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JSON functions

BigQuery supports the following functions, which can retrieve and transform JSON data.

Function overview

Standard JSON extraction functions (recommended)

The following functions use double quotes to escape invalid JSONPath characters: "a.b".

This behavior is consistent with the ANSI standard.

JSON functionDescriptionReturn type
JSON_QUERYExtracts a JSON value, such as an array or object, or a JSON scalar value, such as a string, number, or boolean.JSON-formatted STRING or JSON
JSON_VALUEExtracts a scalar value. A scalar value can represent a string, number, or boolean. Removes the outermost quotes and unescapes the values. Returns a SQL NULL if a non-scalar value is selected.STRING
JSON_QUERY_ARRAYExtracts an array of JSON values, such as arrays or objects, and JSON scalar values, such as strings, numbers, and booleans.ARRAY or ARRAY
JSON_VALUE_ARRAYExtracts an array of scalar values. A scalar value can represent a string, number, or boolean. Removes the outermost quotes and unescapes the values. Returns a SQL NULL if the selected value is not an array or not an array containing only scalar values.ARRAY

Legacy JSON extraction functions

The following functions use single quotes and brackets to escape invalid JSONPath characters: ['a.b'].

While these functions are supported by BigQuery, we recommend using the functions in the previous table.

JSON functionDescriptionReturn type
JSON_EXTRACTExtracts a JSON value, such as an array or object, or a JSON scalar value, such as a string, number, or boolean.JSON-formatted STRING or JSON
JSON_EXTRACT_SCALARExtracts a scalar value. A scalar value can represent a string, number, or boolean. Removes the outermost quotes and unescapes the values. Returns a SQL NULL if a non-scalar value is selected.STRING
JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAYExtracts an array of JSON values, such as arrays or objects, and JSON scalar values, such as strings, numbers, and booleans.ARRAY or ARRAY
JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAYExtracts an array of scalar values. A scalar value can represent a string, number, or boolean. Removes the outermost quotes and unescapes the values. Returns a SQL NULL if the selected value is not an array or not an array containing only scalar values.ARRAY

Other JSON functions

JSON functionDescriptionReturn type
PARSE_JSONTakes a JSON-formatted string and returns a JSON value.JSON
TO_JSONTakes a SQL value and returns a JSON value.JSON
TO_JSON_STRINGTakes a SQL value and returns a JSON-formatted string representation of the value.JSON-formatted STRING
STRINGExtracts a string from JSON.STRING
BOOLExtracts a boolean from JSON.BOOL
INT64Extracts a 64-bit integer from JSON.INT64
FLOAT64Extracts a 64-bit floating-point number from JSON.FLOAT64
JSON_TYPEReturns the type of the outermost JSON value as a string.STRING


JSON_EXTRACT(json_string_expr, json_path) JSON_EXTRACT(json_expr, json_path)


Extracts a JSON value, such as an array or object, or a JSON scalar value, such as a string, number, or boolean. If a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, then you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets.

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted string. For example:

    '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'

    Extracts a SQL NULL when a JSON-formatted string "null" is encountered. For example:

    SELECT JSON_EXTRACT("null", "$") -- Returns a SQL NULL
  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'

    Extracts a JSON null when a JSON null is encountered.

    SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(JSON 'null', "$") -- Returns a JSON 'null'
  • json_path: The JSONPath. This identifies the data that you want to obtain from the input. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that all of the data is analyzed.

    SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"a":null}', "$.a"); -- Returns a SQL NULL SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"a":null}', "$.b"); -- Returns a SQL NULL SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(JSON '{"a":null}', "$.a"); -- Returns a JSON 'null' SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(JSON '{"a":null}', "$.b"); -- Returns a SQL NULL

If you want to include non-scalar values such as arrays in the extraction, then use JSON_EXTRACT. If you only want to extract scalar values such strings, numbers, and booleans, then use JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR.

Return type

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted STRING
  • json_expr: JSON


In the following example, JSON data is extracted and returned as JSON.

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(JSON '{"class":{"students":[{"id":5},{"id":12}]}}', '$.class') AS json_data; +-----------------------------------+ | json_data | +-----------------------------------+ | {"students":[{"id":5},{"id":12}]} | +-----------------------------------+

In the following examples, JSON data is extracted and returned as JSON-formatted strings.

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(json_text, '$') AS json_text_string FROM UNNEST([ '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : []}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name": "Jamie"}]}}' ]) AS json_text; +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | json_text_string | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | {"class":{"students":[{"name":"Jane"}]}} | | {"class":{"students":[]}} | | {"class":{"students":[{"name":"John"},{"name":"Jamie"}]}} | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(json_text, '$.class.students[0]') AS first_student FROM UNNEST([ '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : []}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name": "Jamie"}]}}' ]) AS json_text; +-----------------+ | first_student | +-----------------+ | {"name":"Jane"} | | NULL | | {"name":"John"} | +-----------------+ SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(json_text, '$.class.students[1].name') AS second_student_name FROM UNNEST([ '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : []}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name" : null}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name": "Jamie"}]}}' ]) AS json_text; +-------------------+ | second_student | +-------------------+ | NULL | | NULL | | NULL | | "Jamie" | +-------------------+ SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(json_text, "$.class['students']") AS student_names FROM UNNEST([ '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : []}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name": "Jamie"}]}}' ]) AS json_text; +------------------------------------+ | student_names | +------------------------------------+ | [{"name":"Jane"}] | | [] | | [{"name":"John"},{"name":"Jamie"}] | +------------------------------------+


JSON_QUERY(json_string_expr, json_path) JSON_QUERY(json_expr, json_path)


Extracts a JSON value, such as an array or object, or a JSON scalar value, such as a string, number, or boolean. If a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, then you can escape those characters using double quotes.

