Stop apps muting music

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Eric Theisen
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How to disable sounds for ads in a specific game or set of games only?
Within each game app there are options to turn off the sound which I have done on most if not all. My master media volume has to be up for me to listen to music and other media related tasks on my phone. However when in the game there is no sound with it all disabled which is exactly what.I want. The problem happens when the same app I have turned off sounds in the game app however still pops up an ad every 10 or so minutes and the ad is loud because my media volume setting is loud from the legit use other content. So how is there a way I can set the media to one volume but stop intrusive things from using that same volume?
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Nikhil Rastogi
A Pixel and Android fan!
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Hi Eric,
I found this app which might be able to do what you want. Other than this, what you want can't be accomplished without rooting your phone and running some commands from your PC. Should you choose to go down that route, you will need to get help from forums oriented for that type of questions, such as XDA. We here don't encourage rooting, as it can damage your phone to the point where it can become unusable.
Please send feedback via Settings app on your phone to let the development team know your thoughts on this.
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Eric Theisen
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Brian Hole
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I have the same issue. I hope the OS's in the future force ads to inherit sound settings from the app it has been invoked from. It is unacceptable to have to yank your ear buds off because because some advertisement feels it necessary to blast the loudest volume they can get while disregarding your settings within the app.
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Eric Theisen
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Matt B 125
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Simple fix... run your music app before you open your game. Now it wont stop the add sound but it wont stop your music
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Eric Theisen
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No offense at all, but isnt this an oxymoron? "Now it wont stop the add sound but it wont stop your music", in the sense that you mention that it won't stop the ad sound on the one hand yet you at the same time say it won't stop the music?

Thanks so much.
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Eric Theisen
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Christos Papagiannidis
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Google already provides this option to developers// they are not respected by the application developers for the ads section. If they do respect that as Google documentation mentions at the bottom 'Note', there will not display ads from the whole available pool which might lead to less income.

You must complain to the application developers.
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Eric Theisen
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Lauren Reese
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It actually sounds like complaining to Google is the right move. This shouldn't be optional, it should be mandatory. If an app requires that I leave app sound enabled so it can play ads that's one thing, but don't pretend to be muted if your app is going to blast me every time an ad comes up.
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Eric Theisen
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User 16423135174778922490
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I'm actually considering installing some kind of ad blocking because of this...

I understand that ads are important for a developer to monetize his or her work. But non-muted ads get really annoying...
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Eric Theisen
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Mary Frances Ray
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I know you all say ads help you but we pay for our phones to use not to see ads I just can't see the fairness in this at all and then if we want to get rid of them we have to pay?
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Eric Theisen
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Dan Waddington
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It's not the ads themselves that are the issue, it's the blaring sound /music attached to the ad that overwrites hardware settings that is the problem!!!
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Eric Theisen
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Manda 2163
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Agreed!!!! I dont mind the ads themselves as they do have to have the income [to the poster about how we pay for phones....yes phones not the games] but the sound is awful!! Let me watch the ad muted at least! Some games are getting so bad [word villas] that you have an ad after passing every second level to collect your winnings
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Eric Theisen
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User 7834692779303036616
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@Nikhil Rastogiyou saved my life with that app mention. No more panic attacks and migraines due to loud ads. THANKYOU a million
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Eric Theisen
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Nikhil Rastogi
A Pixel and Android fan!
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I'm glad I could help, you're very welcome!
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Eric Theisen
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User 10732637002264726149
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@Nikhil Rastogi- just want to add to the thank you! for the app- I installed it earlier today and already its been SO useful!
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Eric Theisen
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