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    FOURTH we a twenty e 1$01— 1810. FIFTH n os twenty = 18 s5—18197 SIXTH ‘ as twenty = 132 53— 1824. SEVENTH s < twenty-one a 1830-- 1842. EIGHTH = ra twenty-two is 1353— 1860. NINTH a a twenty-five re 3875 —1889. TENTH ws nioth edition and eleven supplementary volumes, 1902— 1905 BLEVENTH « published in twenty-nine volumes, 1910—1981. THE ENCYCLOPADIA..-BRITANNICA A DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, LITERATURE AND GENERAL INFORMATION ELEVENTH EDITION VOLUME XXIX INDEX NEW YORK THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA COMPANY 1911 RFA $0,232 [29] TE 3S FOGG ART MUSEUM HARVARD UNIVERSITY a Sets INDEX VOLUME XxXIx PREFACE T may, perhaps, appear at first sight that an encyclopedia arranged in alphabetical order should need no Index volume, more especially a work like the Eleventh Edition of the Excyclopadta Britannica, which has replaced the comprehensive general, or “ omnibus,” articles, so char- acteristic of the earlier editions, by a number of shorter articles easily consulted by the student. But it still remains true that to make the fullest and best use of the book an index of some kind is imperatively needed. Since any encyclopedia worthy of the name must take all knowledge for its province, it is obvious that the world itself would scarcely contain the volumes which Need fer on would have to be written, were every person, place or thing treated in a separate ‘sex. article. Moreover, the distribution of information over a number of short articles involves the necessity of collecting it together again in a form convenient for reference. To meet this need, as well as to point the reader to information on other subjects, not themselves included among the 40,000 article headings of the Eleventh Edition, an Index has been compiled, which, though containing considerably more than 500,000 headings, even so only aims at presenting a selection, mot a miscellany, of information. If every name mentioned, however casually, in the Encyclopedia Britannia and every scrap of information had been indexed, the references would have filled a library. Indeed the Eucyclopedia Britannica itself would have been rewritten, and not bettered in the process. The editors of this Index believe that in the case of such a work as the Eucyclopedia Britannica the value of the Index depends less upon exhaustiveness than upon intelligent selection and arrangement. There is no more potent cause of mental indigestion than amass _ Priaciple of of unsifted and often irrelevant detail. If economy of space is required ina reference

    e index.

    book, there is a still more ungent demand on the part of the inquirer for economy of effort. In the case of any one of the great figures of history, or the leading scientific theories, a reader does not want to be referred to every passing allusion to Julius Caesar, or Napoleon, or Bismarck. The article on Augustus says that he was born in the year of Cicero's consulship, but to record that fact in the Index under the heading “Cicero” would be neither intelligent nor useful. Nor would the reader who wishes to get a clear idea of the Darwinian theories be grateful to an index which ceferred him to every passage containing the word “evolution.” In short, the Concordance-index has been studiously avoided. The ideal has rather been to sender easily accessible all information of real importance in the book, and rigorously to exclude passing allusions to subjects which are more fully treated elsewhere. To help the reader to find v a vi PREFACE what he wants in the quickest and easiest way has been the guiding principle throughout. It is, for instance, scarcely necessary to enumerate the different holders of a title such as the Concordance eatidom of Derby, when the majority of them are dealt with only in the article ideal avoided. =“ Derby, Earls of.” In all such cases the one general reference to the article has been allowed to cover all the particular references to individual earls; but if important references to these individuals occur in other articles, such as the article “ English History,” they will be found in the Index under the name of the earl in question. No index can divine every difficulty in advance or forestall every objection. There are many words, more or less synonymous, which might equally well be chosen as index headings. Is Selection of “Arboriculture” or ‘“ Forestry” to be taken as the heading under which to group headings. foresters’ lore? Is theology and legend about the prince of darkness to be indicated under the heading “Satan” or “ Devil’? Here the work of the compilers of the Index has been to a great extent simplified by the necessity of following the article headings, which all appear in the Index, standing out boldly in capital letters. There are articles on both “ Arboriculture” and “ Forests and Forestry.” The Index gives one reference to the first, adding a cross-reference “see a/so Forests and Forestry,” and under this heading groups all further information on the subject. Similarly under “Satan” we find ‘see Devil,” and the first reference under “ Devil” is to the article so entitled. The aim of the Index is, in fact, twofold. In the first place it seeks to distribute under a still larger number of headings the information which the editor has distributed over 40,000 headings in the book, The measure of success attained may be estimated by the fact that these headings total over 500,000, every one of which is, as it were, the skeleton of an encyclopzedic article. Even a single textual reference and a map-reference to a town not important enough to call for a separate article enable the reader to find its geographical position, its accessi- bility by rail, sea, river or canal, its distance from other towns, and its commercial, historical or other principal interest. In the second place the Index seeks to group round each of the 40,000 article headings all other important references to the same subject found in other parts of the book. It is important, however, to notice that in all such cases the first reference given is the reference to the article itself, and that references to the same subject from other articles will be naturally fewer in proportion to the amount of detail contained in that article. Hence the absence of any specific reference in the Index to any special event in a man's life, or to one particular aspect of a well-known theory, does not imply that the information is not in the book, but merely that it is so fully dealt with in the article itself that other references would add no substantial information. On the other hand, in the case of very large articles such as those on Egypt, England or the United States, the Index will be found to contain further references to special sections of the article Arrangement itself. This is especially noticeable when it has been necessary to collect together of references. information germane to such sections from other articles. The best example of this principle is to be found in the history sections of the Index under the names of all the larger countries. The Index has throughout steadfastly avoided the common fault of supplying merely a long list of entries without specific description. Such entries—technically called “blind "—have been limited to four at the outside. Those which will be found standing at the head of a group of specified entries are to passages giving general information. Thus, if a commander has an article heading, the first entry directs the inquirer to that article; the second perhaps to a passage describing his importance in the history of the country to which he bélonged; the third to an article on the military aspects of the war in which he fought. Specified entries thereafter will refer to particular battles described in and by themselves from the tactical standpoint. All such entries, Tweofold aim. PREFACE vil however, are admitted only if they lead to material information not in the artide on the commander himself. This has been the first economy. The setond has been effected by the shortness of the for of reference adopted. It is a moot point how far an index shauld itself convey information. Is every individual to have a‘date and a description attached to his name? If he has, he will occupy two lines, where one will do; if he has not, he may get confused with a place or a thing, or with another person of the same name. To obviate this catastrophe Christian names Fora: of or initials are given wherever possible, and in their absence a short description, ¢. refeseances. “author,” “general,” " vizier,” “Persian governor.” Geographical references can be recognized as such by the fact that every town name is followed by an abbreviation indicating the country in which it is situated, whilst physical features such as lake, river, mountain are so described. Now and again, no doubt, confusion is possible; every index has its humours, and at first sight the cryptic form “ Folk, O. 20-26 [H-14]” may not suggest a town in Ohio. But the initiated, who have consulted the list of abbreviations on ‘p. 1, will know that on p. 26 in vol. 20 they will find that place in the map square [H-I4]. In the case of references which are neither to persons nor to places, a description is seldom given, the assumption being that the man who consults an index knows what he is looking for and is capable of recognising it when he sees it. But in the case of names very similar to each other, or of terms used in more than one science, such distinguishing marks as * geol.”, “bot.” or “zool.” are added in parentheses. In a word, the principle has been to avoid

    any possible confusion. The system of alphabetization adopted is that of the Excyrlopzdia itself, which takes every heading, whether consisting of one word or of more than one, as read right through. For example,

    *Ant” comes before “Antae,” but ‘ Ant-bear” between “Antarctic” and ‘“‘Ant- ,iphedetize- eater.” Some slight modifications have, however, been introduced. In the case of ‘oa persons bearing the same first name, but with various distinguishing epithets or phrases which, if read right through, would cause them to be separated by intervening blocks of geographical or other references, these suffixes have been enclosed in brackets, so that all persons bearing the names Albert, Alfonso, Alexander, John, William, &c., worthy of reference in the Index, stand in. a continuous list. These lists are then alphabetized by the suffix or territorial designation, Where the number of such persons is very great the territorial magnates are placed in one list arranged thus :— Alexander [of Macedon] — [of Russia] — [of Scotland] and the scholars, bishops, chroniclers, &c., in another list, as— Alexander [Aetolus] — [of Hales] — [the Paphlagonian]. The system adopted for the geographical references has already been indicated. It will be found that the very .numerous maps have been systematically indexed throughout, and that every place marked in them appears in the Index, these map references being Map relere readily distinguishable by the addition of letter and number in brackets, indicating ences. map squares, ¢.g. §-403 [A2]. The Index is, therefore, not only an index, but also a gazetteer. The numerous illustrations, whether Plates or Cuts in the text, received careful consideration, As economy of space was throughout an urgent necessity, it was finally decided not to index the dlustration as such where it appears in its natural context, or where there is a reference to vill PREFACE the description in the text. For instance, the article “Carp,” about a column in length, contains an illustration. “It did not appear necessary to duplicate the reference to “Carp” in the Index, so as to indicate this figure. But if the figure had appeared elsewhere [e.g. in the article “‘ Ichthyology”], the Index would have added to its references under “Carp” a reference to the volume and page where this figure occurred, with the contraction “ fig,” after the reference. The reference is always specifically given, if the figure is not described in the text. The Plates illustrating long articles such as Painting, Sculpture, Greek Art, Ceramics, Heraldry, Ship, &c., are indexed wherever there is no text reference, and wherever the Plate itself has a sufficiently distinctive title. Little would be gained by directing a man to such illustrations as ‘ Faience plaque, Cnossus" under that title; but he can be directed undef the name “Cnossus” to illustrations of articles found there. Or if he is interested in the works of a particular sculptor, the Index will assist him more by a reference under that sculptor’s name to the Plates of his works in the article “Sculpture,” than by specific references to the names of works known only to experts. On the other hand, pictures, statues or other objects of interest bearing well-known distinctive names are separately indexed with their Plate references. One other class of references calls for special notice. It has been the aim of the Eleventh Edition of the Eucyclopedia Britannica to assist readers in the interpretation of technical or unusual Dictloaary terms, To this end the editor has included a number of dictionary headings, tc. headings. short articles giving the derivation, meaning and various uses of such terms. These article headings appear as a matter of course in the Index, but a much greater number of terms, English and foreign, defined in the course of the scientific, philosophical and other articles have also been indexed. To such references the word “dict.” is added by way of an indication that the information to be found will be of a dictionary rather than of an encyclopzdic character. The value of any index depends to a large extent on the fulness of its cross-references. This Index has tried to supply a reasonable number of variants to names which a reader may look for Cross« under more than one spelling. It has also indicated the relationship between family _ Feferences. names and titles, by cross-referencing the first to the second. Under such geo- graphical ‘prefixes as “North,” “South,” “High,” “Low,” “Great,” “Lite,” a general cross- reference indicates that such names are as a rule to be found reversed, e.g. ‘ Wycombe, High,” except in American place-names, and a few other special cases. It should be observed that the simple cross-reference [‘Julius Caesar: see Caesar"] is used only when the two sides of the reference are exactly equivalent. Other cross-references [e.g. a single peer to the family title] are in the form “see also” or ‘see under.” An entirely new feature has been added to the Index volume of this edition for the use of those desiring to study subjects as a whole. At the conclusion of the Index proper there will be found a Classified table Classified table of contents, in which the article headings in the Encyclopedia are of contents. grouped broadly according to their subjects, e.g. Geography, History, Religion, Art, and subdivided into their natural sections [eg. Art into Painting, Sculpture, Music, Architecture]. In all cases the biographical articles will be found together with the appropriate subject headings. A fuller account of the system adopted is prefixed to the table itself. At the end of the volume is appended a complete alphabetized list of the contributors of signed List of articles, the principal articles being specified. This supplements the special lists contributors. = refixed to each of the twenty-eight volumes, where biographical information about the contributors is given. JANET E. HOGARTH.
  • MALCOLM MITCHELL, lHlastratioas. Lonpon, May 5, 1933. RULES AND ABBREVIATIONS L Type.—Headings printed in bold Clarendon type [e.g. ALEPPO] represent article headings in the Encydopadia, and the first reference under every such heading is to the article in All references show [1] the volume in bold Clarendon figures ; [2] the page in light face type; [3] the exact quarter of the page by means of the letters a, b, c, d, signifying respectively tha Mages and looal halves of che Gris and: seceaid cabin, ag. A [letter] t-la. In geographical references these letters are replaced by an indication of the map square in the usual form, eg." [B4].” Arule or dash [—] denotes the repetition of the preceding head- ing, or of its first separate word. Hyphened words are treated as single words. Headings in italic type denote books, news- papers, or periodicals. Quotation marks are used for pictures, ships, statues, race horses and separate poems or musical compositions. Ul. Alphabetization. — All titles, whether consisting of a single word or of more than one, and if of more, whether hyphened or not, are treated for the purpose of alphabetization as single complete headings. In the majority of cases the same tule applies to inverted headings. Sumames followed by Chris- tan names and geographical headings like ‘“‘ Wycombe, High ” are exceptions. An epithet or phrase in parentheses is not treated as part of the heading for alphabetical purposes except in series of identical headings [see Preface, p. vii.]. Where the same name denotes human beings, places and objects, the order is [1] persons, [2] places, [3] things. The prefixes “ Mc "t and “Mm ” are are alphabetized as “Mac”; “St” is treated as “ Saint,” “SS.” as “ Saints.” Ill. Geographieal Headings.— The names of towns and villages are followed by the abbreviation for the country to which they belong. For this purpose English counties and the atates of the United States rank as countries. All other topo- graphical headings are described as “riv.,” “mt.,” &. In cases like “ Big Mountain,” “ Big River,” denoting physical features the arrangement is Big, mt. —, tiv. Sach a heading as “ Big Mountain, Utah” would therefore denote a town, not a mountain. In the names of American counties, ¢.g. Madison Co., the word Co. is treated as part of the heading. IV. Abbreviations. —— The following list includes general contractions adopted for the purpose of this Index. The contractions usual in special branches of knowledge are in- cluded in the Index itself and in the article Abbreviation [vol. i. page 27]. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Aby. Abynatala Babyt. Babytoala Cape Oni, Cape Coloay Ace 4, Aegean Sea Beh. Cause. Coeacasia or Oannagus aL Africa Bal. Baluchistan Cor. Ceylon Ate. Afghanistan Bal. Ie. Balearic Islands chan. obannel AI. Row, Romen Africa Besa, Chan. Ie. Channel Ieleads agrth egrivultasp Bav. Bavaria ches. cheraistry Ala. Alsbems B.C. British Columbia Cues, Cheshive 4Rean. Albeaia Bech, Bechuanaland Cal. Calle ae. Algerta Beds. Bedfordshire ehroe. chroaolegy Abk. Alaska Bel.Cong. Belgien Congo [incleding eo. county Als -Lar, A leaco- Loraine Conge Free State] Colo, Coloredo Ala. Alberta Belg. Beigi Colom. Colombia onnt. asatomy Ber. Berraudas Cosa. Connections Aad ta Andaman Islands Berka, Berkshire Corn. Oornwal Ang. Angola bibl. bibles] Core. Corsica Antarc, South Polar Regions bigh binlogy O.R. Costa Rica Aamh, Arabia Bal. Boj Croat.Stav. Croatie Slaveaia asch. architesture Bor. Bornso oryetal. erchan, archacology Bosa. Boenis Ca, Cube aoa, archipelago bot. botany Cumb. Camberiand Aree. North Polar Regions Bras. Bresdl C.Verd.Is. Cape Verde Isisads Asg. Argentina Br. B. af. Britiah East Afrien a doughter ava, Ariaces Beit. Britain Deh. Dahomey Ark. Arkansas Brit.Gal, British Guians Deka. Dalmatia ara. Artmecolsa Buoks, B D.C. Cotambie, Distries of Ash. Ashanti Bulg. Buigaria Del. Delaware Ada M. Asia Minor Bar. Burma Dea. Deemark Aotn. Asinidola CAL Central Africa dept. depertment otrve. astronomy Cal Dev. Devonshire Atha, Athabasca C.AB. Centre] America D.Ga. Deteh Guigae 48.0, Atlantio Camba, dict. dictionnry heading 4a Auctrie [incleding Bobensia] Camer. Camereon dist. district Suetr. A Can. div. éivisiea: a &zores Caa.Is. Cusary Isleade D.N.Gaia. Detsh Mow Guinss a


cuginecring Epirus Kritroa Kasex eatuary othnology Europe Falkland Islandea Sinland Florida Formoss France French Gulana Freoch ludo-Chioa French West Africa Goorgia Gambia Keography guology Gormabpy German Kast Africa German S.W. Africa GlouccatershIro Gold Coast government Greeco Orvontand Hungary Huntlagdonshire Island Jowa Iceland Idaho Illinois Todiana Todian Ocean Islo of Man Ircland Islands bland islands isthmus Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Java Kansas Korea Kentucky Louisiana Labrador Laccadive Jelands Lagoa Lancashire Loicestersbire Liberia Libyan Desert Lincolnshire literature London Luxemburg Lycia married LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS North Dakote North-East Afrloa Nebraska Nevada Newfoundlaad New Mexico Norfolk Northamptonshire Northamberland Nottinghamshire Nova Scotia New South Wales physiology ty pog. Transvaal Transylvaois Tripolt Tuniala Turkey Turkey io Ania Turkestan typography Uganda INDEX TO THE ENCYCLOPADIA BRITANNICA ELEVENTH EDITION A To make fall use of this Index it is essential to read the instructions given oa Page I. Aamna, el, Nor, 10-800 [Ct]. | Amen, Nor. 19-804 cE]. ao 6-30 :| are lake, Sook: oe Aven,| r ry L, dine 1-1 ai ] Bad? as ee a0e. Si seat. tParth. Am AA, fir, {decivation] 1-20. is ta’ = ri. fr. ia eal 23 iene 18-817. bi Aanstad, Nor, 12-8670. it iz id=] Aagpies, riv., SAfr, 2t- 2g, rs Be | Aa, riv., Ger, 11-805 [11, & As], viv. Holl.] AAR AB [Aare] rv aes. isda; sian As], civ, Holl. 13+] AARAU, Iq 3-20; 20240 $ [rs. EZ [ET] Aarberg, Swite. Be-347 emerwdide Aa} Hr. Hal. a ibe 14. ee Aarburg, Swite. 26-242 ei: i He RTS deez snk Wi Bergenhus] 19- mt [Livowta\S-072] “hoe [ba]” a Bik wid. of Dving 36-] —, a [Stavanger] 10-804 —, ot - of Amr] Mor, 1-50 Sia [K2]; I-da. [a] bey Ft Ae], Fiv,, Borin, 17- are Hall, 13-588 A0: te. Beiia [Selerys] Be ARRD-VARK 1-36 ; ll a VN" Sertta, [Unterwalden]|] rondo nd 15-7 O30. sig [3]. AAHD-WOLF 4-Jc, a» Bwrits. [Zorich] BG-242 | canal, Gwite. Lhe OM aie om red ee : or Agr. Cari + Emil tartare 7. 7. 700e t ferrin Lion ji7%] 1-ad, Since: wiven en oe Alaice 22- — Ober, Bwitk: wo Ober Den. 1-34; &-3i Aarlaen, Meter t a Aarvaag, Nor. 49-504 [ ain] jm Nor. I-Agi [D3]; i AASEN, WAR i-id; 28-8160; Ansara Noe, 28-400 [Ha, ee a { mtile} 17-7028. Ire. D4=T dd [AL Admob, sm Nor 18-808 he —, fit. Nor. 18-804 Aastfjord, Nor. 19-40] [CT i; Li riv., Den.

