The following file does not exist or is not a valid uninstallation log file

Method 1 - You can use the SC tool [Sc.exe] included in the Resource Kit. [included with Windows 7/8]

Open a Command Prompt and enter

sc delete 

Tool help snippet follows:

        SC is a command line program used for communicating with the
        NT Service Controller and services.

delete----------Deletes a service [from the registry].

Method 2 - use delserv

Download and use delserv command line utility. This is a legacy tool developed for Windows 2000. In current Window XP boxes this was superseded by sc described in method 1.

Method 3 - manually delete registry entries [Note that this backfires in Windows 7/8]

Windows services are registered under the following registry key.


Search for the sub-key with the service name under referred key and delete it. [and you might need to restart to remove completely the service from the Services list]

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#4 Manually Remove the Log File

If you still suffering from the “error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified location exists and is writable” problem, you are recommended to manually delete the INSTALL log file from the app’s directory. It is possible that there is already a log file with the proper filename and Windows Installer can’t replace it. So, you receive that warning message.

If this is true for you, you can solve this problem by manually removing the log file. Just go to the installation folder of the target software and search for “install.txt”. Once find it, delete it or move it somewhere else.

#5 Start Windows Installer Service

There is also a chance that your Windows Installer service hasn’t been started. If so, you need to start it.

  1. Open Windows Services app.
  2. Scroll down the right list and find Windows Installer.
  3. Right-click on Windows Installer and select Properties.
  4. In its properties window, click Start > OK to launch the Windows Installer service.

#6 Reregister or Reinstall Windows Installer

Besides, you can try to re-register the Windows Installer program to fix the issue.

Before starting, you need to locate the location of the msiexec.exe file on your PC. Just input %windir%\system32 in the address bar of your file explorer and press Enter. Or, directly go to C:\Windows\System32. Then, you can find the msiexec.exe file in the System32 folder. Therefore, the address of the msiexec.exe file is C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe.

Next, let’s reregister Windows Installer according to this guidance.

1. Open Windows Registry Editor.

2. Move to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msiserver.

3. In the right section, double-click the ImagePath file to edit its value.

4. In the popup, set its value as the location of the above msiexec.exe file and ended with /V. In the example, it is C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /V or %windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /V.

5. Click OK to save the changes and close Registry Editor.

6. Restart your computer into safe mode.

7. Open the Run box.

8. If you are running a 64-bit system, input %windir%\Syswow64\Msiexec /regserverin the Run dialog and press Enter. Otherwise, type msiexec /regserver in the Run box and click OK.

9. Finally, restart your machine to normal mode.

#7 Reinstall Windows Installer

Or, you need to reinstall the Windows Installer app. First of all, run the following commands one by one in the command prompt [CMD].

  • cd %windir%\system32
  • attrib -r -s -h dllcache
  • ren msi.dll msi.old
  • ren msiexec.exe msiexec.old
  • ren msihnd.dll msihnd.old
  • exit

Then, restart your PC, download and install the newest version of the Windows Installer. After installation, you may need to reboot your computer again.

#8 Check and Fix Corrupted Files

Moreover, you can run the System File Checker [SFC] to scan your computer for damaged or missing files. Once detected, it will automatically fix the issue by repairing the corrupted files or re-adding the missing items.

To achieve that, just open a CMD as Administrator, type sfc /scannow, and press Enter key to start the procedure. Then, no further action is needed. It will show you the result after a while.

#9 Fix TMP and TEMP Directories

You might come across the “error opening installation log file windows installer” problem when the “TMP” and “TEMP” directories are different. That will result in Windows Installer writting to TMP while it will try to read from TEMP.

To deal with this situation, you can refer to the values of both directories in the same direction to eliminate the conflict.

  1. Launch an elevated CMD.
  2. Input set TEMP+%tmp% and press Enter.
  3. Then, try to uninstall the target software to see whether the error occurs or not.

#10 Diagnose Windows Memory

What’s more, you can run the Windows Memory Diagnostic app to handle the problem.

  1. Run mdsched in Windows Run to open Windows Memory Diagnostic.
  2. Choose the default recommended option – Restart now and check for problems.
  3. OS will reboot and begin to check for memory problems.
  4. When it finishes, the machine will restart automatically and tell you the result.

#11 Use Third-Party Uninstaller

If none of the above ways have helped you to uninstall the target app or you still get “error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified location exists and is writable” message, the last resort you can do is to take advantage of a 3rd-party program that can assist you to uninstall applications.

Top 5 Free Program Uninstaller Software for Windows 10/8/7

What is the best free program uninstaller? This post lists top 5 free uninstaller software for Windows 10 to help you uninstall programs with no hassle.

Read More

Windows 11 Assistant Software Recommended

The new and powerful Windows 11 will bring you many benefits. At the same time, it will also bring you some unexpected damages such as data loss. Thus, it is strongly recommended that you back up your crucial files before or after upgrading to Win11 with a robust and reliable program like MiniTool ShadowMaker, which will assist you to protect your increasing data automatically on schedules!

Free Download

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About The Author

Helen Follow us

Position: Columnist

Graduate from university in 2014 and step in work as a tech editor the same year. Writings involve mainly in hard disk management and computer data backup and recovery. Through the years of diving deep in computer technology, Helen has successfully helped thousands of users fixed their annoying problems.

Personally, Helen loves poetry, sci-fi movies, sport and travel. And, she believes that all her life is the best arrangement from god.

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