codex là gì - Nghĩa của từ codex

codex có nghĩa là

The RPG Codex is a forum for butthurt edgy teens who are "too cool for mainstream RPG's". The result is that they spend all their time playing old RPG's [but not that old] whilst slandering new ones [which they still play anyway]. They stalk developers and modders such as Tessera and Wesp5 [who are all apparently German for some reason according to them] and have a weird obsession with many Bioware developers who they delve into the personal and private information of. The stalking of Tessera and Wesp5 has continued for 7 years by several insane individuals who use the Codex. 90% of the posters on the forum could have their own entries on Encyclopedia Dramatica due to how insane they sound. The Codex also hates the RPG Watch which is actually the real place for sophisticated RPG discussion and not the Codex where you're more likely to find a racist or homophobic thread. Once upon a time, the RPG Codex was considered a serious place back when developers from Bethesda and Bioware posted on them but after being threatened with rape [yeah, seriously] by the basement dwellers there, the developers decided they had enough abuse from the neckbeards and blocked off all communications with the 'dex. The result is that the Codex has been butt mad ever since towards Bethesda and Bioware.


In truth, the Codex is the place you'd want to go if you want to gossip about developers and their private lives because you're a weirdo. Good luck having a civil "sophisticated" debate about an RPG though since most of these idiots try to act like /b/tards but actually come off sounding more retarded. The RPG Codex is now the laughing stock of the RPG community and no one takes them seriously anymore.

codex có nghĩa là

"Forum for butthurt edgy teens" is a good summary of the place. The amount of racism, homophobia and antisemitism you'll find in one thread on the forum is a lot but strangely, the Codexers get defensive when you call them out for these things citing the fact that there's two moderators: Jaesun [aka Gaesun], a gay moderator and Infinitron, a Jewish moderator who are on the forum and that this somehow means that the place still isn't a gathering ground for scum because two mods there happen to belong to two of the groups that are often attacked on the forum. We have no reason to believe that these two nutjobs belong to these groups anyway just because they say so. It should be noted that Codexers often pretend to be people who they're not. It's also possible these moderators are simply self-loathing [this would fit with 40% of the Codex's users, the other 40% are retarded with the remaining 20% being clinically insane]. The first definition of the Codex on this site had already been posted on the forum by a user who goes by the name of Telengard. Naturally the response was to be as expected with the first few posters being amused before everyone else responded in two ways: -Self loathing users responded to segments of the first definition criticizing it whilst pretending not to be buttmad over it.
-Overused forum jokes by the retarded users. Not sure why they posted them. Possibly to reinforce the negative stereotype of Codex users? They came off sounding retarded though.


If you want to piss off a typical Codex troll, there's several ways to do this: -Call Skyrim the best [and most successful RPG to date]. Mention how it's the best selling RPG in the history of RPG's alongside Diablo 3.
-Say that Obsidian is but an speck of paint compared to Bioware who have existed for longer and made more successful RPG's whilst Obsidian's success has come from Bioware itself and Bethesda due to them making sequels to their games.
-Say that Chris Avellone hates the RPG Codex or call him a cunt. The Codex loves this guy [strangely] and will not take any criticism of him well.
-Mention how David Gaider owned Roqua in the "Bioware outsource to India" thread and later "Warden" in other threads on the RPG Codex when he used it years ago. -Mention how the Codex sucked Gaider's dick before he left, becoming butthurt at his departure.
-Dis Obsidian Entertainment.
-Bash any old RPG and watch as butthurt pursues.
-Call any mod's favorite game shit and watch as you get banned.
-Mention how most of the posters there really haven't played any of the Gold Box RPG's and are just hipsters who like to pretend they have [this is probably true for a lot of them].
-Insult DarkUnderlord or Vault Dweller, two mods who are on the Codex.
-Call Age of Decadence a Fallout rip-off [this will really get the Codexers butt mad as it's made by Vault Dweller and Codexers regard it as the official RPG of the Codex.]
-Say Age of Decadence is vaporware. [Which it probably is]

