Which function in spreadsheet software can be used to predict future sales or inventory needs sum?

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The Excel FORECAST function predicts a value based on existing values along a linear trend. FORECAST calculates future value predictions using linear regression, and can be used to predict numeric values like sales, inventory, expenses, measurements, etc.

Note: Starting with Excel 2016, the FORECAST function was replaced with the FORECAST.LINEAR function. Microsoft recommends replacing FORECAST with FORECAST.LINEAR, since FORECAST will eventually be deprecated.


Predict value along a linear trend


=FORECAST [x, known_ys, kown_xs]


  • x - The x value data point to use to calculate a prediction.
  • known_ys - The dependent array or range of data [y values].
  • kown_xs - The independent array or range of data [x values].

Usage notes 

The FORECAST function predicts a value based on existing values along a linear trend. FORECAST calculates future value predictions using linear regression, and can be used to predict numeric values like sales, inventory, test scores, expenses, measurements, etc.

Note: Starting with Excel 2016, the FORECAST function was replaced with the FORECAST.LINEAR function. Microsoft recommends replacing FORECAST with FORECAST.LINEAR, since FORECAST will eventually be deprecated.

In statistics, linear regression is an approach for modeling the relationship between a dependent variable [y values] and an independent variable [x values]. FORECAST uses this approach to calculate a y value for a given x value based on existing x and y values. In other words, for a given value x, FORECAST returns a predicted value based on the linear regression relationship between x values and y values.


In the example shown above, the formula in cell D13 is:

where sales [C5:C12] and periods [B5:B12] are named ranges. With these inputs, the FORECAST function returns 1505.36 in cell D13. As the formula is copied down the table, FORECAST returns predicted values in D13:D16, using values in column B for x.

The chart to the right shows this data plotted in a scatter plot.


  • If x is not numeric, FORECAST returns a #VALUE! error.
  • If known_ys and known_xs are not the same size, FORECAST will return an #N/A error.
  • If the variance of known_x values is zero, FORECAST will return a #DIV/0! error.

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Which function in spreadsheet software can be used to predict future sales or inventory needs sum average maximum value forecast?

The Excel FORECAST function predicts a value based on existing values along a linear trend. FORECAST calculates future value predictions using linear regression, and can be used to predict numeric values like sales, inventory, expenses, measurements, etc.

Which function in spreadsheet software can be used to predict future sales or inventory needs Brainly?

Answer: The function in spreadsheet software that can be used to predict future sales or inventory needs is forecast.

How do you predict values in Excel?

Follow the steps below to use this feature..
Select the data that contains timeline series and values..
Go to Data > Forecast > Forecast Sheet..
Choose a chart type [we recommend using a line or column chart]..
Pick an end date for forecasting..
Click the Create..

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