Capricorn Horoscope 2022 2023

Capricorn Horoscope 2022 2023

Dear Capricorn, according to the Capricorn yearly horoscope, 2023 will be a year of positive outcomes for you. On the one hand, you will see an increase in your income, but your bravery will also shine through. There will be more amenities available. Also, this year, Rahu and Ketu will transit through your fourth and tenth houses, enabling you to defeat your enemies. People who condemn you will naturally steer clear of your path. Even enemies will become friends. You will consequently receive praise in your line of employment. If you want to start a new business, now is the time. In October 2023, Rahu and Ketu will change their positions, transiting in your third and ninth houses, respectively. As a result, your mind may be slightly distracted. You and your younger siblings may disagree.

At this time, you do not have to believe what you have heard; otherwise, you may have a disagreement with your loved ones. Your confidence will be strong, but it could also give way to superstition. Avoid making unnecessary impressions on others if you don't want to be embarrassed. This year, Jupiter will transit to your third house. As a result, you can get foreign money, and if you work in import-export or any multinational corporation, you can get a promotion and a lot of money. This is the best time for people who want to work in foreign companies or do business in foreign countries. Your respect and honor will grow. Those involved in the fields of medicine and science will find this time to be very promising. You'll acquire new employment and business opportunities. Success will also be had by those who want to seek higher education at this time.

Moreover, after 22nd April 2023, Jupiter will move into your fourth house, resulting in a sudden wealth gain. As per the Capricorn 2023 horoscope, you will invest in property, or you may get sudden profit from property. Jupiter will be in conjunction with Rahu, and this conjunction will remain till 30th October. As a result, you will have complete success. However, you must look after your mother's health because this time of year can cause her physical problems. So take good care of your mother's health. This time will be best for material pleasures. During this time, you can purchase a new home or car, and people who are working away from their place of birth or away from family members will be able to return home and find work. During this time, money may also be spent on international travel.

Due to Saturn's placement in your second house and its lordship in this house, your wealth accumulation will improve. Both your bank account balance and your income will rise. Due to Saturn's placement in the second house, you will become slightly bitter in your speech. As a result, you can become distant from your loved ones. You will follow a road of honesty, which some people may not appreciate because the truth is frequently bitter. You will speak up in front of everyone without fear. You must also control your taste buds at this time, or you may experience physical problems. There could be an issue with your health. Because Saturn is also your zodiac lord, tension and mental problems may persist during this time.

Overall, 2023 will be a good year, as indicated by the Capricorn annual horoscope. Because Saturn is in your second house this month, you have a good chance of acquiring ancestral property. You will be successful in business and promoted at work during this time. You will not have any problems this year, but your mind may remain disturbed.

Capricorn Horoscope 2022 2023

Find out what awaits you with our astrology predictions!

It may feel like you’ve been in an intense cosmic crucible for the past decade, Capricorn. Don’t worry -- this is the year you break free to the other side. Your return to the runway comes courtesy of Pluto finally leaving your sign for the first time in what feels like forever. This is a big deal! On top of that, Saturn is on the move into new territory, handing you the microphone and helping you get your message out in powerful ways.

Talk it out with Saturn in Pisces on your side

Headmaster Saturn, your sign’s guide and ruler, shifts into your 3rd House of Communication on March 7, offering you personal tutelage in the art of talking, thinking and texting during the next few years. If you ever feel anxious about delivering a pitch-perfect Zoom presentation or telling others your personal story, Saturn can help you get over your fears. Push past the insecurities that have held you back from launching a blog, writing a memoir, or just sharing what you’re passionate about. Over the next couple of years, as Saturn remains in this part of the sky, you can refine your tongue and become poetry in motion.

Pluto makes its long-anticipated exit from your sign and enters Aquarius in March

Meanwhile, transformer Pluto has been in your 1st House of Self since 2008, slowly eroding all the masks you wear. When it finally leaves your sign on March 23, it could feel like a very sweet release. With your self-esteem now resurrected for the long haul, this powerhouse planet enters your 2nd House of Finances and Resources.

Get ready to redefine your entire relationship with money and values. This isn’t just about making bank (although you certainly have support doing that) -- it’s about being the bank. Pluto wants to teach you your worth, so put those masks back in the closet and own who you are.

Reveal ALL the major energies headed your way in 2023 with personalized astrology predictions »Reveal ALL the major energies headed your way in 2023 with personalized astrology predictions »

Springtime brings fresh energy with Jupiter’s move into Pisces on May 16

Auspicious Jupiter enters your 5th House of Love, Pleasure, and Creativity in mid-May, delivering a shot of rapacious romance for the remainder of the year. Your appreciation for the finer things in life will be finely attuned, making it a gorgeous time for your relationships. You might want to line up a hot date or work on an artistic endeavor around June 1 when this lucky planet joins the North Node, opening some doors to your future and setting you up for success.

A Solar Eclipse plus Pluto Retrograde will have you homeward bound

The Total Solar Eclipse on April 20 turns the lights on at home in your 4th House of Domestic Affairs and Ancestral Roots. Considering a big move? This cosmic event might illuminate the way. If not, you may be encouraged to renovate your living environment, both literally and metaphorically. Pluto returns to your sign and squares the nodes in late July, potentially bringing more insight to the surface around this matter. Just remember: work-life balance is crucial.

A calm, cozy December is best with Mercury Retrograde

And that’s a wrap. 2023 ends with a Mercury Retrograde in your own sign around the holidays, giving you some time for a quiet, contemplative New Year. You may find yourself less interested in a rip-roaring, wild New Year’s Eve, and more into staying in with the ones you love. Honor the intimacy and closeness you’ve cultivated over the last 12 months, Capricorn.

That's how 2023 will shape up for everyone born under the sign of Capricorn, but what can you expect on a personal level? Check out our Big Picture Forecast to discover your unique astrology for the year ahead.Check out our Big Picture Forecast to discover your unique astrology for the year ahead.

Is 2023 going to be a good year for Capricorn?

The year 2023 will be a proven year for new initiatives and innovation in multiple fields of career, business and self-development. According to the Capricorn yearly horoscope 2023, the conjunction of Saturn and Venus will give you new progress and energy.

What will happen Capricorn in 2023?

The Capricorn Horoscope for 2023 predicts that this year will be exciting and that your efforts will be dutifully rewarded. You'll make new friends and experience positive life-changing progress in many areas. You'll work tirelessly to achieve your goals during the year, which you'll give you utmost satisfaction.

Is 2022 going to be a good year for Capricorns?

Is 2022 going to be a bad year for Capricorn? No, the year 2022 would be lucky and prosperous for Capricorn people. Because of the ruler of the zodiac sign and the year 2022, your wellness shall be in good shape, accompanied by a pleasant time in all other aspects of life.

What year is lucky for Capricorn?

The year 2022 comes bearing good news. The year will be overall secure for people with the Capricorn sun sign. Especially the months April and June will fare exceptionally well from a finance perspective. The beginning of 2022 might result in high expenditure, so try to maintain your budget and spend money wisely.