Hướng dẫn dow game f.o.x năm 2024

In this guide I will try and explain how to get each achievement with some tricks and tips to get them. Leave a like if it helps you.

Any and all info YOU can provide is also welcome.

Guide will be following Alphabetical order but this is NOT the order I would recommend.

Game Basic Info

There isnt enough explanations in the game so I will quickly go over some basic info:

The game is kind of a tower defense, there are good and bad animals hiding in the snow, you control the good ones and your goal is to scare away the bad ones.

Bad animals go left so your defenses will mainly be on left, but if you have a squirrel facing LEFT you should put those on RIGHT side. I know this is common sense but it took me a few fails to figure that one out...

Different types of squirrels deal different damages, this is important for Nut attack achievement:

Facing Left: Pretty good damage, can solo down a wolf in mid map. Facing Right - Big guy - Triple Shot: Moderate damage with good AoE. Try not to place these on top or bottom. Facing Rİght - Small dude - Single Shot: Low damage, still better than an empty line.

Rabbit: Good damage, slows down the closest enemy on the line. Dog: Great damage, affects all nearby enemies on its line. Porcupine: Good/great damage [I'm not really sure if he is better or worse than dog] but takes time to prepare, will get 1 shot without damaging if he is attacked before burying himself. Also affects multiple enemies on its line.

Snowman: No damage but can take some hits.

Lantern: No damage, shows what is inside the snow around it [3x3 minus itself, shows 8 squares]. Takes 1 hit before breaking.


Fox: Pretty easy to kill/scare. Won't cause you any problem. Wolf: Tankier than fox, but not as bad as the bear. But these will be your true nightmare during the Nut attack grind. Bear: Buffiest of them all. Takes lots of hits, hits very hard. Cub: Bear's off spring. Low health but bear might throw it over your defenses, or if you only have squirrels that are shooting left on a bear's line, you will only hit the bear and the cub will go end the game. Very dangerous and annoying.

That's basically it. A few tries and you should find your own strategy in no time. Let's get to the achievements now:

Achievement: BOOM!!!

Grind achievement. This will require a lot of restarts.

You need a lucky start and find the lantern on first level. Then, you need another lucky break and find the petard with the lantern. Once both of these conditions are met, pop everything except near the petard. Put friendly pets near the petard, then pop other snow hills near the petard. When enemies come near pop the petard for the achievement.

[Use the home button to remove the lantern and put another friendly animal in its place.]

Achievement: Dog power

Warning: I completed this achievement without using any other items including Snowman and the Lantern. Petard does not break the condition as it explodes automatically. I do not know if using Snowman, Hedgehog or Lantern is allowed, but this is doable without them.

Again, this will require a lot of restarts. I recommend spamming level 1. All levels are random generated but level 1 only has 1 bear.

The key here is timing again. You have limited amount of dogs so you need to ration them. For this achievement, I prefer horizantal lines: Pop 8th square on first row, when animal is on 7th, pop it, when they are on 6th, pop it. You accumulate animals and use dogs to scare them away. You can do multiple lines at a time to do it faster but line by line is safer.

Achievement: Drive away in 60 seconds

To be honest, no explanation needed. Do this on level 1, open everything, be fast, use dog to scare bear, be fast and be done. You can one shot this, shouldnt take more than 3-4 tries even if you get some unlucky drops.

Achievements: First win! / Good commander. / Great protector / Hero of the forest

Simply play through the game for these 4. If you are going for 100% leave 'Hero of the forest' to last. Once you've done 'Nut attack' game feels very comfortable and easy. Other than that, being organised and playing in a calm, strategic manner definitely helps.

Achievement: No dogs.

Nut attack covers this achievement.

Achievement: Nut attack

Warning: I completed this achievement without using any other items including Snowman and the Lantern. Petard does not break the condition as it explodes automatically. I do not know if using Snowman, Hedgehog or Lantern is allowed, but this is doable without them.

This one achievement made me regret beginning this journey of 100% but here we are so it is doable. I myself done it more than 50 tries. Again, I recommend using the first level for the grind as it will only spawn 1 bear despite the random spawns.

At any point in your try if you feel like you will fail, don't wait it out you probably will fail. Just restart. If you get a bad/unlucky start just restart. This achievement will require a lot of restarts I cant emphasize this enough.

But if you think you are ready; here is how to do it:

Like the Dog power achievement, I went line by line, but this one requires even more patience. Left shooting squirrels are your best friends, they can solo down wolves that spawn in right half [last 4 piles of snow]. Trick here is patience and I'm not talking about the grind.

Pop a snow, you get a fox, pop another on that line. Another fox is fine, pop a third. Wolf? Reset. If you get a good animal that isnt a squirrel leave it, let it go. 2 wolves on the same line at start is also reason for reset. There is only 1 bear which can be downed but wolves are too tanky for your squirrels and remember, you don't have your rabbits to slow them down. If you find the bear on your first click let him walk. If he finds more squirrels for you, you can down the bear and get rid of him very early game which is a huge relief. Remember to pop the snow in front of him once the animation starts [you dont have to wait for him to hit it, he will still hit it once the animation begins]. If he spawns more enemies reset. Finding a petard can be great or terrible. In early game getting rid of petard is good when it doesnt scare any placed animals of yours but if petard spawns multiple wolves you cant counter, reset. If petard scares any of your animals at any point, reset. Try to have only 1 active enemy on each line, unless it is a fox. BUT having a wolf beind a fox is a problem because wolf will tank the damage while fox ends the game.

WATCH OUT FOR THE CUB. That damn bear will throw its damn baby over your defenses and that damn baby bear will run in and end your game.

I guess that is all I can say. To summerize;

Be patient. Be strategic. Be relentless.

Just keep trying.

Achievements: Thorn / Triple pick

You will receive the achievement 'Thorn' the first time your hedgehog succesfully buries himself underground so it is basically unmissable.

For Triple Prick, just like you have done in the Dog power achievement, timing is key. Stack 3 enemies and let them near the hedgehog together.

Protip: Use a snowman. Snowman can take some hits before going down and it should be enough to stack 3 normal enemies [fox/wolf] together before going down. With your hedgehog behind the snowman, voila!

Achievement: Thrifty

I should've added this to the level achievement probably but anyways, you will most likely have enough buttons by level 12 unless you spend them and even if you do, keep playing and collecting buttons. Of course, easy mode is not spending any buttons to get them on a level as low as possible.

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