24 [HL]

Aasvogel &-£30c. Asioontialg 7-210 Aath, Pelg, + a Ath. AH. fabbrewv.] i AB [month] I-50; @-215d. inetromenh] Dada, = fe ludti] = Teh, — [oe] 2 ABABDA, Ube 1-s0s nde; A Talla tribe 2-Ti2n. Ababwn, trilwe @-924e. Manila 1]; “ee Ue x ON 8 [rob ] dbo ; B-d05b; H-Z100. bat Ey cen aa ite; fires] ABADDON i-th. a-adid, ABADEH, lers. 1~6b; 24-188 Achmet one Amacie —, county, Den. 8-2]b. [BY]; climate Zi-]9ib. dak 2- ' nes Asses eee Arie. i Ahad Thid, dist, | i- ' rh t oe : 7: aligl Fer gk Pale = 5 = E ay ib; 8-7i Coemecration 18-3160; Abadie, Pool Bdtd; 2-d34b. [BI]: at ey howd 16-]]7b; red 1-Tlécr, | Abadsikh, tribe 18-3140 — der, fe oA], b. Ashor 23-17 1d; BASS. ‘Asks M. 16-407, — 00, Des. g-24 : & zat Joseph 13-17 te. ABAE [Alai], Gr. 1-6; 22-440 BC | cline tn Bic. — {of Lanootn] 1G-Ti2a; 26+] | [12]; a6-407. =; ae sats “Geer aede st t ALDDLESLOWS, 409; &-O5b. omen | Aad Attcal ‘Rabon 3 aah, bond wits. 26-707 [Sy j & rn tome] Ab eS ' oar Cah os sbhee. rolling machine Z8- ABD-UL-AZIZ. an 7 Abdul Sas Sat 38 ea pdaomge” [Mery t 17-50, 348t. ‘ a, : &- -Sahal-Gh a EVIATION 1-378: In- ila; 4 ib. Abdal Wahab d a1 2h. 1-[7b; 1617 %e: sido [han poriplions 28-S21b ¢ meanu-| — Ay Abgalwebhad tp a o- saat efiticlam 28601, [a. : . Muara 6-34. deed. a pt S00e;] A Li wAfin. we Abbas] Alwlul Wahid IT: ove Trash T, men, ches.] TT. wall-painting 20-] Ab Tomas 2207010. ol. Abculwentd [Arahiap ahoter]] Abenner king] 3 : Abbywilie, . ib-t54 [D5], i, Abo-Bekr, ie abies t iad A.B.0, aa A > = Abd -Ul-Gaas Banas 41576 Aba. “a-Wabid, trite: ae Zel-] A 2s, poels _[sapenam ron- we Neaih. A doy dish, Mor 48-851 [C2];| Abd ul Hakk de-aseh, AGA cul Weabld Ret Matihtiwt * Ad, Pav. 1-104; id. 17 [as]. a : 18-8520. Abd ul Halim i8-A60b. AsT1Sd ee [Ca] battle pinoy] lid; clo ee se at a feel 18-8440. —sl Halim Sherer: me] Abdor ps b [Bhan of Kho- 1-424. a a jo: guteottment ¥ t Phare, kand dieratrarrtind t Am. B-2790, P-1021e. See lajic, mts 25-510] ABD-UL-HAMID I. 4- 7-] Abdur [Aladostani arg {rue Monasticiam. Aen: DY 71008. 453d; naval policy 27-4200. author umn] 1d 5 on,

a: a ee ee For Key to Contractions, efc., see Page 1. Digitized by Google To make fall ase of this Index it is exsential te read the Jastructions given oh Page I. ABBAS-ABRA es $- av Acliag, | AE LIANUS TACTICUS oB5Na, Aclia D'etita [aittjuremn] Bae, clio Sentie, lem BBS6oq Zab; 18-1 LANES, ie-i¢ 15]; battle [241 bc.] 22. Pe +k ee Shc. erar, a-3354d;] —, Gr. [achaiay 12-410 [D2] ; 22-1690 | —, Or. [Ruboen] 12-440 [2]. 41d, @-631e: Indecen — ar. ee 5 3 ee Syl wm. : oe ole 19-053¢: how Z2-300h, 11-] A e threp, battle [455]] A ” ineialy Fo 268d. bisa, 19-480; Mike. to Athens Bll: Nee le aria ts ethic tae oren “lite; te : zid. Be-Gild [he], 42-401 — yet, a. oir. Pa [E35]; 2 A ison.] a-1666. horinn i wa Sate def5he; mnadiotaa sis-ash: ceed Lab LI hice Adversaria [liw ali Sion a-44te Fe ee i rn ae | i ram Ce Ad c Ineulos, Mor, : mee adsugen, F e-a0Ad, Al A sper veteTem, dist, Rome] Adu, % ee Adow, H Ad ria Auaaedy ol. 43-484 [Dt]. Aduatial Eriko ; an A a ahi of 1 Apfacon: oe Piriarcos, 19-061, Admdicidm, cainnp, Adleeraomeonte | Acton, Mare, Gr: ser] Acrinetad marbles 1f-Ad, 25-02 0m, 139d. ' Ael 1207T DFI8b, a ae a seals B= foBes \ iad ZS-| Aclium, Minesia: =r Eostelate Aduatooa, Ganl, 4-0 18 — Statnia FF Lodi. A im, m., Or, [Pahopan- deSh: BE] 4s — Carnuptunm, laumgtla: ae Oifariias Oot $1 aera | eae ect baste, | Aven tinrectin tail | Gur sasy ae Verne 1 ee | ‘ | a il i] -— Fa Aen iie “i [sf Adufe + pt oharon, Aout fale, Jk, oer Aegealian iden dae 14 [eet a, Adiabe. Le Bewitz. i- he Farmrre in 1 5 — Meare! a Aleiris, Sofas. . Op. 38 2-140 [CUP: we ales Kolalin Arginupsis tahoe: I4-156d. For Key to sa etc., see Page I. Digitized by Google Avliin, Pulla [Newemailey @ Pe To make full use of this Index it is essential to read the lustructions given on Page 1, 9-100; A Vara ns rapes “as ey - Nerve tm th al] Gal]: ae PR iain 1d FE, — fnelam puis : ne | —peterel: mow Palin. Ae ep orale 3-07 te; Dei Ta: av- | Aevyoraithers-37ta 36 Forwitilioroaes 20-2456. Fy Tons Son. E Ul {Acauioet iaiceli, Uvibe and ti 1-735d; 15-26 [Da, £3-5 lic, 23-6020. 3 5

  • Ih 44 Dortona] eta Fultoum,. Te 415-26

    A, Ls {ie Pia- ij 2- im — stianer Ah Cire re: ser Antowna., MILIUS, PAULUS f-0570. ' G-2]d ; B-24 [Ca], ern ais 10-51; a- 2] Ga ; oe pe see ard Cap; Ga weden: “Rene Aerink] obi ‘4 icy: a [araaeme Astielal 10- o7od, ererns, 1 1 Ww t Somme tik. mn Eee Ae :! Arabs aes eee ee ee ae awh, » twits, [Masot] 2e-242 i—Awile, [Loon 242 stan, [ ] B-24 27 le: h aeneoenk o-0 be sates YLUS 1- ore 12-5118; dramatic orl @-dape: Bopbe rene BS-d Poa, Adechy tanthad 18-297a, Ate piite Bi 101 Te Acatateat O-1 1%. | A Pirenlie | Bo ite. bi else : a7 ied? bis gett: mele! ie 190, sedans eae! ‘ Aeron, tiv. a = 8-494 [¥. i-| Aehyoomene 26-240; 26-] MWe rit , Atiea: thetheant ABSCULAPIVG 1-260:

    4] a34a-

    s J aw] as JEP ha! . Hore Pen Uipige], etaat mac tt meth i-29007 B- Wie. | feen abiste aeaaad? or ee oe fat Atrtncen bein] 26-7840, Angruictin T-B08A; 28-3430 ;] — 1. [ot Wemex] 4~t00b.: Be SS hie 1-274, Z2-58l0, Gal Acthilla 22-474 Ua | ry 2O-LOGld 5] Activingen : 2 Eine aher ES-[ 25a. > at Etl~ Sond, dike aeeate tr i fri a é p fighetores 1. : AESTIVATION [| bat} 208 : ot Piaf] [monk] T-is Pes cerry ae Aviat tAct, y be u-b9d. eth Cyn : Aetinge® bot onmmolag Arwore, | eee CTrtem, Aathethiey iio wehaest ioih ! ane Ade- ZTHELBA an e a nt teres alte | ares [ioe ‘in he ae | pert lonapiet eee ; ie - ly 2 Aetna air] g mo | ik vw paieet, as 2-388 i. dia yi th 0 Us]. albare iqvega of Riwin] ation Gr, BBB. ... G-Teot; OTe; 98-Tigc. Ath Bieabeh 3 uvetberht Jol Kasi ‘Argtia] , B-4i7d; 4 : i zee, A bt, Ov. 2 uty | . : i : events shin Tr] riged Tb; 5 wat: +30 Went ise, 2 faa cca as - ov ole A ages ani AL aelT, aunt s ov, Ire, bakile [ion] @. — aoa, Tre. a4. an | Alegre Ctrtiw a c10e.

    mies” Ad: “Kartal aw? f ikon tneych.] 22009 . 11-8050, or l-H0Sb. Seale Ainvospatte we Slmian sal. Asterdeon Woll. 03-588 [05 alse 440d, Toe es m arbiDavit -J0bb B-17 20, fitllated ceotees 5 TION a } a-Si ; Ta : ‘s- elves. r rg ah ie: 4, ie ] ileal fi-S0da; ds 1346; 8-100e. ; pee A Port. 2a-590 tA2]. — [of Perda; 1400] Bi-Pto,, riv,, Sp. 25-590 [U0]; Be — Tre. 24-Tan [Ca]. | — lof Porsia: 1909] 2t-240d. bed, AMASU US [king] i-

    2iin; Salimiya rebel] @-1116,

    Agarre, I, de ta TL Et 87 firet exhibition eld by 10: = {Sered Arnir rpc = DAL, u, Li, a Git: ie. a — I. [ot rie 2d. he, —iname of Wandering Jew]! — leg [of ] B-8cita, 1.Cardin 7, B.,tergula d"] 26-36 — T. [Tur Bulan] L-d3th , yok] b. Ahat Keal, Acta Mf. 21-344, a7 iba: »irety ‘will
  • COM BD 1-i27d; ABaUTe, WZ, 19-004 ae Franre O7h. 10-84Gb 5 24-1294. Abaus, [er. 24-508 [Ad], — JE fFeakit Sultan] i-dble ; ane ort, 25-80 [.A-TH4], Alara, Terk As. £ ore Lit. | gulds [Wadal chiels] 2-385, Aber aniye ¢- 300 ' —IHtL [Tarkish Sulian] 41- aul at, eee Ly , Be[36] AHAZ dd0a; 7-Tado; 15+ 43les 2ir-$4 vi ds 20498 Da]; DTT. Hila T= aj silos il, Baiv, ais AHAZIAH [king of Tarnel] 14 €[D-K6]; orebilocture —, pl. Poh. 22-1367 A]. dibe ; DAin, ik, 4-43 [Tiate], 184 —, pt. Sp. 25=530 Fs]. —iking of Judah] 1-400b; 3+ ote. carr wor : Gout F Mi ye abd [tiervish order] B-T04. ilk ~ 5 eee Sta | AH —, lin i of me re alk joa ure el dota, 0. Fo de. Fa agg = a ith Ahmed Abdali; me ALmad —, GRACE 1-i The, cit lake, Duh. 11-300 [015], Fhah [ nih —, Martin 20-247d. = All ia] B=] 2d. AGU [de In Prowtera], . Domities] — Are hy fee Arabi Pasha.
  • t=bibo + BS-050 [Ca], yy Bu. 27. ls — S8-Ate.,

    —, Cola. 612 [FH]. ITIUS [tribune}] — Abdallah bb Maian Tex. ze-boo ergy, | hoe so.] aegan., B-3sic, 2-1500. de ‘17-7044 j 27-8480; ag At il te dia, apt. Mares i- Colon. prone]. A ae Ac. £5 sal sa: Almnadpar, [37 Bc bee it da. “DOMITIUS +k ot aires Surte. co; 2-. L'bé MITIUS [consul a BS] er, [14 me] 4- a se Bhan + bomithu. [a.m, BT-GS] : “ee Abertom, rly vatre, 14-744 [C4]. Ant [ay } ie 138a 30d ; 21-10da: Aliichchbattea, India: see Ad- ita, Abijeh [ligt parieat je are Ah le lacii. —iprophet] 15-81 Aitkne legend] t-lita; 26- FW tadlom of 26-104% Alimaar [bibl.] 1-730, march esl] d-Gie. ANinee [Hinds iii] i3- Aine ol FaBSSh, See ie Cer We Ahi fur, mui Tersity L481 i, 24-dida. =, inibes Fi 01a. ~ Alaberia “ [ahip] B-$07h, Alabama City, Ain 2-400 [1p — Port, Ala. f-000 1.4.5]. “ALABAMA ARDITHA TION 1-164e; 27-Tiga; 2T-Tisa z 1O- adi], Alshareh [Mie] 2-7OG4: Boe diya Alletash ke rewion, Tima. g logy 20-313 , iGacKa. Digitized by Google To make fall wse of this Index it is easential to read the instractions gives on Page I. _N pace male tba

  • Co, B-8 fe" fa Alin brea: oe Al a a Ofbraliar 11-004 isiatho, Sp nee Seoi2 [D4]; I Aloo ibe . Ata riv., “Tes, wiv... Fv. 20-778 [FS]; Alecntine Yas. Cal, 17-135.

    \ sa time, 40 sib Alamo, Are. 4-353 £ — Nov. 8-3 [3] EE “| = Woe aeear, TOs iio Chae rvs Cal s des Mixinny Soo = Geese T-11Ta; fix. Adamoolte Creek, rit. Meg, 15-530 [5]. ar ——— N.Mex. 19-420 [C8]: A Ale. 2-080 [AS Align; Sacttog, “ue Alam yt, fortress, Porn 2-1744; as toy oe 5 — eit tte

    a Wita- i ib. 1148] 2-104 b — de Percy]: se Percy, Alan —ide Porhegi]: an Zouch, ag | > ; Ba-308n ; — ile [tupe] 22-Tiid, hee Wibhaghom] S-5t%e ; s|


    ta — Oar tu719] az iz-Mic — renhion

    Alanda. ace a’: ; nu began, Alandroal, Pert, 5-530 [153]. Asis Mo: ee af Sere 1 x tea]. ‘as-1hoa. Alan, cegiee : seb Alon, be. THD. 6-108 [F2 [bot a8-37 be: Te Alanew Sp, B§-520 [BI], Atene. For Key to Coatractioas, etc., see Page 1 ] ie Bi-s03 Cy, ALARCON Galloway] 16-8420. = Jigen “a boss = Oe PR AJAT-ALBA Alam «! din Sinjar 8-100c, Alnog [os Nig. 19-679 [EI TlBa; liwa 2-71.16; Albatel. Antolng B5+1048c, A » Lucas S40. ost Zi-] ee =8 Cince. i ete eacietitr hy 19174 bs aa [Ga], 43- canst Scan Albe = Sg ong ‘ . a ‘L lara Lodewion 14-907 Gb: Huns’ Conquest 13. ALBAIA! ga LANGA. it i-d804: —, LUIGH 1-1040; 14-0034. ; Media and Armenin 0 i oe : Pietro £-T22b ; wear id. 180] Moslem carepalgs —, mits, Alek. 1-472 [G9]; 2 Tob Vigietion Poa 1, tribe t| — Aer fn, Ea oo Sec —, ‘é =, * 5 — = 4, $e let ¢ ehd04] 13-] > Heinrich 7720p. "irua 6. Suntes T-| S10 See Ga. —IL [of Bavarla] d-hifo; D~ dog toa ‘ Atbert-Sehouberg [Ger, ply: | were oh, Guts, nm ATHOSS 1.] debPle; 00a, =] | Sa el BS-107i, clin] 2a-54 a, Cid]: abet a0-!190 10-4054, | — ITI welt, Be Bavaria] a-SiTo:| —, a8 | if bertaLadt [Dresden] 57 4d. an i: iad. s bie 1-i0id, 2 zi-302 zat : = mins Nt te 2. at Albert , the ] Sider of 15+ Alb at ng [Anh goo] rerman | Nee ii —=, ols | he Fo oa Pla ayee [Th EE4], ii 3-080 | M. Us ® yen ol 08 Tarke Bale Vets ez Mayon ep yt ‘Za-1 32h. , ooyd: cate Bein a 1 of St Bo

    1. — Daerpos, Tork.As,> ar Vier G-5114; 22-0036; | Ovsa. ™ “ben Tagnanim, Tht mee Ab “ite. [family], 19-180; dp.
    2. Abert, order of 36-804 meet ba. ‘ = 7-h4 ee "aoe £16h, —L Belgium] 18-401; d- arod. a ae red fri 3 i


    -103a, }—II. [of Brandenburg] 4- are 1 Colings i4- rt og dezl 10-53 dn. Al os ny. 4200e. ija; t=dia Ihieoky, qerlarba ; M « ALBERT TUL [of Brandenburg athorta’ [bot] s9-2094. |—, Tel 6-973 ne] “ ha. aalen lia of —tL [ackifes, ehoctor of ; —— 10-77 [ake P : —,C. Monk, duke of 2-193 ; ] @-andd; t1-] — [Londen] 16-036 mde TES pause i-$1fs;, 2 46-043d ; 3-200 sao [85]; BS0lo; 16-04he. pec Albo, Rey. aee Fafa. ol, — [of Set -Culm-| — Canyon, B.C. 0 [Fa]. JAMES 1-504. Aloe ey Ce-W]. ~ Vibe. | bach]e Line of Bay-| — Care, 7 S470. —, Mrat Moons M ig. i are] reuth]. — City, Ia, 14-712 [BD], Atbeure, Swike, B6-"4g rf asa lions: Albe- oa of Bremen] 27+ = Sales at i a Fr. £5060 o; ser gsabhe ti I-h1Se ; 15-36a; be =


    Vai, ay, 284 dlosor, S.Dak. $8806 /T4], So hs. Ziel A ret Pr ee Vil process 0-21.00. - “P23 3 “- fl ur on] a Alcnhola Aldbure, Sul: 3 ane pie faetate, “ie Nipiostiaa hee Atenhollie Liqaora Sale Control Aldb ory, te-Trhe 140-60 eh Suit, sane ctv, | — “Ae S-03 [1 hasas Bewt JB = Ee}i ee] ae i-$5] gfe Sh ree Lally's le] disewee 20-7 Pte | oe rept ay o6ha t coma tn = Sevens 10-45, 16- i os itm 5 — oF Pe oF. rend idea isa Sons "Gs:| | fereiy $8350: Sime | t-hibe] @-dia; ALCHEMY che h Meherings 16. £01036; | enarie. Abnoter Onon 4-564 108];] marut gegen, ad nee Viterbivan, cairn ‘ Aled frilhy. i | han yy i-| A dohert [

    th abt Oe tenes aaa

    a, Chita, «we * iby BS-ih4h

    1. 4.| Alebred [Northumbriaa im] ‘0 See stam | ithe pat, ver ALCIATLANDREA 1-028 6. Sag | Niger i a Mae eae De 7 a ry | asdebe ; CN Be 7 “A ep. Ue Ae j Bar | =p Hi . pee r! as Senet ee ten . = heh ’ — com ae ‘ [OM,

      hisdeet os Ath Lay Beir ion For Key te sea eae efc., see Rae . Digitized by renee A ALDI-ALGE To make fall use of this Index it Is essential to read the instructions given on Page |. i J] dT hic. | Abed B-AdGo 5 12-Ti20; 2-] Alert” [ehip] 1-206; BM-| ALEXANDER [Rarapeorne- ry i Stee, a wich] are Alege dert ion S$ i-ilGa; 17-| A pdrad @e Alexandra, | ALES {alesis ip tote. 47th, M-dah, 19-9%s. A rov, Fuse, 10-467 Ales, Sard 1 ib B-| — [of Lippe] 18-7 164, ld 110 [IL. dia, Bery, B-f40

      i3c; 27-400e. hen oder fo Bo

      Al], 28-143. [BC2 Aleahs, | Ras. 22-874 [15]; te 1, GIOVANM] 1-53éa. rowh, hu: sr - {etna

      dliones B4-f655, Ale ca nciree ALESIS “hull Fr. 42-5424 ;]/ —I. cs ade ae, Aldia, Hf. | 21-5100 . 21-511b.] Alekmnate egiesinatay. ae [62 gocj] 22ITd, B-Sikd, coum hey oe Te. ], fate Mave] sean ae apn ne BE-GT rn, Alas lena 24-51] 116. 34, BO~Jsta. AL ALESSANDRO| — Il. [ ] inbSdas “eal a Mit] Aletha, lake, ha sie nteetacein ft. dead :] — TIL The Groot” gf Nace. Pe ite same, | = = a rptyred CiTi3] Se] hte; Ariseatios-otd’ — a. 4 a a, arm: mgr ey seas mS” | Bin Seaetstte| Sand: Rashes one | I ry a i] 2a-07c. 4 l Aime, Pal. . see "it G16] era | Aidobrandino 1

      7T92c. Join, ae Alemayn. ee Alenan ot coin

      18-TG1d. —, LOUIS 1-528. —, prov, TE, 1-Ge, 15-[0c, age 38-8724, 1D-n8d cerurt Aldol ae i-03a; 28 =A 1-530a , 25-5824 ; Alessandrina 28-6440, a7-tib; ty 7: aha, BSe, A wo [de Sante Amgidio]} Darius UT. B-i71,. Aldows LE-1 ; 2356, Alemana [dance] 7-T iia. a-Aib 7-811c; Diegroes B=] 530: Aldozimes a te 6-hib || Alemania, J. do. oe Vivarini,| ALESSI, GALEATZO i-4i30,] diving honours “33ae L Zila; Zt ida. Eaypt B-ise,; pve ] [4. 1000] D53Ge; hpcinaie t are Seve tla Masia, Glorann! d* 19-1850 destroyed 10-173] fanore

      i h. Alemaoni, L. oe Alaomanni, | Aloata, Turk. wenaes CAS]. car B-10ld ; geograph

      — feel oe eee Hiwlecs ] 14-20b. A 20-178 [Fa], 2-APGr. discuverica 14 -@ di, Ofoane, ambria] 17-| Alomannl, tribe: see Ala-| Ale- i see Ale-conner, egnen loom ] kaa nd,

      te. of earl of Northombria]] Ale wi: a Hermon Uh be [dy nant 1 rtf qian, han ~< — [Po .' THAD +] , oa] — ; bal Le : 17-igd. | Aleth, Pr. Bt-t5. TS-Aldb y istoriada is: Sa 7-017b £ 20-s08E Alomaquer, [irar,: see Alem-] Alothar 2a ate Fosilidas, Anis net rat... Sovits, a. jirington, Lie Pork, ck = ay ret Aldrovands 14-640. Oe: BS-S80 {AL-BA] a amerut 1-1 100 FiO’ 1 Is537c;] Wd0b; phoephates M-dTie, | Alettes armnur] 35804, Ab: ib-t50 5 libre pa Port, | Aletzbeion family 20-7 J0d, 26-57 0h ; orol Logie! i=5 : Alea, Andres 45a. wie 1h a lake, Swed. 29+] Aleusdoe {family} 1h-YiTa; Aldeworth, Glos. 8-420 [TEI. mae i Alogancde al rat 252m: pa Alon, Sir John 6-46 Persian 6-i62d, 26. : A , Ioad M. de d-003q, Bab ; Philip IL. 21-37Ta. win [abbat] 26-1 GON, counts and dukes| ALEURITES 1-54 30. rt wie ; ania, i7- of 23408. ae — cordate : one ae tree, 5 X oye, 2 el oo 14k tril ve worth, lug. Mreii-sib, | S4ia; B4-Bc. Candie-nut. bees. nnd of Orleans, ot 19-37 1b j ee — =a “duke rr bri if Ald en of Somex] 36-| —. Jean fF. GG. duke of: oc igh Orleans, Joan fi,, duke of, Ald , Linden B-d4ia;] —. Pier, coun of d-3 11a. so dochos of 17-dis :
      ate eee Enldgyth, ALENQGON

