Details of party booking IELTS listening


section one

you will hear a woman booking a room for

a party at a community center first you

have some time to look at questions 1 to


you will see that there is an example

which has been done for you on this

occasion only the conversation relating

to this will be played first

hi good morning my name's Pete how can I

help you hi

my name is Maria Lincoln I understand

you hire out rooms in the community

center as venues for parties the woman's

first name is Maria

so Maria has been written in the space

now the test will begin you should

answer the questions as you listen

because you will not hear the recording

a second time listen carefully and

answer questions 1 to 4 hi good morning

my name's Pete how can I help you hi my

name is Maria Lincoln I understand you

hire out rooms in the community center

as venues for parties yes we do we

various sized accommodation it depends

on what you're looking for really we're

looking to hold a party at children's

birthday party and we need a room that

will hold about 70 people with space for

a small disco area games

dancing and food well we have a large

room and it would certainly hold at

least a hundred people comfortably it's

used a lot for parties and things like

that that sounds as if it might be

suitable I've tried various venues and

they're either booked up or they don't

hold enough people can you tell me when

you were thinking of holding the party I

know it's short notice but we wanted to

hold it Saturday week that's September

15th well let's have a look hmm

yes you're in luck the Mandela suite is

free then I'll just write that down

ma M de la and the time when were you

thinking of holding it in the afternoon

from 3:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

yes okay there is no smoking on the

premises and we're only licensed to have

soft drinks that's okay I think I'm

happy to go ahead

before you hear the rest of the

conversation you have some time to look

at questions 5 to 10

now listen and answer questions 5 to 10

can you just give your postcode yes it's

PA v 7g j fine and the flats and street

number it's flat number 40 and the

street number is 35 okay so that's flat

forty thirty five beaches Street yes

that's right and a contact number my

landline is two two three two seven nine

with the code but I'll give you my

mobile number which is zero seven eight

nine seven two nine three three eight

one okay two nine three three eight one

can you tell me how much it will cost

it's quite reasonable actually it's a

hundred and fifteen pounds for the

higher of the room with tables and

chairs but if you want to hire disco

equipment we've got a basic system with

speakers and other equipment for twenty

five pounds but there is no technician

around in case anything goes wrong

and of course it's optional that would

save us carting something from home but

maybe we should bring a spare sound

system just in case we've never had any

problem with the system but you might

not want to take any chances

what about catering well we had thought

of getting everyone bringing something

we have someone who can do catering for

nine pounds a head including the cake if

required that's handy but it's a lot as

we have a fairly tight budget so you

want to go ahead with the booking yes

certainly okay I need to take a deposit

of 30 pounds which is refundable the

balance needs to be paid two days before

the event at the latest fine you can

cancel up to two days before but after

that you lose the deposit we don't

intend to cancel but is there any

insurance we can take out

yes there's a form here someone how much

it's let me see it's only nine pounds

for the 24-hour period and that covers

you for cancellation damage and injury

well at least we'd better have a look at

it how would you like to pay the deposit

cash I'll just give you a receipt there

you are

ten twenty thirty thirty pounds at Marea

Lincoln thank you very much I'm really

glad I found some where we have been

trying to book a place for the past two

weeks so thank you again and bye for now

that is the end of section one

you now have half a minute to check your


action 2

section two you will hear a talk on the

radio about grass roofs first you have

some time to look at questions 11 to 13

now listen carefully and answer

questions 11 to 13 and now it's straight

into the eco hotspot for today's program

we are in fact going to look at an

intriguing trend in recent years in the

world of eco friendly developments there

has been a constant stream of new green

products coming onto the market for the

environmentally conscious a new

departure which I feel needs greater

attention drawn to it is the increasing

interest in grass roofs

environmentalists sing the praises of

grass roofs as interest in sustainable

ecological building has led to the

greening of the rooftops of residential

and commercial buildings around the

world and what does this type of roof

consists of instead of tiles which allow

water to run off and create flash

flooding the roof has a waterproof

underlay which is laid over the roof

deck this waterproof layer is then

covered with layers for insulation and

