Đánh giá beyerdynamic dt 1770 pro và amiron home năm 2024

The sound signature of the Amiron Home is one that’s precise, detailed, fast and clear above all. Just like the T90s sound stage the Amiron home sounds very spacious and separation is top notch. The Amiron’s depth is also good and the layering is audible. I’ll get back to comparing it to the T90 later but the Amiron is more relaxed and smoother sounding than the original.

From bass to treble the Amiron home is always detailed, clean and precise without ever being too much so. The Amiron Home has a very natural timbre that is easy to listen to and like, and voices sound extremely realistic and just a tad more forward. The T90 did that as well but now they’re more relaxed and not as edgy.

Đánh giá beyerdynamic dt 1770 pro và amiron home năm 2024

Amiron’s bass goes deep and is detailed, precise and layered. It always is tight and fast while bass body is never too exaggerated. To me this is good sounding, (a little over) neutral bass and the body is perfectly in line with the Amiron’s mids. The transparent and richly detailed mids flow from the bass up. The mids section is very detailed with good depth and presented with the perfect amount of air. While the mids are very musical and addictive they are a little softer than on the T90. Going back and forth between both headphones I do have to say I find the original to have even more depth and detail with better layering. The upper mids and treble are pleasant, musical and clear and the biggest difference clearly is found in this sector. It’s because of this sector that the T90 could be seen as fatiguing but this no longer is the case with the Amiron. While treble is still detailed and clear, it is a lot softer and more easygoing. There is no aggressive feel to it and it won’t ever sound harsh or sharp. Compared to a lot of Beyerdynamic headphones, the treble in fact can be called softer.

I wouldn’t call the Amiron Home very warm or smooth in general. It’s a reasonably neutral tuned headphone with a touch of warmth and smoothness making it very musical and easy to listen to for longer periods. Compared to the T90 it is warmer and more relaxed for sure but compared to the Fidelio X2 in example it isn’t to be called smooth or warm if that’s the norm. As you might know I like Beyerdynamic and I also like the T90 very much when used on tubes or a warm solid state headphone amplifier. The Amiron doesn’t need a warmer sounding amp or one with softer treble and it simply plays nice out of everything. I’ve been enjoying the Amiron Home very much and I have been using it a lot when I should have been using other headphones for review, but it simply is too good to put down and not pick up again.


The Amiron Home is the T90 successor and so everyone will be looking at this headphone first. Of course people are also asking about the new DT1770 and DT1990 from the PRO range, so we’ll also be having a look at those. Finally I threw in the Hifiman HE-560 in the mix because it is an open headphone as well and because it is selling for only $699USD because of Black Friday.

Đánh giá beyerdynamic dt 1770 pro và amiron home năm 2024

Compared to the T90 the Amiron most obviously is different in the treble area. The Amiron has less edgy (and maybe less extended) treble making them a whole lot easier to listen to, especially for longer periods. The Amiron from bass to treble sounds more relaxed, smoother and more natural. Especially that last one. It has a softer presentation where the T90 always has a very energetic one that some even call aggressive. The Amiron is less amp dependant but as I said I do find the T90 the most detailed and layered of both headphones. The bass and mids in the Amiron Home have more body and that makes the treble also seem less focused on. I wouldn’t say the new version is better than the T90 as they are very different to my ears, I’d rather say they’re complimentary. Comfort wise the Amiron does better for me with the new headband and better weight distribution.

The closed Beyerdynamic DT1770PRO has more body in the bass and the lower mids and goes lower. The Amiron of course sounds more spacious and open where the sound of the closed DT1770PRO is more concentrated and impactful, but that’s only normal. Voices and treble on the DT1770Pro sound a little sharper or I should say less refined but they both have the needed detail. The Amiron home with its softer presentation and smoother mids is a lot easier to listen to. The clamping force of the DT1770Pro is bigger and the headband of the Amiron Home is a lot softer and disappears more. The leather headband of the PRO series does look very nice, but my head prefers the new microfiber and filling of the Amiron. Comfort wise the Amiron Home clearly wins.

Compared to the open DT1990PRO the new Amiron Home is softer in every department. Actually both these headphones are closer than you think looking at the sound signature, especially looking at the sound stage width and depth, separation and airiness. Treble and voices in the DT1990PRO sound a little more forward and further extended (some might say aggressive) than they do on the smoothed out Amiron Home. Especially the higher mids (including vocals) and treble sound more energetic and forward compared to the “everyone pleasing” Amiron Home. The DT1990Pro does sound more V-shaped than the Amiron for that matter. I do get the impression the DT1990’s fine detail retrieval is a tad better than the Amiron’s. Comfort wise it is identical to the DT17770PRO so for me the Amiron is the most comfortable of both again.

Đánh giá beyerdynamic dt 1770 pro và amiron home năm 2024

The Hifiman HE-560 is the only planar magnetic headphone of the quartet but a very good one for that, especially at the price they’re selling it for now. The HE-560 is the lighter sounding headphone of both but it is the most linear and balanced one. Bass is comparable but the Amiron’s bass is just a little bit punchier and maybe a little bigger, especially mid bass. Bass goes deep on both (a little deeper on the Hifiman it seems) and layering and detail is very good, the Hifiman’s bass is the tightest and fastest. The HE-560 is the most neutral headphone of both as the Amiron simply is smoother and warmer. The Amiron’s voices jump out more compared to the Hifiman but they’re the most natural sounding, it does however give the Amiron a more V-shaped sound impression compared to the HE-560. The Amiron Home is the airiest sounding one of both. Treble on both headphones is good but the HE-560 is softer and more in line with the bass and mids where it gets more focus and sounds brighter in the Amiron. Overall I would say the more balanced and neutral HE-560 is best on technicalities and the Amiron Home is the smoothest, easier to listen to headphone for relaxed listening. They’re both great headphones and it’s a very difficult choice between them. Both headphones play great with all kinds of music.