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted string. For example:

    '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'

    Extracts a SQL NULL when a JSON-formatted string "null" is encountered. For example:

    SELECT JSON_QUERY("null", "$") -- Returns a SQL NULL
  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'

    Extracts a JSON null when a JSON null is encountered.

    SELECT JSON_QUERY(JSON 'null', "$") -- Returns a JSON 'null'
  • json_path: The JSONPath. This identifies the data that you want to obtain from the input. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that all of the data is analyzed.

    SELECT JSON_QUERY('{"a":null}', "$.a"); -- Returns a SQL NULL SELECT JSON_QUERY('{"a":null}', "$.b"); -- Returns a SQL NULL SELECT JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"a":null}', "$.a"); -- Returns a JSON 'null' SELECT JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"a":null}', "$.b"); -- Returns a SQL NULL

If you want to include non-scalar values such as arrays in the extraction, then use JSON_QUERY. If you only want to extract scalar values such strings, numbers, and booleans, then use JSON_VALUE.

Return type

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted STRING
  • json_expr: JSON


In the following example, JSON data is extracted and returned as JSON.

SELECT JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"class":{"students":[{"id":5},{"id":12}]}}', '$.class') AS json_data; +-----------------------------------+ | json_data | +-----------------------------------+ | {"students":[{"id":5},{"id":12}]} | +-----------------------------------+

In the following examples, JSON data is extracted and returned as JSON-formatted strings.

SELECT JSON_QUERY(json_text, '$') AS json_text_string FROM UNNEST([ '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : []}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name": "Jamie"}]}}' ]) AS json_text; +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | json_text_string | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | {"class":{"students":[{"name":"Jane"}]}} | | {"class":{"students":[]}} | | {"class":{"students":[{"name":"John"},{"name":"Jamie"}]}} | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ SELECT JSON_QUERY(json_text, '$.class.students[0]') AS first_student FROM UNNEST([ '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : []}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name": "Jamie"}]}}' ]) AS json_text; +-----------------+ | first_student | +-----------------+ | {"name":"Jane"} | | NULL | | {"name":"John"} | +-----------------+ SELECT JSON_QUERY(json_text, '$.class.students[1].name') AS second_student_name FROM UNNEST([ '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : []}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name" : null}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name": "Jamie"}]}}' ]) AS json_text; +-------------------+ | second_student | +-------------------+ | NULL | | NULL | | NULL | | "Jamie" | +-------------------+ SELECT JSON_QUERY(json_text, '$.class."students"') AS student_names FROM UNNEST([ '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}', '{"class" : {"students" : []}}', '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "John"}, {"name": "Jamie"}]}}' ]) AS json_text; +------------------------------------+ | student_names | +------------------------------------+ | [{"name":"Jane"}] | | [] | | [{"name":"John"},{"name":"Jamie"}] | +------------------------------------+


JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(json_string_expr[, json_path]) JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(json_expr[, json_path])


Extracts a scalar value and then returns it as a string. A scalar value can represent a string, number, or boolean. Removes the outermost quotes and unescapes the return values. If a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, then you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets.

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted string. For example:

    '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_path: The JSONPath. This identifies the data that you want to obtain from the input. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that all of the data is analyzed.

    If json_path returns a JSON null or a non-scalar value (in other words, if json_path refers to an object or an array), then a SQL NULL is returned. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that the entire JSON-formatted string is analyzed.

If you only want to extract scalar values such strings, numbers, and booleans, then use JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR. If you want to include non-scalar values such as arrays in the extraction, then use JSON_EXTRACT.

Return type



In the following example, age is extracted.

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(JSON '{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.age') AS scalar_age; +------------+ | scalar_age | +------------+ | 6 | +------------+

The following example compares how results are returned for the JSON_EXTRACT and JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR functions.

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.name') AS json_name, JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR('{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.name') AS scalar_name, JSON_EXTRACT('{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.age') AS json_age, JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR('{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.age') AS scalar_age; +-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ | json_name | scalar_name | json_age | scalar_age | +-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ | "Jakob" | Jakob | "6" | 6 | +-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"fruits": ["apple", "banana"]}', '$.fruits') AS json_extract, JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR('{"fruits": ["apple", "banana"]}', '$.fruits') AS json_extract_scalar; +--------------------+---------------------+ | json_extract | json_extract_scalar | +--------------------+---------------------+ | ["apple","banana"] | NULL | +--------------------+---------------------+

In cases where a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets, [' ']. For example:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR('{"a.b": {"c": "world"}}', "$['a.b'].c") AS hello; +-------+ | hello | +-------+ | world | +-------+


JSON_VALUE(json_string_expr[, json_path]) JSON_VALUE(json_expr[, json_path])


Extracts a scalar value and then returns it as a string. A scalar value can represent a string, number, or boolean. Removes the outermost quotes and unescapes the return values. If a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, then you can escape those characters using double quotes.

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted string. For example:

    '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_path: The JSONPath. This identifies the data that you want to obtain from the input. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that all of the data is analyzed.

    If json_path returns a JSON null or a non-scalar value (in other words, if json_path refers to an object or an array), then a SQL NULL is returned. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that the entire JSON-formatted string is analyzed.

If you only want to extract scalar values such strings, numbers, and booleans, then use JSON_VALUE. If you want to include non-scalar values such as arrays in the extraction, then use JSON_QUERY.

