Library application form listening answer

Listening Full Test 9 - Section 1

IELTS Practice Online

SECTION 1Questions 110
Questions 16
Complete the form below.

Application Form for use of Library Internet Service

Existing cardholder?Yes
Family name:Milton
First names:1.. Jayne

35 Maximilian Way
Post Code:3..

[works the4..]
Home phone:N/A
Mobile:0412 214 418
Type of ID:5..
ID number:AZ 1985331
Date of Birth:25th6..

Questions 7 and 8
What will the woman use the internet for?

A trade & exchange
B research
C email
D social networking
E job vacancies

Questions 9 and 10

9 How much does it cost to register as an internet user?
10 What is the maximum amount of time allowed per single daily internet session?


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1. Lynda
2. Unit 15 / Unit fifteen
3. 5577
4. night shift
5. swipe card
6. September 1975 / Sept 1975
7.&8. A
C[in either order]
9. fifteen dollars / $15 / 15 dollars
10. 60 minutes/sixty minutes/one hour/1 hour



Section 1
You will hear a conversation between an assistant librarian and a woman who wants to use the internet in the library. First, you have some time to look at questions 1 to 6.
[20 seconds]
You will see that there is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only the conversation relating to this will be played first.
WOMAN: Good morning, Id like to register to use the internet in the library.
MAN: Do you have a library card?
WOMAN: Yes, Ive been a member for 6 months but Ive never used the internet services before.
The woman already has a library card, so Yes has been written in the space. Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.
WOMAN: Good morning, Id like to register to use the internet in the library.
MAN: Do you have a library card?
WOMAN: Yes, Ive been a member for 6 months but Ive never used the internet services before.
MAN: No problem. Can I have your full name please?
WOMAN: Lynda Jayne Milton.
MAN: So, Milton is your surname?
MAN: And Linda, L-i-n-d-a?
WOMAN: Well, no, actually its L-Y-N-D-A.
MAN: Lynda Jane.
WOMAN: And, erm, Jane isnt spelt J-a-n-e either. Its J-A-Y-N-E.
MAN: Okay, got that thank you. Now, where do you live, Lynda?
WOMAN: Unit 15, 35 Maximilian Way.
MAN: Thats in Whitfield, right? I have a cousin who lives in that area.
WOMAN: Yes, Whitfield.
MAN: And the postcode is double seven double five?
WOMAN: Not quite youve got it round the wrong way. Its double five double seven.
MAN: Whoops, okay, moving on now Do you work or are you at home during the day?
WOMAN: Well, both, actually. I work as a nurse but Im on permanent night shift.
MAN: Oh, I see. In that case, we wont put down your home phone number because Im sure you dont want to be disturbed when youre trying to sleep.
WOMAN: Thanks, I appreciate that you can always leave a message on my mobile if you have to contact me. I have it turned off when Im sleeping, but I regularly check my voicemail for messages.
MAN: And that number is?
WOMAN: 0412 214 418
MAN: Good. Now Ill need to see some form of photo ID have you got something with you?
WOMAN: Yes, just a minute, heres my swipe card for the hospital.
MAN: Thank you. I just need to make a note of the number AZ 1985331
WOMAN: Is that all you need?
MAN: Just one more thing your date of birth but I can get that from the card. One moment
WOMAN: Look Im afraid you havent copied it down correctly. I was born on the 25th September, 1975.
MAN: What have I written? Oh yes, I see it now, Ive got the 25th of the eighth month, but that would make it August Thanks for spotting the mistake.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 7 to 10.
[20 seconds]
Now listen and answer questions 7 to 10.
MAN: Well, thats the application form done now, I wonder if youd mind taking part in a survey were doing?
WOMAN: Thats fine. What do you want to know?
MAN: Basically, were trying to find out why people access the internet. I mean,
what would you be using it for? Social networking, I suppose.
WOMAN: I dont really think so I havent got the time for something like that. But I do want to keep in touch with friends and family both here and abroad, so Id mostly be making use of my email account.
MAN: I see. A lot of students come in here to do research is that something that you might be doing?
WOMAN: I think the internet is a great tool for research but its not something that interests me at the moment.
MAN: What about checking out a new job?
WOMAN: A lot of my friends use the internet for job hunting and they say its the best way to look for a new position Im quite settled where I am, though. You can get access to the other classifieds, cant you? Trade and exchange, that kind of thing
MAN: Yes, and Im told its a very popular way of buying and selling these days.
WOMAN: Well, Ill definitely be using it for that.
MAN: Thanks a lot. Now, do you have any questions?
WOMAN: Is there a charge for the service?
MAN: It used to be free but weve decided to set a one-off payment of fifteen dollars for the initial registration.
WOMAN: Oh, thats not bad at all. One more thing is there a time limit for each session, like half an hour or something?
MAN: Oh, its better than that one 60-minute session per day quite generous really. But were very strict about it.
WOMAN: Id rarely spend more than 45 minutes on the internet at any one time so thatll be more than enough. Thank you.

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