      Auer Scot aualyet 3-64 Tea ety feck w ie tteae 19-7500, tatst0. Bor : ati — diamond 2-F ia, i- toe ALENTO, G. gies ‘ Mo] a ne see —— me Alem- ft. aie eee. Alsquliohe, channel, Haw AM Dy MO [the 13-64 | “De ne Cy a I yn on 3b. ie ides 28-4he- : oo ALEARDO, Count} Ala ialus roslratus: set Aleoiorirus, De 7-0946. Aleppl, India « oer All Alebradd [archbp.]: ae Beme- Pa. Zi-100 [Be ‘. iin. Turkds, isddie; ALE-CONMNER 1-f38e, 2-700 [00]; 24-0084; care A loeweet, ete. veus oh; Christlas in- ALECEANDAI, D-5380 ; habliante €7-TiTd: climate 23-547d ; nents § nationsl| 26-2 B-f550 ; anthem 19-26é0. FeO, TSl0; Greek in- Alecthella wrvilli 19-7] vosion 41a; Hittite monu- Alewstacr ake co. s inopt 19-4550 ; Mehoit

      alecto” [ship] @-O1Tb, All 8-112; Salih b. 4S ee eet mos ree ®-004: Seljuk rule aate; iat. afl 1 Timur & |] 03a. Alectoropodes 3-7[b: mt aloof —, til, Turk Ae d-341b; Gallidan, | 2-140 Sm Od]; Alectororgithes 20-3 vled 27-03 dt. Aleortorurua 18-807 b, a ae [ron horses] i-

      nes enone t-43 A lake, Wales B+] 8a, ae i oe Furon- Aleda, TM. 14-304 Be. Gall —, Ole. 20-55 [BE]. — pine[P halepensis 21-6840; —, Tes. Be-000 [3], P Abst Tanlar $-G bab, a Al i } ee Alo-conner. | Aleppy, India: oe Alert ne ee ae Ateereie, Bras. dd AT]¢ Bis] Alber, P. alchoei . Alctin, Cars. 28-4 [13]; 28 P : A Alelon A . f-Odde. 6 [Bi]; Tol 0b ; 24-T9T«. — Park. Hien 13-300, Physsslogus 21-520; Al a-ithn; Sa-diea; Con- 2. 39-824 [EM], — Park, © AMS45] John's of Senos ytinople T8ORD, | Allin N.Y. 2 less Tus: me Tn Torsion of the] — . oe d. nm Pe . T-biday Pena rgig XAR sik AS. Gr.| B7-Ei1d; B-bl0c. Theo-| A we, 18-800 Dy: ose ALEXANDRE, a-soia;| 2-37 Lege deeeethe tore 36-7006 A ford, es. s A. . alliezs fiiserarium 16-ie ;] — Comme Tl, [ot Trobi- i i nie da i} 2-850, aond] £7-F340., OG [fettmel.] f-58b0; 5]h; G-i4iby db, aAlprondri i ther of Pard-| mM Haag [aie dAlerandee le Grand | ]] lim j« L , ee “hdd ; AE ee Fae as Digitized by Google aap ALGE-ALLOR Reape ttiat ith ieerotcan Souk Perit Gita. 1007 a. ADie ton op}? rig 2 onys 20 Thiel an Mp Sud. ot die poe Ba. Al a] , Mor, 18-251 Ede’ 4-'le; 5. s 18-851 [F 1]; ion P.le 1-061a; 2t- ANViite Falken” x ort! —ipeason. OF at. Al-hathera, jel, Ind.O,: are} A Sp. 25-490 [EI] ie rn aah i ALL iteert] sar Fe bribed, [Lh Caliph] 1-858; 5-] AL i-001a; writ 28-8000.] Al B=3io; Are Z-| li Hobe yey gt S-428e, std ifs mausd All b. for +

      A a1 IL}. —, rv. Seat. ia Ba =. AT [on 41g ans 16-741 ia [company law]| — Visa, } = Settiiicntn 1-480a., 7 ih 2 nee 0H [id, ag x Steet] 1 log Sc Allotman Collage Gar. Slope: “7 1Ge 5 ree, = secon

      100; seed 4 aise 1iidee

      ship. — ethools Bd-dide. — Extension Ach[ L492] 1+Tila atc 719 =e Alletanaor eplie eceta KE 18-5 12 [a — 1-Tie + G-40b ; — ramaiac urtado de Men- Hit Geode i ze-nogn; valency 14-9440 Al dy 8p. Be [18 tod ‘ier ate 5 4 hei, COUR . ai Allvaard, Ptemite igiazuras Bo. a $30 [ea]: | A mo D. weebso Allouce, Joan Claude 12-537¢ ; Sheena girl] 4-71.30; MOR Allowes, Mich, 18-372 [12], rir. Ger. @-GoTd. rule 12-3554; en Uap eer es jie 28-1604, siasit ‘Sek m ALLOWARGE [dic] 1-704a. a —ER i DE t-Ttte; st, Kd. he pitéa : — =: 4 Te aos Ch. Alora, mia, Byrn: we i — Oreck, riv, NJ. 296502 , Sp. a1 i-Tlib; Bs. [Bo. se ry minos ve Bt i ace Davo, SL. is-1 ‘e-iold 19 NEES Ta ERS aS ae 200 +
    2. 47710; slettkate W-Tilb; electra. Stade fasng cael 9 ST 14; Hel "sinasruetlo 17 Itoll. 13-588 [12] ; Alka: tumge- $3301 i i-Tlda. *
    3. Hestioe 47 saline tie 6-| — oor i]: Weavib Fe ti s “25-530 Ft]. 20vb ; solubility ue “corm: | Phan wl ‘Aa, tiv. Holl.| Almagayvarca.” nies e odet srt | on eon enon Allin JA BP Am. §-074 [Bz win AIA tabs | a —reastUEL 1000, Fast ALLHOUND ATHLETICS 1- All round Fale [lnearance] d4- Al] Salute, Margaret St, Loni, J03 Alling Bp. 26-590 Naga ic. ve Tile; pawtloal ] INTs, FESTIVAL OF Tita; BS h90 [Pf 1-T00b. dimermack de Gotha 1-110. Ace Gta 3- 1960. almanack, oe Muses 4-712. Almenach J] will O60 ap7idas ; Za. Alizbona, Ala. Deitg he 550 [LM B-T3la; archooo- Aviat e5ilas ae ee! ferro. WL: areries 2530, iy Bbc, wad des oe 4 Men [them -s00 AF» Sp. i-Tlib;: 26- aeiter; Sante, oer | — id 25-530 [D0. ; Ubrar | > tly ACMERY it1i ihe Ale Vober. ALL SOULS" pod 1-TiGe, Alm rim, mats Brag 4-1400.] Alnoy, lal, Glos, $-dT 9c. Al ba mento. Sp. 25-520 Alnham, Northumb. 8-412 [1. a at sina Alteledt.' Get. ‘Lives [P10]; i] Diy; 2sazh K2 aiphiter[all. Swite, 18 etn. 24-30 1d. Alniensla, divt.. Gaul: ee] Alpa is ALLSTON, WASHINGTON 1- Alienens | wees 1-497b. Alnmeoth, Nosthumbs, -412 Ro cir ain tare Alleton, ad iT-859 [RA]. if. Ba], 4 1-719d, inereehorte, poe, Alpe |. Je Dell thet Bhute Fg hy Irthomb, £9-Tooh, deb [Shakvapeare] Ba-74 la, Almirante [Utha] 1-19dd. Alm Ewes, weed. 19-4[4] fae], Mich. 2:T22d = fie. alll bert Ses wh fea ian ey Soak? niet Alood : see Esdnoth 7G f' “a5 7” AU Thies 1318, Inodesteew, dist, Salop 24-] —, A Dale ia}: Py tg ofa 6024 FD. : Alnoite ix, 1200; 16-1300, 0. Mh Wa ten. diam, Mer. 18-85] [E-F?], Attias moe Alder, —— S21 Dip ORW 1-f2ia Lad, riv., ras. 4-440 omots of d-dh, Alperion, Mids. 26-042 [CE], {vag Port: ane lvoe. ‘ey Al Cobtiagn, Fro: me Codd DEL MODS} 1-Ti4a; 2-39 ri h Almaftnta, #-440 [72], a Almamtorm, fir, Op, Head VARES £-Tlid:; @- 7] —Graise ef Poewiene, i Fa]; out t Tldb, Gide: ae Ciralan and Pormine Ales nies I Ww] i-7iGa; i- ad sl maldide linear 7.0. ¢ 200 Biaeculay —= Maritines, FEt oe Macy Lite 7 ay Alniagnyier, fLinnas

      ALMOHADES 4-Tiob; s-016 eee Shi. Wits ALPES Pr. Ate en anol. i a Ay : ow Alp. i Aliimurau,, Aven. Sp : s0 1c], ards, count eee ee sins cebet aces: a Digitized by Google To make tall wae of this Index it is eusential to read the instructions given on Page I. ALLO-ALTE . tot [TIA [ortoary] &-ToTe, | Altalte 21-i0de. Estilo] Yiath, ae ers; iz ; hn ae ay i x z] *sieam| A Lome, Tex. 28-800 [M8], Nit tot Leon. ond |

      130 mia, Fr. 20-778] Aladorl, Ger. 48-068 [1. ]1] ts Alics, Hirer. 4-440 [2],

      “Tie ; 25-b000; 26-57 1b [oa]. Aimed Ores. 0g A ve, Pyrenees 6- ie ee Meanborry as-1¢ — Hee Oren: modes Airs] [Pin? Pitt —X. [aot aud = twith 2-754 . ‘Alseides [myth.] 19-9 : te ae-na0 { He : Tuam pases 27-149b, Ale “ish ig A475 [LAY; Ang. & T10; as aothor £7-3]1a,] — ay 6-122 7Bc i bulla 4-6 1 4 ae Alsen bese ae Ger. 14-808] —, rT. 16 4a is mi sa ? = la ml rt 3 Aus, 28-5 la. = N.Y. ®-506 «4 Bt — of Lawn Py . —, 2D, 28-547d ; 2E-5 Fe pis oot Alp = Ger, 11-808 [IT. ste [ot : ae Seta, pa Ate : eee j:] Allamaa” [ring of Deli] 24- 4V2a. ar each It. d-T5d0 : 18-4 ovat Rete see 1-145 o, SALA , [tis ree } “Bol Cil e-rise ye | She, A 28-190 ote].
    4. Potton] i-i606, Zi- Aippachatad, Alshutlt, cH 190 [C3]. aa ; Alpoun, riv., It, BAe. | Alsictina, Aqua, canal, It. 15- tapaae, N.C. 39, 9-772 [Cc. he AW Ti, detented -# rit. 7. 2-713 aa eed «TAaTa.. a a ; tomb itn, co val, Derby, 28-933 a he Ith Bfota pf] — ah ez. lie a Portugal] i-Tiid ; Tag is-t¢ [Bs] 2-7 eeu i Try ; Aik. tot Sortumpal] 47394 ;| Al re eee ae “eeisia: 14-4500 : ALPS. an Shiba” d-Taed |] Ale 5-4 704. esate [rligion] 1 ‘stay my 16-4 . row A arelioules 2-7545. B0éa ¢ consecra of hae: Iv, mT Pate ] d-7334 olimate a-TITd; — modia as Ted; fon Taker dg i-Tlib; exploration 1-Tife, antlon it wh, =A71 20; cariy Oiriet ian ; oo = :| Al UM, It WThTh; 18-78 Tie et vd ate io m- _ Portugal}. Tid; 16-] flora 1-161 [oo +] . [Da]: tee ates Pat. S21b: tena le 2b 145 ie ; dew enor , Cher. da i 0762. See z- ane: order of the “rie Hsnaibal's Aller, , a Notre —V¥ Portugal] -T}da titan ordinance of Shae 101d.

      sdae. ; | Getto] Gaaene ‘esstod: Paes ea et [Hocchetta det"

      ji Fees peed ae mat “hieteer ie: H neo een “tape

      fat Peevence] £9-80te. rivers 17

      0e. "| also tin Seat aa 4[F3]. ewtinsm [Letat]

      — |. { | a = Gealagy 1-TA0b ; a ie: Al ent Ro. of i Banter formation ‘ rie hd fay Bas VINCENT 37357]. a aroun, ne Ce 96438 [VT te — oi f 1 t a= Tit cl Metctan | Sclite scree enction 6334. = vat 8 1-Ty0b ; 1; 4-307 9- bs 16-287, | — of Horna, Delos 7-97 ta. 7 sae gn I al aa "Bid ; Aland, Si Peanoics boat Vs ie tr 39.0078. STED.JOHARN Of ars aT =— bay, Mex. 186318 acini att ‘ye ., Nor. Bot geait sa? 19+] Alla feta, rocks, Wal. 12+K24 = ] i-736d 500 [table Alster, Swed, 2 ome Pas, dept, Cam Phe | | 4-327 | . : Kvoata, ‘ue —, Hy,,.ler, ein » 6-605 ; A2-d0 En. +t ce tof yal le Ai ‘rota i alsies A, riv. Shed. Be-1 90 ABarBa, ar A " [ightcg a8 ; a y 18-h00c, Rutl. ua-34id. — bee te tr rd = At phoma X11" [ehip] B+] Alptagin [of Hokhara] 11-9174. see a-ThTou] A Lise. ¢ o- “Alphomo XIIL” [ship] 24- ALPUJARBF ie Cilesans Bar ay alu W. 25-41 fa. — : ahibreach, Ger. dee Weed Alphonso, tale, Ind, set Ep. iS aiporarres] | — Let amy : ope! x apann as | 08 [DD utd sO | alten Coane Cieb 723 ondeke. a ee ANSUIPOU aTise, ae mao] de-s7hd; tend’unines ah Gene Gee 44-808 ia}, io “lt cee irri; silver mines 7-00¢0; sinc-] [C-D#]. = wod iL tot Le one] Apes, ae 2-552 hed on er le “ Ger, Z7-Tile; B= on | det - ARS is rie 7-000e.| ALTDORF ite, 7 Po A SANCTA] A Ex. 9-n4 tv. Da] Alston BleBe 38] Ngo tisha] 5 nn hee mt, Alpe t-7asb. | = New ants @-«tociit kt a bs rover, Cumb. Siig pr ae a mt. = |

      Alpe i-T iy ib. yt L.] Aleirimerka : mee | ated Aiwa ite Te me niga et it bar: Alsiroaner, Pr ae fie — Vohand 1-763 1-16 puanl, Al = = bite della mia, [t," here 1] 18-73, Adetrinparpie Kan iiflcer= hes Alpd ‘ “3 ane. en. o2a ica]. pincers Wr tt bo origin “"Yeooald Ty cry Dee Aipia [ecottia : Nice] 3-780 Fj saga] Uy Oey ey eee or, 23-E8 7b. et Ney ase cn a3 algal Calsor, David 18-1034 ; anes Al sa Altela, | mt. Alpe i-T dda j iH Ta- an ae = # -a Pate. . SD. " l ; ali CHARLES 1- —, Aria 2544 [Da]. ame ae yy [place-naces]: we apecific} 76b, = are S-aee ¢ bh Alece, dist. Ger, 24-808 Pir Fan below Nor, 18-800 [KI]; Pag ere . ‘ [AS], Ti-E30 ae eee: At, Late. thea} bb. —, Fi, dD CRE, ooo man ufieet wing T= 7] —, Ele. 1 —, Hv. Nor, 19-60 ]a. —, Ina. 14-620 [G5]. aid. al 1 ya iia]. AL Ger. i-1i304 141- —, K 18-740 [104] prov, Fr. i-745b3] —, pesees 608 [1. ka, : —, Mich. 18-372 [25. 1i-fiia; ii- |, Uteb, Bald A ler, 1f-804 [1. Jp: —, Nev. 6-8 [Ef]. ALSACE-LOAR preys —, Tot., Onl, 6-8 [19 =4334 sane Fo teen ips] Prsdet 1 ad-4110 ¢ Suneel | civ, ewe: moti Sheotere. Ger. Phin Pre ig 26-400 [13] 41-8086; 11-S7Tb: —,rit., um. 24-12 bere, Ger. [ih.Prow.] SS a eouversin

      e-S3¢e; Dikiater| Aftal Wosabs ; are F SE oth gi

      —, Plateaa, Cobo. 6-179 [C3]. a a bro Lie Alia Ushela, Are. », ony] 24-2 Alpine accentor 1- 7 eet es lo Algerts | Aluagraria, Vanes 27. tab] =] Morenant « ia = Peilfo: d-T44b. i-657d, 13-Tid; German-|] Alta Hous, é : ; | — Gen spose —— policy 8 T?=60h:; ! rhea hin — Ch. Cal. 5-4 [DT. Siba: Srcialive “oppositio P74 i0 [GE-H3]: S-i000e 2] 18-808 [LIL 411] — sping ZT-432e. to appetation 3-66 sa ; town ball 2-410,

      fore: ee 3 Arrtc- Alpine ae. Lovee dist, Oer i+ ait es | = Font is, in . | F | ; diet. Thde: ‘a exploralion 2-7 —, Dav, -302e. ire. snc, ens « on] aire sett oo: eataieapernie |= kane nae Vaile — “ Mn ie Ry ig a — ivtar] 2-fade; mame wn 12 e; a | — rina ns cn EReumieresie’ [Aine Seen For Key to sac erc., see Page I. Digitized by Google | Saiisae Altman dhiatop] {oho ;

      eae ; vision ako his Al t, Ave, Ba [OV], , Ger: ae A Alten OtLing Allenstele, Gor, 1 anensite Ga, Sec] AL ouels, Oor. Pa. 21-104 [G- Gay; ai thon, aliernadion of, Alteonative hive [dict] i-T6]4, Giternating eurrpnle :

      Garrentas electria [aliernat- Aner ate Bila; §-7Tis: Alter Port. 28-520 [3]: 1-54 Altertm ton bedere ET-iid, Altes [king of Leleges] 1f- afer Wor, 18-200 [D1]. A Veste, ae ae Alina Amekcag, bridge, Mamchesler, Amphicenas [higrenel ] 2 aL, aa ehh 6 Are behgacre bentlors A mot, Swek, S8-100 [00% ten [law] 18s hits. jane Vr. 10°] Ta [Do], For Key to reales ti etc., see Page I. Digitized by i6-a7 4b of Amauchi [Anica] 1-409a imphtdistyle-Li-antis SG] ta, EBA jAmibe, Proten]] Ameo [rerya, tiv. Hum,Ae :] Amplidosotheriat 14-66¢4b, a0i60: B-Tiids; D-Jite; aoe Ue pat | ae ca ih, 23-7 [he. Amoundernes, timdiresd, hii 7ije,; &-Tdh, = dois ga-dlee ine]. | Ama i | no: fi Atmphistoe | =— his { i be ur, Woy 4s ah iene | | :

      histoly ties [dvscutering} 2 Chor. | An iponlhodes lib: D> ; obs BT — Nts RAda: ac Am a Amour 4 fa walk, [Cornelio] Anehiznal nieuw BAe — Princope 32 Ltt fli, 25-401. } 6-6905. — radlines E- Amoureus, Querre dee; ore t4-3iiDa = ke Eh my _— Trypano- , Wor od the. ant, Poli Amos, Paya a", diet, Fir. 20=] Aon Ett Amochoan vars 20-76 1b. TT [Fa — ite filiacoe, B= OT AL, Antebic dysentery [enteritis]| Amureas nianus 21-307 4, — Viger beln, 26-7 47a. : AMOY, Chima 1-t7sa; 108] Ati idl whe Kinoshocyta S5-731a; © BB-] Sopture [1811] g-199D 3 od i = ih TEL. i [dillon ties wets: | SERRATE MED es tit G. ETLEE at q Mu wa qT & a “1 Amoccoxporvil : are Opblrrya- Ampa " Ma], Are a7-400 | Aiuphjmacee [iit, arias 4 a or he PEON G Gait, teh 5 a-T ae, Arsupasidah tmypih.] 15-201c, Sam Mat i7- Arnphumesia Bt Am jal Deccan] 22. Hi]; 2-87Tld; ws dnp abe are 9-i : ib Ts a lige = A Pe a da Mad. 27-27] thon, as ak, 5 Cr a USS: ry i The ive Arphlihonnaldge fo-18ad. AMUL |. [amiul], Port. 1-676b ;]—, bay, Mad 27-27] [0-00] ;] Amphimonns 10-1054. RUE Oe samp us bk. Ae, Lab 43h, ees Vora; ine t Ph Lb Oe, va! Ur 4 AMOMAM. ¢ aw ‘seowon Nidacone Cnt | eh | ne ld-liics £@ Amomum 5-1 te. Sviids diih baal ee Cluster Anipelidae nant ges pe Sea a-248a; Li-diikg oA Tid Ei. ia €
    5. dial; ot Grudn a AM} ion ray th] i-Seaa 5 o ii 3 = + EE a sre pe | ee i by

