Hair stylist personality traits

If youre anything like me, you want to be the very best at what you do. What if I told you there are certain traits you can work on to make you an even better cosmetologist?

Its important for cosmetologists to be great at working with others, to offer excellent customer service, and be business-oriented. These are some of the best traits for those pursuing cosmetology to have, but its not everything. Today well explore the 15 personality traits of successful cosmetologists.

These traits come naturally to some people, but many can also be learned if you are dedicated to your craft! Lets take a deeper look into what makes an incredible cosmetologist.

Table of Contents:

  • 1 #1: Youre Friendly
  • 2 #2: Youre Tolerant
  • 3 #3: Youre a Great Communicator
  • 4 #4: Youre Thick-Skinned
  • 5 #5: Youre Confident
  • 6 #6: Youre Financially Savvy
  • 7 #7: Youre Business-Minded
  • 8 #8: Youre Passionate
  • 9 #9: Youre Hard-Working
  • 10 #10: Youre Organized
  • 11 #11: Youre Flexible
  • 12 #12: Youre Neat
  • 13 #13: Youre Creative
  • 14 #14: Youre Trendy
  • 15 #15: Youre Talented
  • 16 How many of these traits do you have?

#1: Youre Friendly

Being friendly and great with people is a must for any cosmetologist. Youll be working with many customers daily, and you want to make them feel comfortable speaking with you and allowing you to make them over.

Can you imagine having a hairstylist whos in a sour mood, who doesnt even appear to want to be in the same room as you? You wouldnt want them touching your hair, and you certainly wouldnt come back to see them again!

Good customer service will earn you higher tips and repeat customers. A positive attitude will also make the experience better for both the customer and yourself!

#2: Youre Tolerant

A customer walks in knowing just what look she wants but is unable to explain it to you. In addition, shes rude, makes snide remarks, and in the end, she insults your skills because she doesnt like what she sees in the mirror.

Or, youre giving a back-to-school haircut to an overly talkative child who just cant seem to sit still.

These things are bound to happen! You wont like everyone who walks into the door of the salon you work at, but you still have to treat them respectfully and provide the best service you can.

Tolerance goes a long way in the cosmetology profession because you will meet all sorts of people throughout your career.

#3: Youre a Great Communicator

Hair stylist personality traits

Great communication and listening skills are a must when working in this profession!

You must hear what the customers want and try your very best to give it to them. Happy customers will return again and again, producing long-term clients for your business.

#4: Youre Thick-Skinned

As a cosmetologist, you must be able to take critique and feedback from customers, coworkers, and mentors alike.

No one likes being told theyve done something wrong, but acknowledging and learning from your mistakes is the best way forward. And if you disagree with the feedback, learn to smile and nod without getting drawn into an argument!

#5: Youre Confident

You must be confident in yourself and your abilities. Otherwise, how can customers trust that you know what youre doing?

If youve made it this fargone through cosmetology school, obtained your licenseits because you belong where you are! Dont be afraid to own that.

#6: Youre Financially Savvy

Unfortunately, cosmetology isnt the highest paying career. And if you decide to rent a booth or open your own salon, it doesnt guarantee a regular paycheck.

Especially if you are running your own business, you must know how to manage your money in such a way that slow periods dont ruin your finances or cause you to be unable to pay your bills. You also want to save money for health care, taxes, and other business expenses.

Even if youre working full-time at a salon, take into consideration that tips may vary from week to week, and plan accordingly.

#7: Youre Business-Minded

Sometimes, talent isnt enough.

If youre very skilled, but dont know how to market yourself, you may never get your career off the ground.

The people who are most likely to succeed as cosmetologists know theyre selling a product themselves! and conduct themselves accordingly.

#8: Youre Passionate

Hair stylist personality traits

This might seem obvious, but in order to be a successful cosmetologist, you should be passionate about the beauty industry.

Your interest will shine through in your work, and your customers will see the difference!

Youre also bound to be happier as a cosmetologist if you care about your job. If you have different passions, you might be more successful working in those areas!

#9: Youre Hard-Working

Cosmetologists put in long hours. Youll either be on your feet or sitting down for long periods of time, depending on your profession. Your hands and wrists may become sore from use.

If youre running your own business, you may work outside of your normal, billable hours,trying to get things off the ground.

This career isnt a good fit for someone looking for easy work! You must be willing to put in time and effort in order to see success as a cosmetologist.

#10: Youre Organized

Since youll be seeing various customers a day on a set schedule, you must be well organized in order to make that work.

Having great time management skills is also required if you want to take on as many appointments as possible during your work hours. You dont want to spend an hour not making money, where you could have an appointment booked instead!

On the other hand, you dont want to be so overbooked that you never get a break either. Time off is an essential part of a healthy work-life balance.

#11: Youre Flexible

If a client skips an appointment or shows up late, you must be able to adapt and change your schedule.

In addition, great cosmetologists are flexible when it comes to style. Just because you think something will look great on a customer, doesnt mean they will agree!

You might have to go with your second, third, or fourth choiceor something different altogether.

#12: Youre Neat

Your workspace cannot be a mess for various reasons. Firstly, you want to look good to customers! If they see clutter all over, theyre much less likely to take you seriously as a professional.

Secondly, you want to be able to find things when you need them. Its a waste of precious time for you and your customer if you have to spend fifteen minutes hunting for a certain tool.

Third, and most importantly, you want your space and tools clean because it can become a health and safety hazard if they arent.

#13: Youre Creative

The best cosmetologists have a vision for those who walk through their doors. They are creative enough to come up with multiple styles to match each customers needs.

And if a client doesnt like the look youve come up with, you must be able to try again to think of something better suited to them.

#14: Youre Trendy

Hair stylist personality traits

Knowing trends helps you give clients a look theyll be happy with. It also helps you keep your own appearance up to par.

Of course, its possible to succeed by breaking trends or twisting them to suit your needs. But, this should be done purposefully to be effective.

In order to break the rules, you first need to know what they are!

#15: Youre Talented

Lastly, you have to be talented at what you do. Im not saying you need a natural ability, because talent can absolutely be learned! Cosmetology schools exist to teach you the skills you need.

But you have to be good at what you do, whether it be nails, hair, or makeup. If you dont have that talent, you probably wont make it far as a cosmetologist.

How many of these traits do you have?

If you have many (or all!) of these personality traits, becoming a cosmetologist might be the best choice you can make for yourself! Youll likely have great success in the industry.

And if youre missing one or two, no need to panic! You can still be excellent at what you do. Passion for your career can take you a long way in developing the skills you need to succeed.