What is your professional image Milady

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What is your professional image Milady esthetics?

Your professional image is the impression projected by a person engaged in the profession of esthetics, consisting of outward appearance and conduct exhibited in the workplace. Your appearance attitude, and abilities create a mental picture in the minds of your clients and associates.

What is your professional image?

Laura Morgan Roberts: Your professional image is the set of qualities and characteristics that represent perceptions of your competence and character as judged by your key constituents [i.e., clients, superiors, subordinates, colleagues].

What is the most important factor in professional conduct Milady?

Maintaining good posture. What is most important in professional conduct? Good manners.

What are the elements of professional image?

The 3 Key Elements to a Professional Image.
The 3 Key Elements of a Professional Image. Appearance What you wear and how you look matters, appearance is the first thing that people will judge you on. ... .
Communication. Being clear, concise, and responsive is critical for success. ... .
Reputation. ... .
Overall Presentation..

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