ASUS laptop suddenly turns off

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I just got my computer about 10 months ago and about 2 months ago it shut off randomly. I didn't get it looked at because it said it was doing updates so I thought that was why. Now it shuts off all the time. I've had it looked at by geek squad and the said it seemed fine to them but then just today it shut off again after I had it on for about 10 minutes. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

ohh, well, if you try to touch the bottom for example, is it really hot? try installing something like realtemp [among others], to see the temperature.

also, try to remember the last few updates/installations that you did. maybe its the culprit

probably a temperature issue. Have it cleaned

probably a temperature issue. Have it cleaned

I have it on a cooling pad. Do you think that would need cleaned too? Because I just had it cleaned on Saturday.

ohh, well, if you try to touch the bottom for example, is it really hot? try installing something like realtemp [among others], to see the temperature.

also, try to remember the last few updates/installations that you did. maybe its the culprit

Its cold like metal under there. Could a fall or being stepped on maybe cause this? Because I have little children running around and they don't usually watch where they're going

could be, since it's a laptop [desktops are easier], you better have it checked.

ohh, well, if you try to touch the bottom for example, is it really hot? try installing something like realtemp [among others], to see the temperature.

also, try to remember the last few updates/installations that you did. maybe its the culprit

I downloaded realtemp and found what looks to be my problem. Next pay day I'm investing in a better cooling pad

Thank you very much

ok, good luck. also if you dont need to be portable, consider getting a desktop next time [easier to upgrade and maintain].

Mine does the exact same thing, Did you ever get it resolved?

Hi - I got my asus laptop last summer, 2013... so, it's basically brand new, and I *don't* have children/have never dropped or otherwise abused it. I don't have a cooling pad, but I put it on a hard surface or on a text book when I use it on my lap [hopefully that is sufficient.] Without any pattern in terms of when it does this, mine does the same thing - I will be in the middle of using it and all of a sudden it shuts off - the screen goes black and cannot be reawakened with the mouse pad, as the computer is off. I wasn't sure that's what had happened, I thought maybe the screen had just gone to sleep, but I had to press the power button to make anything come back. It starts up very quickly, but I am worried something might be wrong with it, and that I should have it checked before my warranty runs out... though if they usually find nothing mechanically wrong at Best Buy with an issue such as this, maybe there is no hope! Perhaps it is a manufacturing issue, a faulty something or other that is occurring repeatedly in this particular model. Otherwise, I am really happy with it, it's a very good quality computer! I will let you know if I find out anything, hopefully you would be so kind as to do the same! I am glad I finally looked this up, sounds like it could be a legit problem since it's happening to others... I kind of just wanted to ignore it and hope it was a glitch or something.


I have the same problem with my ASUS. I'm convinced that you get what you pay for: junk! Mine didn't start until the warranty expired. How apropos, right? So, who has the real answer? This looks like a complaint forum to me. I need answers as to why I own a $600 paper weight. ASUS, you suck! I've had it checked out by a technician who said it seemed fine. How in the world is a computer that shuts off at will fine? Junk, junk, junk!

Well Jessica, I own a 1300. US Dollar ASUS laptop, so it happens to the more expensive ones too ,and it does the same thing. It will shut off whenever it feels the urge. It is not a heat issue, the room I use it in at my house is a steady 58 to 65 degrees F. No kids to beat it up, no dust, very hard desk surface to work on. I have seen a lot of posts about this and the geeks seem to think it is heat related. Well if it is, it is internal heat and not exposure heat. I bought this to game online and it is not fun when it just goes kaput. Someone mentioned removing the battery and holding down the power button for 30 seconds. I assume this discharges any errant electrons that might be pulling a gremlin on it. Who knows. I do know I will not buy another ASUS.

I just got my computer about 10 months ago and about 2 months ago it shut off randomly. I didn't get it looked at because it said it was doing updates so I thought that was why. Now it shuts off all the time. I've had it looked at by geek squad and the said it seemed fine to them but then just today it shut off again after I had it on for about 10 minutes. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

That happened to me too. Just "pew" shuts off in 3 seconds- no warning. PLEASE HELP!!

My Asus Eee 1003 HAG was running fine the last 5 years. Now I have got a similar issue. The netbook shuts down [in XP, Ubuntu or even just after switching on starting the BIOS]. I changed the RAM and the 3V backup battery [which did not make any change]. I installed hardware monitor software to check the internal temperatures and fan. All ok and below 60 deg C.
The netbook even starts up itself after shutting down [or more like switching off, as it is not a normal shutdown procedure]. I checked the ON-OFF switch, because i thought it might be faulty and give a constant signal. But a continuity check results in a proper working switch... does anyone have a circuit diagram ? Looks like a serious hardware problem...

I had this problem over the past month. My laptop would shut off over ad over again. Temps looked good, hooked up to AC, etc. I looked up every solution that I could thought possible, corrupt OS, missing reg files, etc. I finally removed the battery and ran the unit off of AC alone. My laptop has not intermittently shut down over the past two days. I plan on contacting ASUS but will probably end up replacing the battery. I will update the post with a new battery.

Okay, my Eee is running fine again. I am sure in my case it was a contact problem in the power button. Cleaning and pressing it again and again while measuring the continuity went right.

Guyz, I too had the same problem with my D550CA of 5 months, I just examined but it shows trick on me to findout a pattern of how to goes off. Some time it works fine,and sometimes it goes off. Last day I ran into service center and gave it. They told its not about battery in my case becuase even when I was charging it got off. So they told me they will refix motherboard items and clean,then will check. If it still goes off they will replace motherboard. Hope this helps everyone. Thanks,


Guyz , Got a solution for this. Motherboard Refixing will solve your issue. If not a battery problem. I got it corrected. Get it corrected from authorized Asus centre. Thanks,


I just got my computer about 10 months ago and about 2 months ago it shut off randomly. I didn't get it looked at because it said it was doing updates so I thought that was why. Now it shuts off all the time. I've had it looked at by geek squad and the said it seemed fine to them but then just today it shut off again after I had it on for about 10 minutes. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

I have the same problem. Got my ASUS notebook in March 2014. I noticed it seems to shut off when I pick it up. It seems like if I pick it up slow it won't shut off. If I'm in hurry and pick it up fast it is more likely to shut off. Not always the case but it seems to help going slower. At first I thought I was accidentally touching a button or it was going to sleep. I have it set to never turn off and am not touching anything but the edges when I pick it up. I know that's not a fix but hope it helps.

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