Give someone a lift là gì

give a lift Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

a lift

energy, a positive feeling, a shot in the arm When I need a lift, I watch Oprah. She makes me feel good.

A rising tide lifts all boats

This idiom, coined by John F Kennedy, describes the idea that when an economy is performing well, all people will benefit from it.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

Describes something that will be helpful to all.

face lift|face|lift

n. phr. 1. A surgical procedure designed to make one's face look younger. Aunt Jane, who is in her seventies, had an expensive face lift and now she looks as if she were 40. 2. A renovation, a refurbishing. Our house needs a major face lift to make it fit in with the rest of the neighborhood.

get a lift

get a ride, catch a ride I can get a lift with Brian. He's driving to Moncton.

give me a lift

give me a happy feeling, cause me to feel better Pat's jokes give me a lift. When I laugh, I feel much better.

give one a lift|give|lift

v. phr. 1. To give someone a ride. Jack gave me a lift in his new car. 2. To comfort someone. Talking to my doctor yesterday gave me a lift.


lift up one's voice
to speak out loudly

lift a finger

help someone, do anything to help Loki is my friend, but he didn't lift a finger when I needed help.

lift a finger [hand]

do something, do one

lift a finger|finger|hand|lift|lift a hand|raise|r

v. phr. 1. To do something; do your share; to help. Usually used in the negative. We all worked hard except Joe. He wouldn't lift a finger. The king did not lift a hand when his people were hungry.
Compare: LEND A HAND.

lift a hand against

Idiom[s]: lift a hand [against someone or something] AND raise a hand [against someone or something]


to threaten [to strike] someone or something. [Often in the negative. The a hand can be replaced with one's hand.]
She's very peaceful. She wouldn't lift a hand against a fly.
That's right. She wouldn't lift a hand.
Would you raise your hand against your own brother?

lift my spirits

cause me to be happy, give me a lift Music will lift our spirits. Let's listen to some Mozart.

lift off

lift off
Begin flight, as in The spacecraft was due to lift off at ten o'clock. The off in this idiom means off the ground. [Late 1800s]

lift the curtain

lift the curtain
see raise the curtain.


[separable] to elevate something
" Max could not lift Mary up because she was too heavy."

lift/raise a finger

do something, do one's share, help Her daughter will never lift a finger to help anyone.

not lift a finger

not lift a finger
Refuse to exert oneself to help or perform an action. For example, Dad won't lift a finger to help them financially, or Early in the war, America officially would not lift a finger. [Mid-1900s]

not lift a finger to help

Idiom[s]: not lift a finger [to help someone] AND not lift a hand [to help someone]


to do nothing to help someone. [The someone is anyone in the negative.]
They wouldn't lift a finger to help us.
Can you imagine that they wouldn't lift a finger?
Sally refused to lift a hand to help her own sister.

not lift a hand to help

Idiom[s]: not lift a finger [to help someone] AND not lift a hand [to help someone]


to do nothing to help someone. [The someone is anyone in the negative.]
They wouldn't lift a finger to help us.
Can you imagine that they wouldn't lift a finger?
Sally refused to lift a hand to help her own sister.

not to lift a finger|finger|lift|lift a finger|to

v. phr. To not help in the slightest degree. "My husband won't lift a finger to help me," she complained, "although we have 12 people coming for dinner."


n. A thief who steals things from a store. The TV camera identified the shoplifter, who was then arrested and sentenced to jail.


stealing products from a store while you shop He's charged with shoplifting. He stole some cigarettes.

thumb a lift/ride

hitchhike Their car had a flat tire so they thumbed a lift to the nearest gas station.

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