      — ine eke toa Th, — qulnywefolla » eer Victinlen AMPH MUS 1-556d; arteries a “$3 , irichapidels [veltehil] 4 Set ‘nan alone = — Set sor Dastari , Sree. aoe oes aoee : ae nn i= inpelils, ch Mort @ Re Cor Amen, [ot "“Jodah] 3-870a;| Shares odes an “ss

      7 - 1040, | 27; 198 ms

      Amonoouri, Pani Marton] S7Se: chemical law S-aTihi] fol. evidermis Sk Bie: eligneur of: eet Harillon. eben Lecich jriaenat ew G23 Felaiinous tiette Bish Sag : Anon-hetep; ae Amonophie.| electrlc nerrepte i] olfactory organ 20-Tes ; Amon-THe i ae Amion. électromagnetiam apinad card BB-G?hOe ; spinel Aion countsiip, Pr. 10- Sgoument at gn 13. ee Gal a2. Amentullads 28-725b>; 18] —,dEA tara f-Efde,] sho [A-DIb ‘Tate, B-FO5d s Ba G0, ; nip apaburus 3-81 bb. AM GUILLA 1-| Ampere [uton.] B2LIM: B7- Arm phiipepiae 11-529 aTih ; D=dlde; Gein Tle; ala ai Toertaen 7-Teaas. dmaer, iy, ieeisin: ome] TASd; ZeATBD. Ample binds Papivwlele sae mur, = : Amiel, 764 [D5]. aur Fine wr] Amph[plesira t8="eb. Rime ale, aSeea i [cH, fob; bob 3] Amphipooides 26-ddde, Google tractions given: oa Page 1. A rv. Toss. 2E-Lo Shida An eine. Johan Gaspar 26+ ses. | ajoteae tn pare. Aun peas tie. AL: ane Kebir aS eens] F Abt Is i- | - 4 tee iP idebe. ite ee ‘ wuumodemdron ? ae m ¥ = inet clini — : é

      : Oo; B1-s5 le, ‘ i ae heeds af waar? tArrinn] Mi Ampthill, As OO Wo Till, a Dol lee lode. 1-940; 8 and CLV, Andrew, Gospel of: ane Ao-| Andropogon 32-375d: g2-] 2- — wil B44 [Filniny 2 drow, St. sist ¢: ‘nbre obtained 19-]| Aneroid barometer 3-420c: 16-] — tree fd. —Hhée me ls G02d; balloon obeervalions| — wax dod. hin, eps iat S- aieteee Ban, india senate. | — cali ae Aves zs castle, Aus! see AN O, FRA B-fu. Vai, i Frio, 2- ni » nicia ato 7 seree = * —[nardos]: ee CiLren pres, 18. P.[palacontoiogist]} lin, B-Ab . schoenanthas] 3 eee Leroy ” gram. Andropoageneia 12- 2-37 de 5 a2. AT4b » rd ITI: pal: nation oD SIR EDMUND 2-ia: Aveatie st [a oTisihs lisa, viv, ‘Tee, B8-800 «la: [ES]; riv. « . ohn Coat 7-07 10, 2-Ad dc, 12- > “he Tox. 28-600 [NA], a, tap]; 190d. Asnalong, Lre. id-744 [F] ; a 110d. alll at Ankote fiv.. Gow.] a5 — tat rem. Ampustine] Annu 303 [Ab]; Ld-gite. ANNALS2-[10 ; 13-S78b+Tcoe-] 1] 8-015 Ar viv. TL. 16-30 [C3 uk mt, Alpe 4-TiGb; a- a3 mci 5-| — Saano7: m. Wiliam thal — Logie. 1 OS eet fee ee Annes | — ying, Bonin ot Saxony] — rg. dt Se 26 [co]. iA f isn a Giet, Dre: ce Long — auctor! ile. Ankor, Sundod. 25-479 Ly. —I of pain] 17-9fi0; 2 j—. Somfnd. 88-379 ism 2-Hic ; 14-198 [De. + ANGE — ‘ Anika : : 1% S-84e;00in-| 2-80 ye the Vieanow] cm circ reer La, ie i ; L . Fe A : i tnhebitantay, — ote Beem | 25-10 [Fay Zieh? lameonge ane Yorky as iie3, eiier| = ree — "| ite] St cpm A ir. + a0 Anion. Aig aod 825 Ankwe, riv., Nig. 19-679 [1D3].| Annamaboe, Go.Cut. : we] AMEE 34 as-| So-solee Avliceattin $81 nT Horhrichas iid. JA uri be, Lab: of Yo-drs of Anisa TPtb, | AK 236d 51d. 4c con Mantes 10-540 ah stool 3 ; ofewards 26-] Annalsria Anol tbe |4 ial a eal POS A 10-580c, Mla. see FI Anne Arundel ! ate Adnapalin, Anion ven So Sb rd, eee Arundel a, Anlsonetnas Th. 25 = un 28-120. anaes th Jamen =G [aes 322b. RES sits 1 wa Aticropie 7a ; @07d, | MSdlc; 23-1900; am | Cha] hartie atte [1332] ay tete| “3B mye, Ania, rv, At 1 ae - ployer’s Vishilit O-J\ta.,, ool ANNECY, Pr 2-Tio; 10-TTH Anita, To. Ag-738 Ankrwyll, Joho 340. rhv., oh. Beals [E44]; a- By: Hao, Pe 21-106 [D- Anlace [taal levi, da Beat ati; lnon fishery] — lake, Fr, 10-778 csp; & FP nn Ne etd Aniat 1 sahaonied « lat riv. 2-049h. tia j 16 tr “ rad Aulva, ry a. i hag Aunay Minn. 18-550 [75], 1H ih a = Nd. Ty wr Dane. staat 2 [Es Aniwa, 2a. 740 13]; —[Sihtricsson]: ee Olaf ey B-443d; iS —, jal, Pao, Big as [siliteehoene aT8e. tean, Fr. Ania . 80-249 [TH aw. 26-974 ELIDA 2-724; 27-1050 bh Anio [lirw erour 7 ash: 16-0756; blastopore oaTED ANIA inte pet a, AuLusharétoaeo' | AB naan wl Ged dist Hel A; a { hay ‘hi, " di [Sy; atin’ = Angan [Delylooian king] 3- Mob. = Annelidian formation [gel] ; Anjange ‘Toda 14-342 [Gis]. | tose. PERENNA 2-630; 24-| "see Cambrian eystem oe Arch, 36-804 [A3];] An-min-do, IM, Kor, 8-15¢ : ice th s4-a04 cup, | Atmamanie, Ala. $-A00 3], lat, india ] Ano melt ae] —, Ind, 72 [cS 1 oo sae wa emma Bea = aialln aad daad Md- 8-630; 47-| Annonfeld, Canc, 23-874 [11, Aojiro: a Yajiro, Laney — wDiass, 37-858 [81]; ae ahd Naval Academy :

      A . Sottess of -|] —, ca we . Stales Naval Aout ¥ a ‘Attra, Anno of To-] A are Academy. nme of ‘Anic reksporgey ANN. [shiney] 1-27b, Made PO, = Ske a fs pra as a sora hin] rte, | Warate ae ATRDY att" Paorma: ne Aan —, Geoffrey tagenet, esata ; dGc, 8-017, Anoor, riv.. Ine. 14-114 [Da]. camcrt Oe * Flop gg OF Amalia] 250 ;| ir M831 [eps oo- Annes Hedro 82141 a 7 oo. =< » Bi. dukes ot —¥ as [Anna Pialdasarro] 2- Arlaainy Inlet, NS 12-3890, Anneniey [earls [earka of anaieat]: ioe i ‘ —[Anna Carlovna]:; are Anna! 14S 1c. : y —‘arane Altham] t me Al- — Philp, d of: ae Philip — Juactie Md. 17-894 [F 2]. im, Wr Po ~OiSa. ARHA [Anas ¢ Lecpoldovea]| S6-S18 [Oth se obec! ee Momntnovels] + ao —-= I . 4 Pata | 4 oO i ANJIG J, coun » Fr. 8-554 ;| 2-000; £3-900d. ‘| 10500; Prychonathic hor-]—[visccunta Valentin]: pee Sued ote ot abit.] sa Beaman] ichaae ts? Se | NRC a en

      — An }: aw Apna] Ao mt, Alpe i-7 ido. Annesley, | bor, Eri. k7dsd -] — a Arct.: oe New ES - rhyme i racine 30744 i Tih rides tiny — Arck. 29-540, Anna Asia Mt. : ica 14-1085, | ANNA 15-1934: 9. ANNET, PETER 2 +{P L. iene, 5 of tees Frans iBtso! pails re ait corn, a4s0 «vr ns a a i i ‘ arabe, 17 £2-960a. Ad oy ae Anos wh] 22-59%, snenye dents site ee Fr ATINA[cotu] Beau ou Aunatto . 214; & 8-TiTa. 4 te, Cal. 5-8 [cA. Ano dtr 3 it, stage foc hanna] “ioscan Aaa esau. LAMAR EO, |Siew Mie ae OD, 1 5 ta] BABS S , —[qpeen of Bevtland] f2. rc der tree ib. i Ea]: bepord. me c . Gere each Dh bere | i = H - Lilla —, Hi i , sa Ad ae 4 wae lia, Utah 27-810 [B- ham “@-723d ; héguie’ a1. Anni, Via "at. baie: 30- Se a7 ® kine
    6. ‘ c. Oo 7‘ a NWAnER, Gor, B-S00; 14 ~F wick, 10° ‘magic 1s — [of Baaajeu]: me Anna fof ats Francs 4 — [of Deagrilliers] B4-45 ja. fn “Td Ha 20. eT : ANNABEAGITE &5 Sininele Catapo ot a aaie, ca hile it = [myth.] B-458a, ants dit, Mal, 17-271 500, Anna Draoch, rv, X3.W. if] — lof Eeolvernia } tida; 23- i —Ca., tin 590 [Ta A ot : 538 [AS] JOR, ANMNICERIS 2-fia ; 9-7 rit? 1 bd: Be ankar karaize, 7“ jena Annaoles, WS Tr, 0-4 58a. — [OF BRITTANY] 2-096; B4-] Annick Water, ri iv # Soot ne _ dee ae iy | aaa Annedu, Ma, 28-000 [rae | — fae, of Brunswick] raldilen + bre Ncrrapt jodie pees ineniona B87 ' — ta F t oe nal , Perens a] * Ankara Oncor 13-9 os : Abnadu, n abboy of, Irs, 16+ aah Anne | : tee Sees i ee [away]. | mie
    7. = = ELEL. r fi ; rT eeeaeiee Ann tase, bars Sita; 78970: tome 2. RY 2-71. pete , em-biee Anknay, diet,, Mad, 27-0700, A 8-372 aur Aid, An-ning ho, riv., China @164] Auotmalocyatidnc @-674a. Ankasoabo, Mad. 17-271 [A-] Ao soon — by eno 2-604 ; iG Anormalogonaine S-bG5d. 4 Ban bien 49.60 Ire. fT [oa] vit it. deeuesh oot rete. Anpip da Viterbo: a Annias, aAnomelopidss M4-2045d: te. phan he, = + | ii. Ohad rea, - ee Oa si Anum + 14-741] mest i carte | i Mase. 18-1220 ¢] snom toe = aj L I Anke din de Bettevilla i6-] [15], . —, harbour, Miss. 17-458 [F1] : Pa. ch Oe ee nag Karenina [Tolstoy] 26-| — oF FRANCE] 2100; 10 ANNI + Al. 2-T4b 5 3-460] Anormaduridae Ao-snag ; ee ts erga mania] Shgeiss Pvt als we a ooaer omar Os seem an. | fas antl see Anker [rmearure] 5-931 a. 7 Annales, riv. Ire. 34TH [D2] ] civ debt 6-410 ; enina | — — Titus: av Lewcus, | Apamalaroiden 25—Tacitus, | — [doch Holsteia eb; ; rule ui Aboman [rm -4 . 7-811 annals of Ulser, Jnnals af, i id ; Ba-5400: 15. lal. Wad Stid | Acacia ye An Sn’ av:tT1 din” elias} oa Chrai- —Jatcon of the Netherlands] 10-34 ]e; rath ‘| Arona is-1 fie; 10-1708 Ankilinke Mad. [Fiberonga] SOTO. A pons Tes, 20-Wi0 [NY], A Dovel Beh Tb, a on ae a weer | = eeoe Sere halen] nee Soe | Atm Satta: | ae le ; c a = _— 7 Dra L' J 1 1 Ee a nb Poliikquen 19-5TEb ; fa i 0-800: b tite. ¥, Pea-Téa: 10-774 tutor 3Tic, Ee ¢D3]. ¢ ‘Annalca Pondificwm 10-194, S00un. ‘ y Abpone, It. 36-242 [G3]. Anumoclulilas BS-19G0, For Key to Contractions, etc., sce Page I. zi Digitized by Google Fe make full use of this Index it ts cuscutial to read the instructions givea oa Page I. RD gee ape Aman, Prov, Pen: ot An | Ansar [Arsh atte ; eT=a. ®ib: ee ieee om w-53 oo hist’ m rapa 2h aos ge: inate; By um, at sy ICHARD asi 13 i tk, Anes, Fr, 10-178 [ ele. Anseta, fiv., A.ELAL 8-Téfia ; in, Tht are lage a tebe Ansoginus [abbot aby ; iT. | Apert onamage ora] 2004 ‘neh La Hot AML. oe he La. i7- Fob Llebegy] ae i fly a aiooe Cott Canter- as G-210b ; | ees the cream OAT I cf Bid, ftehorala, mi Ashe ! > ofl i | | by INTIS, Se 2-1 48d. pea haa aise Mina. 17. Pa i ora. tre om 4 = a wil ict... Ariz. — Arve 348 148d. Aétstrabe, |} Mad. 17-271 [BI]; [et [Persian A 2- : co = ' —'Marens: see Commedus,| 39-9714. ei-ss0b ; a Aghiua Aurelius. ank-tieesk D-9Tic; BOTKa : Ger, 21586; 11- aig oe Tee It. ieede i [Fa}: oe ote Annan Anxia It, ipso c [er 1]; 1+ » Ac Beoo0 anes, tay, B.Ace. Piven, ante can ‘E402 [py he = me., Z407 [Bij: t- An-Tnire, mit, Scot.: eer AnLom Anmg] B= aT ea Chia W383 [B-C3]; Acti 553c., Hosa statue 42770 - tuitd- ings tae of 9- eee Nitric Acid.| —, prov. 18-[c. rit, 1-64 on. — City, e A 27-90. AQUAE 2.2370 — ee ft e162 =2he2 fol — Wikka, Yorks. $117 [Fi], | Apsea 17-159b. Appel ; We 14-0350 :] AGUILA constellation]2-249c | —, flv, Turks ke-dos rere Applicators 26-1iia. Apsheron, cape, Catc, 23-874 @h55a, | 212 [map]. oe tg webpage” |amida atic’ | “pect Mose] Anas [etal PR eng | Apa ress dase tA — - pe “tie, 0 a q F 1 al Appliqué work 193406; ®|— angle 17-081. —Bervonla, Fr. : arc Bourbon | — [A : 2 « Arab” [destroyer BO-O10m, APPOOGIATURA 2- Ansides, Uno of 48-8050; 8- ff nei ag a mper ra or Golden nah. ee — — : ' APPOINTMENT. Pith PER oF | Abeiing'S- Tb y Be-7 ‘Cheretaueny Tt = “ae - - Sa 1 J { | at iE a < v — [he z rm ee by @Pahad, APSINES OF GADARA3-i34c.| _ del Susu. - a we | Atab art: “are Bini si J. G-STHED 14-G3¢ ; a a tribe: see A — Caleotes, Fro: ae Choudes|—[marclain]; of Apatted Appoloniatis — Thalns, A! UAE CUTILIAE, Il. 2-2: we Abullie te aa td rad td ate, thai, ic, ESTA Cp Aguila alba: eee Calne, Ea}, Aqone of jrnis ae Aquila Creek 5 — «alt 47a L..
    8. pein =. [T.£4], “china = [isis] Bi-303] * me ea ” [ease pes OR om r ri reat “|= ye em et yt Van 28-116 [E3]; 21- Apsos, rir 1Saisey et -|— Grini, Gor: or Alele- he a. ah mr mi ee Arabia riv. ties [DIL . a b § = = J ca _ 4 Apes Garth 3-3 | ois| —o + ave Alses-} AQU RObANUS 2-210. ': Wie — CounT BOURE Wasen, [Ga; potury 5-7 10a, Haina. Fe: ioe A Cohan ble, 2 [CS] For Key to venient etc., see Page I. Digitized by Google To make full use of this Index it is essential to read the jastractioas given oa Page i. =, ae had ; Indian Titre! info ntieide ft ialy 46 a 0-77 ib; jak cure | t Arece = [lugll]» ARACAIU, Iiraw, 2-34TH; @- 440 [Kd]; BA-667p. Tem, divivien, Mur, ¢ ABER In, sone UsTh: 4.[tVay penton Inst Aru, a gi, BB. oe na] ; — a Tac.0. : A grtet i, Arachic acl Tir, ae Wid oni BO=dida ; . poset hrpapeen: ee Orca Ae Saad ene Pes a Lice] S1it. t‘richineon, m., Gi sans {-F3] 3 os oe Lmgicre — ar Z-f7id ; offini a ou tal
    9. Tork. : Arla, onl, i liom 5- ml. Or. d-f08d. fey : 1 ARADO Aurel], U0 pve = 91 Pel; tate deti Arad martyrs —r Pal, 20-90 [08; onlin ys {= reinn Gall D-iL¥b, : — {vi}, Thong. ¢ eee Uj Arad. « Pers. Biels . 19-8050. ‘FohGb. [ay. For Key to Contractions, efc.. see Page 1. 27-sbists gmt Turkey 37° | ARAGON [Arragon], dist Arufoss,
    10. ARAGHMIDA Z-abro; guit ha] 9 ue rj “illo? ol casets| he ia8 D4]: Aroka =e — [BA] s| tsl., Pac, 80-056 [MA] | ine. Ha B4-! wal; Templars get Bh- i Dd, ore Sp, 26-510 [1]; 8 g-aiib; Ab: abate! way zi os ate a?- é-440 a “a ie tia F = Heh. aod Are. rat, Bat i- ieee iE ras, alsa 12-3034, od, ahatahip iBoadn,] act Nie-

      i, Arahito gamut [ite] 23-704. ‘cmhotag BF 0D igen OF. & Po a tol. 0 Are Jovia, sip. Beeb - a1ed, Araki ge iioee x3 W, 28-435 [07]. Araktobeot, = iret Ue Ts “Tr | — [eiom ae me Stlkenant. af Arames, Anais. ©- Diwidhiet tithe] @& | “ah om. G20] ¢ so] pee we “ ish, Truc, : } — APPI-ARAU Mec.: nopper ores Aranel, J, C. 1-830e 5 27-04 arm nee ‘ere ory Bi-B0Te “Teiatey; oitees qunee agers B-31be: tte Aralia [odd bes alia] : — [papyrifera] 23-20 — i i i-dtins sees Armpey, rit, U ray A ie [pian] ; nt Bp. B4-A4T eo. Arar in 2-474 Bs Am pela alpine B-1176, people] : Ace to. Aram [aon. ne =, aioe. Aearsinn oak ‘Fovobna. ABARAT “ri Ht a ir ty pais Tal. i Twas, 4-440 [74] tie An dante ta ese clade! Aramaad | eolan deity] 2 bi. 4mm [Mmmeseck, yr. : | Dera Attmeaina [Florentine pillol oe gy ral Aran i ie, ; acre ae EN? Bah iad: na ry. Ger, 5,W_Af, BB wns Bas 87 [1h 8], —— aon a J coe r mr fobah, bei ag ey [C2] | Be AM, isla, Ire. 2-318m5 fa. m Tid Meret tys — FIV, Lada 14-189 [0-119], Chins @-jda arr | Aretaa, fe N.Y] 36186, ABA ‘Wee ae Im. Se me Ba Arquap Lpillere Les ie ven =. Oem, oe Ram, eit. Aras Ta {oe Krcifla] 0- ARA Ohi, DI le: pti oo Ba PES ANS eens .* » ST aT Fite ini miata mere, ta: aie, F pare ee _ Sith it Bate =, oes ee Prrastl pole 2 te Merion 0 7 ay Siete oot at =| Mevikary whey, mA ie $A; bay; F Pen. i seat tee estes, wee C [D3]; lreoiy as ae ~ Seats |S — Fivi, ai Aruna, ‘pacO. Bonbd0 A Maréit esrakt Ag. 34 7FE Digitized by ie ‘cial ARAU-ARDO To make fall use of this Index it is casential ta read the instractions given oa Page I. ai tS Terakh eh -¥. 20-506 [83]. | @-38Gn. Ear ole 2-100; compan! her lari, vencee hiE, &1liid: in mosgoe 18. Peet and Heroor ah ev, Gaul: ma bj etiinples 3-| Arch. [len! tenore] Dei4ed, T, JACOD 2-341. afin} Bad. ween. co ree ein shibadts i BPS Ser. 5 ‘DE Marie H. D1 8-337; mys, problema 24-227 Tilia | Tila.
    11. 2 [A5 :