Return type



In the following example, JSON data is extracted and returned as a scalar value.

SELECT JSON_VALUE(JSON '{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.age') AS scalar_age; +------------+ | scalar_age | +------------+ | 6 | +------------+

The following example compares how results are returned for the JSON_QUERY and JSON_VALUE functions.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.name') AS json_name, JSON_VALUE('{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.name') AS scalar_name, JSON_QUERY('{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.age') AS json_age, JSON_VALUE('{ "name" : "Jakob", "age" : "6" }', '$.age') AS scalar_age; +-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ | json_name | scalar_name | json_age | scalar_age | +-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ | "Jakob" | Jakob | "6" | 6 | +-----------+-------------+----------+------------+ SELECT JSON_QUERY('{"fruits": ["apple", "banana"]}', '$.fruits') AS json_query, JSON_VALUE('{"fruits": ["apple", "banana"]}', '$.fruits') AS json_value; +--------------------+------------+ | json_query | json_value | +--------------------+------------+ | ["apple","banana"] | NULL | +--------------------+------------+

In cases where a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using double quotes. For example:

SELECT JSON_VALUE('{"a.b": {"c": "world"}}', '$."a.b".c') AS hello; +-------+ | hello | +-------+ | world | +-------+


JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(json_string_expr[, json_path]) JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(json_expr[, json_path])


Extracts an array of JSON values, such as arrays or objects, and JSON scalar values, such as strings, numbers, and booleans. If a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, then you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets.

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted string. For example:

    '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_path: The JSONPath. This identifies the data that you want to obtain from the input. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that all of the data is analyzed.

    If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that the entire JSON-formatted string is analyzed.

Return type

  • json_string_expr: ARRAY
  • json_expr: ARRAY


This extracts items in JSON to an array of JSON values:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY( JSON '{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$.fruits' ) AS json_array; +---------------------------------+ | json_array | +---------------------------------+ | ["apples", "oranges", "grapes"] | +---------------------------------+

This extracts the items in a JSON-formatted string to a string array:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('[1,2,3]') AS string_array; +--------------+ | string_array | +--------------+ | [1, 2, 3] | +--------------+

This extracts a string array and converts it to an integer array:

SELECT ARRAY( SELECT CAST(integer_element AS INT64) FROM UNNEST( JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('[1,2,3]','$') ) AS integer_element ) AS integer_array; +---------------+ | integer_array | +---------------+ | [1, 2, 3] | +---------------+

This extracts string values in a JSON-formatted string to an array:

-- Doesn't strip the double quotes SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('["apples","oranges","grapes"]', '$') AS string_array; +---------------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------------+ | ["apples", "oranges", "grapes"] | +---------------------------------+ -- Strips the double quotes SELECT ARRAY( SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(string_element, '$') FROM UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('["apples","oranges","grapes"]','$')) AS string_element ) AS string_array; +---------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------+ | [apples, oranges, grapes] | +---------------------------+

This extracts only the items in the fruit property to an array:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY( '{"fruit":[{"apples":5,"oranges":10},{"apples":2,"oranges":4}],"vegetables":[{"lettuce":7,"kale": 8}]}', '$.fruit' ) AS string_array; +-------------------------------------------------------+ | string_array | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | [{"apples":5,"oranges":10}, {"apples":2,"oranges":4}] | +-------------------------------------------------------+

These are equivalent:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$[fruits]') AS string_array; SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$.fruits') AS string_array; -- The queries above produce the following result: +---------------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------------+ | ["apples", "oranges", "grapes"] | +---------------------------------+

In cases where a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets, [' ']. For example:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('{"a.b": {"c": ["world"]}}', "$['a.b'].c") AS hello; +-----------+ | hello | +-----------+ | ["world"] | +-----------+

The following examples explore how invalid requests and empty arrays are handled:

  • If a JSONPath is invalid, an error is thrown.
  • If a JSON-formatted string is invalid, the output is NULL.
  • It is okay to have empty arrays in the JSON-formatted string.
-- An error is thrown if you provide an invalid JSONPath. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('["foo","bar","baz"]','INVALID_JSONPath') AS result; -- If the JSONPath does not refer to an array, then NULL is returned. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('{"a":"foo"}','$.a') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a key that does not exist is specified, then the result is NULL. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('{"a":"foo"}','$.b') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- Empty arrays in JSON-formatted strings are supported. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('{"a":"foo","b":[]}','$.b') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | [] | +--------+


JSON_QUERY_ARRAY(json_string_expr[, json_path]) JSON_QUERY_ARRAY(json_expr[, json_path])


Extracts an array of JSON values, such as arrays or objects, and JSON scalar values, such as strings, numbers, and booleans. If a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, then you can escape those characters using double quotes.

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted string. For example:

    '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_path: The JSONPath. This identifies the data that you want to obtain from the input. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that all of the data is analyzed.

