields can be set particular to listing categories. So you can have different fields for different categories.

This makes it possible for the ListingPro WordPress directory theme for different niches and have fully customized listings.

Homepage video banner

ListingPro payment gateway
ListingPro payment gateway

Create an attractive video banner for your directory website with the ListingPro Directory WordPress theme. The high-quality video banner will surely make your website look more interesting.

Besides video, the theme also supports a slideshow of images as the homepage banner.

With the easy customization options, you can change the banner image/video to suit the niche of your site.

Events management

Add events listings on your website and start maintaning events on your website. The ListingPro directory theme comes with an inbuilt events management system that lets you add event listings on your directory website.

Therefore, you can use this ListingPro WordPress directory theme for creating an events portal as well. You can easily monetize such an events portal.

On the other hand, you can use the events management feature of this directory theme to create an events listing type along with your commercial directory services.

Rating and Reviews

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ListingPro payment gateway

There are multiple ways you can make your directory useful and more meaningful for your users.

One of them is using the inbuilt rating and review system for rating the places/products listed on your website.

The start and emoji based rating system make your website more interesting for both: the reviewers and the readers.

Booking system

If your WordPress directory website is about booking and reservations, you can use the integrated booking system of the ListingPro WordPress theme.

This Listing directory theme uses resurva and timekit for allowing bookings through your website.

The theme comes with enough documentation and resources regarding this so that you can allow and manage bookings on your directory website created with the Listing Directory Theme.

Or you can use WooCommerce bookings as the theme supports the WooCommerce plugin.

Drag and drop page building

No size or design can fit all.

You certainly would want to change a few things about the template you use for your website.

The included page builder by WPBakery makes it possible to change how your theme looks and works using the drag and drop page building options.

So you can edit the existing one, or create new pages easily. Create sections and use page building elements to create the design of your own.

The premium page builder plugin is one of the best of its kind and is easy and fun to use.

Geo Locations and Near Me features

The location-based features on your listingPro WordPress theme are enabled by Google Places API. To restrict locations for specific country you can use the available shortcodes.

Moreover, there are geo-location features to detect the current location of your visitor and provide relevant results.

For further facilitation of your visitors, theres the Near Me feature through which they can find the listings near them, on your directory portal.

Another interesting feature that further improves the usability of your online directory, is near by listings feature on the listing detail page.

Ad banner support

Earn by displaying advertisement banners on your WordPress website. You can display advertisements on multiple locations to earn and generate leads.

Earning through advertisements is the easiest way to make money through your website using the ListingPro directory theme.

Advanced filter and live search

ListingPro payment gateway
ListingPro payment gateway

The live search enables your visitors to instantly find their listing on your website using a keyword, category, etc.

Also, there are smart filter options to allow users to easily sort and search the listings and results on your directory website.

Front end submission with a preview

Allow your directory website visitors to submit a listing on your website with a front end submission feature. Create pricing plans, allow registered visitors to submit their business listing.

You can change and manage the custom fields for your submission form and you can customize what details a listing will show. Moreover, there is a preview option, that enables the visitors to preview how their listing will appear on the website before it is actually submitted.

Listing claims

There is an inbuilt mechanism to manage the listing claim feature and help you earn through it. The admin of the website has the full control over accepting or rejecting the claim.

One such theme with similar features is MyListing.

SEO optimized and plugin ready

The listing pro WordPress theme is SEO optimized to make sure that your directory website ranks well. Moreover, you can use the WordPress SEO plugins for further SEO optimization of your online directory.

This theme works great with the Yoast SEO plugin. You can even try integrating any other plugin like All-In-One SEO pack, etc.


There is an inbuilt mechanism for the vistors to bookmark the listings on your website.

The bookmarked listings will be visible to theregistered users on their dashboard when logged in. This helps the visitors to save their favorite listings and find them easily in future when needed.

Social login + social sharing

ListingPro payment gateway
ListingPro payment gateway

Social login is one of the most desirable features in any website that allowsregistration and login. The ListingPro WordPress theme allows you to log in via your social media profiles.

Besides, your directory website created with the ListingPro directory theme is social mediaready. Every listing page can have social media sharing options to allow the interested visitors to share the listing pages.

ListingPro payment gateway
ListingPro payment gateway

This makes it easy for you to use social media to promote your website and listings. Therefore your website can have the advantages of social media to attract traffic.

Bulk import

If you want to add multiple listings at once, you can use the bulk import options of the WooCommerce. So you can easily add all the listing data in the CSV format.

Other features

Besides the ones mentioned above, there are other features like spam protection and reCaptcha, menu card features for restaurants, an inbuilt invoice generation system to generate invoices, etc.

This is the EXACT same theme as distributed by the developer on ThemeForest. The developers links are provided above.

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