The area of behavioral genetics is providing evidence that Quizlet

1. genetics makes a major contribution to individual differences in attitudes
a. traditionalism: conservative vs liberal views on a wide range of issues
b. measures indicated that this was as heritable a the personality measures but also showed shared environmental influence

2. extends from attitudes to behaviors
a. party identification due mostly to shared environmental influences, intensity of party identification was equally split between genetic and non-shared environmental influences

3. political participation is heritable

4. good example:
a. " an individual doesn't inherit their ideas about fluoridation, royalty, women judges; he learns them from his culture. But his genes may influence which ones he elects to put on his tray. Different cultural institutions [family, church, school, books, tv], like different cafeterias, serve up somewhat different menus, and the choices a person makes will reflect those offered him as well as his own biases"

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Natural selection: the differential reproduction of organisms as a function of heritable traits that influence adaption to the environment.
- differential reduction
- heritable traits
- adaption to the environment.

Random Genetic: the change in allele frequencies over time due to chance and chance alone due most importantly to population size.

Mutation: error in copying the DNA, depends upon they type of cell affected by mutation
and depends upon the amount of DNA which is mutated.
population mating: physical, temporal, anatomical, physiological and behavioral factors that result in nonrandom mating among members of a species.

population mating: physical, temporal anatomical/ physiological and behavioral factors that result in non random mating among members of a species.

Structure: Mate preference occurs when members of one sex prefer to mate with individuals who have certain phenotypes. Evolution occurs when these preferences result in actual differences in fitness. the preferred phenotypes does, infant leave more gene copies than less preferred phenotypes.
Culture: every aspect of ones [human or animal] culture has an impact on human evolution. social and religious attitudes that are a part of culture influence allele frequencies. Feelings and beliefs on population growth, birth control, and abortion are clearly influence reproductive fitness and social religious attitudes. like virtually all behavior, have a moderate heritability. Similarly, social attitudes, about who to marry and who not marry influence mating structure.
Vertical transmission: pass down through generations. [ one to next]
Horizontal Transmission: throughout a generation [members of the same]

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What do behavioral geneticists study quizlet?

BEHAVIORAL GENETICS: the scientific study of how genotype interacts with environment to determine behavioral attributes such as intelligence, personality and mental health. GENOTYPE: the genetic endowment that an individual inherits.

Which of the following individuals is known for cognitive development of children?

Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist and genetic epistemologist. He is most famously known for his theory of cognitive development that looked at how children develop intellectually throughout the course of childhood.

What is the term for an individual's basic disposition which is evident from infancy and primarily based on nature?

Temperament is basically the childhood equivalent of personality, although there is more emphasis in the temperament literature on constitutional predisposition and genetic and biological factors. The modern study of child temperament began with the New York Longitudinal Study of Chess and Thomas [1984].

Which of the following would a behaviorist agree to study?

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