Return type

  • json_string_expr: ARRAY
  • json_expr: ARRAY


This extracts items in JSON to an array of JSON values:

SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY( JSON '{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$.fruits' ) AS json_array; +---------------------------------+ | json_array | +---------------------------------+ | ["apples", "oranges", "grapes"] | +---------------------------------+

This extracts the items in a JSON-formatted string to a string array:

SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('[1,2,3]') AS string_array; +--------------+ | string_array | +--------------+ | [1, 2, 3] | +--------------+

This extracts a string array and converts it to an integer array:

SELECT ARRAY( SELECT CAST(integer_element AS INT64) FROM UNNEST( JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('[1,2,3]','$') ) AS integer_element ) AS integer_array; +---------------+ | integer_array | +---------------+ | [1, 2, 3] | +---------------+

This extracts string values in a JSON-formatted string to an array:

-- Doesn't strip the double quotes SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('["apples","oranges","grapes"]', '$') AS string_array; +---------------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------------+ | ["apples", "oranges", "grapes"] | +---------------------------------+ -- Strips the double quotes SELECT ARRAY( SELECT JSON_VALUE(string_element, '$') FROM UNNEST(JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('["apples","oranges","grapes"]','$')) AS string_element ) AS string_array; +---------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------+ | [apples, oranges, grapes] | +---------------------------+

This extracts only the items in the fruit property to an array:

SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY( '{"fruit":[{"apples":5,"oranges":10},{"apples":2,"oranges":4}],"vegetables":[{"lettuce":7,"kale": 8}]}', '$.fruit' ) AS string_array; +-------------------------------------------------------+ | string_array | +-------------------------------------------------------+ | [{"apples":5,"oranges":10}, {"apples":2,"oranges":4}] | +-------------------------------------------------------+

These are equivalent:

SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$.fruits') AS string_array; SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$."fruits"') AS string_array; -- The queries above produce the following result: +---------------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------------+ | ["apples", "oranges", "grapes"] | +---------------------------------+

In cases where a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using double quotes: " ". For example:

SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('{"a.b": {"c": ["world"]}}', '$."a.b".c') AS hello; +-----------+ | hello | +-----------+ | ["world"] | +-----------+

The following examples show how invalid requests and empty arrays are handled:

-- An error is returned if you provide an invalid JSONPath. SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('["foo","bar","baz"]','INVALID_JSONPath') AS result; -- If the JSONPath does not refer to an array, then NULL is returned. SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('{"a":"foo"}','$.a') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a key that does not exist is specified, then the result is NULL. SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('{"a":"foo"}','$.b') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- Empty arrays in JSON-formatted strings are supported. SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('{"a":"foo","b":[]}','$.b') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | [] | +--------+


JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY(json_string_expr[, json_path]) JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY(json_expr[, json_path])


Extracts an array of scalar values and returns an array of string-formatted scalar values. A scalar value can represent a string, number, or boolean. If a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets.

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted string. For example:

    '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_path: The JSONPath. This identifies the data that you want to obtain from the input. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that all of the data is analyzed.

Return type



This extracts items in JSON to a string array:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY( JSON '{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$.fruits' ) AS string_array; +---------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------+ | [apples, oranges, grapes] | +---------------------------+

The following example compares how results are returned for the JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY and JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY functions.

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY('["apples","oranges"]') AS json_array, JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('["apples","oranges"]') AS string_array; +-----------------------+-------------------+ | json_array | string_array | +-----------------------+-------------------+ | ["apples", "oranges"] | [apples, oranges] | +-----------------------+-------------------+

This extracts the items in a JSON-formatted string to a string array:

-- Strips the double quotes SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('["foo","bar","baz"]','$') AS string_array; +-----------------+ | string_array | +-----------------+ | [foo, bar, baz] | +-----------------+

This extracts a string array and converts it to an integer array:

SELECT ARRAY( SELECT CAST(integer_element AS INT64) FROM UNNEST( JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('[1,2,3]','$') ) AS integer_element ) AS integer_array; +---------------+ | integer_array | +---------------+ | [1, 2, 3] | +---------------+

These are equivalent:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$[fruits]') AS string_array; SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$.fruits') AS string_array; -- The queries above produce the following result: +---------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------+ | [apples, oranges, grapes] | +---------------------------+

In cases where a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using single quotes and brackets: [' ']. For example:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('{"a.b": {"c": ["world"]}}', "$['a.b'].c") AS hello; +---------+ | hello | +---------+ | [world] | +---------+

The following examples explore how invalid requests and empty arrays are handled:

-- An error is thrown if you provide an invalid JSONPath. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('["foo","bar","baz"]','INVALID_JSONPath') AS result; -- If the JSON formatted string is invalid, then NULL is returned. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('}}','$') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If the JSON document is NULL, then NULL is returned. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY(NULL,'$') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath does not match anything, then the output is NULL. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('{"a":["foo","bar","baz"]}','$.b') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an object that is not an array, then the output is NULL. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('{"a":"foo"}','$') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an array of non-scalar objects, then the output is NULL. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('{"a":[{"b":"foo","c":1},{"b":"bar","c":2}],"d":"baz"}','$.a') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an array of mixed scalar and non-scalar objects, then the output is NULL. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('{"a":[10, {"b": 20}]','$.a') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an empty JSON array, then the output is an empty array instead of NULL. SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('{"a":"foo","b":[]}','$.b') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | [] | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an array that contains scalar values and a JSON null, -- then the output of the JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY function must be transformed -- because the final output cannot be an array with NULL values. This example -- uses the UNNEST operator to convert the output array into a table as the final output. SELECT string_value FROM UNNEST(JSON_EXTRACT_STRING_ARRAY('["world", 1, null]')) AS string_value; +--------------+ | string_value | +--------------+ | world | | 1 | | NULL | +--------------+


JSON_VALUE_ARRAY(json_string_expr[, json_path]) JSON_VALUE_ARRAY(json_expr[, json_path])


Extracts an array of scalar values and returns an array of string-formatted scalar values. A scalar value can represent a string, number, or boolean. If a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using double quotes.