      sats aed mee " Arhobes, Calo, 6-782 [C4]. ta 47-54 ne ‘ Lia Arbon, Switz, 26-242 [G1]; —¥ eae Ara tribe d4-i54a; B- Arbononise lane], Fr. iésG44b, Niet ‘ieee Arawan, Af, 14-304 [FT]. Arbor [ oh] etd. eb. 1% Arax, riv.. Ave i oer Aras. Arbor [Daseianus] 3 = bebe 20-26 cicet Anis, ~ fArin. + mee Aras, ARBOR DAY @-337c; i — reas n i —, Fr., | gry ss isah, , —, Pa. 21-106 ff : Arh, 1 Gr i hy 2]. | Arbo dist, Bani. &-Difo;| —, ‘Lorin, 22 39 ih, ——, Prom. Gr, 12- 24-71 1. B-G20 [111. Arey, Biat, Soot. wn [An]; 2-33 7c. —, Waah, 28-354 [1 ri¥,, Boot. £- 1860, al Fone and Puresiry pane on iia Or. 2 a orf Oia ci] i ji Ee Ara pen ‘ote. £7980] Arbor jntrot 12-40a0, Adla; 12-440 = [0-103]; MCD]: of w, Derby site B-STd: colne rg is — [Ei]. Ar ile, 4 ag A }, fide; dialect Fld s —, Ti ' ® or Fla] Gallery, Floronen B6- VITAE [hot] 2-adben reel war d- 407 3 la. td; Polaticns 2i-dio: —Vitee [anat.] 23-193; 4. wary BAP le. ‘cea: it cof , ae sale. d. pay ca diphe “aA ‘Trim t sea Twriim. 25-510 [ =, \ tis Or, 12-124 [Ca; ea sta meee | Asbounet Tab tien Arcadia [Portuguese choo!] int. T : . re “Th OM Fee 88 57 of ailreone . F a Le rm ¥ = pra a as Arbei ou a wre on » enarne 1 ] L A Pore ® iy Cf ALPE ' reidia [San in a: a j T-8I 1a. : A Boot. —— Ay 14-0 Aw 3 E5-Sh30 : 7 pastoral Arba keufoth Bi-S4ie, Hey [Fi]; ae re iin 20- a Teac B6-305 [D1]; aad. parilament 1030] elo Bidnny "a Hy : By Ti Arbas 21-120q, = ier d Book. [Forfarehirre] Arendin 13 shinte ] 23-i5n. Archaectmeniiar Be-petb. m, ai [Taj; 7 2-306. ' Arowdia [Sidoey] 25-440: Bo- | Archarooiecus 15-57 17th } te, — fh Hota Formhatan B-NOD Hrodhel a Tialm. Be323d ; a Mutts La 17- Bi ns]. ‘et i Blirling’s mj. 4 [D4]; 48-26 [Ez]: Arbo, mite. Afe 14-170 [A5]. Line BBD Pe, Arty te Cal [4]. Arcadian Academy: a An- 2. Arber, sky = re ba: — W.Va. BB-860 [4 3]. calomnia deal] Areal, —howilili 1$°45 aneet wile, ttle 26-] —, lake, Fla. 10-540 [KA]. lon Ioarue 10-334b; o2-] A Leno pie arbetat der Caen “What een seoloar ai th dog ARGADIUs en oe] 2-3 i ei | ne : ify ‘é rH mi | 7 ie t Pie [Drentarn| 10h, —Hiegatooe “bo-a3tb : ZT- oe este, ; Feseriple| A or aciibr Ecilung 19-5700; a Arhola, Mo. 26-006 [11], J Arbub, Potor 270d. ade. izcrammarian] 2-] Arches — eatye Arhury, Warwink BB=34 9d, 344i. 5 i Archocoarnliles B07 " — [rt, th-Arbel], Pal. 2] Arh ee, 0 mis, Chinn @-168 [112]; Arcadia [clatern], Constanti- RBELA Carball], Turk.As.| ANBUTEWOT. ALEX. [poct]&«| Arcalnucie abe

      1. PCE Te hey

        42k; Ge abs [kr i - A190. ; ae, Arcana [med] 1B b5a 49 [00]; battle [191 Bc.] Alex. [printer] 23904; 4-] Arce . Fr. 21-066, “id7c; Caracalla i] bond. A die-iplina 6-330. is 48-7136; Bhal-|] —, JOHN 2-1504; on death| arrnmo dell Mure [ibudloy] B« Ma home Ti, i of Queen Anne 287d: entire ota. be Z4- a Beitt's infivence Arumam, 0, Bil-74 Aer. Arcanom [ehem.]: ae Pot {dict} eedom wulphate, Archa-la, puis, icone Arcer [Ralloris], Boenin Fs Se 727b.. Archatmech : ar Tae Aroariua [official] P86 4a. Archean [battlefield] 3 Marriot 1-Bl@o: @-5904. Arbuthnot, uit, Wa.w, 2 Arbathnott, Book. Ba-a ld [F 3], Arbon 1-443, F in owas a: ste: — & re AM, F817. ints Bev. G-ttta: 22- ‘aveetae dy 17-898 [A], iucae et vy itd: we RCH ANGEL, Tess. @- ring L. rome [myth. “ald; tran, Ar Alban. 1-d84, Arbutus bot.] 8-7T30b;: @- si7d. , 23-872 [F3]; ariola Bie: ashen @oob d= 1350, Tia: diatribulion Q-7a0d: | Arcola, Col, Bel [Al]; @ fires 10-[ila ; eo : rhe] erg ate freil: 7 Od: ia Narth 1a ib, afb, Arbil [rbd, TorkAs.: mr] Africa d-T]ia. romehe, Paw 20-] ARCHANGEL, EL, poy —a~andrachns IATIG: 4 “tod [el 4 a0da ; =. atin; Zee] [ein a a Arbirlot, Boot. @4-415 [F1]. dato, ntures 23-14,

        4-sP 20.

        — Wa Momrolin : see] — rigid 6-146h. 9-KoGe, 1-111 = : ion. thee oA A = of: av Troiling arbu-| Arce, Anircln Lim. A Tardera arbiat , Asia ML as-596[D0].] bus, —,G. Nufea do: a#« Nuies de} Archangel Uiabriel, Port: eel Wit a Arbitrator, |}—ooedo: =e Sireeberry-| Arce, GC. Old Sion. 2-321b; 25- Aree, It. 16-7704, Archaugelica 28-9150, Lines, Ara [family] 16-4086, Z-Jigb |; ms p— Otc alia : Aro [Jopane=s lady]: me fib [ive 23-Fiins 2D Arcen, Hell. 13-544 ‘oan fe. Aro-en-Barrois, Fr. 20-774] . dul [aap. dan AO-TTH [0G]; 4- AKD CON- Arcens, Juke, Arm.: ace Van. Archatigopteri 22-61]b: 2-331b 7 == 4 . ah mh Yr. tet Tabre] 10-778 heen. Thee ore Archos, Joh Py ae 14-745h, a; mer = = » Rom, J on te-+ Otd; Ce -1ih0; ti OTh, Arcesiinie [. J> 28. poh, Swits. Frey [Cth 5A 11 16-114d > foot ARich li 2-448; 10-50%e. tion distinguished | a 18- G-112d, 16-1150; tal tsickewors ‘oF he bridges Ai Seat e774 et. focices ae = in Sica derive, Bit Sasen "setsea i} ast “re lw Z-10id; , Beit 5 pe! 16-1 15b, "| fowr-centred 18-003a, 27- - : Sareees Ta} ot be et Mahom he ARCHDUKE fa 2-3 30s. t = j Tram - t ote oe “Wiseas, Pe oe ee an con ype kod a4 13-7144. Arblastier, iam: mee Ada D5] 2 oats crete EB-Sheh; tev! = Ariba, & foheeniat] SSE Tt _Beeadt Fr. 10-778 [Ds]: 42 iad.” i Pier aver 00: Coptsmetions, tes eee: Paget Digitized by Google cree 6-Aidie « Archean Axe [[ab.]¢ O23b; Syria and NoAfmica| Canadas ghicid. l= itemid caesium €D944c ; hires 1B-200n, vee ebunid, Le. 17-56 [C1], erm ibasico lagopus ; ote Tcaagte - b Low & age snewartue : see Epzkfiim- weon 2 ree. ~ Pts cs comnral | arfaculal' Permion a-| Artaamaicetaee UA | AEH a ggug® [719s se] ee a inna uller'é elhics com lube on id- 4 a 4d; Campanoila 61214 ;] do; 1-505 ; B-293c. setae, ae C.Asia 6-108 Chea. 16-128 [Dag, Armagen, 1 { ie ow] guakes 11-019d; ‘elements Ariusia, Giving 6-236e. Ark-[-linik, riv., Cun, 22-4070, | —, IN. 44-304 f09], So; embeyology @-324a,] Arivaca, Arin, 2-544 [Ca]. | Artips. Gr. dr. [ation +2454, =, Ind, 4-492 [5], Ps de Beauvoir 2e 8 -| “Ser torn 4b, wager Ze-722oc. &rurmp tion, IML. 14-200 [0]. -—, Farmg.: =f Asunecliun, =, /sl., And. OO. 17=; G-S24n, Assur-okhi-iddion : ace Exsar- huuldon, Amurange [eoen.,] § ance, Asuraoos for Widews and Orphan, Socety of, London 14-6580, ASS UR-BANI-PAL 3-750 ; 3- ere Insur- 105h+ 3-107b; B470a; Cy- [iy Tens, babe, 24- fa, 25-1600 * dle, 8-435, UB-T51b- Lats 15- 149d; ube 3-100, 3-11 4c, Ts - ic edlin ean. : wine n ds-road Sardanapalus 24-200 ; Kar: daria Lt. 27-87 ha. | Asrur-dan I. 39-1076, — [L. 3-107 bh. — LIL 24-2000 + 3-107b., Assur-danin-pel 24-200d + 10Tb ; 19-7040 ; Bie. Assured clans 18-6496. Assurement 10-5 17d. Asur-etil-Uani-ynukin 3-030 ; a-]07Tb; @-805h, Agurvtil-ilanl-yukin-abla [cd. 605 bc.] s we r-hawidon. Acsur-nadin-hhi [. B-10Th. Asur-nadiowakhl LL. d 10-55Ta, — jopoolea P3=7 ia, Astin-ligh, mtn, C, Asin > ote ADL ro-lagh. Agtishat, Arm. : ae Aslilishal. Asti witea!: me ASTLEY, ACOn Buren ‘2-130 "ee 7 JOHN DUGDALE 2- Aaticy, Lance. 16-130 [D7] he ag @-a70 [LIT, Dj; 2-34 —, Wr ies ‘e400 [111. C2. "Reblire, Lance. 16-120 [17]. —= Green, Lee, 16-120 [0]3]. Astiey Hall, Lance, [Chorley] G-27 0h, , Asters Girona 2-110b; Ge any gr ANTHONY B-Taghb. &-268e. oe do: mr Felon, J. de. — W.G.: Japanesr langage 18-187. Aston, Che, 16-199 [C3], , Bert. S074 [TV. HA]. —=, , Stale. a0 [1. ape —, Yorks, 26-073 [19]. —'Clinton, Ducks. 8-020 [TIT. Fa}. Aston Hall, OF lace ee i Tote: 2-d18 ASTON MANOR, waretick. Z- Tite: 28-TAs [Ei ASTOR, JOHN jAcoB [cn] 2-70 to } 16-5636. —, Joho Jacob [jw] S794. = Willem oeckhouss [1T0T- VaTs] 2-78ad. be Hila Waldorf [th. Pane] =7 Wim, Anat, Iodia 14-376 [FE]; G 13 =; Kia. 4 [Ha] =, dist. India F870, 2 ag EMLAWN LL ‘* ASTORGA, Ep. 2-THib; - hag [Bc 1}. Aa Log a [Apon, boos] 16=557 sty 1S Til. et ae. ARTORIA. ores, 1 ioub : 20. ZiT [A Lh]: BO-205d, S00 [13]. Jatoria [Wealdngton Irviag] ia@-3.50d. Astorp, Swed. BG-100 [RA]. Adtor Place Hiot 17-2044, Astove, lel, Toe. F727 1 F0 1. Avot bead, Por. : ee Aslera- bac, ASTRAEA £-7 tlc. “ trite [ceulepr] Ba-tiRa. Jsiracg Neer [Dryden] & 09n. Adteeidac B-1044 = 21040. Ast ram qinn =5-17ud. Aste us [Titan] 2-027a; 13- eye at eg fareh.] 2-7 id | 2e-p18 =. = [kreckichomes] 8-230; 16- Fede. Astgagel ua papal.] Ee- iid: reptiles 24-157] — [tert] ie-séia: 26-380 ; Alpioe sje “1-754, 1- tida; frolh 18-38%c,21 godbe; a Ge 1b7e; See eles, ta Fpl ‘ é iean i6-iilc, B-RTbd; [oul errs Dee = Tid: oll yetch 16-3834 ; rer 10-57 la: products it- isd, P7556; Sonera region Bi-T 8 la. cliroite 2- ROP trolewm 28-10be ; fAZe 5 trade. hes. 22-570 5 trade Catitics B-ldic: WVolma Ls ASTRAKHA] ort, hom 2-Thdd « 3-01 [cay; 5 Comeack? ‘hark feild. Avtrakhan [fur] ii-lide; if- 3483 BE-250e, Astraiagi: @r Kop Astra | [iis rite Astral pays ASTR-ATRAI Astrodiecns 13-2250. ok — el micrometer 1h Astroidas 8-104d ;

        1020; 2-

        Astrolal bay: N.G. 19-487 [aay; ik “a i, vbe0.3 10-335 [12 B-T0ib; 2 14 ASTROLOGY 2-105d: Tab louie 12-19d ; J-11 fa; inde. Athy AG datronomioal Nontied lew. oe insitumonta if. 19-22 fig. er ay Spel be O10: a: Payne Nachrichten 10+ Gromy S-A00h 5 nya CP tates], =— Mishory B-0kd + et HOE Aratos Bib; in vale 32-1070: Capello id; Conon of Samos 6 bold: Coparnions 71906 ; furl re] - iy Mb; Eratethenrs @-Ti3h: Eadocus of Coldaa 8-

        4%b: Fontenelle’ ur

        ality of worlds 10-4[¥a: Gall pinto Lip march cn 19 5a3a : Tovianae ‘Pontanus 22-8ib a LF a stypainen.| 4s ate tara cna] 12-440 Amropodiniien BRE Cis, @rophel and Stella [Sldinny] “ae Ma} Beda : Ba 7nan. il ic. mi 20- i356] Londen] 2 age 2 J — cape, Somlnd, 28-370 ; Amar, ar [ers dl: ie oo lieo i hyperbola 11-7 1s, ;furtace DG-] 1d. Fo make full ase of this Index it is easential to read the instructions given on Page I. asmcomiarlins 7 25-Tl0b. ASTRUC, JEAN 2-819; i6- ae [log. Th. 18-20 [Da]. AS Ay iat tt. £-i200, — MF.. Astorca, tribe 2-4 30n, Asturia do Santa Joliana [Ran- UE | oe Santander, 28-47 6d. —— insti, en wee Jove. my Agape Tank, Wore 8-120 ‘AG Ishtuveru] 2 Asry a ao-sfta mei Ae ‘ef ty, Asty lus 14-40 ; 14-1504. Ariynaiam, isl, Ace, ; ace Astropalin. AslLynRine 2 mer re vain “3 i. anes —, inl. Pac, 20-426 [D3]. — HF, Altar. [ Eilfe- Swed. |{Osteratian oe isa ic / akan, a ‘ 12-203 eke Bett [C3]. india chirees|,] 2. i [Hind tron.] 14- ASVING [1 [Hindo tayth.] Z-A2 bo; Auwartr, re. oe. Aay, tiv. > ae ine AS LUM Se eblatand dine tien. Lihatic: ae Lunatle Asy- hp IGHT OF 2-4214. ron tes. Anyrometiic earhin olom Be- : — Clos F-t7 04. — Hyolbesia EG=| Pritam 1-460h] 1-887a, PoE 5 14-0080; | arrarteti Cet Ea e-a0th ATs i ie Ata [Tap. ] 16-2 54m. Ala, il, Pao, 20-8 bi [HLT]. For Key to unica sil see eo Page A. in. B= 10 [1. Ataba Colom b, he [Dad]. [atebe i-7 labek] 7-510; 24- Atabint], Ash. 12+ Zo 7 dca. ATA dept, Chile 2-220; 2-408 i ee poensany arbitration 6 eb; mn 1506, 763d. dewrt, SAm. 2-5 HG. [Hal]; alTabs & an de, mareh, Chile 2- we che — jTreoch, Puc.0. 19-DT26 ;19- OT dc. reena o trite Ags ATAGAM it arab 3 ai0 328-18. Alaoinua La, Alaeora, mi Frow.Af, Lis 200 [CM] s ytd we argues riv., Peru 21-204] Ate L Ataf Pac.0, 20-156 see a ‘la, pase, Tih, G] 8 [Fj. AF " : q “ee [re pen, Toor. 15- ATAH an ie. Abed, Tach. Day tn [Atharde], Alvaro 28- | BE ca oT sons in Colin [Sa urne] 26-234e ; O-ibda. Aten Or. 12-494 [14]. rae Cie. 12-04 [ER], dma! eaacst ae Eoum- Arslan Athintha, ms] 25-103, ita A ea [EA] =, 12-247h, ‘ : —, polot, Maduire 27-281 A iy imt., Malta 28. ajo mun, Atala a de Alcala, mts, o CPR]. Atate, Brae, 4440 [Ti], Atal Ghagi: er Yaku Atami tithe D2-415b: are! Atari, ep, Jap, 26-1 Gud, Atanakerdiak eronp 22-445. , Aon gpeonp Fad Die. “iene © nila, Waeh, Sed 5a » Wah. @i-ia Ataquines, Sp, Z§-h10 [C5]. Alar, Gusie, Anh, 1- Te . Tex. 26-090 mil .r ATAULF fia: £-| Alsicnsa, diel, Eur, 10-2 ARELLA! 4 C Beate pp.] Atop, rir, AP peet Hume. ha 7-488 LORY, a fiv., Turkos, £7-i to ees Yerkes Atha, | A’ La, L754 i iaben, yo a-T22 cna. Atchowon, Biim,: eer Aut Ale avid Mie "13-03 ATC OM, Kao. 2-8930 ; — Oe 16-654 ii}, — Mo. Laef08 [AN, A Loh Lae opeka nod Barta ‘A B-i5e; G-Tits; “32h; Pitre Aton, N.J. 8.402 [Ca]. Savas: «iia Alcea = tl NZ. pnts r a pers ‘ . $Teb . sete Plots, tribe: oe No- fia. I [Hoeman: Mex, king } 28-105. ee 14-TiL [Cu] A ‘ Ad -7 a nich telea take, Purk As os

