Insert linked list C++

C program to insert an element in a singly linked list

Posted on 09th October 2017

A linked list is linear data structure which is made up of a set of nodes. In addition to the data, each node also contains a pointer to the next node in the list. If the next node pointer is NULL it means that node is the last node in the list. A linked list also uses a local variable called the head thats points to the top of the list. If the head pointer points to NULL then it means the list is empty. In this article we will discuss how to insert an element(node) in a linked with the help of a C program.

There are three possibilities to insert/add an element to a linked list. Here are those three possiblities and the steps involved:

Inserting a node to the top of a list

This is probably the easiest and fastest method of adding an element to a linked list. Here are the steps.

  • Create the new node, lets say N.
  • Set the nodes data field (Ndata = data).
  • Set the next pointer of new node to head pointer (Nnext = head).
  • Set the head to point to the new node (head = N).
Insert linked list C++
Insert to top of list

Inserting a node at the end of a list

To insert an element at the bottom of a list, you need to traverse up to the last element of the list and then,

  • Create the new node, lets say N.
  • Set the nodes data field (Ndata = data).
  • Set the next pointer of new node to NULL (Nnext = NULL).
  • Set the last element to point to the new node (last_nodenext = N).
Insert linked list C++
Insert at the bottom of a list

Inserting before or after a node

To insert an element before or after a particular node you need to traverse up to that node(to insert after) or up to the previous node(to insert before)and then,

  • Create the new node, lets say N.
  • Set the nodes data field (Ndata = data).
  • Set the next pointer of new node to current nodes next (Nnext = current_nodenext).
  • Set the current node to point to the new node (current_nodenext = N).
Insert linked list C++
Insert before or after a node

Here is a C Program to perform the following operations on a singly linked list.

  • Insert an element at the top of a list.
  • Insert an element at the bottom of a list.
  • Insert an element after the specified element in a list.
  • Insert an element before the specified element in a list.
  • Display all elements in the list.

This program also displays a menu for the users to make a selection. Here is the full source code.

Source Code

/******************************************** * C program to insert an element at any * * position in a linked list * ********************************************/ #include #include #include /* Node Stucture */ typedef struct node_t { int data; struct node_t *next; } Node; /* Function Declarations */ Node * insert_top(int, Node *); Node * insert_bottom(int, Node *); Node * insert_after(int, int, Node *); Node * insert_before(int, int, Node *); void print(Node *); int count(Node *); /* Add a new node to the top of a list */ Node * insert_top(int num, Node *head) { Node *new_node; new_node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); new_node->data = num; new_node->next= head; head = new_node; return head; } /* Add a new node to the bottom of a list */ Node * insert_bottom(int num, Node *head) { Node *current_node = head; Node *new_node; while ( current_node != NULL && current_node->next != NULL) { current_node = current_node->next; } new_node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); new_node->data = num; new_node->next= NULL; if (current_node != NULL) current_node->next = new_node; else head = new_node; return head; } /* Add a new node after an element in the list */ Node * insert_after(int num, int prev_num, Node *head) { Node *current_node = head; Node *new_node; while ( current_node->data != prev_num) { current_node = current_node->next; } new_node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); new_node->data = num; new_node->next= current_node->next; current_node->next = new_node; return head; } /* Add a new node before an element in the list */ Node * insert_before(int num, int next_num, Node *head) { Node *current_node = head; Node *new_node; while ( current_node->next->data != next_num) { current_node = current_node->next; } new_node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); new_node->data = num; new_node->next= current_node->next; current_node->next = new_node; return head; } /* Print all the elements in the linked list */ void print(Node *head) { Node *current_node = head; while ( current_node != NULL) { printf("%d ", current_node->data); current_node = current_node->next; } } /* Program main */ int main() { Node *head = NULL; int num, prev_num, next_num; int option; char * temp; char ch; /* Display Menu */ while(1) { printf("\n ***********************************\n"); printf("\n * Linked list operations: *\n"); printf("\n * 1. Insert at the top of list *\n"); printf("\n * 2. Insert at bottom of list *\n"); printf("\n * 3. Insert after an element *\n"); printf("\n * 4. Insert before an element *\n"); printf("\n * 5. Show all elements *\n"); printf("\n * 6. Quit *\n"); printf("\n ***********************************\n"); printf("\n Choose an option [1-5] : "); if (scanf("%d", &option) != 1) { printf(" *Error: Invalid input. Try again.\n"); scanf("%s", &temp); /*clear input buffer */ continue; } switch (option) { case 1: /* Add to top*/ printf(" Enter a number to insert : "); if (scanf("%d", &num) != 1) { printf(" *Error: Invalid input.\n"); scanf("%s", &temp); /*clear input buffer */ continue; } head = insert_top(num, head); printf("Number %d added to the top of the list", num); printf("\nPress any key to continue..."); getch(); break; case 2: /* add to bottom */ printf(" Enter a number to insert : "); if (scanf("%d", &num) != 1) { printf(" *Error: Invalid input. \n"); scanf("%s", &temp); continue; } head = insert_bottom(num, head); printf("%d added to the bottom of the list", num); printf("\nPress any key to continue..."); getch(); break; case 3: /* Insert After */ printf(" Enter a number to insert : "); if (scanf("%d", &num) != 1) { printf(" *Error: Invalid input.\n"); scanf("%s", &temp); continue; } printf(" After which number do you want to insert : "); if (scanf("%d", &prev_num) != 1) { printf(" *Error: Invalid input.\n"); scanf("%s", &temp); continue; } if (head != NULL) { head = insert_after(num, prev_num, head); printf("%d is inserted after %d", num, prev_num); }else { printf("The list is empty", num, prev_num); } printf("\nPress any key to continue..."); getch(); break; case 4: /* Insert Before */ printf(" Enter a number to insert : "); if (scanf("%d", &num) != 1) { printf(" *Error: Invalid input. \n"); scanf("%s", &temp); continue; } printf(" Before which number do you want to insert : "); if (scanf("%d", &prev_num) != 1) { printf(" *Error: Invalid input.\n"); scanf("%s", &temp); continue; } if (head != NULL) { head = insert_before(num, prev_num, head); printf("Number %d inserted before %d", num, prev_num); }else { printf("The list is empty", num, prev_num); } printf("\nPress any key to continue..."); getch(); break; case 5: /* Show all elements */ printf("\nElements in the list: \n [ "); print(head); printf("]\n\nPress any key to continue..."); getch(); break; case 6: /* Exit */ return(0); break; default: printf("Invalid Option. Please Try again."); getch(); } /* End of Switch */ } /* End of While */ return(0); }

Sample Output

************************************ * Linked list operations: * * 1. Insert at the top of list * * 2. Insert at bottom of list * * 3. Insert after an element * * 4. Insert before an element * * 5. Show all elements * * 6. Quit * ************************************ Choose an option [1-5] : 4 Enter a number to insert : 4 Before which number do you want to insert : 5 Number 4 is now inserted before 5 in the list Press any key to continue...

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  • Insert linked list C++
  • Insert linked list C++
  • Insert linked list C++
  • Insert linked list C++
  • Insert linked list C++