  • json_string_expr: A JSON-formatted string. For example:

    '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'
  • json_path: The JSONPath. This identifies the data that you want to obtain from the input. If this optional parameter is not provided, then the JSONPath $ symbol is applied, which means that all of the data is analyzed.

Return type



This extracts items in JSON to a string array:

SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY( JSON '{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$.fruits' ) AS string_array; +---------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------+ | [apples, oranges, grapes] | +---------------------------+

The following example compares how results are returned for the JSON_QUERY_ARRAY and JSON_VALUE_ARRAY functions.

SELECT JSON_QUERY_ARRAY('["apples","oranges"]') AS json_array, JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('["apples","oranges"]') AS string_array; +-----------------------+-------------------+ | json_array | string_array | +-----------------------+-------------------+ | ["apples", "oranges"] | [apples, oranges] | +-----------------------+-------------------+

This extracts the items in a JSON-formatted string to a string array:

-- Strips the double quotes SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('["foo","bar","baz"]','$') AS string_array; +-----------------+ | string_array | +-----------------+ | [foo, bar, baz] | +-----------------+

This extracts a string array and converts it to an integer array:

SELECT ARRAY( SELECT CAST(integer_element AS INT64) FROM UNNEST( JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('[1,2,3]','$') ) AS integer_element ) AS integer_array; +---------------+ | integer_array | +---------------+ | [1, 2, 3] | +---------------+

These are equivalent:

SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$.fruits') AS string_array; SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('{"fruits":["apples","oranges","grapes"]}','$."fruits"') AS string_array; -- The queries above produce the following result: +---------------------------+ | string_array | +---------------------------+ | [apples, oranges, grapes] | +---------------------------+

In cases where a JSON key uses invalid JSONPath characters, you can escape those characters using double quotes: " ". For example:

SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('{"a.b": {"c": ["world"]}}', '$."a.b".c') AS hello; +---------+ | hello | +---------+ | [world] | +---------+

The following examples explore how invalid requests and empty arrays are handled:

-- An error is thrown if you provide an invalid JSONPath. SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('["foo","bar","baz"]','INVALID_JSONPath') AS result; -- If the JSON-formatted string is invalid, then NULL is returned. SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('}}','$') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If the JSON document is NULL, then NULL is returned. SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY(NULL,'$') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath does not match anything, then the output is NULL. SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('{"a":["foo","bar","baz"]}','$.b') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an object that is not an array, then the output is NULL. SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('{"a":"foo"}','$') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an array of non-scalar objects, then the output is NULL. SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('{"a":[{"b":"foo","c":1},{"b":"bar","c":2}],"d":"baz"}','$.a') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an array of mixed scalar and non-scalar objects, -- then the output is NULL. SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('{"a":[10, {"b": 20}]','$.a') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | NULL | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an empty JSON array, then the output is an empty array instead of NULL. SELECT JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('{"a":"foo","b":[]}','$.b') AS result; +--------+ | result | +--------+ | [] | +--------+ -- If a JSONPath matches an array that contains scalar objects and a JSON null, -- then the output of the JSON_VALUE_ARRAY function must be transformed -- because the final output cannot be an array with NULL values. This example -- uses the UNNEST operator to convert the output array into a table as the final output. SELECT string_value FROM UNNEST(JSON_VALUE_ARRAY('["world", 1, null]')) AS string_value; +--------------+ | string_value | +--------------+ | world | | 1 | | NULL | +--------------+


PARSE_JSON(json_string_expr[, wide_number_mode=>{ 'exact' | 'round' } ])


Takes a SQL STRING value and returns a SQL JSON value. The STRING value represents a string-formatted JSON value.

This function supports an optional mandatory-named argument called wide_number_mode that determines how to handle numbers that cannot be stored in a JSON value without the loss of precision. If used, wide_number_mode must include one of these values:

  • exact: Only accept numbers that can be stored without loss of precision. If a number that cannot be stored without loss of precision is encountered, the function throws an error.
  • round: If a number that cannot be stored without loss of precision is encountered, attempt to round it to a number that can be stored without loss of precision. If the number cannot be rounded, the function throws an error.

If wide_number_mode is not used, the function implicitly includes wide_number_mode=>'exact'. If a number appears in a JSON object or array, the wide_number_mode argument is applied to the number in the object or array.

Numbers from the following domains can be stored in JSON without loss of precision:

  • 64-bit signed/unsigned integers, such as INT64
  • FLOAT64

Return type



In the following example, a JSON-formatted string is converted to JSON.

SELECT PARSE_JSON('{"coordinates":[10,20],"id":1}') AS json_data; +--------------------------------+ | json_data | +--------------------------------+ | {"coordinates":[10,20],"id":1} | +--------------------------------+

The following queries fail because:

  • The number that was passed in cannot be stored without loss of precision.
  • wide_number_mode=>'exact' is used implicitly in the first query and explicitly in the second query.
SELECT PARSE_JSON('{"id":922337203685477580701}') AS json_data; -- fails SELECT PARSE_JSON('{"id":922337203685477580701}', wide_number_mode=>'exact') AS json_data; -- fails

The following query rounds the number to a number that can be stored in JSON.

SELECT PARSE_JSON('{"id":922337203685477580701}', wide_number_mode=>'round') AS json_data; +--------------------------------+ | json_data | +--------------------------------+ | {"id":9.223372036854776e+20} | +--------------------------------+


TO_JSON(sql_value[, stringify_wide_numbers=>{ TRUE | FALSE } ])


Takes a SQL value and returns a JSON value. The value must be a supported BigQuery data type. You can review the BigQuery data types that this function supports and their JSON encodings here.

