How to stop YouTube from pausing mobile

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How to Stop YouTube from Pausing: Video Paused. Continue Watching?

Noah Albert
August 14, 2021

YouTube pop-ups are a common annoyance for many people.

Have you ever been watching a YouTube playlist or listening to it in the background and then suddenly, Video Paused. Continue Watching? popped up on your screen?

YouTube has a habit of pausing your videos and asking you to confirm that youre still watching.

This is a pop-up that was introduced in 2018 and can be annoying to have your videos paused and asked if you want to continue watching every time a new video begins.

Video interruption can be especially frustrating while listening to a YouTube playlist or when binge-watching an entire season of your favorite show.

Luckily, there is a way to stop this from happening again in the future!

Why Does Youtube Stop Playing after a While?

YouTubes new auto-play feature that automatically pauses videos after a few seconds is useful for the company, but not so much for viewers.

Its understandable why YouTube would implement this feature because it often results in more traffic and no ad revenue when users dont watch their video all the way through.

Unfortunately, what may be good for the company doesnt always work out well with users.

It is also not possible to disable this through YouTube settings and you need an extension in order to stop your video from pausing on its own!

Related: How to watch blocked YouTube videos

Can I Disable Auto-pause on Mobile iPhone/ Android?

Sadly, the fix doesnt apply to your mobile device.

The browser requirement is sadly a show-stopper for our phone users out there!

For those of you who use Android phones and iPhones like me, sorry but this trick, unfortunately, wont work on your devices either.

This means that you will have to keep touching your mobile devices screen about every 30 minutes in order to keep your videos from pausing.

Related: How to share private YouTube videos

How to Stop YouTube from Pausing

When your favorite playlist mysteriously pauses, it can be pretty frustrating. Luckily for you, there are a few tricks to bypass the message!

First, try looking for an extension that will automatically pause and unpause videos as theyre playing.

The extensions we recommend below will help to bypass this irritating little pop-up and allow for unabated video streaming enjoyment on a smoother playing field.

Google Chrome users can download these two browser add-ons:

  • AutoTube YouTube nonstop or
  • YouTube NonStop

Firefox has only one extension that does the trick but its worth mentioning all three of them because theyre our best ones so far [although there might be plenty more out there if none of these suit].

For Firefox users: AutoTube

In Closing

This article has shown you how to make sure YouTube never pauses your videos randomly, and its easy!

Follow the steps weve shared above for a smoother viewing experience.

Have you had any trouble with this before?

If so, leave us a comment below and let us know what solution worked best for you.

We love hearing from our readers about the challenges they face in their day-to-day lives it helps us find solutions that can help everyone else out there too.

Related: What does Unlisted mean on YouTube?

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