Error starting userland proxy listen tcp 0.0 0.0 5432 bind address already in use


First, identify the application that is occupying the port. In this case, it's 5432, so let's run it below.


$ sudo lsof -i : 5432 Password: COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME postgres 124 postgres 4u IPv6 0xda3bd3018b955b25 0t0 TCP *:postgresql [LISTEN] postgres 124 postgres 5u IPv4 0xda3bd3018b95cb95 0t0 TCP *:postgresql [LISTEN]

When I entered the password I set for Password, these messages came out. It seems that postgres is running and Docker doesn't work. Let's stop this.


$ sudo kill 124

Make sure you don't mistake it for 5432 here. The number to kill is 124 in the part called PID. When I tried to move it again, it was done.

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