Logo and title in the top of title page beamer

\title[About Beamer] %optional {About the Beamer class in presentation making} \subtitle{A short story} \author[Arthur, Doe] % [optional, for multiple authors] {A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}} \institute[VFU] % [optional] { \inst{1}% Faculty of Physics\ Very Famous University \and \inst{2}% Faculty of Chemistry\ Very Famous University } \date[VLC 2021] % [optional] {Very Large Conference, April 2021} \logo{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{overleaf-logo}}

2 is a powerful and flexible LaTeX class to create great looking presentations. This article outlines the basis steps to making a Beamer slideshow: creating the title page, adding a logo, highlighting important points, making a table of contents and adding effects to the slideshow.


A minimal working example of a simple beamer presentation is provided below.

\documentclass{beamer} %Information to be included in the title page: \title{Sample title} \author{Anonymous} \institute{Overleaf} \date{2021} \begin{document} \frame{\titlepage} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Sample frame title} This is some text in the first frame. This is some text in the first frame. This is some text in the first frame. \end{frame} \end{document}

Open this

\title[About Beamer] %optional {About the Beamer class in presentation making} \subtitle{A short story} \author[Arthur, Doe] % [optional, for multiple authors] {A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}} \institute[VFU] % [optional] { \inst{1}% Faculty of Physics\ Very Famous University \and \inst{2}% Faculty of Chemistry\ Very Famous University } \date[VLC 2021] % [optional] {Very Large Conference, April 2021} \logo{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{overleaf-logo}}

3 document in Overleaf

color=red!50, fill=red!25, very thick circle [0.5]; \node[draw,color=white] at [0,0] {LOGO HERE}; \end{tikzpicture}} \begin{document} \frame{\titlepage} %Highlighting text \begin{frame} \frametitle{Demonstrating large fonts} In this slide, some important text will be \alert{highlighted} because it's important. Please, don't abuse it. \begin{block}{Remark} Sample text \end{block} \end{frame} \end{document}

Open this

\title[About Beamer] %optional {About the Beamer class in presentation making} \subtitle{A short story} \author[Arthur, Doe] % [optional, for multiple authors] {A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}} \institute[VFU] % [optional] { \inst{1}% Faculty of Physics\ Very Famous University \and \inst{2}% Faculty of Chemistry\ Very Famous University } \date[VLC 2021] % [optional] {Very Large Conference, April 2021} \logo{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{overleaf-logo}}

3 document in Overleaf

Available font sizes are 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt. Default font size is 11pt [which corresponds to 22pt at the full screen mode].

Font types

To change the font types in your beamer presentation there are two ways, either you use a font theme or import directly a font from your system. Let's begin with a font theme:

\documentclass{beamer} \usefonttheme{structuresmallcapsserif} \usetheme{Madrid}

Open a

\title[About Beamer] %optional {About the Beamer class in presentation making} \subtitle{A short story} \author[Arthur, Doe] % [optional, for multiple authors] {A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}} \institute[VFU] % [optional] { \inst{1}% Faculty of Physics\ Very Famous University \and \inst{2}% Faculty of Chemistry\ Very Famous University } \date[VLC 2021] % [optional] {Very Large Conference, April 2021} \logo{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{overleaf-logo}}

3 document using these settings in Overleaf


\begin{frame} \frametitle{Sample frame title} In this slide, some important text will be \alert{highlighted} because it's important. Please, don't abuse it. \begin{block}{Remark} Sample text \end{block} \begin{alertblock}{Important theorem} Sample text in red box \end{alertblock} \begin{examples} Sample text in green box. The title of the block is ``Examples". \end{examples} \end{frame}

4 is self-descriptive. The available themes are: structurebold, structurebolditalic, structuresmallcapsserif, structureitalicsserif, serif and default.

You can also import font families installed in your system.

