What is a mechanistic organizational structure?

For the most part, mechanistic organization is applied to most all business structures but is predominant in manufacturing while organic organization is best applied to businesses that apply a more open business structure such as online business platforms.

MECHANISTIC ORGANIZATION DEFINITION: According to Black’s Law Dictionary mechanistic organization is “the organization is hierarchical and bureaucratic. It is characterized by its [1] highly centralized authority, [2] formalized procedures and practices, and [3] specialized functions. Mechanistic organization is relatively easier and simpler to organize, but rapid change is very challenging. Contrast to organic organization.”

CHARACTERISTICS: Employees are found to work separately and on their own assigned tasks. There is a definite chain of command and decisions are kept as high up the chain as possible. Communication is a process between managers and supervisors up to executives, there is little daily interaction if any. There are strict company policies or operating standards with an abundance of documentation. This structure is considered the more stable of the two structures.

STRUCTURE: Companies in a mechanistic organization structure typically hold tight control, over processes and employees; with an iron fist so to speak. Rules are implemented and rarely deviated from while there is also a very clear chain of command to delegate responsibilities and power throughout the organization. Again, it is manufacturing companies that are well known for this type of structure but there are other groups that benefit from mechanistic organization; like universities.

ORGANIC ORGANIZATION DEFINITION: According to BusinessDictionary.com, organic organization is characterized by “[1] Flatness: communications and interactions are horizontal, [2] Low specialization: knowledgeresides wherever it is most useful, and [3] Decentralization: great deal of formal and informal participation in decision making.”

CHARACTERISTICS: Employees are often found working in groups and share input on tasks. There are usually teams that handle one task. Communication is open between employees, managers and executives though they are typically just known as ‘the owner’. There is a greater scale of verbal communication between parties. There is also more face-to-face time within the hierarchy of power.

STRUCTURE: Companies in an organic organization structure typically have a more open communication and contribution to tasks at hand. The structure of the business is more adaptable and flexible to changes. The environment is unpredictable but because of the freedom afforded the employees and management it is better maintained. Good examples of this type of structure would be Google and the coveted positions that lie within the Facebook Corporation. Organic organizations have quickly realized that a happy workplace makes for a happy employee.

Introduction to Mechanistic Organizational Structure

Mechanistic organizational structure refers to the organizational structure with centralized authority and divisions between departments that work independently. The mechanistic organizational structure is characterized by a hierarchical, well-defined, authority, and bureaucratic organizational structure. Hence, the mechanistic organizational structure emphasizes a strict chain of command with fine divisions of labor. It is characterized by a vertically oriented organizational structure and the central power lies with the top management team in the organization. Thus, the mechanistic organizational structure includes a wide span of control.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Mechanistic organizational structure
  • Advantages of Mechanistic organizational structure
  • Disadvantages of Mechanistic organizational structure
  • Exemplification of Mechanistic organizational structure

Advantages of Mechanistic organizational structure

The mechanistic organizational structure is useful to promote clarity in the role of each employee and helps to promote understanding among the employees about the accountability of various tasks. The advantages of the mechanistic organizational structure are discussed as follows-

Stability- The mechanistic organizational structure is relatively stable and helps to promote consistency in the organization. This structure is mainly used by manufacturing organizations as the mechanistic organizational structure helps the organization to maintain clarity in the operation and is useful to comply with various standards and quality requirements.

Low cost- The mechanistic organizational structure can help to ensure cost efficiency as qualified people are appointed at the specialized position which helps in lowering the supervisory cost and promoting organization efficiency.

Communication effectiveness- The mechanistic organizational structure involves a fixed channel of communication where the individual can present their concerns to the immediate managers which can help in dealing with various problems and issues effectively. Hence, the use of mechanistic organizational structure helps to ensure effective management of the organizational operations by promoting employee effectiveness and maintaining clarity in the role of each individual.

Disadvantages of Mechanistic organizational structure

Despite the benefits of mechanistic organizational structure, it also suffers from various limitations which are discussed as follows-

Local viewpoint- The mechanistic organizational structure involves an autocratic style of leadership which limits the input from the non-managerial employees and results in a decline in motivation among the employees. Due to the autocratic style of leadership in the organization and lack of input from the non-managerial employees, it can be difficult to deal with various unforeseen situations due to resistance from the employees.

Workload and employee turnover- The employees working in the organization with the mechanistic organizational structure may face a higher workload due to silos in the organization which can also result in an increase in employee turnover due to lack of autonomy. The employees can face role rigidity in the organization due to hierarchical working.

Limited autonomy- Limited autonomy to the employees in the organization can make it very challenging for the employees to collaborate which can then result in a decline in the creativity of the employees in the organization and thereby a decline in organizational productivity.

Exemplification of Mechanistic organizational structure

The mechanistic organizational structure is suitable for the organization that works in a stable and simple work environment and the managers can integrate various activities through formal channels over the hierarchical layers which helps in the effective management of various organizational operations. An example of an organization that uses the mechanistic organization structure is General Motors. Why does General Motors use the mechanistic organizational structure? The simple answer is that an organization with many people and functions requires a clear hierarchy and order in the organization to effectively manage a large number of people. The other reason for the mechanistic organizational structure is that General Motors works in a simple working environment. Now, you may be thinking that the car market fluctuates with the change in the economy but General Motors focus on building cars and trucks where all the functions generally remain the same across all the divisions which require the organization to adopt the mechanistic organizational structure to effectively manage specialized tasks over the centralized decision-making structure.

The organizational structure of General Motors shows that hierarchical decision-making helps to facilitate clarity in the role of each employee. Moreover, specialization is maintained in the organization with the presence of qualified professionals in managerial roles.

Apr 12,2022

Read time: 8min

What is an example of a mechanistic organization?

General Motors. General Motors is a good example of an organization using the mechanistic model. Why do they use that? For one, they're very large, and when that many people and functions are involved, order is needed.

What are the main differences between mechanistic and organic organizational structures?

Organic vs Mechanistic Structures.

Why mechanistic structure is the best?

Mechanistic organizations enjoy better management because of the formal structure and strict adherence to hierarchy. Usually, the chain of command is strongest at the top, so when team leaders or supervisors assign tasks, employees complete them with less bureaucracy and within deadlines.

Is functional structure mechanistic?

The most mechanistic is the functional organizational structure, with its tall, triangular shape. The mechanistic organization has many workers forming the structure's foundation, grouped into departments by similar activities such as production, marketing and finance. Above them sits their managers.

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