drainage then on top of the insulation

and drainage layer is added a final

layer of soil or crushed stones for the

plants and/or grass to grow on the roof

can be planted with wild flowers to add

color and life to your rooftop before

you hear the rest of the talk you have

some time to look at questions 14 to 20

now listen carefully and answer

questions 14 to 20

as for the benefits of grass roofs in

spring and in summer they're very pretty

as flowers spring into bloom moreover in

summer grass roofs are of particular

benefit in cities because they keep any

building cooled by reflecting the sun's

rays in winter the grass roofs insulate

the building helping to prevent heat


the roofs require little maintenance and

are better than any other roofing

material they encourage biodiversity by

attracting bees and birds and they

absorb water runoff which helps prevent

flash flooding in fact the gravel layer

retains 71 percent of the rainwater that

falls thus helping to prevent flash

flooding in winter the brown soil is a

bit more evident which can look


if the roofs are not tended carefully

but that is a price worth paying and I

would say that they come highly

recommended by those who have them if

you compare grass roofs with tiles the

latter do certainly look very tidy but

at a price to the future of the planet

the main drawbacks of tiles though are

the water runoff and the absorption of

heat from the sun's rays in summer so if

we are to save the planet from the

ecological point of view tiles do not

come recommend it the only roof that I

can think of which has similar

ecological credentials to the grass roof

is the thatched roof thatched roofs are

good insulators and very attractive but

very pricey and not ideal for cities how

can we make more of our roofs green that

is how can people be persuaded to

install grass roofs the world green roof

conference in Australia was a very good

start at a grassroots level the best way

to raise the profile of grass roofs is

to make them trendy by highlighting them

in fashionable magazines so that people

begin to feel that they cannot do

without them

but the idea I like best is holding

competitions for the best-designed grass

roofs next week eco hotspot is going to

look at that is the end of section 2 you

now have half a minute to check your


I'll turn to Section three

section three you will hear a student

talking to her tutor about a

presentation first you have some time to

look at questions 21 to 23

now listen carefully and answer

questions 21 to 23

excuse me dr. Rowan I know Karen have

you got a few moments yeah sure

how can I help you well I've had

difficulty finding data on the original

question and I was wondering if I could

change my paper to investment in

knowledge comparing some European

countries with the United States and

then with others throughout the world

including the OECD average I found lots

of data by way of graphs etc where did

you get the data from from various

sources books and journals how are you

going to present the material I am going

to use the electronic whiteboard as

suggested and do a blend of graphs

pictures text and podcasts to illustrate

my presentation

it sounds very impressive yes let's hope

the whiteboard works but I'm also going

to have a PowerPoint presentation for a

backup just to cover myself a backup is

a good idea but it's a lot of work doing

everything twice it is but at least I'll

have experience of both before we talk

about how to use the data I've selected

could you give me the names of a few

websites I should look at for a more

specific background material when you

type in anything to do with knowledge

there are millions of sites listed

before you hear the rest of the

conversation you have some time to look

at questions 24 to 30

now listen carefully and answer

questions 24 to 30

let's see I'll print you off this list


there we go

right do I really need to study

everything on these no I suggest there

are five or six you can look at the one

you have to go through is the IT

department section on the university

site which is w WK mu L org it has

articles by all of us in the department

and has links to useful information so I

think it is essential to look at this

okay I've already been on it but I'll

take that one as a must-read and there's

a site which is hosted by Pollak its

investment IT comm all you need to do is

to skim the abstracts of the articles on

the site they'll give you a general idea

about the effects of investment in

knowledge yes that sounds good it cuts

out having to read everything what about

this one knowledge journal com

if I remember it's not that useful I

would say that there are very few things

that you need to read there then there's

IT knowledge review comm it's got loads

of articles but it's probably best just

to read those that have come out in the

last term or so do you have to subscribe

no it's free from the University Library

and another free journal online is IT

online comm I wouldn't say it's

essential to read it but it is

beneficial and so I think it is worth a

look if you think it's useful there is

no harm in looking at it but National