This function supports an optional mandatory-named argument called stringify_wide_numbers.

  • If this argument is TRUE, numeric values outside of the FLOAT64 type domain are encoded as strings.
  • If this argument is not used or is FALSE, numeric values outside of the FLOAT64 type domain are not encoded as strings, but are stored as JSON numbers. If a numerical value cannot be stored in JSON without loss of precision, an error is thrown.

The following numerical data types are affected by the stringify_wide_numbers argument:

  • INT64

If one of these numerical data types appears in a container data type such as an ARRAY or STRUCT, the stringify_wide_numbers argument is applied to the numerical data types in the container data type.

Return type

A JSON value


In the following example, the query converts rows in a table to JSON values.

With CoordinatesTable AS ( (SELECT 1 AS id, [10,20] AS coordinates) UNION ALL (SELECT 2 AS id, [30,40] AS coordinates) UNION ALL (SELECT 3 AS id, [50,60] AS coordinates)) SELECT TO_JSON(t) AS json_objects FROM CoordinatesTable AS t; +--------------------------------+ | json_objects | +--------------------------------+ | {"coordinates":[10,20],"id":1} | | {"coordinates":[30,40],"id":2} | | {"coordinates":[50,60],"id":3} | +--------------------------------+

In the following example, the query returns a large numerical value as a JSON string.

SELECT TO_JSON(9007199254740993, stringify_wide_numbers=>TRUE) as stringify_on +--------------------+ | stringify_on | +--------------------+ | "9007199254740993" | +--------------------+

In the following example, both queries return a large numerical value as a JSON number.

SELECT TO_JSON(9007199254740993, stringify_wide_numbers=>FALSE) as stringify_off SELECT TO_JSON(9007199254740993) as stringify_off +------------------+ | stringify_off | +------------------+ | 9007199254740993 | +------------------+

In the following example, only large numeric values are converted to JSON strings.

With T1 AS ( (SELECT 9007199254740993 AS id) UNION ALL (SELECT 2 AS id)) SELECT TO_JSON(t, stringify_wide_numbers=>TRUE) AS json_objects FROM T1 AS t; +---------------------------+ | json_objects | +---------------------------+ | {"id":"9007199254740993"} | | {"id":2} | +---------------------------+

In this example, the values 9007199254740993 (INT64) and 2.1 (FLOAT64) are converted to the common supertype FLOAT64, which is not affected by the stringify_wide_numbers argument.

With T1 AS ( (SELECT 9007199254740993 AS id) UNION ALL (SELECT 2.1 AS id)) SELECT TO_JSON(t, stringify_wide_numbers=>TRUE) AS json_objects FROM T1 AS t; +------------------------------+ | json_objects | +------------------------------+ | {"id":9.007199254740992e+15} | | {"id":2.1} | +------------------------------+


TO_JSON_STRING(value[, pretty_print])


Takes a SQL value and returns a JSON-formatted string representation of the value. The value must be a supported BigQuery data type. You can review the BigQuery data types that this function supports and their JSON encodings here.

This function supports an optional boolean parameter called pretty_print. If pretty_print is true, the returned value is formatted for easy readability.

Return type

A JSON-formatted STRING


Convert rows in a table to JSON-formatted strings.

With CoordinatesTable AS ( (SELECT 1 AS id, [10,20] AS coordinates) UNION ALL (SELECT 2 AS id, [30,40] AS coordinates) UNION ALL (SELECT 3 AS id, [50,60] AS coordinates)) SELECT id, coordinates, TO_JSON_STRING(t) AS json_data FROM CoordinatesTable AS t; +----+-------------+--------------------------------+ | id | coordinates | json_data | +----+-------------+--------------------------------+ | 1 | [10, 20] | {"id":1,"coordinates":[10,20]} | | 2 | [30, 40] | {"id":2,"coordinates":[30,40]} | | 3 | [50, 60] | {"id":3,"coordinates":[50,60]} | +----+-------------+--------------------------------+

Convert rows in a table to JSON-formatted strings that are easy to read.

With CoordinatesTable AS ( (SELECT 1 AS id, [10,20] AS coordinates) UNION ALL (SELECT 2 AS id, [30,40] AS coordinates)) SELECT id, coordinates, TO_JSON_STRING(t, true) AS json_data FROM CoordinatesTable AS t; +----+-------------+--------------------+ | id | coordinates | json_data | +----+-------------+--------------------+ | 1 | [10, 20] | { | | | | "id": 1, | | | | "coordinates": [ | | | | 10, | | | | 20 | | | | ] | | | | } | +----+-------------+--------------------+ | 2 | [30, 40] | { | | | | "id": 2, | | | | "coordinates": [ | | | | 30, | | | | 40 | | | | ] | | | | } | +----+-------------+--------------------+




Takes a JSON expression, extracts a JSON string, and returns that value as a SQL STRING. If the expression is SQL NULL, the function returns SQL NULL. If the extracted JSON value is not a string, an error is produced.

  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"name": "sky", "color" : "blue"}'

Return type



SELECT STRING(JSON '"purple"') AS color; +--------+ | color | +--------+ | purple | +--------+ SELECT STRING(JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"name": "sky", "color": "blue"}', "$.color")) AS color; +-------+ | color | +-------+ | blue | +-------+

The following examples show how invalid requests are handled:

-- An error is thrown if the JSON is not of type string. SELECT STRING(JSON '123') AS result; -- Throws an error SELECT STRING(JSON 'null') AS result; -- Throws an error SELECT SAFE.STRING(JSON '123') AS result; -- Returns a SQL NULL




Takes a JSON expression, extracts a JSON boolean, and returns that value as a SQL BOOL. If the expression is SQL NULL, the function returns SQL NULL. If the extracted JSON value is not a boolean, an error is produced.

