CoinList withdrawal issues

1 review

CoinList withdrawal issues
8 hours ago
Crypto Jouda
1 review

2 days ago

Stay away from this exchange

They are closing accounts and ban from Token sales without any reasons and nobody tell you why, support will ignore you. Even if you're KYC etc. Stay away from this exchange. Now I understand why it has so bad reputation.

4 reviews

2 days ago

I'm joining the bad reviews for

I'm joining the bad reviews for coinlist.
Service totally inexistent.
"Wallet couldn't be created" after 3 months I am still waiting, what a joke!

CoinList withdrawal issues
Cătălin Cazan
2 reviews

7 days ago


Do not bother to use this service. Their infrastructure is ancient as it always crahses when you need it the most.

Disapointing usuallysometimes feels like scam.

Diego Rapido
1 review

Dec 9, 2021

I was very disappointed in this

I was very disappointed in this company.
After registering properly, doing the KYC (I sent them all the information about myself with documents and pictures) and following their instructions to participate in the purchase of new tokens, they arbitrarily banned me saying that I violated the terms of the contract, but absolutely without explaining which term of the contract I violated.
Stay away from them because they are clearly scammers.

1 review

Dec 2, 2021

My kids deleted my 2FA

My kids deleted my 2FA Multiauthentication and i lost all my codes and i cant enter the website. Now i wrote about 50 emails. im waiting about 1 month and they didnt answer me yeth. i have all my funds on it. i think coinlist just dont care about what people writing until they get their money for ICO. there are about 300 comments and coinlist didnt react to even 1 of them.

CoinList withdrawal issues
Tung Fam
15 reviews

Nov 24, 2021

Bad anti-fraud system

You've banned my account even though I'm having only 1 single account but we used 1 wifi together with my brother. I think this is wrong.

Apart from that, you are not able to block people who do multi-accounting. This is a shame.

You should include money staking as a ticket into the sale. This way people who do multi-accounting won't be able to do a lot of them at least but it will constrain them.

If you think multi-accounting doesn't exist. It does.

1 review

Nov 24, 2021

Got my account locked for no reason

Got my account locked for no reason - this was my only account, never did anything against their TOS, I haven't used multiple accounts registered to family persons as many people do. Registered in 13 sales so far, won in 0, wasted so much time for this crappy website and now i can't even create a support ticked cause form on their site is not working lmao. There is so much people who are running hundreds of fake accounts and winning allocation(google for proofs), coinlist doesn't care, they just do random bans of people who trying to participate fairly, customer support is a joke - sending auomated answers, no one really cares about unbanning you, even if you provide evidences that this was a false-positive ban. TLDR: don't waste your time on this, there are better alternatives.

1 review

Nov 22, 2021

They're stealing identities

They're stealing identities. They scout for employees, make them pass a KYC and ghost them. Scam!

CoinList withdrawal issues
Joey Fred Collins
7 reviews

Nov 20, 2021

Joke Bad System Scam

Joke Bad System Scam, their verification system doesnt work, it's been months, no way to redo it etc. I live in a country where it's legal to purchase. It's just them screwing up

1 review

Updated Nov 18, 2021

This coinlist !!never give you details

This coinlist !!never give you details they scam they toke my nearly 1eth , instead of I get 200 btrst ,they put on my account only 20 they support team never answer only automatic service send we working on that issue over month now!! Dont wast your eth!

CoinList withdrawal issues
3 reviews

Nov 18, 2021

Ban users, lie to others, no support

They banned my girlfriend's account for no reason.
They promised priority links for people using their platform a lot (with "karma points") but they just lied about it. They took a LOT of fees but did not fulfilled their part of the contract.
Their support doesn't answer
One one the WORST crypto experiences out of many

Chris Whincup
2 reviews

Nov 16, 2021

Very high fees and errors

Very high fees and errors

Most of the time I try to make a trade on Coinlist I receive a 'unexpected error' message

Would strongly recommend not using this platform

Just a Minute
1 review

Nov 13, 2021

One of the worst services i've ever

One of the worst services i've ever used.

My transactions are stuck, support almost only ERC20 Tokens (extremely high gas fees) , other tokens are not working properly, transcations stuck etc.

The queue is fake, you can not win allocation if you're just an average investor. It is reserved for special clients (big fishes). Lots of small fees, actually it's a waste of money, they literally charge you for everything.

Андрей Юрашев
1 review

Nov 10, 2021

Coinlist is a scam

Coinlist is a scam! Do not input your money into this project!
I have taken few tokensales and found out that queue is fake. This is normal to kick you out from queue on coinlist to supply their own special clients. Be aware that coinlist is dumping price as well after token sale unlock.

1 review

Nov 10, 2021

Scam exchange, absurd fees on withdrawals

Absurd fees for withdrawal, unreasonable time for KYC and insanely long times for deposits confirmations. Ethereum fees are usually high, but this exchange makes it far higher than current gas prices, even for other blockchains that gas fees goes down to cents, the exchange still charges for the same amount. DO NOT USE THIS EXCHANGE!

CoinList withdrawal issues
Hans dieter
1 review

CoinList withdrawal issues
Nov 10, 2021

No problems at all

No problems at all.
Thanks for continued token sales and good support

1 review

Nov 10, 2021

10 days to analyze and reject KYC

10 days to analyze and reject KYC that was accept by three major exchanges.

CoinList withdrawal issues
Jack Min
4 reviews

Nov 10, 2021

Frozen my account without any specific

Frozen my account without any specific proof on how I violate their tos. All my funds n on going ico monthly release are being held hostage by them now. Seriously disappointed with this scam launchpad.

2 reviews

Nov 9, 2021

I have been using coinlist for some

I have been using coinlist for some time but as many others I am having troubles with token sales. They said that my account is banned from token sales but they did not give me any reason behind it and their support team is ignoring me completely. I read their terms of use several times and I did nothing wrong.