Statistics comm is worth looking at and

trying out the links that it gives I

think these are probably enough to be

getting on with I think so there's

another thing I want to ask about how

much material should I use in my

presentation avoid crowding the screen

if you

lots of information at one time people

will not be able to follow it and will

just switch off that's worth remembering

I've been in lectures where there was

too much detail on the screen and it was

impossible to read quickly but what

about visuals do you think it's okay to

mix visuals and text visuals are very

useful but they must be relevant or else

people will get confused about what they

mean and why they are there and they

won't pay attention to what you are

saying so be careful from what I can see

you have the makings of a very good

presentation thank you

that is the end of section 3 you now

have half a minute to check your answers

now turn to section four

Section four you will hear a talk on the

work of a printing department at a

university first you have some time to

look at questions 31 to 40

now listen carefully and answer

questions 31 to 40 I am here to give you

a brief outline of the work of this new

department the department of the printed

word has a very short history having

been created just 10 years ago some

statistics to start with the first

intake of undergraduate students

consisted of 20 students which rose to

37 in the second year and we now have

about 50 in the first year doing a wide

range of courses full and part-time we

have a thriving research department with

17 students on the torte ma course and 7

students doing research full-time in all

we have nine full-time lecturers and 16

part-time lecturers who work mainly but

not exclusively in our evening

Department of the total student body

approximately 21% are from outside the

country a number which has been

increasing steadily over recent years

although students from overseas have to

reach a minimum level of competence in

English before they follow a course at

the university some may require remedial

help with their English and we can offer

help through the student support

services as part of the general

assistance given to all students for

home students both graduate and

undergraduate there are bursaries to

help with travel and accommodation for

which I would advise you to contact mrs.

Riley at the end of this session

increasingly we are forging external

links with organisations in the

publishing world and we have been very

fortunate in that we have received money

to sponsor not just various students

within the department but also

technicians and lecturers each year we

hold a series of lectures which are

given by external speakers in the world

of printing and the media the series of

workshops that you see around you have

been built thanks to a very generous

donation which has allowed us to develop

our facilities for bookbinding

and restoration now the main work of the

department relates to teaching the

mechanism of printing and as most

printing is now so highly technological

all our students have to be computer

literate for those of you who are

interested in taking a module in this

department from another department and

who feel that you may not have the

necessary computer skills

don't let the technology put you off we

have a number of specialists technicians

who can support and deliver crash

programs in the computing technology

required as long as you can switch on

the computer you are halfway there we

have what can only be called

state-of-the-art facilities especially

for those wishing to move into the

publishing world working not just as

printers but also in editing page design

layout and bookbinding with the

extensive facilities we have for book

restoration some of our former students

are now employed as expert book

restorers and conservationists skills

which were once almost dying out in the

display you will notice samples of work

on book cover design and as well as

having all the necessary computer

programs for dealing with printing we

have some old printing presses

despite being largely a modern

department we do have an increasing

interest in research into the history of

the printed word ranging from early

European to Chinese and Japanese

printing techniques we have in fact some

very well-known experts on early

printing in Europe in the 15th and 16th

centuries if this area appeals to you

you can talk to dr. Fred Clare

afterwards from China we're lucky to

have as a visiting lecturer dr. yu who

is an authority on early chinese

manuscripts and printing machines if you

are thinking about doing a module with

us or you are interested in doing

research after you have finished your

first degree the person to talk to

is Professor Clarkson who will be able

to give you all the details for

postgraduate research you should really

be thinking about applying now even

though we are only in December as the

department now attracts large numbers of

people and we always have many

applications for each research position

that is the end of section 4 you now

have half a minute to check your answers


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