  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"name": "sky", "color" : "blue"}'

Return type



SELECT BOOL(JSON 'true') AS vacancy; +---------+ | vacancy | +---------+ | true | +---------+ SELECT BOOL(JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"hotel class": "5-star", "vacancy": true}', "$.vacancy")) AS vacancy; +---------+ | vacancy | +---------+ | true | +---------+

The following examples show how invalid requests are handled:

-- An error is thrown if JSON is not of type bool. SELECT BOOL(JSON '123') AS result; -- Throws an error SELECT BOOL(JSON 'null') AS result; -- Throw an error SELECT SAFE.BOOL(JSON '123') AS result; -- Returns a SQL NULL




Takes a JSON expression, extracts a JSON number and returns that value as a SQL INT64. If the expression is SQL NULL, the function returns SQL NULL. If the extracted JSON number has a fractional part or is outside of the INT64 domain, an error is produced.

  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"name": "sky", "color" : "blue"}'

Return type



SELECT INT64(JSON '2005') AS flight_number; +---------------+ | flight_number | +---------------+ | 2005 | +---------------+ SELECT INT64(JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"gate": "A4", "flight_number": 2005}', "$.flight_number")) AS flight_number; +---------------+ | flight_number | +---------------+ | 2005 | +---------------+ SELECT INT64(JSON '10.0') AS score; +-------+ | score | +-------+ | 10 | +-------+

The following examples show how invalid requests are handled:

-- An error is thrown if JSON is not a number or cannot be converted to a 64-bit integer. SELECT INT64(JSON '10.1') AS result; -- Throws an error SELECT INT64(JSON '"strawberry"') AS result; -- Throws an error SELECT INT64(JSON 'null') AS result; -- Throws an error SELECT SAFE.INT64(JSON '"strawberry"') AS result; -- Returns a SQL NULL


FLOAT64(json_expr[, wide_number_mode=>{ 'exact' | 'round'])


Takes a JSON expression, extracts a JSON number and returns that value as a SQL FLOAT64. If the expression is SQL NULL, the function returns SQL NULL. If the extracted JSON value is not a number, an error is produced.

  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"name": "sky", "color" : "blue"}'

This function supports an optional mandatory-named argument called wide_number_mode which defines what happens with a number that cannot be represented as a FLOAT64 without loss of precision.

This argument accepts one of the two case-sensitive values:

  • exact: The function fails if the result cannot be represented as a FLOAT64 without loss of precision.
  • round: The numeric value stored in JSON will be rounded to FLOAT64. If such rounding is not possible, the function fails. This is the default value if the argument is not specified.

Return type



SELECT FLOAT64(JSON '9.8') AS velocity; +----------+ | velocity | +----------+ | 9.8 | +----------+ SELECT FLOAT64(JSON_QUERY(JSON '{"vo2_max": 39.1, "age": 18}', "$.vo2_max")) AS vo2_max; +---------+ | vo2_max | +---------+ | 39.1 | +---------+ SELECT FLOAT64(JSON '18446744073709551615', wide_number_mode=>'round') as result; +------------------------+ | result | +------------------------+ | 1.8446744073709552e+19 | +------------------------+ SELECT FLOAT64(JSON '18446744073709551615') as result; +------------------------+ | result | +------------------------+ | 1.8446744073709552e+19 | +------------------------+

The following examples show how invalid requests are handled:

-- An error is thrown if JSON is not of type FLOAT64. SELECT FLOAT64(JSON '"strawberry"') AS result; SELECT FLOAT64(JSON 'null') AS result; -- An error is thrown because `wide_number_mode` is case-sensitive and not "exact" or "round". SELECT FLOAT64(JSON '123.4', wide_number_mode=>'EXACT') as result; SELECT FLOAT64(JSON '123.4', wide_number_mode=>'exac') as result; -- An error is thrown because the number cannot be converted to DOUBLE without loss of precision SELECT FLOAT64(JSON '18446744073709551615', wide_number_mode=>'exact') as result; -- Returns a SQL NULL SELECT SAFE.FLOAT64(JSON '"strawberry"') AS result;




Takes a JSON expression and returns the type of the outermost JSON value as a SQL STRING. The names of these JSON types can be returned:

  • object
  • array
  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • null

If the expression is SQL NULL, the function returns SQL NULL. If the extracted JSON value is not a valid JSON type, an error is produced.

  • json_expr: JSON. For example:

    JSON '{"name": "sky", "color" : "blue"}'

Return type



SELECT json_val, JSON_TYPE(json_val) AS type FROM UNNEST( [ JSON '"apple"', JSON '10', JSON '3.14', JSON 'null', JSON '{"city": "New York", "State": "NY"}', JSON '["apple", "banana"]', JSON 'false' ] ) AS json_val; +----------------------------------+---------+ | json_val | type | +----------------------------------+---------+ | "apple" | string | | 10 | number | | 3.14 | number | | null | null | | {"State":"NY","city":"New York"} | object | | ["apple","banana"] | array | | false | boolean | +----------------------------------+---------+

JSON encodings

The following table includes common encodings that are used when a SQL value is encoded as JSON value with the TO_JSON_STRING or TO_JSON function.

From SQLTo JSONExamples


SQL input: NULL
JSON output: null
BOOLbooleanSQL input: TRUE
JSON output: true

SQL input: FALSE
JSON output: false


number or string

Encoded as a number when the value is in the range of [-253, 253], which is the range of integers that can be represented losslessly as IEEE 754 double-precision floating point numbers. A value outside of this range is encoded as a string.

