One star restaurant reviews


I'm sorry, but that's called lunch. They don't serve sandwiches until lunchtime.
Gabrielle Lurie/Special To The Chronicle
Ike's Place

Ma'am, it seems like you made a mistake somewhere along the line here...
Leah Millis/The Chronicle
The House of Prime Rib

Posting a one-star review just to get people to read it is perhaps the newest low in social media attention-getting.
Liz Hafalia/The Chronicle
Hog Island Oyster Co.

Or maybe you could just ask the host to re-seat you when you saw it was a communal table, the furniture harbinger of bad times.
Jim Merithew/SFC
Chez Maman

Who doesn't love a good crape?
Liz Hafalia/SFC
B Patisserie

You have literally just described all of pastry.
Liz Hafalia/The Chronicle
Sushi Ran

RIP Steve Jobs, who sadly died before finding good sushi according to this reviewer.
John Storey/Special To The Chronicle
The House

Fun fact: Food doesn't count if it cheats.
Mike Kepka/SFC
Swan's Oyster Depot

Never try to order food Togo. It is the least amenable African nation.

Maybe don't leave a one-star review alleging someone stole your credit card information without ANY proof.
Brant Ward/The Chronicle

Burma Superstar

One should probably reconsider getting detailed advice on Burmese food from Guy Fieri, and one should also know how to spell his name if they're name-dropping him in a Yelp review.
Carlos Avila Gonzalez/The Chronicle
Gary Danko

The apex of first-world problems is being served lobster twice in one meal.
John Storey
The Slanted Door

False advertising, guys.
John Storey

And you thought slanted doors were the weirdest things being reviewed.
John Storey/Special To The Chronicle

It's some kind of millennial stereotype that this person left a one-star review for a restaurant they were currently sitting and eating in.
Liz Hafalia/The Chronicle

You have to hand it to this person: That is certainly an alternative view.
John Storey
Tu Lan

For the record, this review does not include any photos. Just one person disgruntled about misplaced noodle gravy.
John Storey/Special To The Chronicle

Crowded and unhealthy: eating out in a nutshell.
John Storey/Special To The Chronicle
Tommy's Joynt

It sounds like your beef is with Yelp's algorithm, not the restaurant...
Leah Millis/The Chronicle

This one is genuinely funny and a perfect summary of many Bay Area restaurants.
Stephen Lam/The Chronicle

What on earth could Chevy's provide a more authentic flavor of?!
Michael Short/Special To The Chronicle
The French Laundry

Heaven forbid you ever go somewhere that requires dressing up like an adult!
John Storey/Special To The Chronicle

If you go anywhere expecting the wait staff to be comprised of Hollywood celebrities, you're going to be disappointed.
John Storey/Special To The Chronicle

Pro tip: Don't fake a food allergy to get a refund. That's just not nice.
Carlos Avila Gonzalez/The Chronicle
Ike's Place

If you'd eaten a Whopper, you would be puking all night.
LANCE IVERSEN/San Francisco Chronicle
Sotto Mare

You found a nickel in your pasta?! We have a lot of questions.
John Storey/Special To The Chronicle
Dottie's True Blue Cafe

It's hard to trust the advice of anyone who prefers Mel's Diner.
Stephanie Wright Hession

Everyone's a critic, right?

The adage is truer now more than ever, with review sites like Yelp giving voice to anyone with an internet connection and a bone to pick about their latest meal. For the most part, given a certain threshold of reviews, the average star-rating works out to be about right. But as former Chronicle restaurant critic Michael Bauer onced noted, very low reviews can be less than fair.

"I'd say the majority of the time when a person gives a one or two stars on Yelp it is because they feel disrespected," he said. "Unfortunately, many of the Yelp reviews are not objective and posted in the heat of anger or disappointment."

MORE:The worst-reviewed attractions in San Francisco

Some don't even wait for the meal to end: Some of the reviews we found were posting MID-MEAL while the reviewer was still sitting in the restaurant. You've got to give it more time than that, guys.

ALSO: San Francisco gets second-most nominations on James Beard Semifinalists list

For some of the funniest, weirdest one-star reviews of local restaurants, check out the gallery above.

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