Too many USB devices connected PC

Bob Dijks Posts 2704 Registration date Friday April 3, 2015 Status Administrator Last seen August 30, 2022 324
Jun 4, 2021 at 12:39 PM


As explained in this article, make sure to select the Rebuild Database option. That one won´t delete any of your personal or game data.



Question from Ariel:  I have an HP dv6000t laptop that originally had Windows XP on it.

While my son was in for a weekend visit he installed Linux Mint on it after reading your article about replacing Windows with Linux.

I mainly use this laptop for reading my cooking groups on Facebook and printing the recipes that interest me.

The Linux is working out great but I’m having a problem with the USB ports.

This laptop has three USB ports and I’m using all of them for my printer, a mouse and the 3.5″ external hard drive that he copied my pictures onto.

The printer and mouse work fine but when I plug the hard drive in the laptop instantly freezes up. As soon as I unplug the hard drive the laptop starts working again.

Do you think I’m using too many USB ports? I really need both my printer and my mouse but I need to access the photos on the external hard drive too.

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Rick’s answer: Congrats on making the switch to Linux, Ariel. I believe you’ll be very happy with it in the long run.

To answer your question, the fact that you’re using all of your laptop’s USB ports isn’t what’s causing the problem with the external hard drive. I can tell you that right up front.

USB can support up to 127 devices per controller, and obviously 3 isn’t anywhere near that number.

I believe what’s happening is your laptop’s older USB 2.0 ports aren’t capable of supplying enough current to the 3.5″ external hard drive to properly power it up.

USB 2.0 ports typically only supply a maximum of 500mA of current, and many external 3.5″ hard drives require more than that in order to operate correctly.

You’ll probably need to purchase a powered USB 3.0 hub to connect between the hard drive and the laptop.

When I say “powered hub” I mean a hub that comes with it’s own power adapter that plugs into an electrical outlet to supply power to the hub and all the devices that are connected to it.

These hubs aren’t very expensive at all. In fact, you can probably pick up a good one at your local electronics store for around $20 or so.

If you prefer to shop online, Amazon has a great selection [#ad] of powered USB hubs as well.

After you’ve purchased your hub, simply follow these steps:

1 – Connect the hub to one of your laptop’s USB ports.

2 – Plug the hub’s power adapter into an electrical outlet.

3 – Plug the external hard drive into the hub.

That’s all there is to it. Once everything is connected the hard drive should work just fine.

I hope this helps, Ariel. Good luck!

Bonus tip: You mentioned that you use this laptop mainly for reading Facebook and printing recipes, but Linux is quite capable of doing much more than that.

If you’re interested in seeing what’s available I recommend that you check out this post that lists Linux alternatives for several popular Windows programs.

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hi all,

I need to connect lots of USB devices to my PC.

I have 14 racks of USB's, on each rack i have 14 slots where i connect USB devices. each rack has it's own power supply.

i know that a USB controller can have up to 127 devices connected to it.

Is that mean that if i have 5 USB sockets on my PC's motherboard i can connect 127*5? or the controller is something that sits on the MB and not on each USB socket? [each USB socket has it's own controller?]

does the 127 limit is an OS limit or hardware limit? if i install a windows server, will i be able to connect more devices then if i have windows 7 or 10? does Linux handle USB sockets better? in Linux OS i can connect more USB's?

Is there any solution out there for connecting like 200 USB devices to a single PC?

Thanks guys.

How do I fix too many USB connections?

Fix 1..
Turn off your PS4. ... .
Disconnect all the USB devices from the PS4. ... .
Unplug the power cable. ... .
Turn on your PS4. ... .
Connect your USB Devices to PS4 one by one. ... .
Hold the Power button to turn off PS4 entirely..

How many USB connections can a PC handle?

The 127 devices limitation is valid for one USB root HUB. Only one device can be connected to an USB port, however with a chain of further self-powered HUB's, the total number of devices is 127. No more devices can be addressed through the USB protocol. What happens, if too many devices are connected to a USB hub?

Can multiple USB devices be connected to a computer?

Connecting multiple USB devices to your computer. To use more than one USB device with a single USB port, use a USB hub. Hubs are devices that have multiple USB ports. You connect USB devices to the hub, then connect the hub to your computer.

Is there a limit to the number of USB devices in Windows 10?

Technically you CAN connect up to 255 USB devices to each USB port on your computer. But you can also squeeze 255 clowns into a compact car, but I would not advise doing that. Usually you can run four devices after a single USB port without any issue. [You would, of course, need a USB hub to do that.]

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