        1. Atel, Musa.: scr TUL sthortie Alvaro: stk ‘Alsons! 1 or ‘etaae, id aunby are. atte fi =248 dé-] aly ted “a oie Ath Dany, die na ” Atelecrinidae 88700. fv. ire det Atel: ae Spidlorompkny, otis ips da = Truyl: me Uiendroy oe ai ager monk : a ATHEISM mae ie a] Jee National Workshop. oid. tia: 15-96 Airtke AE FAL a ib: B-i0day Beedash, Atel-knirn. ilist,, Fiviaa,: arr rabia, ual iM Sc eaTer pire Madrid igerry a, itaperie flocs of Carne 2-7 la. a ’ AP, 20-803 [CT]. was Re ru Bes, [a. ru Ei Sie, 15-4 Afernucs, Th 25-28 [E9]: eer also Pescara. Alenia, tit., IV. we Adlon ai bel Tt a etme ah: ae 7 oflep Kala, eoet= Ate [Galle encom] Bae ih. ‘ole lnk, Com, 22-724 tor 1-7 dbo, A 946 [tg rolsay] bs ii eh me BLO}, F | —; Poin Ce, Deragal =e] 1 mal tai nill iA dakh [Habyl, mpi] a= gS Te at n, «Ps. 215106 [NT]. z wad nant a “Puasa stan amon, Somes ATHABAICA, Inve, Can. S-1—thvke] Sditen; eka: RG fet Rt] ah Some oe “Tea er es 1] witie] 2a; Te pe Can. 1-500 [At]; 4& ~The. Nes - | Ui Sted] = ap, H : sinive aan MO ae — eating, Cao.a«]O0 [Ti; pap | tb bt ve Swed. 28-100 [C-D1]. | A anny [Aviicumy]: av] —, 1-100 AT wens mt me ist A. HL D-55> ;] deveda Zoroastrian] | seo Xena - — Wire. 2 Be iver Td. + ak: 166; me Apa, Avita v honore 15-4616, = a, Saal. vahaY family ] 3-S]e. 18-2490, 18-5870. Avestitaa Pa-44on. LM ge Bibba, Af. f-300b, | & {baropy]}! see Aves- — A. i, F, de - dus a" Avenbury 8-10 avenue Giftord, Der, ®430] Avitus [Roman emperor Se51d; A747. [In. Hd cee =i Siid ; 29-314b. ib [Laggan], riv, Beet. Tord, La, 174 [B1], Avonceber ace The Gaobirol | A har > #-50b; 10- — archbishop of Vienne] if- ae Obs —, Okla, 20-53 [Cl om, Swite. BO~342 [C3]; 778 [Fas; 40-770c; phos-| Bio: §2-504d; 20- mi Dowm, Austr, BOO? wivare, EL" [Mo 18-0006 ; AJe-1S3e: DB-Dh55 bila, Phot “1700 stone mou ATO fib, te 4-140, Avencas *y a5teb : 18-| tenis 25-045 —, 0. Dctariue 28-1164. are Axvorl, tribe: ae AT JTL | 17 oe, oo, fit, Fra 10-778 [FS]; H-]] Aviam Promeoteriamid-413 a Aven Ka riy., Huss, { are AVENaI "y 18-707 b, aad. a plains Port: ee Dena olan, Aver BLOOD Bl Averec-Mamya, M. A. Pascal] fF Pini Averihem, Pr. 23- O48 [C3] ¢ are d@ G-308d. Avie | pesky] eis Roun, AVENGERS [ronlety] 3-A3e, A “gag ieee D Avorion, [Gir,: ae Pring. Avegners 13-588 [12], | AV! » te dul; 26-4] Avisard [French een.] 1-85 Awana t awari], Egy.i4-175d;| Avening, Glee, £20 [111. C3].f [3]. Arum, hte meh 3 Avenin, Gaul: are A ae tov, Tines,; ae Aggua-] Arlemons, Gr, T- Avarten, ir, 12-024 [11]. lormir, 0° 26-1 2ob, —s iAvion, Valona, Vii- AVARS is. “tots rae] demir de Science, LL’ AVIANUS 3-504 7 10-114b; i- Turk, 305d; alas ag G=Si8b; [Renan]: oo Future of d Scr, . AVIARY a-H0a. ,"« i, L . « =f 4 on ote Danaea] 2°. Avenor, tribe 13904. Aviation 1-960h : 16-50Ta. Alvonarl, Gr, 12-424 [FIL Sido: Bi-d70d; 18-774a;] Aveopare: ace Arempace, Avicebrol [Avicebron]: ase Tho} A Als, 1-460 fat m-id7ns i] Avena 11-D130; 25-Ta30, 1. —, Ark. @-559[A1 [a]. ware 5-4 2o, 10-8094, $0 ;] AVENTAIL 3-4tc, AVI A S890; 21-2490 ,] —, la. 24-759 | t =, 1, Wants Conn.: a Wee een pe Myp-20' [Ai] Ce | Sar eer 2 Dirant >| — joe. ecean ye on, Tock, 3 48196180. ra ware Ii- 7 orl . i we olao AVeD- a: . —, La. 17-44 [a Bio yasaaTe. d6-aden | Aventing HII, Rome 29-500 Pry oh eae 19-301" Me Ayes a3 tae Wailpurgi. ern fi, = FE: wen line Om = = a | . . Trugourg, 6 ad Lombard silianee ts 1aa,3 TOM] ebAUIE Cis ae] Oblay Hamas — N.Y, 18-598 [ica]. ate $338; hi attacked Isa; Auguetin chor ZB-} lution en-s8th; cance, te —, Pa. 24-106 [1.3]; Bi-003e. | A Use, dit. Le, wtb tole, Hona Den te t- dide ; 127m; —, Toa, Ba- re [Bac = i, Swed. 18-0324, LE eae pemnpie ELS, tomb: 40-n0ed.” —, Tes, 26-600 [M1 Avral-tau, 1 t AVATA atin: 13-5084. B-d2c Laverna altar 18- Aticennia 17+47 2c. =, wes ay es 1 [Ola 165; T- Avat ial. Boring 1 Spe hit 16-hd7h: Lime a gales, Sort, SE-410 [A087; = ie, BT Ast fide. : sanctuary Ole; Minerva = Tv Ire id-Tdd [10], = | Avrenches, Mande of Fate. Avaugour, H. d* [0. 1235]: see temple 68-5f5c, “18-4100 3 Avion Sheers y] 2G-TR de. =, riv., Wict. 28-38 [ba]; Be-] — of: =r ihesier, Henry [4° Avaugour], count Piew eanctuary 21-5870 5] Avicula 16-172 Ye-1220 fna- A : Penthis Vertummus 27-1051b, ail 7-182b, 88-410b,27-200a,| AVOCA, val,, Ire. 3-660; 24-| — Fisogunt @-1eT + Avchara: see Afshar. AVENTINUS 3- — contorts 27-160. id VEL]; pac Ns a-i00p,| A . 2-07 ave Port. 26-530 [A2];] Arentioners 14-57 1c, Avicularia: oe Bird's Nest wench Tdeb. Lisb; 8-600, AVENTURINE 3-540. Aa AVOCADO PEAR 3-fts ; te A Spranpt 27-5424; lve Vale [Swinburne] 17-] —felspar: sc Sun-stone, Vicu ieG650; 23-] 24d; Africa 42-2030, 5 1 — 3-418. Gidea ; BR-410h fat ere a AVEBURY, J. LUBBOOK,| AVENUE [dict] 3-S4a. Avicularium di. Avoont I-B4le. z- ule uaa barod 3-31d; ants and bees} —, stone: are AViculldas 16-1920; Z1-277b. [| —da rol; Channel 1s, 6-642 ; tts Sionebes — = AV AR 334 15- ifs, Vaigeeeine Avgoal Pabcti E Pateli peter = $196 ; rat] 4 pinta ; nm, J": ore Patelin,
        2. Avera, Gn, 11-75 D4]. AvVicultare J-00a. Avpoost [Avrocettula] 19-fin7a. ave riv., ‘Fr. 10-918 [Fay; AVEBURY, Wilts. 3-95 ®- ge ifewmelal] D=24b, hvidity ” [race horen] 13-] —[Recurrirosin aro tia] 420 [TLL. Da]; ere GE [maritime law] B- dd, fasts | a Aburicha Ay Bint "aatey Sie: Ad-OTAd ; nvtjustment Aviays Spa ] 26-7 Scot. 4-Tic ¥ Tt. S520; 45-28 [D3], =“|014; affreightment - ADA, aan 2 Aw . A. a, 3-05 S06. AVIENt B-H1ib; 6-360; 25-04 AY mi Ale i74sb. a Sikjuohene Latahiter, —[math.] Sead 22-1900 ;] 16-2 IDANCE [law] 36-66. Avebure, tribe : uae Ahura, duke of 3-42d, rialeticn BE« ood, Avigzali, ‘Green, 22-542 se Confrssion 1 oe Con-| ATioran, A — —, P. de 22-159b — Adjusters’ ‘Amoclation f-l AVigntor pear; ate ATocady lesion and Avoidance. Awulla- ™- a OE ae 2eh3d3 = be 193d. nok eid atic a Yi ree Aw bins ie of Auinale : ihn; f son. ‘hc Teton jornilho ll. hs 2-840; : W ioe. Trroknm, F ; ae em [1908] 22- Ss Ades [Ae a AVOIRDUPOIS 3-06>; 2-| Avvel [Auvelyur] 28-1960. Avel raz. 4 4- “a [Ea], Averdupols: se Avoirdu AY , It 18-4 [Ea]; B-] Hild; Bide | [20>. | Avventurino! Aventurize- pee irs | 010 G. fevers on he gh te Ati Marie d's M eli te =e [BG]; S330. Avvim, fh d03b, Telan ire ra a; ibe mo doe ny : oe Maorlel | myts. a. i a ones cc a 1 « Molinay a6; 3a ‘s 2a [4]; fii | Fr. D-h4d | i6-173 ase Gerss t ala “Ti ! ends =
        3. Toa thoote, *G ch. B= ry 7a =—, tls ’ bharanees ; ms Willoughby de} 24d, [Gat; unnexslion st-1 —, Ji. i300 [ Ny AY ort di Commune ET. Wreaby, cE AVERNUS [Arerood], Is Take, It. capture @22-503d + cil-|] —, Masa 27-857 [ 100m ts, —, th J. Heathcote, baron $2-| 3-58a: rr 55k; exruncil [4 208] = Minn. 2Beb30 [is ,Awe, Jop.t of Liha eo 450e. G=470b; pa wnat O07 2d 7] —s Mont. 14-2768 Bose Aveland, bondred, Lincs, 16-] Avard, lal.,Norwoy19-F04[f1]. pottery 5-737 ; printing 27-| —, N.V. 28-506 [C9], —,niv., Fria, ii, TiSe, Averot, Gearge 2 ; — Abu Manvur Nizar §-Pia; & —, iv P Mor. 10-451 [Da, 1. DOMENICO AL: nals 27-4708 | 19-G0d ; LE Te Astet, C.Asia : are berio 3-Ktb. 3a. ' _ a] [Fatinite caliph]: 6Tie. Asriy of Jasbdl 2 ; 15-3 Ide. oe i 24-7038 riv., Fr. 10-778 [G4];] see Avie A hums. | ALO, W-oTBe. | Asru, Mor. 38-851 [34], AZU! comes, rie — "Effendi [ a7 a0 BS-T rin, Mur, 18-83] [1], De 3806 riers ADoe ig tie —Im i Othman b.] Aworin [pavud.]: me Rois, J. Antec, Aris, 2-544 i | ait Awstium, ig-3¢ OF i. | Indin OK; Bite, Ma —,NoMex. 28-620 [C1]; 49+] AZURE [diet] 9-46e.

          1. Mearigues Agizia, El, Cniro 4-054 Aporite Sle —{ 115-325b. rh + dates Fe cy ee a Reda, pam, Ave b-seal oheee 2! ance : patieh general] Z5-] A 1 ee Ml " ici te a ee Ae ] 25] AZOTH dict.] -eab. = Aston darnrts 8 4. | Azunire 3 Aso [Eitenalan princes]: are} Azotobacter © “umn AZTECS, trit ; 18-300 ; ru rama os ot Seta aon Sigh, 3204 : urchitecture. 48: arn walt : ree a | ic: tain Be pai =| Aw Cal G8 [Fa is-ivon, S-10in.| Aro Cee] Beith: 19-100a, | AZOTUS, Pal. 3-85b; 20-02] Cortcy ont Dead || Ae Abribrasctie 4t-bon fl Bri. [05]; Ark @-Sade; As-| drama @-447Td : @-| Arygueporre I Si he cabeaineern ‘Ax nL if 18-3#¢c,] 2008; ‘ Aaya yeloea7-07 Om ae Ye Asal trite 11-49 4b. G4; Daron‘stemple?-+| Snecula ral I0-i0la ; = ie Ashi Dahan [myth] 24-2080; AZO COMPOUNDS'3-81; 2-| chus'l 68104 ‘sige 3-809b, ‘Zolincal wigne aaedose. Avila, At. 29-068 aang a [P14] :| Aso de esvomehle a NM a ay dea fore oe ae r o © J rr 3 = ii, 7; P< oath, treaty [1790] 27-4530;] 14d. ; Sgr al BR Arelicarbondlamidiog oltrate a bn pe 1700 abinen, Sys ions ah Agzarula Vahl y ies 2-516. iz- = ; Jt 20 fest i pa ams, are ASOT 23-D0ln; "siege [1060] 24°] Asuay, mt, Ee B-B1te; 7 meg [34087]? ee Attn Set Bes | Bisiavine 9-7, ; 6060 ; Tina rr iB-1 fo; trade] 6156 - kewo IY, pity idcdre pal tee, Hoe, : eet] 3 roulo Bi-57d; Torkish coe AZUAY] prow Ec. 2-fiia; B-] — VI. [of eae ST seas ox ama] are ERs eieeg| HEE OE ere Laat aiee | sii = = 14 ——— = ce = lalion @-S1?a; mercury &-|—,SEA OF 3-ASo: 29-874 [1, Aaod] — [of Ferrara]: are Auao Wit. Ari ia: ca Pe are T Slew; pit Tie i ores saa Sp. 28-510 [Ds] — [ot Biliee yaaa 7¥Be | Eo Serubehastens TMIDE 3-42 ; 10-43, Pole; fortitieations 25-] G-sb1d. = Modena]: sot Aco FHAL. Aly kha [ani] 2a ys a oa TA 5 ctenant Warmee on-5 A rite nie Pon, B73 x at ee: ey: oie py Rem] tT a os Caxsbertaccion SSIs Asovagine 650d. UE ait 12-690 [1D], ark =. Asim-od-ie antes 6 50e. B-Ab: G-50dL Ate sise, duiengs * ar Are [j Abit Seth 34-0304: A 22-612. A PSShb. | Asufghar, swan, J nelia @-200%m, a i Exie]! rene Anogstwiread 22-67 1 Aaoxybonsone 2-Aae. Asufre, nuit. Are. 2-40? [00]; beg ee Cc | Agopeundo, isl, Chi Gide Anory compounds 3-82c, 1-900; 2-46le. As ri a-313d. For Key to Contractions, etc., see Page 1. Digitized by Google ae ia. Den. [iatandy 8 = nee 6-24 3 Ba 5 9-524; Zous Ata: ] 3-39a; 21-456a: " Crthagiolane | ba rh Hee, ie YTS Baal f, [kieg of Tyre] Bi-t520; : P an 2 f : def 3 f i f 4 EE } |
          2. Te. make full use of this Index it is essential to read the instructions given om Page [. | Posehn te? fernol] $884; 1h tt: Lota’ liars To Tadb, Utoimal BT id Haith, Albert Ulrike 26-729, AGtwon, ht, Tar. : mee neh hai i: ran. of Arnica a Bal, Ar a am a 1 —, | seeulin =37U [CE]: 2-116. vari Ri ie ty on Tit. Ray. Bi [A]. Haba [hing of Aymenia]s see aan. hla, tape, Tirk As 2-7TLia. = inka. Afe. o-307 [LZ]: = ie fh, — fl, Turkesl, 27-400 [Da]: 26-9 i 0d. | Atg. I3-1i%a: od hhir be [rool] G2 00d ; SMa hat Alan 15- gud, —Hudan [Mabon. euimt] 15- 1 i, Late Lodan, mila, India i4- 701; 1h-gied, BABADAG, lium. 3-01a: 2 ae est Dale [oarh, rt. Caos, Beta aL Faj: S-i434h — ae, mb, B70 [Ca]: cee cole Spal Var epm, — Feki, Turk. Z7-426 [E38]. Bales G+ 1548]i, a, Fers,: =v [ehba- MOLE], Bataltrre, Ee, RPL [a-a]: B-1 ia. = TIF. Fa 8-91 te iim. AY, lddiay sot Brig, mich, ary. B=658 [Ci] lin, Egy, Pati le 1 1aT] Se Deka Reha Jame [ritich] 25-2 0d. Bahia [Cle Rherrann ile] B=] 7 a Dabea kale, cages, Asia MU: me Lace} core, cpm “jae like, Tarkedl, 6-164 i Balmn, Grits 1B=[b4 de, That Sour, [ett Laas ¢ 4 ie fa a, tle anime [hol] Bea 7 at be [lane mite, Turk. A2G [D2] f Ukedonir, [il Pe DT Th =, wil, hile]. Aprile, i?- in ‘Kral Arch, 17=400[0 a]: 18-GAla, Tlie Saidu, Periag Goll =e eee ee Tht ad pees Bit Kew ote, Deen, : me Chet aa, Data, MabhAreh. Tt did [ES] litte Wekh, mi, Albania Saat, Taba WV Sea jot 1S-Scik ahh, &. Nichola Bada }T in Habba, Flom.At. 22-648 [Tea. ae one tay, Lew, Gd Diba, Dieealieeiies [lerectinats oii De he iT — CHARLES B-ila; calou: bal mar machiqon aut Lea rth bw bhee 2e-Sidd : Lewes! ali 7. [ike Babiai: are Plalihak, feat Eoltouds [W. G. [iliert] i wil Dabhaghurrh, North: a [eauony eee ats Crk, cit. Pm. Bi+ po [Mak | Dahthet Nes, cape, Eel, Bae oie uiap Piatti t's reetal &-04 ha Babbling thrusts ft Lialiler] Be Wins BPiab: Be-j0] 0d : Himalaya 13~47 ba Baten bh. Alphenne Pi-5T ia, = [hres Kk.

            557d; Bi-

            ' halt wrateetig Fo TG rhea eo ae Bahere ke, Vy je ery Dalek wad Wileneg temilr @e 1003 @-146dy 8-10To B OT Cronk, rahi? NJ. 2- i I. Nabda, Syr, BO-i07 [Dab iba inke, Ppl, dd@-ige UDA}: 14- [die, Habek: ar Paopek, BABEL -Vle; 2G-305 [Fa]: Sauer ot #-Fi Ge, 11-37 dd, 19- —, lle, Tae, 2-178 [EL

            s binugatoun ee Phadks y boom bn aa reel Am Ta! bal Ab ‘hve Tab
            tine. i? se ng ol of | ve! cronies | 97 hua Neadiag Cog [[Vecar $954 Maria Ge oe Wy 1 med Pree any eid le mg ry WY SOU; thw in 16th cout, 8-] chen. toa PRY awe ee i AA oe I CP W.Ame 8-000 [0H] PH — de Senrainens Fat hd rere, re. dat niet Ub j Se ars. seas 24h Tad: iireton & it dere Jnrunpalibies, Le a, - Ger.t are rate — vy lung, dé bt callecttion & Ballet de —He Heralix, mt. ‘ | Rallye 14-Taii ton ar bes Ga esi entibt Ralietta, Aternnder pe-cere. Sistine viva Qaeens 5 pee allan a ant bale, Alpe = BO-042 &] Balleits B5~4 4]; 1-Tide Fysrnen tii bta;] BALLALGWER 22100 5 48- Wate wide de Porin, Lea} Hallzhack, ee i411] [Hy «| Ramering, AFUE. Baehin ik ne inst Belo Om. ateTs0 [Ay. | 2-208. 2 [113], madi heer \ INSTONE, the SSID; i4-] Balionn, A 1952 [Di. is eras naar ie let heron 9-2ede. te ae a Roba” 318 [K-LT]. = BALLOON iis Leraantje] 2+] ht tt sehen — Jono Elphinstone, 20d mise gab i ftumanias aes Suae t-1 [Ba] ; orl Ri a Ire. him [C3] j mei wi. BesIE 10h, Bi-] dS Pse. ampere. ] Fa]; 20-4 Berke cial | atin ae, 0 si] oka encarta | Baars tiger nt. "lecol.] 28-69Tb, bay, fre 4 Tis [Bah "as Reon Bae BALE feta 9. rei, fe ers eb] term a, eis. 3890 ala Rive ; — mais aa of, 118 ie. itipperery] d4aeT hd ' ball jar rite, aae7 tal Balm of Gilead a-25mm; 1- ak, lve, t-te] — SW 19-535 [Gi]: m& te ly tre U4-t4 pt Dairninke ast 1% Ssdeetvean, Wi 0! on ne’ “ie ares, caathe, Im. 6] | ailln | Byer he sie tee, 16TU4 a 2-18 | Rallyknockan, Ira: gremite] —— Ln iam Bet CAPA se, ad-zee [Dad; x saney ipsa by — i : £2-Tile. uly . Matha 12 [B1].- | Ballinamaliard, Trent ore lountord, es a, aoe 16-| naltfasin nore, Tre, do-T da ma i] ily mabe, pre 54 aaa] |] B Hinamns “O51 mp. ; . pany elt! .- 1 [1708] miiieeh aaciowd PN 4eds :] Daliymartyt, Ieee 5

            ENA, fre ie: ae ont noe PT sd [C9]; torien; ve data [ carte Boe De Sd Stee point 1Hete Balllocioue Lai, ms Boot iy tele | ta WILLIAM 2- Scot. iagiss wet em tr [Cerk] Piso

            Bike I Bally

            2-419 oer : a eS et Ol aah, tds Sparta

            — yai5b; Be eed, Wess Feta Be

            — SU-TELD 5] Badiindlen, tre. 46-244 Oh, Halirmote Jahn Tunis, baron a Vera] OTe ; me ae Ha] A ee

            2m 1059-1987]; see] Ballingrane Junction, . | ees hea on Bea “St Besa, © ea eu Sak tm sien —- & Co [peiblishers] WeTda [03]; ere yy FL [raph Pert f settee oath: a [~ 4% . | ig hg 4 i :] Tally iy, [Down] 14 ‘Cu, Sf | 23084 ag Mata] ida = For Key to Contractions, etc., see Past fe Digitized by ' ® To make full ase of this index it is exsential to read the BALR-BANN instructions given on Page 1. ee Bs ; tribe: E iean rampur, Maharajah: arc Bam-Narmachir, div, Pere. : cing, 18-7080: ooo Bad Beivde! tunvel i Bie. bere aT uF. Todia't 1] 14- mi ‘yhdin B47 trey a po eve | eae ea a ce Mt siete.
          3. , J ii Lia, 5 de i emf te stray nafinete & Ohio Tallwoy ‘chk - ae: ? mre ‘att Boi te Todi 3 “plrainaam] — oh Dust, Agos-| dl6c;— battle [014], 269i balile adh] L2-d 13d ; naire, Aa. aids oot ed MH ee Ta, Baltce “Lea dep i; ace rene iit iran Tha}. a ata bd ae id- fehenie 7 + begets mi iH Ger,, 21-808 Ditto, haa: ee oat Ba Nc a q . i 1 aa = ig a ‘ THOMAS 3:30 Ta nsiedendren pera Lia. Tia —, Hunn. a erib, 38 A tm ‘epabaa um. wat pt oa [A]. on, orud 2477 o ; ri Sa Oh; 28+ aA, eae Geos i BD a a ee Raabe, il, Pac. BietTtm Ee wrie-éiea Takes, state, India B5-15Tb. nate oe reco 35-2046; 32-2010; Lhe reura, Nis. 19-47 a [1]. po-y-fetin, Wales onus \¥. Dilons; Dex. i pe Bolas. costume Dei tila Hanagher, 14-Tia [1a]; aan ‘exch. 330Ne. thes ag et ti : &h. Bankjoo, mi. Pie. 21-3084, | — iormoar] 8-580a. 7, ab lichik-jon, Tib. = 4 Lhe —,iliory:; sce Mila, —, Hr. ins a8-]18 [BA]; Penal Generolade, “Won. : ft; 18+ 6-5 Randa, Mal.Arch. re —, rv Sin. 5-678 [DT], con | India ={Nepealy - 198 Balsesddan, ‘ba bay, Jee. d4-Tdd L-KA eh kin NDA, India [UI “ Puller [nhguclag] 20 mann, MK. Vinee] B31 0E on aniP. ry ety. - Bi 1G 2-207b: 2-1a5d. —, dist., Ltlia B39 =, gs gh 49-200 [D1]. IL, 29080, ANDA, ji 3 Ha fowl 42-37 107 Kure “17 hha, 21 9h 5 Balsthal, Switz, Dalucki [novelist] 24-9900, | | islands 15-9520 ; pliccone] Ba 1-DEAd, 18-1 Juan @1-21 BALUE, JEAN 3-207a; 10+ B1-8466; Phizome| - Randajine, Fr WoAL 1i=206 BALTA, Ruse Iu: Ps Ate. [e-i0p [fig.]; wicker work [Co]. am — ha! Boat S4-413 [G1], on Baemoe Creek, W.Aua 2-060 Bod [C3], ; —] marsh, LALIT. 7 = C i. 2 ml, Sa | le 1 AA a. Tamboo palm winl- a] pee Han —"perliavtal = tea Balik Geul, lake, Syr.2 oe =e 1-223 3 cans 16- — [Hed], rv +a L te | Ak Denis. tated, p. 25-530 1c Dalukiser, Anis M.? ae Tait- lie], Fiv., FeO, Ife BALTARD[ LOULSPI a 15]. doa [ES]: 15-00n.

          h0h, “ ae Scurvy, parnagivn, riv., Ttomda © of Salisbury] @Isda: on Harnath, The aries ari, Fis oount of 4-327 [table], Tari, Aby, 25-379 [15]. L 28 — tariraies 7-577Td: 7 s4ah, BARE, li. de: 7 Pi: infantile, iliac. aoe, Deriune 15-24 Fi];] Darom Springs, N.C. 10-772 Berkukivs, mosque, Culra 4-] Darlnk, mis, Asia 23+ 23-81 ia, BARNAVE. ANTOINE PIMYIE capture [ETI] 87-2 scathe-] [Le]. O54 [AG & Cl]; B04; &- HARM 3-4074 4-510c 5 manu- bh ge aiies ; dl 1 oe ear: Let age emer reg ot o54d es sab y Mamolulco, 4 facture stra. » une! ge “ » om pile ari amal, fy Por, 24- Niue cre AFG, Fy AT ay Leathe aie, Frat, are iteeture 2-105 5 19- e i Barkul, Turkesl @-1hea [E1]; Karmak farmertde] i TAZA, eee [03]: 16-755d | Zi- Darieain, ide Loule Sér.- oecis S7-i 2b? trade routes Tie b Lharmiatkive: aor Harmenidow. farohrongh, Yorks, ga«@ 12-]06h; BPdt4u. TE] wulrr arian Aedoshir¢ =e Spas] eps oe WT Kaj: ital ews Louisa Martial Turkest, 27-490 1a]. intra 07 Harnburners 4 ee tell i590, rach Antone] rn ser Mon ra aie Turbos, 6-168 [21] ;] Marmt on tho Moor, Yourks.] BARNEY, SIR i? Darjarg, Spot, s-403d. $6-90n, OIL F angi =; gorda 27-557 [D1], = Hat en In 24-393 [AZ]. Barkur, India 14-352 [613].