codex có nghĩa là

A corrupted food-based industry that definitely contain the worst types of human beings [should I really call them that] that exist in the world. A sex slave to the big drug, biotech, and GMO corporations. These shit-talking dickheads will do anything that they can to rob us our health and health freedom so they can earn a little bit more profit from them. These rotten pieces of shit splatter more horseshit than a horse's intestines thrown into a lawnmower, and they purposely do it just so their butt buddy corporations like Big Pharma would make more profit. These assholes spread their horseshit by threatening countries to join them by saying that if they don't join Codex Alimentarius they can't join the World Trade Organization. Unless we can stop them, they will ban every single natural health food, every single vitamin and mineral supplement, and every herb, and they will accomplish that by classfying nutrients as toxins not through science, but through fart that came out of their brains that are lodged inside their dicks. On the other hand, these hypocritical dickheads don't consider pharmaceutical drugs and pesticides as toxic, despite the fact any blind and deaf retard could tell that they are. They want to make it mandatory for all crops and livestock to be treated with genetic engineering, irradiation, pesticides, wax, and food colouring, so that with the citizen's health in jeopardy [more healthy people means fewer drugs sold, hence fewer profits from Big Pharma. Aww boo hoo hoo], all those extra bucks they make will satisfy their sexual fetish for dollar bills. Needless to say, they don't give a flying shit about people's health. Whenever people die, they go and masturbate inside their funerals. When their laws are implemented, an average of 3 billion people [most from third-world countries] will die simply because they're not allowed to eat nutrient dense foods. These cash-mongering assholes deserve the worst possible punishment if they ever get captured when people discover the truths about them. They need to be stopped ASAP for the health and safety of of our citizens and the freedom of our citizens.

Their regulations sound idiotic and asinine enough never to be passed, right? Well, no. The North American governments can do little to stop them because the Codex is universally adopted [due to afformented reasons] and if the government decides to approve the Codex laws, they'll do so without parliamentary approval. Which means WE AS CITIZENS CAN ONLY STOP THE CODEX!


Dickhead aka Codex Alimentarius worker: I have an idea. Let's all ban those poisonous nutrient supplements from markets and make it mandatory to grow crops using irradiation, GMO's, pesticides, and all those shit that's bad for us.

Logical person who actually care about other people: Sir, there's one problem: there has never been a study showing that nutrients will kill us and that natural foods are deadly to us. So bite me, jackass.

Dickhead: Shut up! I don't want you spreading our secrets.

The amount of knowledge Codex knows about science is the same as the amount of knowledge a goldfish knows about the land.

Codex is so full of shit up to the eyes I'm surprised that they haven't even been sundried yet.

codex có nghĩa là

A book series by Jim Butcher that doesn't get the love it deserves, mostly because it's overshadowed by Mr. Butcher's other, overall more popular book series The Dresden Files. About a world where every person in the populace has power over one or more "furies", or spirits of water, fire, earth, air, wood or metal. Some have one, others have multiple. However, the fate of that world lands smack on the shoulders of the one young man that DOESN'T have any furies. In addition to Tavi, the previously mentioned fury-less kid, there's also his aunt, Isana, his uncle, Bernard, a spy named Amara, a slave/swordsman named Fade or Araris, the bastard son of a nobleman, Max, and Tavi's love interest, the "barbarian" woman Kitai.


Books of Codex Alera:
Furies of Caulderon
Academ's Fury
Cursor's Fury
Captain's Fury
Princep's Fury [Coming Dec. 2008]

codex có nghĩa là

[noun]. A person who unintentionally owns someone/something
[verb]. To unintentionally own someone/something


Dude, that's the forth time today you accidently pwned someone. You must be proud to be a codex?

HOLY CRAP! Did you just codex that guy?

codex có nghĩa là

used as a substitute for penis, and different forms can be used as a substitute for "fuck", a pronoun, an adjective, or just about anything else fathomable. It is a very versatile word.


Codex as a noun: My codex itches.
Codex as a pronoun: Hey Codex!
Codex as a verb: Hey baby, let's codex
Codex as an adj.: This his head was codex shaped.

A codex can also be used to curse something. Instead of saying "Fuck you!", one may say "Codex you!"

codex có nghĩa là

The Codex workflow is an end-to-end, camera-to-post system that makes production easier and more efficient than ever before.


The Codex workflow is made up of three types of product – Recorders, Transfer, and Final Delivery systems. You can use them alone or together, depending on your application.
Our versatile range of Codex recorders cover all digital production applications – from broadcast studio work to ultimate cinema-quality recording. The Portable or Recorder systems provide hours of continuous recording and revolutionary ways of using the results.
Transfer Stations
These units allow you to make everything from simple backup copies to full production deliverables, right on set or from a location office. As with all Codex products, the Transfer Stations deliver results much faster than real time. Final delivery
The Transfer Stations integrate seamlessly with the Codex Lab. The Lab is comprised from a series of powerful transcoding and voluminous storage modules, which provide all the deliverables and capacity that any production might need – from rushes to archiving, in a wide variety of formats. They can use many third-party RAID systems.

codex có nghĩa là

Golden Codex [aka 'Alphabet Man'] is a brain dead crackhead that sells more drugs in pounds than he weighs. This man is Satan in a human body and clearly a failed abortion.


Golden Codex in dm's at 4 in the morning: "hey mann im the alphabett mannn"

codex có nghĩa là

Codexed is an unintended owning of someone/something


while running up a set of stairs you trip someone down them you totally just codexed that guy

codex có nghĩa là

A weird creepy bad-vibed book. Go search the thing up and look at the pictures. It’s written in an unknown language.


Codex Seraphinianus is weird.

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