SQL input: 9007199254740992
JSON output: 9007199254740992

SQL input: 9007199254740993
JSON output: "9007199254740993"

(TO_JSON only)

number or string

If the stringify_wide_numbers argument is TRUE and the value is outside of the FLOAT64 type domain, the value is encoded as a string. If the value cannot be stored in JSON without loss of precision, the function fails. Otherwise, the value is encoded as a number.

If the stringify_wide_numbers is not used or is FALSE, numeric values outside of the `FLOAT64` type domain are not encoded as strings, but are stored as JSON numbers. If a numerical value cannot be stored in JSON without loss of precision, an error is thrown.

SQL input: 9007199254740992
JSON output: 9007199254740992

SQL input: 9007199254740993
JSON output: 9007199254740993

SQL input with stringify_wide_numbers=>TRUE: 9007199254740992
JSON output: 9007199254740992

SQL input with stringify_wide_numbers=>TRUE: 9007199254740993
JSON output: "9007199254740993"


number or string

Encoded as a number when the value is in the range of [-253, 253] and has no fractional part. A value outside of this range is encoded as a string.

SQL input: -1
JSON output: -1

SQL input: 0
JSON output: 0

SQL input: 9007199254740993
JSON output: "9007199254740993"

SQL input: 123.56
JSON output: "123.56"

(TO_JSON only)

number or string

If the stringify_wide_numbers argument is TRUE and the value is outside of the FLOAT64 type domain, it is encoded as a string. Otherwise, it's encoded as a number.

SQL input: -1
JSON output: -1

SQL input: 0
JSON output: 0

SQL input: 9007199254740993
JSON output: 9007199254740993

SQL input: 123.56
JSON output: 123.56

SQL input with stringify_wide_numbers=>TRUE: 9007199254740993
JSON output: "9007199254740993"

SQL input with stringify_wide_numbers=>TRUE: 123.56
JSON output: 123.56

number or string

+/-inf and NaN are encoded as Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN. Otherwise, this value is encoded as a number.

SQL input: 1.0
JSON output: 1

SQL input: 9007199254740993
JSON output: 9007199254740993

SQL input: "+inf"
JSON output: "Infinity"

SQL input: "-inf"
JSON output: "-Infinity"

SQL input: "NaN"
JSON output: "NaN"


Encoded as a string, escaped according to the JSON standard. Specifically, ", \, and the control characters from U+0000 to U+001F are escaped.

SQL input: "abc"
JSON output: "abc"

SQL input: "\"abc\""
JSON output: "\"abc\""


Uses RFC 4648 Base64 data encoding.

SQL input: b"Google"
JSON output: "R29vZ2xl"
DATEstringSQL input: DATE '2017-03-06'
JSON output: "2017-03-06"


Encoded as ISO 8601 date and time, where T separates the date and time and Z (Zulu/UTC) represents the time zone.

SQL input: TIMESTAMP '2017-03-06 12:34:56.789012'
JSON output: "2017-03-06T12:34:56.789012Z"


Encoded as ISO 8601 date and time, where T separates the date and time.

SQL input: DATETIME '2017-03-06 12:34:56.789012'
JSON output: "2017-03-06T12:34:56.789012"


Encoded as ISO 8601 time.

SQL input: TIME '12:34:56.789012'
JSON output: "12:34:56.789012"

data of the input JSON

SQL input: JSON '{"item": "pen", "price": 10}'
JSON output: {"item":"pen", "price":10}

SQL input:[1, 2, 3]
JSON output:[1, 2, 3]


Can contain zero or more elements.

SQL input: ["red", "blue", "green"]
JSON output: ["red","blue","green"]

SQL input:[1, 2, 3]
JSON output:[1,2,3]


The object can contain zero or more key/value pairs. Each value is formatted according to its type.

For TO_JSON, a field is included in the output string and any duplicates of this field are omitted. For TO_JSON_STRING, a field and any duplicates of this field are included in the output string.

Anonymous fields are represented with "".

Invalid UTF-8 field names might result in unparseable JSON. String values are escaped according to the JSON standard. Specifically, ", \, and the control characters from U+0000 to U+001F are escaped.

SQL input: STRUCT(12 AS purchases, TRUE AS inStock)
JSON output: {"inStock": true,"purchases":12}


Most JSON functions pass in a json_string_expr and json_path parameter. The json_string_expr parameter passes in a JSON-formatted string, and the json_path parameter identifies the value or values you want to obtain from the JSON-formatted string.

The json_string_expr parameter must be a JSON string that is formatted like this:

'{"class" : {"students" : [{"name" : "Jane"}]}}'

You construct the json_path parameter using the JSONPath format. As part of this format, this parameter must start with a $ symbol, which refers to the outermost level of the JSON-formatted string. You can identify child values using dots. If the JSON object is an array, you can use brackets to specify the array index. If the keys contain $, dots, or brackets, refer to each JSON function for how to escape them.

JSONPathDescriptionExampleResult using the above json_string_expr
$Root object or element"$"{"class":{"students":[{"name":"Jane"}]}}
.Child operator"$.class.students"[{"name":"Jane"}]
[]Subscript operator"$.class.students[0]"{"name":"Jane"}

A JSON functions returns NULL if the json_path parameter does not match a value in json_string_expr. If the selected value for a scalar function is not scalar, such as an object or an array, the function returns NULL.

If the JSONPath is invalid, the function raises an error.

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