\title[About Beamer] %optional {About the Beamer class in presentation making} \subtitle{A short story} \author[Arthur, Doe] % [optional, for multiple authors] {A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}} \institute[VFU] % [optional] { \inst{1}% Faculty of Physics\ Very Famous University \and \inst{2}% Faculty of Chemistry\ Very Famous University } \date[VLC 2021] % [optional] {Very Large Conference, April 2021} \logo{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{overleaf-logo}}


Open a

\title[About Beamer] %optional {About the Beamer class in presentation making} \subtitle{A short story} \author[Arthur, Doe] % [optional, for multiple authors] {A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}} \institute[VFU] % [optional] { \inst{1}% Faculty of Physics\ Very Famous University \and \inst{2}% Faculty of Chemistry\ Very Famous University } \date[VLC 2021] % [optional] {Very Large Conference, April 2021} \logo{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{overleaf-logo}}

3 document using these settings in Overleaf

The command

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Sample frame title} In this slide, some important text will be \alert{highlighted} because it's important. Please, don't abuse it. \begin{block}{Remark} Sample text \end{block} \begin{alertblock}{Important theorem} Sample text in red box \end{alertblock} \begin{examples} Sample text in green box. The title of the block is ``Examples". \end{examples} \end{frame}

6 imports the bookman family font to be used in the presentation. The available fonts depend on your LaTeX installation, the most common are: mathptmx, helvet, avat, bookman, chancery, charter, culer, mathtime, mathptm, newcent, palatino, and pifont.


Sometimes the information in a presentation looks better in a two-column format. In such cases use the columns environment:

\title[About Beamer] %optional {About the Beamer class in presentation making} \subtitle{A short story} \author[Arthur, Doe] % [optional, for multiple authors] {A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}} \institute[VFU] % [optional] { \inst{1}% Faculty of Physics\ Very Famous University \and \inst{2}% Faculty of Chemistry\ Very Famous University } \date[VLC 2021] % [optional] {Very Large Conference, April 2021} \logo{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{overleaf-logo}}


Open this frame in Overleaf [using

\AtBeginSection[] { \begin{frame}

\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\end{frame} }


After the frame and frametitle declarations start a new columns environment delimited by the

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Sample frame title} In this slide, some important text will be \alert{highlighted} because it's important. Please, don't abuse it. \begin{block}{Remark} Sample text \end{block} \begin{alertblock}{Important theorem} Sample text in red box \end{alertblock} \begin{examples} Sample text in green box. The title of the block is ``Examples". \end{examples} \end{frame}

8. You can declare each column's width with the

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Sample frame title} In this slide, some important text will be \alert{highlighted} because it's important. Please, don't abuse it. \begin{block}{Remark} Sample text \end{block} \begin{alertblock}{Important theorem} Sample text in red box \end{alertblock} \begin{examples} Sample text in green box. The title of the block is ``Examples". \end{examples} \end{frame}

9 code, a lower number will shrink the width size.

Open an example of the

\title[About Beamer] %optional {About the Beamer class in presentation making} \subtitle{A short story} \author[Arthur, Doe] % [optional, for multiple authors] {A.~B.~Arthur\inst{1} \and J.~Doe\inst{2}} \institute[VFU] % [optional] { \inst{1}% Faculty of Physics\ Very Famous University \and \inst{2}% Faculty of Chemistry\ Very Famous University } \date[VLC 2021] % [optional] {Very Large Conference, April 2021} \logo{\includegraphics[height=1cm]{overleaf-logo}}

3 package in Overleaf

Reference guide

Below is a table with screenshots of the title page and a normal slide in Beamer using different combinations of themes [rows] and colorthemes [columns]. To have a complete list of themes and colorthemes see the section for references.

default beaver beetle seahorse wolverine default


Further reading

For more information, see the full package documentation here. The following resources may also be useful:

How do I add an image to the title page in Beamer?

You can add an image on the title slide in beamer using \titlegraphic{} . Its position is dependent on, i.e. defined by, the used theme.

How do I customize my title page in Beamer?

How to customize the title page of beamer presentation?.

remove title page number;.

add logo or banner;.

move title, subtitle etc.;.

add a label;.

How do I remove a header from the title page in Beamer?

To clear them, just call \setbeamertemplate{headline}{} and to reinstate them call \setbeamertemplate{headline}[miniframes theme] , be aware to use the right brackets!

How to insert a logo in LaTeX?

The options are as follows:.

Use the Insert Figure button[ ], located on the editor toolbar, to insert a figure into Visual Editor or Code Editor..

Copy and paste an image into Visual Editor or Code Editor..

Use Code Editor to write LaTeX code that inserts a graphic and places it inside a figure environment..

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