phillipe là gì - Nghĩa của từ phillipe

phillipe có nghĩa là

He is the reason I wake up in the morning and the air beneath my wings. Yeah you wish you were that guy.


Phillip is the shit.

phillipe có nghĩa là

Phillip is an amazing person, boyfriend and best friend. He has strong morals and is very intelligent. He is very empathetic and he never fails to try to make things better for those he cares for. He learns from his mistakes and improves for the future. He is incredibly understanding, patient and most of all forgiving. Phill is very physically fit and makes all the ladies heads turn, although he is always faithful. His hair grows long and frames his symmetrical face where his stunning eyes shine. His eyes are so true, you can look straight into him and see his soul, you can see any worry, feel pain he feels and see them shape as he smiles. Phillip is a great kisser! He always tries to please his partner, especially in bed. He is very careful with his words, understanding that you can't take them back. He is straight to the point and isn't afraid to speak his mind and although it has made some dislike him for being so honest, he holds his head high and walks with confidence and assurance. Phill has a great sense of humor and likes making people laugh, he is the heart of the party and is always trying to get one going! Phillip has a heart of gold and any woman to be called his is extremely lucky. It is hard to find a man more loyal, honest, trustworthy, funny, and just amazing as he. Not to mention he is crazy sexy. Phillip is a beautiful soul that has the power to inspire and change lives around him.


example 1
Kat: Hey baby, why don't you come back to my house after this?
Phillip: No im good, I have a loving girlfriend waiting for me at home. example 2
Lucy: Ugh, this picture of me looks so gross! I shouldn't post it...
Phillip: Then don't post it.
Lucy: Oh my God! Your so mean!
Phillip: Do you want me to lie to you?

phillipe có nghĩa là

This name describes a man of great intelligence and humour. His quiet and orderly facade hides a superhero. He may be a mild mannered man by day, sitting in a library perhaps, but by night he comes alive. Like a cat, he is self-assured and arrogant, and can strike without warning, claws out. He is often found in thrift stores or at art museums, or sometimes rushing to the rescue of those in need. He is thoughtful and brilliant and loved by cats everywhere. Though some may find his politics or humour offensive, others are incredibly attracted to just that. If you are lucky enough to find a Phillip by random chance, feed him often and always be playful.


John - Is that Batman?
Mrs. Fancy - no, no, that is Phillip!!!
John - oh, he is now a superhero?
Mrs. Fancy - he always was!!

phillipe có nghĩa là

A really lame boy who, once you get to know him, is everything you ever wanted. He's perfect in literally every way possible and he's probably the most hilarious person you will ever meet. He loves video games and music and is super sweet.


Girl: *sees phillip* DAAAAANG WHO BE DA MIGHTY FINE BOY WALKIN BY?! Boy: oh that's phillip. I wish I was as cool as he is. :[

phillipe có nghĩa là

The most amazing person you will ever meet. Lively and so funny. Has the best taste in music and films. A big geek when it comes to films like LOTR and Harry Potter. Can brighten up anyones day, but their own. Happy and cheerful when around people but when they're alone they fall apart. Any girl would be lucky to have this magnificent human being, they are perfect in every single way.


"Woah, that boy has an amazing taste in music!" "Yeah, I know, he's such a Phillip."

phillipe có nghĩa là

Phillip is a man with a large penis and knows how to use. Also known for eating a girl pussy right.


Ex: Ooo babe your such a Phillip... Ex: babe you're so big that's why you're a Phillip

phillipe có nghĩa là

Very attractive male; known for his incredible good looks, he is the reason you wake up in the morning. Basically he IS the shit.


Mike: Hey, look its phillip!
John: Yeah, he's the shit!

phillipe có nghĩa là

Phillip or Phill is a kind individual who always encourages others. He has a soft heart and leads by example. Phillips are very wise and relaxed. May be soft spoken or shy at first but has good intentions. Very patient. A good role model and teacher figure. Gentle but expects much because he believes in people.


That man was so kind and witty! He must be a Phillip. I can't believe that guy ran out to your car in the rain just to give you your bag. That's so Phillip! He knew she was going to steal from me. That's pretty Phillip that he knew!

phillipe có nghĩa là

Phillip with an e on the end that stands for extraordinary, excellent, exquisite, experienced and exceptional in all ways. Phillipe is hot and amazing and generally good at everything. He can motivate his peer while still driving himself to victory. He gets all the ladies and they're nudes, there's no stopping him.


Have you seen Phillip he's really extraordinary ! I know his name should be Phillipe instead!

phillipe có nghĩa là

v. To ruin something before it's run its course
v. To blow your wad prematurely
n. Troll killer, party ruiner


"We were trolling in epic fashion until he Will Phillipsed us." "That guy? Na, he's a real Will Phillips." "Don't you Will Phillips this for the rest of us!"

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