AFK arena furniture tier list Reddit

Furniture Tierlist [PVE] from afkarena

Edit: Check out the updated list!

Since my Endgame campaign hero tierlist, a lot of people have been asking me about furniture. There aren't many updated furniture tierlists online since the various balance changes, and there's more to furniture priorities than just hero viability.

Another thing is that I haven't seen anyone seriously address the difference between +9 and +3 furniture. +9 takes significantly more time which has to be adjusted for when making the list.

Another good note before the tierlist is how tierlists aren't to be blindly followed. Take into account what heroes do you have, which ones are you planning to obtain, and what setups will you use when forming your plan.

Find my list for furniture priorities for endgame campaign progress below. I will make a rundown of each decision here in the close future, here.

As usual, I made a free to use template. Make your own at: //


I will add here answers I believe should be a part of the post.

Let me know your thoughts below, and DM me if you need a set of icons for your own list.

Visual Guide to 9/9 priorities by Rakudayyy from afkarena
Is there a furniture list that anyone is referencing against? I have been using this I got some time back but not sure if it is still relevant today. from afkarena
Visual Guide to Furniture Priorities [Updated & Re-upload] from afkarena

Could someone point me to it or some options. I see heroes posted about here that aren't even mentioned.

Recently there has been an update with availability and ease of access for 9/9 furniture. It is likely that there will be more players going after 9/9. My hope is to start a discussion about the state of the meta for 9/9 furniture. I have read the major guides, and I am hoping for more recent feedback from the community.

The following are my takes for the current top ten 9/9 furniture, for the PVE meta. [I have disregarded PvP meta.] The following are in no particular order.

Alna - this is a no brainer, game changing and enabling.

Lucretia - this 9/9 becomes more necessary once the deficit starts pushing 150+.

Ainz - takes a strong ability by Ainz and enables it sooner, very necessary to keep Ainz relevant.

Grezhul - provides a great deal of energy denial, more damage for a key hero.

Merlin - Provides a lot of protection for the team early on. Seems to be more important than his SI.

Oden - improves damage on a crucial hero. Also improves energy regen a bit.

Ferael - a lot of denial that can shut an enemy down. May be overrated. Has the adverse side effect of slowing down attacks.

Ezio - a lot of energy early on can enable an early execute. Debatable on how necessary this is.

Zaphrael - Great 9/9 that helps lock down an enemy. Expensive hero that is further down the stargazing priority.

Nemora - very powerful for charming key enemies like Zaphrael. A key strategy pick that turns a useless hero, into a key pick.


Lyca - this is a good skill, but appears to have been overrated. At high deficit Lyca is mostly used for haste.

Kren - enables perma stun more easily.

Thoran - provides more energy, essentially guaranteeing an ult every time. Not needed with 5* call.

Skreg - great ability. I am still looking for a team where he can consistently help a good deficit. A good pick for game modes other than campaign.

Desira - good denial effect.

Tasi - improves survival of Tasi, and provides more haste more often to teammates.

Silas - greatly improves damage for both melee and ranged allies. Key content creators question the priority of this hero.

Note: heroes like Hodgkin and Morrow are still in testing phase.

Note: Raku 9/9, and Izold 9/9 are useful effects, but are not the best bang for your buck. There are better options.

Edit: moved Thoran, Nemora, Grezhul.

Edit: good discussion everyone! I am hoping one of the big content creators will release a new guide soon. I am sitting on a bunch of red cards.

Im starting an alt account, are there any good recent furniture guides I can follow?

Visual Guide to Furniture Priorities In-Depth by Arty & Alpattex from afkarena

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