How to report to MOM anonymously

SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Manpower received a median number of approximately 640 pieces of feedback a month from January to September 2021 on employers who breach safe management measures [SMMs], a spokesperson told CNA on Wednesday [Oct 6]. 

This number remains "stable", except for "short-term spikes" which are typically seen after announcements of tightened restrictions, the ministry added.

"For example, from mid May to mid July 2021, MOM received over 3,500 pieces of feedback, with a significant increase after Phase 2 [Heightened Alert] was announced in May 2021," it said. 

In response to CNA's queries about what employees can do if they observed their employers breaching SMMs, the ministry said they should "reach out to their employers first to clarify any concerns they may have regarding the implementation of SMMs". 

Employees can also report such breaches through MOM's website: 

"All reports will be kept strictly confidential," the ministry said. 

"Employers and employees ... should exercise social responsibility and do their part to ensure that SMMs are properly implemented and adhered to at the workplace, in order to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission."

Companies that fail to implement SMMs could face a fine or even be ordered to cease operations for serious breaches, the ministry added. 

In July, the manpower ministry announced that enforcement action had been taken against 66 companies since mid May for failing to comply with COVID-19 measures at workplaces. 


Working from home will be the default for employees able to do so as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Singapore, the Ministry of Health [MOH] announced on Sep 24. 

The directive, which has been in effect since Sep 27 and will run until Oct 24, marked a tightening of measures. Previously a maximum of 50 per cent of employees who are able to work from home were allowed to be at the workplace at any point in time.

"There should continue to be no cross-deployment of workers to multiple worksites for those who need to go into worksites to work. Social gatherings at the workplace will continue to be disallowed. Employers should continue to implement flexible working hours and stagger the start times of employees who need to return to the workplace," said MOH.

Anonymity limits new dept's ability to look into discrimination against locals


August 1, 2014 at 7:23 AM

Do not make anonymous complaints against your bosses if you want the authorities to probe your grouses fully.

While acknowledging that whistle-blowers carry some personal risk, the Ministry of Manpower [MOM] said anonymous complaints would limit a new department's "ability to carry out in-depth investigations as [its] officers are unable to ask specific questions related to the complaint".

The ministry made the warning in an official blog post yesterday, a day before new rules kick in that require firms to consider Singaporeans for employment, training and promotion fairly.

From today, firms must advertise in a government-run national jobs bank before they can apply for employment passes for foreigners to fill the vacancies.

The new rules, called the Fair Consideration Framework, come on the back of a slowdown in the inflow of foreign workers after Singaporeans voiced unhappiness about them taking away good-paying professional, managerial and executive [PME] jobs from locals.

The MOM also announced yesterday that it had set up a new department to probe complaints of discrimination.

The Fair Consideration Department, headed by a director-level senior official, will also "engage firms across different industry sectors to better understand their human resource practices and efforts to develop Singaporean PMEs", the ministry said.

The MOM did not answer queries by press time on details of the new unit. But it said in its blog post that its staff have been "engaging firms" to help them "adjust their human resource practices", without giving details. It did, however, single out two firms which it had talked to regarding their "disproportionately low concentration of Singaporean PMEs".

One of them, German technology company MSG Global Solutions Asia, provides software for insurance firms. It has six Singaporeans out of 50 IT consultants.

Its finance manager, Ms Melanie Gooi, said it struggles to hire locals as not many Singaporeans have experience in the field, but it is stepping up training and recruitment.

While supporting MOM's stand on anonymity, Member of Parliament Zainudin Nordin, chair of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Manpower, urged the ministry not to completely dismiss those complaints which may contain vital information about company practices.

How do I contact my MOM's officer?

Call the MDW Helpline at 1800 339 5505 to speak to an MOM officer.

What happens if you work illegally in Singapore?

The Employment of Foreign Manpower Act [ EFMA ] regulates the employment of foreign employees and protects their well-being. ... Penalties for common EFMA offences..

How do I complain about my MOM's salary?

Workers or members of the public who know of persons or employers who contravene the EA should report to MOM directly or call WorkRight hotline at 1800-221 9922 or

How do I report unfair treatment at work Singapore?

Seek Help Immediately If you encountered workplace harassment, you should immediately: File a report with TAFEP, or call 6838 0969 for advice. We will assist you and provide advice on the appropriate actions you can take and the avenues for support.

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