Is it bad to listen to a lot of music?

Music is the blueprint and fabric of global culture.Throughout generations of music listening, discussion over negative use of musical genres have yet again seen the light of day. But is this worry an outrageous fear? These ideas may trouble a few music lovers like myself. However, research of various music effects has been examined. The results may shock you.

Throughout my previous articles, I always suggest the best aspects of music and how its a focal ingredient to make the world a better place. Through the songs of life, music has managed to change perspectives, reimagine mindsets and possibilities, and bring people together on a deeper level. For some, music is a beacon of hope.

For others, it can be the thing they desperately need for proper relaxation. It is music that narrates our lives and fuels our survival. The power of music has always had a positive intentions, but could music actually be bad for our health?

There has always been a heavy discussion surrounding parents, youth and musical content.

The youth is easily influenced they would suggest in full rage and push for parental control. Artists such as Madonna to the essence and sexually energetic position of Rap and Hip-Hop music have been prone to controversial feedback.

The favorite songs of the current mainstream pop demeanor has been known to reference drug use, violence, and anti-religious views. This sparks a call to action.

Research has suggested that music can negatively affect human beings and their performance on planet earth.

Never Listen to Music Again

Throughout the world of music, mainstream pop singers may have the tendency to promote toxic and unhealthy products.

Its safe to say, like any other business, the motive is to make revenue and to sell as much as possible. This mentality does not stop at the music industry door.

In 2000 through 2014, a survey was created by New York School of Medicine. The researchers examined product placement by mainstream pop stars.

Their findings discovered that $2 billion per year are spent on ads from Food and Beverage Companies marketing or targeting youth. Fueled by celebrity endorsements, the ripple effect for example, can be placed or surrounded by the increase of obesity in places such as the United States.

Through these trends that are backed up by celebrity influence, bad habits form drastically.

With the advancement of technology, the creation of Air Pods, portable music devices, and general music listening has grown to fit your daily life routines like a puzzle piece.

In Canada, a study was made by McMasters department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behavior suggesting the risky listening habits of youth which is blasting eardrums.

Blasting eardrums occur due to loud noise close or planted closely in the ear passageway resulting in hearing loss. The study discovered that the 170 young participants were experiencing chronic and unceasing ringing of the ears, which does not begin to happen until or after the age of 50.

Reducing volume

I cant help but disassociate with these so-called problematic issues. Are these various factors circling the topic of music listening truly concerning and halting the lifespan/longevity of human health around the world? To my humble opinion, no. Music is to be cherished and embraced and it is important to find a personal understanding surrounding the messages and standards of listening to music. I am a hardcore music lover.

Music is all I have known as a passion. The factors listed above do not do great damage to my mental health, nor was it a serious issue regarding the other factors.

In regards to proper headphone usage and the preservation of healthy ear health, turning down the volume a few notches is all it takes.

So, if you are worried about and feel like hiding under the bed cover in order to hide from the fears of the world, music is the last of your worries.

Photos: Shutterstock / Photomontage: Martina Advaney

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Attack of the Musical Earworms: Why Do Songs Get Stuck in Our Heads!

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