Chaps checklist aviation


  • Altimeter
  • Tachometer
  • Oil pressure
  • Magnetic compass
  • Airspeed indicator
  • Temperature sensor [if liquid-cooled]
  • Oil temperature [if air cooled]
  • Fuel gauge
  • Landing gear position [if retractable]
  • Anticollision lights [if certificated after March 11, 1996]
  • Manifold pressure [if turbocharged or supercharged]
  • ELT [if required by 14 CFR 91.207]
  • Safety belts
Night VFR Required Equipment

Day VFR Equipment + FLAPS

  • Fuses [spares] or circuit breakers
  • Landing light [if for hire]
  • Anticollision lights
  • Position lights
  • Source of electricity
IFR Required Equipment

Day [or Night] VFR Equipment + GRAB CARD

  • Generator or alternator
  • Radios
  • Attitude indicator
  • Ball
  • Clock
  • Adjustable altimeter
  • Rate-of-turn indicator
  • Directional gyro
Engine Run-Up


  • Controls [free and correct, trim and flaps set]
  • Instruments [checked and set]
  • Gas [fuel level, pumps, and tank selector]
  • Airplane secure, annunciators, autopilot test
  • Run-up and radios
Before Takeoff


  • Lights: ON
  • Camera: Transponder set to ALT
  • Action: Critical items checked
Before Landing [Downwind]


  • Carburetor heat: ON
  • Gas: SET to the proper tank[s]
  • Undercarriage: DOWN
  • Mixture: SET for a go-around
  • Power: AS REQUIRED
  • Seatbelts and switches: ON
Before Landing [Short Final]


  • Propellers: FORWARD
  • Undercarriage: DOWN
  • Flaps [Wing]: EXTENDED
  • Flaps [Cowl]: CLOSED
  • Seatbelts and switches: ON

The 5 C’s

  • Cram: Full power [smoothly]
  • Climb: Pitch for VX or VY
  • Clean: Flaps and gear UP
  • Cool: Cowl flaps OPEN
  • Call: Make a radio call
Engine Failure [ASEL]


  • Airspeed: Pitch for best glide speed
  • Best Landing Option: Establish and turn if necessary
  • Checklists or Configure: As the situation dictates
  • Declare an Emergency: Make a radio call [121.5]
  • Execute an Emergency Landing: “Aviate” first
    • Fire Prevention: Fuel and electrical OFF
    • Ground Plan: Exit with safety equipment
Engine Restart Criteria


  • Vibration? None observed
  • Rotation? Possible if no visible damage
  • Fire? No smoke, fire, or fluid leaks
Emergency Transponder Codes
  • 7500: “Hi, Jack.”
  • 7600: “Can’t talk now.”
  • 7700: “I’m on Fire!”
Wind Reports

“If written it’s true. If spoken it’s magnetic.”

METARs, TAFs, and winds aloft are in reference to true north. ATIS, PIREPs, and automated weather reports are in reference to magnetic north.

Weather Minimums

3 152’s

  • 3 SM visibility
  • 1,000′ above clouds
  • 500′ below clouds
  • 2,000′ horizontally from clouds

5 F-111’s

  • 5 SM visibility
  • 1,000′ above clouds
  • 1,000′ below clouds
  • 1 SM horizontally from clouds

WEALTH [of Information]

  • Weather reports and forecasts*
  • Expected takeoff and landing performance
  • Alternatives available*
  • Length of runways to be used
  • Traffic delays*
  • How much fuel is required*

* = Required on flights under IFR or not in the vicinity of an airport

Required Inspections


  • Annual: 12 calendar months
  • VOR [IFR]: 30 days
  • 100 Hour [if for hire]: 100 hours
  • Altimeter and pitot-static system [IFR]: 24 calendar months
  • Transponder: 24 calendar months
  • ELT: 12 calendar months
Required Aircraft Documents


  • Airworthiness Certificate
  • Radio Telephone License [if international]
  • Registration Certificate
  • Operator’s handbook [AFM/POH]
  • Weight and balance data
Standard AFM/POH Contents


  • General
  • Limitations
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Normal Procedures
  • Performance
  • Weight and Balance/Equipment List
  • Airplane and System Description
  • Handling, Service, and Maintenance
  • Supplements
Before Each Maneuver


  • Clear the area [clearing turns]
  • Heading established and noted
  • Altitude established
  • Position near an emergency landing area
  • Set power and aircraft configuration
Class E Airspace Types

FEET SO 14-50

  • Federal airway [1,200′ AGL up to 18,000′ MSL]
  • Extension to a surface area
  • En route domestic area
  • Transition area [700′ or 1,000′ AGL]
  • Surface area designated for an airport
  • Offshore airspace area [beyond 12 NM]
  • 14,500′ everywhere else
Special Use Airspace Types


  • Military Operation Areas [Nonregulatory]
  • Controlled Firing Areas [Nonregulatory]
  • Prohibited Areas [Regulatory]
  • Restricted Areas [Regulatory]
  • Alert Areas [Nonregulatory]
  • Warning Areas [Nonregulatory]
  • National Security Areas [Nonregulatory]
Airport Sign Types


  • Mandatory instruction
  • Information
  • Destination
  • Direction
  • Location
  • Runway distance remaining
Determination of VMC [AMEL]


  • Standard day
  • Most unfavorable weight [light]
  • And most unfavorable CG [aft]
  • Critical engine windmilling
  • Flaps set for takeoff, gear UP, trim for takeoff
  • Up to 5° of bank
  • Maximum power on the operating engine
Determination of Critical Engine [AMEL]


  • P-Factor
  • Accelerated slipstream
  • Spiraling slipstream
  • Torque
Standard Flight Manual Format
  1. General
  2. Limitations
  3. Emergency Procedures
  4. Normal Procedures
  5. Performance
  6. Weight and Balance/Equipment List
  7. Airplane and System Description
  8. Handling, Service, and Maintenance
  9. Supplements
  10. Optional information [e.g., Safety and Operational Tips]

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