enlightened là gì - Nghĩa của từ enlightened

enlightened có nghĩa là

Someone who is well informed, without prejudices.


She's in enlightened state.

enlightened có nghĩa là

Name tag for the state in which the conceptual process separating experience into different bodies is extinguished. Viewpoint in which the usual plural differentiation between such things as here and there and self and other and mind and body and observer and observed has ceased to exist. State called oneness which is such that, for example, the sense organ which hears and that which is heard are no longer experienced as two seperate things.

I do not recommend doing drugs to facilitate this experience as even if you do the state will be temporary alongside the effects of the drugs, but the associated damage done and your confused state might be prolonged. Harmlessness amidst a normal experience is a better motivator than the rush for a superior experience.


I think therefore I am not one of enlightenment.
I see it therefore I am not yet one of enlightenment.
I experience it therefore I am not yet one of enlightenment.
My mind projects an invisible shell around me which seperates me from my environment therefore I cannot, as much as I would wish it, be yet enlightened.
Your experience is a puppet and you only are always pulling the strings.

enlightened có nghĩa là

More than just the simple belief that divinity lies within all life equally, it is the personal experience of this. It is feeling this spirit that dwells in all life,"oneness", that turns this belief into a personal knowing.


Your inner state of being that was present as young a child but lost around the age of 2 or 3. This inner quality found joy from within, laughed endlessly, and had wondered in awe of the world.... no worries or burden carried around as a result of the passage of time…enlightenment, the experience can be measured by the depth and degree of inner peace.

enlightened có nghĩa là

"to make one understand" or to teach, just a fancier way of saying it.


I enlighten myself with urban dictionary phrases and slang, so that i may better enjoy myself by finding phrases for your every day nouns and adjectives and events, As well as some phrases in which i find unusable.

enlightened có nghĩa là

1.a philosophical movement is 18th century Europe. Its most famous writer was the political theorist John Locke, whos writings influenced Jefferson and Franklin in their Revolutionary ideas. The enlightenemnt stressed that human beings should rely on God's gift to them, logic, and that theur world was very mechanical. Goes well with deism.
2. an epiphany


man 1"Oh my god! It just hit me"
man 2 "What"
man 1"i forgot to flush that toilet back in that memphis hotel"

enlightened có nghĩa là

The process of becoming unburdened, especially in reference to bodily waste; a euphemism for taking a shit.


"Johnny...you've been in the bathroom for a long time..."
"Fuck you mom, I'm becoming enlightened!" Nirvana is the state of enlightenment reached after expelling all nuggets of waste from your body.

enlightened có nghĩa là

A "Neo seeing code view in the matrix" moment in real life; specially juicy if done through tantra or guided shamanistic drug evenings, and the bonus you get for near-death experiences.


"Who said that? Oh my God. I am living my mother. Get me outta here!" Pop!
"aaaaah - if I shut up and think before I speak, I won't risk repeating what's she's said, and if I loosen up and fuck whoever I please without trendy value judgements ruining my merging experience I'll be a happier person"

enlightened có nghĩa là

Being in one of two particular states of high achieved from smoking marijuana or the synthetic JWH found in some brands of incense. The first level of enlightenment is characterized by a euphoric enjoyment of reading and writing literature [especially poetry] or philosophy. This is particularly true of the works of the Beat writers of the 50's. This state is best accompanied by medium low lighting, the music of Charlie Parker or Miles Davis, the poetry of Alan Ginsberg and Gary Snyder, a notebook and pen, and a pack of cigarettes. The second level of enlightenment is more trippy and psychedelic. The Beatles "Here Comes the Sun" and coloring in a coloring book are the preferred activities for this state. Staring off into space "thinking about stuff." In this state, one may profess to be able to understand the meaning of the songs "Come Together" or "I Am the Walrus." The following examples are representative of the second level of enlightenment.


1. Friend 1: How enlightened are you right now? Friend 2: I'm pretty baked, in the sense that I feel like the fried potato wedges under the warming lamp at the deli in the grocery store. 2. Text from hot female friend: Just how enlightened are you? Enlightened reply: If you were here right now, you'd probably want to hug me, because it would seem like I was about to turn into a cartoon animal.

enlightened có nghĩa là

lightened up feeling u get pushing ur crap down the bottom of b̶o̶w̶e̶l̶s̶ things... outer eyes half open ...inner open full bore... peering thru some distant unknown.


X - Hey where u goin !?🤔
Y - Can't 🚶 ♂️🚶 ♂️hold this s̶h̶i̶t̶ enlightenment anymore. 🏃 ♂️🏃 ♂️🚶 ♂️🚶 ♂️

enlightened có nghĩa là

Realising that have a glass of wine at the end of the day is just really f*cking nice


James found enlightenment after 2 weeks of sobriety

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