        4. — it-Ly Nirah, Yorks, &TTa.] Harnby — Notte, 84/4 711, Larkway, Hers, B= lfn [ly, Fa]. Rartcide feast S107 hi, —. pree., It Di-38 [rmp]: area 18-7a: plives 16-4 4 iar + tne, ‘Wis. 2a-710 0. [182]. BARMECIDES 3407s f-]| —Spoo peat oan 6, Can. BO-] 14 Ee furl, Todla d4-0ta [FT]. did; S-bie. Yorks, petal Ti. =, iv, Hota ike [F0];| —, mite, Can. + are Hireh welts.] Laelia [teietvnye] 9 fe; i2-] Barniedann, NAW, 19-358] Dorocdulth, estets ft _is-iith | ae bis aae =, pt, Wis. 8-740 irr pei ences 12-50Ln ; putk * ‘ . a ae —-

          slate, Dodlia, —, rl¥ joh a7e [C4 i] ier, 3-0 « BARI, tribe 34000; 2-130a ;| —, riv., Wis. 28-740 [EQ]. —AND JOSAPHAT 3-i034;]

          08 [1, fem. a Mateh Feibads

          rupee 12-84, B= | Od. Wark [Let.] 24-Tin: cloth GS-780b: Bas0id, llanmer, Indin 24-970 [1T] litre, Liowt. 21 ae. Hung. 3-6 [09]; ] Barra to ‘Ac. NUEVO, P.fa 3+] Barrer BAROTA ete eae: ] 3-2h0d. . Barve, Fr. 16-178 [75]. Digitized by For Key to Contractions, etc., see Page }. 7 1 Creek, riv. if-828 oun barr yrs Can Bilde; Bo Lid ¢ =, lal, Can. ae-3T2 0H i Mie 18-506, Th ope, KA ifiil c | era. ol, NA. 1h-000 Lf ie NZ. 19-004 = au | rey 49-538 [ASD] =, torte. Cam, 24-214 [17]. PH- ita. | — banin 16-8 6e BARRIERE, THEODORE 2 r recta =| Tae. ‘ TREATY 3-i30b; Z7-biic.

          it. Mahe, rit, Syrle bbs

          BARRILL, ANTONIO GIDLIO Harring netom, Ge. 14-757 [Ia]. I 140308 © [Di

          i Meg ar Upenl.

          —J ‘2. 8 [3p tr Sow, B=20 a KS.W, SO-sa0 arson, Jone Marin Retna i2- Je shine gees B-69Tb ; iv, Cuba 7-004. dy Bae BAR Aid :] erbi- irolion 2-ibdd; weak” aor Marvjoe Darren Jomen 7-010; H- nar] — Rae ast Ren hag —| fal aaperita, =h Sar, = t'] bcd OOBIC

        5. ens To make full ase of this Index it is essential to read the instractions given on Page |. BARR-BASS Basie, Mice ae-tee pe. Bartiton Doren [Janes I.] 16 Iie: oonwade costony Mapes, tania [ish . a ee Via. fm} abt 1 1iTd. 7-17. 4020, 10-774 [15 “fady sfeather Le-adda, 1’ for] Bastiinee [title] 2-445a2 mar] Bas perrte Say Bh, SOT TE] plion 18-54 bay & a: | ie clv » Nn. ¥. i8-300 Das co: ome BASoUES S-445d: Thering Fr. 32402 = paele we" 4 [Alk Hasiliscus [E, Roman uweurper] theory ef origin 14-tidd :| Fast, ie Tasie lara 28-1626 23-5 [aa. emruare J-ihoa, éd,] —, Air A ootn, — wall G- die, BASILISK 32-1704 &-] Se aise peohithial ==, Sir Pisse seat = a7=6 7 icon: ce | cred we GS-37 Se them] —, Firm Pibcht, baron de Duenetnn- Md-3d2b; Li-33To. | Dasiliue [consul of the Easli] art's reecarches on b, ville: are Drunstanwilie, Hadidinbalus 14-354. 7-200 y TorkAs, S-ie9n; 2-| —, Futk 24-1305, lchenes Lee5e Fd. =j ane of Daail Jj.] B- $04 [E23]; 28-905 164]; 3-]—, Fulk de: et Fandford, peat afin 1986, 1 ba ae ol, Bpthlo of thet baits] — mee aoves, : . ’ rane 4 tt ; baltle| —, wert |

          36d [reel tt a foi 1 Ceskaod T3552 [ians] £19b hana =, i Py ‘a ' ft . divien sitia b; Jofriies: = se Richard [11 9681] @ Rasidioapore 34-04

          ib. 1

          Dieidion Lb I4eb y Ti aaRa. Besidu, Pers, 1b-8 | BASSET ] B-493¢, Totuieme- [, OT, Daetenia, wiv. Ih: ae Haseena. Mont i376 « Tork. As. 2:[49a ;] liasee-Terre WT, LieGade ; 2] Desilivet 240505, . —, Utah B7-814¢ ih 26-]05 [Ga] = a-hi4 Py . a Basienas, FrW.AL file 9oe = Sire 8-87 ia; 8 De-87 i aa UP berate mat Wi, Bia pad z 1 ie e, BASIL [Tie reat] 3-i66d; —, Can, B4-775 [BE], Tike Felts ben, ehh Fr. i-Tish, Tiase-Terre, iol, W.T. 2-04.44, onion lat Bh ha = me ee De-tab, BASS [tam iy dete Ease. Perre, pe, Ki et iT ance Pole wa BS $-94b BASIN [dict.] 3-480b. Arthur Michacl, let Tron] [0d homilies BO. Scie ; turey =| ]S-dbob, rion: a Hurton, A. M HORN 23-1922,

        50b 7 quomantiedein — [lrruration] 9-264. Dass, Jet barn. — hound 6-37

        faa — [ooemn fel. —,lecmre L-f20b: Bi-dijd Core-trempetio: see Opll — tot Achrida] 3-40fd. B Biblc; 13-Si7o _— D=160 [Tea], elelee, — fof Aperrat 3-i00d. [hes], — co hid [HE fiaseti, H. 7-11ia: 63084, —hkh [ke onan Ein c]] Eau nar, Hants, 8-420 {Tih. Ea]; |] —, Inels dads ay h =, i Fa bly Las wide + eee Ibadan, he htie [870] 15536 Hamp- — i Midd ‘" i], Ockih inet, Owl, g=8 [ad. | arf 3-51 de; jalation hire Form 2chenl Nid 14b. — [Middte], ig. ©, 20-96 [Bi], —, Marte,

        120 i.

        iT palace 4-907o :] Dasing House, Monte. 20-959a;] — | North ish, 0, Bi oa ij —, Keh, 1-324 [ERI, rare “Tursus battle [564], it ’ = Z8-F a0 [RAL B- Hants, 2 — Creek, tiv, Ala. 4-960 [1a]: — ff, 4k. Roman Emperct]] date; @120 [TTL Ba E060 [Ad], 24070; Ga i Ware te if fone. ie [1Tt.| =, » 20-30. [111]. asariie; me Savant @-Th0b, S-indb, 2-S4ib; nae Se rg —, mt, Cal. 68 [8] ], Kosetioun, Pa. : eer pnine- fusiig offeire Silja: vabbes Wales — mts, Viet, BB-14 [dj, tow AS? sue Sees eer] witht 18-740 [ax], | — oe ies. 37. “yr il ‘i a, eens 15 4M] —, pit.. a a i aly #
        eee BASIN'STAND S-dsia; ae-| — He ' anavelie, Biche. 36008 [C1

        fhashooss ital 14-740 1b, Hasipetal 10- 0-30fa, i pay ta 14-115¢. a ae James 4-300. “ee B5-1ueb; 44. Masie wine ZB-7 Fo. omerill > see Elaseville, liasafield, dina toed [c liaahiaha, J icy oe te fil, vere [Us here] BO 1 aT hey

        teth ral me Core

        Austr, 2-060 [07]; a |

        1. “ABs cower rd Lithganion policy 22-8959, — WV, wat Macorsi 4600: oid bee hogtied y ii- Prin Davi. 20- vsetoa [BaD, | cana. — a. Hem, — fiatibella ¢ era Make tree — [Park] : “eee Shien
        2. : | Basic AViLLE, ou A. tinewer, Fe. ‘14-495 [Da] :| fismieres : : ov Corecalla, é | Tatkervilla, Va, B18 [Da], Land se! enmient 119 ic, wrellue Anieninos. 2] — [ale piling DS dee BASHET 35-4516 =, Alper b=Tal JOARNES &- taal, ‘Canmns of 21008; 13-| — [imensure] 28-194a. — per, Fri @=-68ins] aid. a b.. P.Ls. Bi-998 [D7]; myo heen a eee ee a a Peat, TEA B+ | 7 ‘ ‘ — . c &-] inhabltants

          1-a960, ‘| = tah 28-7070, Tao PEELS. 34-48 C].| Marlene, dt. Wr. s07F0

          — atr.y Pole Ay 93 [i+ D7]. ar] > amma Compacy 3- 7 - di Dewees, pose, Alpe d-] iF * ha ti: a ‘irene

          8160, | — sale aesoee eg a Fn tare Bad dink, Bur

          1 — ir, t i |

          = vutline BS-18Te. si Beaketry Sater ida Zi-JhGb; Me-pTiby enpiais Hasna min, Dan, W.1.% see Chie laai don, Fae, La- fg ¥ " reel : Oe, | Unwiciae 2-08 imahip:; of Pashale, J mai] Swila, 4 Line Liab ini, La 47-04 [C1], Drand @e Everid, eects Lines,

          410 [IT.

          nis ow ot Homaoar | nae ayn asin gc] pny He me | a ab, in] Lit tf i ¥ a we . A cit Busitius. rye Britkh Columbia] —, J DA. PORTE 3+] lise, jorterea, Li. | al. Dhmel ie —, Athens ss &-600e, — BASSANO, Maer da ran i] : a ; 1-3 Swits, aan Hastinns[ULle] 18-40 se; Anaio- Lenato Derby, @-416 [II. meETRT vagte [tive] Aiea b ea de 3-4iiba. Saron k om F200. i-d¥ic. 5 DO]; M@Thd. se abuses pretend dynasty] o4 a ae ig Mecrucrite :

          lie. Seite. : mew Booed, [epee — Matthias Ma ash 3-| Kamo Necter, ae ALi ee aditiades, Spirklion 42-sd6d. astral, mal, tbe SP-stib. anid A01b; cube BP54 | Stefanie. Uaallian iimup, di, Mle, Bil~ a | BASILIAN MONKS 9-s6n; ml doe, Sune, Fe. ao7Ts] Nee ee i race: ie

          i 3 Dw t = 4

          Orvttalerrata monastery 12- Uda ime i, inn 1i-09 [03]. | Bass Norok, lake, E.Al. : iw Of ia. Ba Tenjarnin fi]. pa lng bh Fecedberlf, dite, BASILICA arch.] 3.1700 | mane ES Bj hia I ‘on BAT 3a. : er orn Christian churchea S47 %¢,] —‘de Demure, rh pee 10-0056.] lime, : = bat a] Lia ees a, 6-126c; Coptic 7+| Baenet: er Dasinet. Lesew: ace Pana ment] @d05b; Raeckrii Bhalla 5 Easiern church 3-] BASOCHE 3-i 44h, Base CLARINET 3-i01b, ¥ - ib; Lombard churches ’ Todiin, £4097 0 [8]. fase drm 8-200, = Loan ale 12-85 i $3070; Toman ind, mf, A Vinee, Jererni heed. | " AGT we , D8Me, Bd} Gd, 16-540 [Ea]: a-Th40, Tiaset cortet J+17 Id. coun: «f Gum BASILICA [code of law 2-] B bed-120b: 27-550b, BASSEIN, ur: 3-402b; @-040] Tinesora, " iTic: Dorsithewe*® coment - Fino, Cong. 6-025 [C3]:] [be BASSO-RELIEVO 3-070 ; ae ne 04 abe A - IE — india: Ste bata i} incomes hh iee BASILICA ; - Scanmenstomhers 1a-5000 748 treaty 12-7 Tlie ean Hacer och Mts le, seer;

          gf. : Ba-9 Th, —, dit, Di Bass :

          ‘ieee 4 ‘ei Fi; : + = nv. Sm

          440 [CT]; wo ty F

          tenare 28-116: sheep bite. | Dace. ri dro, Fr. 18-9054, BASSELIM, O a a we Hele Hasilicus, Jacob £3-8]5e ‘a-210b. VIER 3-192b. Sent age [vine] we Leonia». | Hasan ps Hasse-NaV aoe, 3 vie" Hasilic vein 27-97 ba. Uaeophibe oll 4+ a Tie eet a eAsn ses S47 6b] UN-1554;] Baw caret, diet. _ 10-770 ey] TY, ue ke, nae] — = B01 Sa Hasllidiane: FE woh:| Bagi tiv, Swite BO-909 tb dimes ie =— 0, Ly | “at ee —

          pistoniam 18-2740; tenets] Basque, Pars, dist,, Pr. 40 church, Bowgvais BAG] oe Basu teode of law]: PROVINCES, Pp. B-4isa: Dawe Ma Martinique 17+] BAsSVitJ JEAN eee nT ge-saa [DI]? Carlie revetsl BUE[AT Hugen de. Fer Key to eee otc., see Page I. Digitized by Googl e BASS-BAVA fans iol Be 90 14-0100. Aaa i Wis. © 2e-740 cca] Can. Be nod

          so — isk, Sting, 2-114 [KE], fare el ae et snabis: Minbar 26-o80d, 10-Gud, 3- last, Rey. i oe Bulostis. Hast [bork]: ae Dom, Basie. George 1a-01li; H- bey fodia edd [ACO], Howards [rece] 42-0060; aetna rig his retort mia ¥ ay = fi. BAstads Swed. 26-190 [B3 a Pers. 21-188 | Bastan, ud de, riv., Fe, 1d Le BASTAR, state, India 3-498d : 14-342 [110]: 5-050. —, cone! dia 14-482 [KIO] BASTARD 23-1900; afilintion rooedars 1-100 ioe’ ancient 1; foley 18-11 ahs whipplog of Ba-400 Haste it 27-5424: nelar [tative aeifnd Bastar] onocla: oe Hoblnia Peeudacec = ane ‘me Hemp agri- — halt ‘3-789.

          = Trl S=01 bel, — olor [of Herbadas]: see Jailed ped coda, —pelor [of Lodia] : a Amoel- od e fof Poclic coast]: — podar [a ic Me Lengo colar. = iothineiilka: 2c Chinciilia, — thea be { bewmcart] 17-0350. — fallow 10-1550, — — mafffon: aw Safflo -~bitdalwood: ate Nalg. pati Sod BA-07 Be, == iF iD BASTARNAE 't ALLE eo wna toed [{E2]; [aebao [Es] [H2]; taste, a dBi De, Boetitl-foee sat Piel, Cina tel boa, as da; : Zamplern Haatholm, 0, B= — he. Tela B-300b t 4-370 At rage 1, 8 ASTLA, Cor, Gioahs ane 15-1 aah he Nelson's captare if- rye Torkih caploare ET- BASTIAN, ADOLF 300, —C O.: electric metor 18- fiat vapour lamp 16-0700. —, IL C. 18-fie. Bastian, boy, La. 264 ee Huasthamelli, Clima Hawtiarsl, Larearn rate Ba-4 0a], Bastianint [wou bERIC B=, Hastiday At Fite 7-32Te ; BO- BASTIDE, JULES 3-50], ASTIDE LePage, 3 e001, BASTIEN EPAGE, JULES 3- ibs Rastifril, a P-A12 [1. Dabs Basillion i Flast [lio] : me [has- blion, Saad.

