Into the wild nghĩa là gì

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

"Into the wild/wide blue yonder" nghĩa là đến một nơi xa xôi, hẻo lánh, bí ẩn, lên rừng xuống biển.

Ví dụ
Abilene is an Air Force town. We love having Dyess AFB here, seeing bombers and haulers fly off into the wild blue yonder.

Though Beaver County residents are encouraged June 27 to look up into the wild, blue yonder, to see and hear the military planes streaking through the air.

That is when this ancient bird species most needs some family time and space. It is the season when the herons [con diệc] mate, build nests, lay and hatch eggs, and see their chicks fledge into the wild blue yonder.

I would have been more inclined [thiên về] to vacation in a place with a patio [hiên, sân], because thats on the ground and not perched out into the wild blue yonder. Its stationary [ổn định] and doesnt give when you jump up and down on it.

Thu Phương

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