SharePoint list link to view

February 7, 2021 16 Comments enable link to item or edit menu on any column of the list in sharepoint

There is a list called Projects where the default title filed made hidden and now the problem is: User wants to have the link to View Item on Project Name Field.

By default, the Title field of the list has a link to the item and edit menu options in it. If you want to change the link to the item or edit menu options on any other column of the list There is no option!

SharePoint list link to view

To enable link to item and/or edit menu options on any of the SharePoint list column, follow the below steps:

  • Open your List view page in SharePoint Designer using Edit File in Advanced Mode
  • Search for Tag. Pick the appropriate field to have link to item functionality
  • Add: LinkToItem=TRUE to it. If you want to have Edit Menu, then add: ListItemMenu=TRUE or you can add both.E.g.

SharePoint list link to view

Save and close the page. Now, if you go back to your view, the Project Name field will have the link to DispForm.aspx page of the item!

While the above solution works on both SharePoint 2010 and in SharePoint 2016, found the same LinkToItem doesnt work on SharePoint 2016, but linkToItem works (case-sensitive!)

SharePoint list link to view

Here is the Result in action: link to item with edit menu in custom column!

SharePoint list link to view

PowerShell to Enable Context Menu on a Column

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Set Configuration Parameters $WebURL = "" $ListName = "LPRequest" $FieldName="Assigned To" #Display Name of the Field #Get the Web, List, Item and User objects $Web= Get-SPWeb $WebURL $List= $web.Lists[$ListName] #Get the column from List $Field = $List.Fields[$FieldName] #Update Field Settings $Field.ListItemMenu = $True $Field.ListItemMenuAllowed = "Required" $Field.Update() $List.Update()