          BASTILLE, Parla 3-507] ; cap-| tire [l 740] — cdg = Lh 5a: phlet — ‘Flore he lo, Parle 20-504 i Db Fil}. BASTINADO 2-508; fifth, Bastion, cape, Ching @-104 [16], rien tart.] 2-501b; 10. — rt ‘Prana, Ale, 18-3¢b, —, double: me Garalier, —, Hal 10-85 ¢h1. et ii irice 10-040, Bastia dite; Gi dhe, Bastndaite 20-22 5a, usta fombre} BB-]01b,
        3. Haste [racehorse] 13-TPab, ee Lincolnshire aorta le : il- ia h, Bastrop, La. 2798 [C1] To make full wee of this index lt ts essential to read the inatructioas given oa Page |. Kd. Flastrop ty he be Pier is Ha asta abe Lies [bk Baudun-via, mit... Tib. 6-168] Besar, fur bie 6-02 4d | L106 Dasue war 18-6450: £2-4T0n, Hasule, Lrilw 3-308,; B-802c ; Lag ue Free = peallce Colony relations hey ie: a ware 2BO-| Sia: A's Tiiion i2-85ib+ + Poblie aeeemiblies B-00d, B-f04c, Basytous Binmenie: ae Elon bro pieliivn eben ia, “rhe « ©.R, G-078 [Ce D4], ot] yee a-504h ; Highl 16- if-4 Sire | 19-0. bie in, — one mens ra Leall]: see Trop- — ip rm Data,” PCongo 11-09 [A]; fata: oe Jablriy Batuan, prr= Puls Bi-307 1? an Baitaba, a. F805 [Dy Fe ana eponge iherles J. rs rn Te595 [HA], ba, 3-500 ; P.1s. - ots Ea es ri-die: e7-6o0 le, Nicolad seitok, ett Father 28-7 45e, Babailog carrie 25-0400,
        4. Mahoroned Pasha 27-| 417-4T4Sb, otal Jodin 3-}0gd; 14- BATAL , [Canocira _ Port. [D3] 5 ie=5 | —, lal, e a, [Hates Ta.] Bi- aud [13], —, lasl,, te TA teed 21-39° [eas a : Pals, ane ii oh = 3 163d; gett 5-00 oe: Herod Agrippa [. T, 4256 ; Insurrection &- 4 Hating, China: eee — =, Juve 16-9840] Gabba, —, Fiv,, Mal, Peolo, asta, Balance Camer, B-110 [Aa]. ein Camer, 6-110 [44]; pie. meh ke tig BATAN asin Hi=i vty f in —,bar, Pla. @1-392 [3]; 3- — ror, F.le, Bi-362 [EG & Iie ir Zita, erie [india, riv,, Sim, ¢ iad le oe Had. — Hari, riz., om. =e “ar, ar » Hoe 4287 [10]; | - = Pore, fit. Bum. : ae Tort, eta] n Me, tl, Mal. Arch. : are ron Mal.Arch., 17-460] Ratarekh 9-270, Hatarite, Dror. 1 me Baborite, BATARNAY, IMBERT DE 3- SOT ih. Hataa, " PTs. 21-207 {is} Batasun-di Tih. @-144 [Ea] —— “Woo. : ae Rotate * see Sve0e A a Halataee, Hrae, B4-% [liatatele pe] ive. Rota Tulle, Javn a7 7 i, Datatees: me John ITT, Tolataon, | a-fiiie; 34 ae a= Tid, a r raebri, or, = = Pita her ve Pompe [Huymens] 14- For Key to 5 Canttaciioas otc., see Page {. Free Stats it —,Fiv., Queens. 2-940 [G2]; Bi-392 | re Bat-] Hatarl [Uatavions], trite Ba- 648 @Clb; Died ab his B30 5 revolk @-i0td, 15- Le, BATAVIA, Java 2-3074; 18-

      4 [04-1]; Duteh |" Euat

      India Co, §-TiGe: 16-37 a; 8 anos 17-374 : rain- bay Jara 3-50Ha. BAT. LA, realdeney, Jara 3- ia. “ Hotorla * {ship} 2-0580. itm [Hedrlacue Juntus] ®7 et ce. riv, Bis 15+ fiafaria News 18-[71b, Mitavion republic: ene Hel. wad, United Netherlanda. Ratacieche 4 wan If kerk] Se725b 13-1098 | 20. Datawnnea :, er Balaunana, Tutchownne, bay, Cau, 20-114 iCeh Batcheller spelen Zil-bd7 a, Tintchelor, John td4ia, Tntohelor, La, £750 [94 Hatching [of jute]


      fatchtown, i, 1e-o04 [34]. Batehworth, Merte 26 = a? [Cz]. — sfigath, Herta, fod Mix, 16- iT Bom, G30 [VI. fiite, Francle 20-[00d. ate, lier, [D-Eio], Rate [ulict.] 10-10Fa. Daten [diet] &160b ; 12=107a. Hatoa [legend] 27-41 7b, Tha M114 ral frock, Can, — Joie. Le [Rimbaud] | = Nate ot ni, Pal. 5-251b. Datok 4 Dates, trie Li-100h; &- 1-330q] Innere 3- OE5n ; in B= 8 Red, len: me Greppo, —! i. L 3-508. —, lmibel 3-500: da-855d, — = {ree F. 4 Sik. Kote J.; ae Crewe, Haile J, = Ne who ‘15-1 12a. =, , Sudney F. d-f00d, = Eda Z2=]10h, “hr Fiala» oe Compton, —, Wi iiliarn Bote: 12-rd, — Champalu, Sie J, Zietith, ee Ww. 18-58 Tateman’s Pav, SW, 15- ek Fabs 28-5488. BATE ENT LIGHTS 2-f0ta, Hetenbanr, Holl, 1-585 [C4] Detenbinsers 28-1 Tata, Hesierin &- 1h-S2ad. 18-156 imreh.] so — HE EMRY - 200b : i 5 the. = . Willlam foricketer?] T-44%a, = al a [iivifiw] 2-f10b; Bale Ark, Befid [Aa], —, IN. t4-204 [C4]. ie. 18-fi08 a v¥. Alo, 1-460 —_ atest Pick MAS 3-310 = Willan i hs et Mendeliam ur, L-50n 5 Warlating £T-90ha. Tlates's patie Ba-2 1%. Titer ibe, Abn, fd [ DoD, = hak fast fe, 48-600 [14-002 mg og i, aM [AH for —, Va, we lise oH Latetela, trite G0 | PTI by | athaniyn a Syr. Rather, Hall, 1h [DD] s || BATHONIAN SERIES B-Side 3 alvo meee 21-15; a; id = xine eat ie aod Waeh-we - Vat eee Ace : Latifeborns, BC. se TTF [EDL tt Be Ia, 44-779 al BATTLE CHEEH, Mich. d- bib? bet [ET] Mililerrenk, Nelli, on [iia], Dotilo Creek, riv., bde. 14-276 [Ad] —ipeek, tir, Mich, Ta-at2 [EI]; B ath To make full use of this Index it ts essential to read the dnstractions given oa Page 1. Hayrogt, Pal. ! ae Deirut. hay rum 21-0] ha, Dasa, 0, ots | tea 4 » Kl ansiny Ra: stall, Cal. d-$ied, Dir Hoey % Wolaey 2a- Haynetd, Cale, B-772 [Cd], — Wie. 28-790 [¢], “On. Wh lg, wife ia my Nerte, Car Can, berees | [O71]. _ View, Moms. 2d. nore City, Ot. age i te Baylen, french Aavier Con ono, Fin Am. 3 toe Ae homes Of; ser Castafas, Raven s borin Fw eerie Cleipe, Barlén, Sp.: ace Baildn, Baviag t. Zi Ba yanoteuth jw 5-701, . met Pod, is-laee 406 Fou Daranel, tribe > ere Hahangi, Bavlie, Tichard hed] dd, 4 [Gifford] ody Hayap, prev. Slam @-132h. tay tin, Til. da-204 [Tha], 530 [Da]. erik” Raw Deva 10-11. Harian, Turk. As. 3- yard, James Asheton 3+! Baylies, W.: on digestion 19-]—, mia,, BD. erethtr ] “Alte tt. Yara ibeiin [zt] +] S5ic. Utah, 19. ites on pervoud!] Basaar, K [F9]. — tiers, ; ee Hanbet: ~ baad; wen i” |— PIERRE TERRA Sel] apitem BAZAAR [hice a te] 3500 ti tribe 4-340 : language rae eissstoe | BAYLO in 26-800 [CM jus] 10. —t hilt NOY, a9 rv . —_ mn wel a Fior, Wits Ad, =r a oe 3-35be, —] THOM FRANCIS 3-5id0.] —Oo.. Tex, Bd. G00 ey | —, hil, Wali iis Y, BG. Raville, Nicolas de 5-1 14a, —, Willlam 13-iiih, university Bie? 5a. — iu ey Deve BESS bine ch ‘144. vari Fie, 40-540 [1] Rayiy. Ada Ellen, sce Lyall | Bescon Hit hareeranaitene ny, . — 4-Th HAT thoenetome 2 Havens, val, Swits, 28-043] —, In, 44-749 BAYLY, THOMAS HAYNES are caconite 2aidac iF ib. —, Neh, 19-341 [43], iT h. ron sandstopes Raven, India 14-383 [Ri +. =, O, BO-96 [M5 Boylyn 017+] 736: tur di-34 la, na, , Hib, 4 Barn! [Sabu uly. AW —, Wein. Beso [DE], Sul le, Mich. 18-979 [FR], . a [Crue. fy Brecon | rai, bi0d; 3-79 Be [horse] 23-98b. —= Minette, Ala, 1-460 [EA]. —,neervolr, Wales stadt wan, India 12-943¢ Bayard, pam, Fr. 1-742, nea Talph: ace Halph {map a La, ret [A3]. Bayard, Montienor 19-54 4b. ri, Sas fot hw cada ts : ae] BEAC FIELD, Hawantan [Hawanthari], riv., Bararidly, ean Kus. As, Zo. Baynand’ 3 Saale, London 16 . earl of 1 ee — [Ho]: 3-44 3d. ard [ h ito. 18-954 BAZAHD.. AMAND afb; Tite hoe "2. Ha i Bayes Tehal [Alandrns}, riv., BAYNES, THOMAS SPENCER 2-460. | i Teer Baw i Baw mt. Vict. 2a-38 lo M, 21-5 Bazarndyar [Richen 700d; 6 ne i Lat Ba yawan, elegy Pe, 3 ee Basar il, Mi. etd tae Cane. 22-874 UIT i: Nea Fe lm perhlisnny qi 1d 2 BAWBEE 3-55 at ial repay me ma Sir Edmund fta. Lore, plawse iy Bawburgh, N Sila [rv. Bavaria [rattan] we Bayesid. Borerdzhik, Bulg.: se Dob-| Derty §-67¢; on see D i Ba munet], Tre. Aw. Bag | ard srg of Walls, Filth. rbaaily 20-44 i; fo

    12. Francis 7+] ifa, S-Siha; 29505 [E2], a relacd, bay ;| Dasruto, fel, 5. Af. 25-140], Victoria 28-34_, Bandoneth Norl, B-a24 [Tv. Bayasid, plitean, Ania BS] 00. Walls, bay, fe. [M-Ni}; 22-iGde: pean | BEACONSF 1] i eh] Avenel [Arabi [rtest ] ay of alanis NZ. 1a flshilragr a 165d, ATib, 26-047 [pe Baw sey, Sul. 9-494 [TV, E2], eesti fi [Ei and kn. [Comio}, Fr. S300 ; tk fawryo, Bur ae Maveh kia BAYRAY, PD. 35550; 2-399] Bay, Oil of Zi-l4ic. ae [nai. ST ie; 28-164 [G7]. Hawian, isl.,Jove oe Havian,| [E Baymabone Pils, 21-302 [Cz Fr. 24-575, EACONSF| Toa 3-3Tle awit, Key. &-’3bc. Barberry tre Zi-815a. Rayon, Fr. 10-174 [4i3], || fnew ie dened BS-i.08 [11]. Flaw ELLE, Bur. 16-0756. | Bart i. B4-d 12 D1]. Bayon [dialect] 3-340 Hasina, Hung. dod [04 —, Tiet., : geoleey Be Hawn, lake, Ire. Se-5dad. tay. Dolton ™ [hore] [12- —, iamiple of, Angkor 2-] BAZIGARS, race 3-56ir, doe. Berwin Yorks, tin [IL. FO]; 472 [a TN al NO, 18-779 [ F 2]. —, S.C. 5-500 [£2]. — = Gy Th. fh [Da], Bazin, J t de Outede, Rayona, Ma of @-T1zr, Jules, ay [ta Sp. 2530 [Al]; Bee Basin, H, Beige 14-d%e : BAYONET $-55To; ZS-Gida ;| BAZIN. RENE S-56lo; 4i- ne Diod, 194, WAT. gi ieh. eum Kan. 15-444 [ic? BAYounE cLaparduim] 3. Bacinaie [dict] Safad. S48n 4 } 10-7 bie: | Ri need, F bh BEAD" tornament a att i ; jan _ ri » Vernet han 22-40te. — farch.] 3-57 Ie, ~— and new! 18-045: [4-dpee Beaiie, J. 0, Bites Mich. 2S55a; 18- DE 3-461. BEADLE / he « Lanes, fer 139 [0a]. — Cie Oneg. 20-24" [an a-iATe : ecathedsal’ ati Bagman, dist, lis Vere, 8-907. aTic. LE [Dodel or Baxia, polo, Aworvn 3-5 [1]7,]. — Cilr, Ter. 4 di - dfig+ coreilytoaaa? Dearne : Beadle Co., 5. Dak, 25-5000] i, faa M1-TS2 [D4 — City, Wie. 28-740 tribanal §-5Aie, iasecheoenn tine " 905778] Teadti Pa BH-i06 DT]. sate, i. ANBenew ttt]. a Mich. 18- 18-373 | a vi pense 1Dy, bird wa [F3]. Ena ; peste L 2a-5 na
    13. ides, Ap Sid : = BARE oe: Seba Bare ered HE wo | PALS fasion Saati 6 | pats Nora. ‘ f i] iin, = - fi, — ot bay by ae 11h 4g re, Melchior @1-T0a, BAYOU 3-540, aan nef feastiaens me ipsd. iy" sy — “se Bly 1 Boyd Fe... o ee, bay, [Con, i mer ag [rth al ir dharl, rv. Port, Bead om Point, NJ. iat — L “ fayen , Ger. 6-807 a, — Chicot, La, 17-34 iD ‘ Beal, nln elarh co Eee =m cities | Maremma ome] acts mn |= ne eyes Be — fimila, La. M4 [ah], i I. head ' ' , 3040, 24-19 la = + gohane 3 ana ‘ra — Labatre, Ala, 1-400 re — pene 4-1 250. Neng tabs, Tre, | i. Y = W. G. tani] Be Bayern kl lel ot] — Mote ae ee, fu 1a Peel, ioe, Te rit ay [antiquarian] 3 varie. — Parva la. 27-54 CAND | — bay, W.Aus. O04 Ie nos . Rayes, Gert pa ae — ure, La 49-34 ‘sa imi —, oheanet il znd ct hi mo arti 1 partie noe [Tigh thouwsn] mae La, abt [RD] — fitd 4 ie S77 Ad ; in. ity | ,
    14. DI BAYEUX fg, dated b" inlone] MeOTRd, Si } 1 Sh ‘ehh y Port, , £B-372 [6], de a. a [Horpemie | —. la. 147. [on DA near pa bor we ¥. Uae87 4d, ena | ndefodrin 5 oO elhorer] B4-0 [40, For Key to iia efc., see Page 1. Digitized by Googl Cc

      ] “vv ef the 16 Tid; of we, Flemish 24-7 4 [hg.]: wtedor


      1@h-cootury 21-708d, 22-

      moulding 18-93¢b.

      Beal, Nerthemh. $2%s.. Austr. 3-060 [G5].

      ah 10-146 [BA] Lance 8-033 [As Beal talon] Eb $274. a Ba pase, Scot see 42-759 see 2. QO, 90-26 [H-15]. _ } 38-4 3c. bbeods 90-5670. . aab. 8-613 [T. [De. Ruse ore 18-1000, bus = ‘Ale. 1-660 [CB]. aid. 3 ane bay , owl: ar Pea weevil. dar natty D650, Satie — We OS foes TSR My cry it Sees Mia sist me BREE BES a8 Fe BS ~ =k ie : Ant 84-938 [12]; pill Sl inde 11-2900 ;
    15. 99-4500 ; ‘Thorfinns

      $160 [NS], $4-744 [BS]3 S- BE ESET i rf 4 me oF ie eye wT sri FeEREE f 94-638 [FS] AN ‘e To meke fail uee of this Index it is essential te read the lastructioas givea oa Page i. Bear, lake, Mich, + [D3]. = mi, Cal, G8 pe at OLE. B-0od [BL]; mi. Mam, L785] [A3]; P2Ge, —, Nits Mama. D7sR57 [C1]. wm, mi. Nev. G8 [FD]. —, mb. N.Mew, b-S70 [CR]. —, ot, N.V. Bi-piTa, —, mis Vi Idia0 ne

      , mt, Vi. 18-490 ‘].

      —, rv, Gal Ga [Cah lid, — Fiv,, Can, 4000 | £2]. —"e , [oho, 120 rte 1; * 1 Sal. —, rit. Mass. p7-854 [81]. —, fv, Me, 17-104 [fi ab — Tv, Minn. 1-550 a — HP .5 a 28-450 [ Ea -5],

      , riv., Nid, L&-d70 [1ia-3],

      —, riv. Utah 27-814 [H1]; i] BE aiid. Bear, trite 10-44 da, BE [Ursides] 3-4572d: Be a7fa; 37Gb; Awelpalian, 61fe; doralion of life If Téa; fur 1i-346b, 11-]45d, Abnaied, 11-957 a, biberna- oman 5 Z1-4i5b; pre-histori¢ Bata: aeclorial a eh anret ]; worship

      $lb, d-442b, B-O64b, — [Shock Exchange] 4-787d :| Lita. Ba An. “BA ITING D-i75a; 2- e Bedsieatey ®-Tides LE 14d Bearbranch, Ind. 24-429 [7]. Dotte Creek, riv., Bek. 25-506 [C5]. — eine. rly, K.H. 18-480

      [Et]. pommene | ee Ain turcme. of: oer Derpul,

      Creek, SL 20-778 [oi. — Creek, Pa, Zi- 106 [1.1]. - Crock, riv.. Ala. 4-400 [AS]

      — Creek, riv., Ark. 2-553 [401]. — Lrenk, nv. Ark. 3-353 [C2]. | | } — Creek, riv., Ari. B-5579 [ AG], — Creek, riv., Can. Ei-11 66, — Creek, rit. Colo. @ 723 [H4], — Creek, riv., [0 daed04 Hy — Creek, niv., DM, 14-304

      ih, riv. =» IN, 14-004 tant o> Crk, iv. Lod. 14d 22 Ee], — Oreok, cir. lod, ied F —— riv, Kan. 18054 — [reek, Fir., Mich, Bi=1Ge, -~ Creek, riv., Mo. 18-0081 PF i] — Creek, riy., Mo 1-108 74] — Crack, piv., hic. 18-604 [10a] — [reek, riv., Nid, 2-i07 — Creek, riv., MN Mex, 18-590 — —, Cleely ° ar St Maur, Chocly. , Edward Bey eour d4-T ibe, : Frapels LS. Coney, vier. we Heridnrd, Fra IL. &. Conway, Dn Mary vee of, —, Gay de: oe Warwick, uy de Beinchamp, Leah emul —, Richard de, Cardif charter beat Ab —, Richard [bishop] 3-505. — Eiciard: or anrester, Hie chord Lina hia a, ar l of, Llih curl of, —,Willam de, ear of War- wick: are Warwick, Wiliam ie Lg . earl of Benue leaiteyp, A $592 [A3]. — ficelirw, bes 16-042 [Fi]. ucteine, All 28-086 path onbe, anes Gar dil here, i i il Bt Athans. x. i eesti “= clerk, Jet duke of, Ace. —, rit. 97-54 100] — [renk, fie. 1] pa= 2g HOB]. Rea ora, Fr, 8-606h, Leay de ‘Rerlas gee curt qi-d048 : T2-1ita Peevdeesrt Hel, praeer Siow Bt]o [1h. fa] | Tsien Jasna a Céatecions: etc... ae Page |. oe BAVA-BEAU Deageder, —-j 2-559 [B34]. latduc, gulf, Fr. 10677? 194] Lesa ford Lino. 18-550 [Ly BEAUF FORT Wea a 5Ase badee 13-1] hd r English earls and dukes of this name -S8Tc : cipher ‘lam Fe. fii ' = =, FRANCOIS DE VENDOME, due de [1616. logo]; 258Gb: doel #-840ce" Mao with he Iron Mask 16-2 75h. —,HENAY 35862, G-S7 fa: O51 4a; hi pery COM pron ian
    16. 10se Lreaty ty Boot- ional i isda; f4-/10d, Joan + ov Joan [rm, Jane Xe of Scotland]. —, LOUIS DE 3-58Th, —, hanger: er iichmond _ and Derby, countess of, , Thimas : we Exeler, ~ homes Beaofort, doe of. —,Pior =Roper de: my Uregury AL Beaufort, Bor, 4937 [71]. » Fr. iJ ura] 10-7 Ts al —] Fr. [Mane-et- Loavkrw } Ta =, Fr. [Sapoie] 10-TTS [15]. —, N.C, 08-172 1 F3]. —, 8" 38-500 [14] | Beda: pbosphate wor lows Zi= Tih: sige [1770] DO o5d. —, Gasile, Rook, O-f6 ta. —, harbour, Jopan 18.150 [ET] =, a, Can. seats! — Ca, N.C, 1-772 [F3], = Un. B.C. Be-400 | a. Beautort 4’ Nactpool, Charles
    17. N. de @-fihis.. Beaufort-rn-Valite [Malne-aeees Ai FAQe Cs nat a _[E-F6 ats my, a Bstieed tn thy i o-124 [1V. BI C2 1089 Bedford “e mil —,LUDWIO VAN B-64dd Vise"s init 2-1 80h heruls e2id, Deol igodi; ar Maal. Page ande 16-792¢. lob, abbey, Mas. [sluldon] neha er: a2-n08 [D2. Be'el shanna aa] -eba- neh j bees —— OEY 454 [CH. Re ean s-41ib }6-12%b | Rectown, Eat sate Wis, Ee Tad 1G]. ord Sel teky wa Donen | Sond on oe Jakob. at see bk eerie Sueur Amoctatin © ; petieeion, 4 Ee Sesh [Fa]. tr] om Mo ite ? ; NIKOLAAS 3-031. { ie rie Deemer, Ne Me aet ita]. eae won 8-274 ee meter TG ou, | Beane tee ae-aee kT, 3-601; ‘ Th3h. . Bacvur, Cn ra 49 Hocutt 270; @-4i0 [1. Ed]; 1% ff B1-760d. View peset sare ; “Fat Vege ae Meyer} S-ff?c, | berty] 1. N.Y, 1 [pEoan. nurmouss a a "| Hedminster, Pa 22-106 Cte, rigor get00 [4 2] Fa] sae tha War of os ' ao sedi ier. EE, ststoron — aber ie. a4-t4s cot a Si Saas solves, | Temes Ber. Suty, Jratand 24-730h dats] Begs, Abestam Cocneie S- fp ge reel tA he ote ang - irene q ——— bin Feoroh [bit] 38-7 84h, . rhea ite 14 “petosiee Ae lon —, Honry Molynsut Paget] 271 30h, Today irrt =o ideas @-784d7 calculus t4-] Ho 12th cari of: src Berllachen, Ge Ger. 14-808 [ EY] war [17H]. reaulle 20-9504. : [Eo bales Collinge G-844b: jdoal- Sui Heary Molrneux| Berlin Conference [1 58s-1254]] —,. canton, Swite, d-faine: iam 14-202hb, 18-2202 ;Lockn| Pacet Howard, 19Uh earl of, 1-130b; @-O1ao: 18-290; 22-] BID [C-DA]: Bie iib, Wows 26-850d 5 logic 16-008e ; pey-| —, John Doword, 8Uy carl of : iTOe ; nenbrulleation a roohy fof Milan] 28-12hd ;

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