o no là gì - Nghĩa của từ o no

o no có nghĩa là

An emoticon used to indicate the person is blushing, embarassed, etc.

Ví dụ

person 1: zomg, do you really like him?!
person 2: um.. o////o

o no có nghĩa là

2]Got milk?

Ví dụ

person 1: zomg, do you really like him?!
person 2: um.. o////o 1]Boobies.
2]Got milk?

o no có nghĩa là

Hug emoticon.

Ví dụ

person 1: zomg, do you really like him?!

o no có nghĩa là

person 2: um.. o////o

Ví dụ

person 1: zomg, do you really like him?!
person 2: um.. o////o 1]Boobies.

o no có nghĩa là

2]Got milk?

Ví dụ

Average [o][o]
Cold breasts [^][^]
Nippels De Grande[O][O]

o no có nghĩa là

Cấy ghép vú [@][@]

Ví dụ

Hug emoticon. Ôm? O=[^_^]=O

o no có nghĩa là

A face, similar to ^//^ and/or >//< . The o//o is a blushing face, however the eyes are open in shock or disbelief. This is not usually used as a positive way of blushing, such as ^//^ would be. o//o is usually used when someone is embarrassed or surprised. Mom: I threw you a surprise birthday party, and invited all your friends, but they only had bright pink balloons

Ví dụ

Me: o//o

o no có nghĩa là

Đập tay! o/*\o Yes, high five indeed.

Ví dụ

Person 1: i got a new computer today

o no có nghĩa là

Person 1: o/

Ví dụ

Person 2: grats
Person 3: Congratulations! \o
Person 1: o/*\o emoticon used when you are embarassed

o no có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

[post embarrasing picture somewhere] you: aahh take it down O///O Âm nhạc

it is someone with headphones on listening to music and enjoying it. o[-. -]o: don't bother me i like this song.

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