lifeguard là gì - Nghĩa của từ lifeguard

lifeguard có nghĩa là

The best job you could ever have. Its a wonderful job where you get to work outside, meet new people everyday, and gain valuable experience for later in life. Many people think that guards just sit around and work on their tans. Yes, that is true to some extent, but there is a lot more to lifeguarding than most people think. Guards have to clean the pool/bathrooms/surrounding areas, check chemicals, balance chemicals, write incident reports, perform pump/filter maintenance, clean skimmer baskets, etc.

Managers have even more duties. They must do the scheduling for one or more facilities, make sure that the guards actually show up to work, and in general make sure that everyone is doing their job and that everything is running smoothly. And managers get paid pretty well.


17 year old Manager: I love being a lifeguard. I just got a $1700 paycheck for two weeks of work. I think I'll go shopping after I finish this week's schedule and fire someone.

lifeguard có nghĩa là

glorious beings who protect and serve the people of the pool. while sometimes mistaken for lazy for basking in the sunlight and getting tan, lifeguards maintain rigorous jobs - often times sacrificing themselves for the wellbeing of others.


a patron attacks lifeguard. lifeguard blocks away.

lifeguard có nghĩa là

Someone who provides a reasonable standard of care for adults and children at an aquatic facility, who helps enforce pool rules and rescue swimmers in distress.


The lifeguard told that kid to stop splashing his friend.

lifeguard có nghĩa là

A real lifeguard works at the beach and keeps people safe from the ocean, not to be confused with a pool lifeguard who sits around and does nothing all summer. Best, and easiest job on the planet. However, there is alot of downtime flooded by hours upon hours of boredom, silence, and isolation. Making $10000 in a summer isn't too shabby when all you do is chase after the most beautiful women in the world, aquire great communication skills, interacting with the public while keeping them safe..and oh ya the best part, rescuing people in huge surf and being a hero. Nothing feels better than someone thanking you for saving their life. We deal with huge waves, broken necks and bones, we are all in great shape, we pull your fat tourist asses out of the water, and change people's lives by saving them. The coolest people you'll ever meet is are ocean lifeguards. They put their lives at risk, to save yours.


Did you hear about the guy at wedge that died? Did you hear about the ballsy lifeguard that went out to rescue that guy? It was 25ft.. holy shit that lifeguard is insane!

lifeguard có nghĩa là

the waste of life who sits in a stand for 8 hrs a day. sometimes with no break. bitching about how the job is so hard when no one ever comes swimming there and all the life guard does is eat and burn things and talk shit on other people over the walkeeeeee talkeeeeeee


treasure lake life guards are lazy and I am one of them.

lifeguard có nghĩa là

This profession is commonly misconstrued to be related to a worthwhile human existence, one consisting of preventing harm and saving the lives of our fellow human beings. This idea is entirely wrong. The lifeguard can be found sitting, sleeping, laying down, or staring randomly at any pool in the country. Upon close study of this creature, it becomes obvious that while the lifeguard is "scanning" the pool he is actually looking for any sign of a 1000 mile meteor, fireball, thunder, horseman, alien, black hole, and pretty much any sign indicating the end of the world. This can be due to the extreme suicidal nature of every lifeguard. In conclusion, all lifeguards would like everyone to know that anyone entering the pool is subject to immediate hatred and a plethora of death wishes/curses by the lifeguard. Lifeguard Doctrine: person other than lifeguard + pool = suicide


Patron entering pool area: "How are you?"
Lifeguard: "Great, yourself?"
translation- "Great, but do you happen to have a knife, rope, or cyanide pill on you?"
Patron: "fine, just fine"

lifeguard có nghĩa là

When you cum onto a girls nose, and only her nose


Kevin: I totally gave a chick a lifeguard last night, it got clogged in her nose

Max: Nice

lifeguard có nghĩa là

Person at a party designated to remain sober and handle any activities the extreme state of intoxication of the other party guests render them unable to perform. Activities such as working the TV and/or DVD player, ordering drunk food, collecting car keys, cleaning up food/discarded clothing/spilled beer/vomit, preventing [or breaking up] fights, and talking to the police/security/neighbors .

A person whose job it is to facilitate a good time while at the same time preventing people from ending up in either jail or the hospital.

A secondary function of the lifeguard is to provide a supplement to facebook memory by providing a coherent record of the events of the party to everyone else the following morning. Thus providing guests with a person to whom they can pose the question "What the fuck did I do last night?"


Nick: "Who's lifeguard tonight?"
Jay: "Greg's got it"

Nick: "I'm jonzing for some fuckin' wings"
Jay: "dude, get the lifeguard to order some"

Nick: "What the fuck did I do last night?"
Lifeguard: "You tried to jump off the fucking balcony 'cause you thought you could fly"

lifeguard có nghĩa là

When someone is sleeping, quietly pull your pants down and wipe your ass with the bridge of their nose. This will make the poop stain on their nose resemble the lotion lifeguards usual wear.


When you think of a lifeguard you can picture the white suntan lotion on his nose, now replace the lotion with turd from your buttcrack.

lifeguard có nghĩa là

Drown your partner in a body of water... and have them pull themselves to saftey using your dick as a safety rope.


Hey baby let me be your lifeguard thought

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