How public and private partnerships are significant to the economic growth of a country?

The power of public-private partnerships Image: Visual Stories || Micheile / Unsplash

Dina Powell McCormick

Global Head, Sustainability and Inclusive Growth; Global Head, Sovereign Business, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC

Vali R. Nasr

Professor of International Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies [SAIS], Johns Hopkins University

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A] General rationale for partnerships with businesses

Business leaders are increasingly interested in social and developmental issues. They may be interested to invest their own resources in initiatives that would have developmental outcomes – but the risks involved in ‘going it alone’ may be simply too high.

For donors, partnering with individual businesses can offer a cost-effective way to achieve development goals. For example, development agencies sometimes lack capable implementing partners, while the private sector already has great capacity and outreach – and may be able to co-finance shared initiatives.

In this context, public-private partnerships [PPPs] can bring about win-win solutions whereby both commercial and developmental goals are achieved. In addition to job creation and raised incomes, these can also include a greater availability and choice of improved goods and services at lower prices, also for the poor.

B] Sequence of expected results in partnership projects

In a typical PPP, a donor agency encourages a firm, mainly through financial support, to take risks which it would otherwise not take, such as the adoption of innovative technologies and approaches, or investment in new markets.

As a result, firms are expected to expand their turnover/ profit, either directly through reaching new markets or indirectly through increasing productivity, via the adoption of better technologies or approaches. It is also generally hoped that other businesses will in time emulate the pioneer, if the partnership achieves good results.

When firms increase their productivity and turnover or profit, it is reasonable to expect that they tend to employ more people, as well as contributing to aggregate economic growth. A partnership may also directly promote the creation of new enterprises.

C] More information: success stories and research on evidence

  • If you are looking for success stories of how partnerships have lead to pro-poor impacts, click here.
  • To view some of the research-based evidence available for each step in the results-chain above, go to our evidence framework.
  •   Other related resources: DCED Private Sector Engagement Knowledge Page

One of the most challenging issues in assessing the impact of Public Private Partnerships [PPPs] lies in the diversity of modalities. Below the impact of dimensions of PPPs from diverse countries are set out in broad categories:

Vocational Education and Training Governance

PPPs for skills development can contribute to better system-level governance in VET. Built against the background of the multilevel governance approach to VET, PPPs help to better align VET to market needs creating governance mechanisms that bring effectiveness and efficiency to VET policy making.

Innovation in VET

PPPs for skills development can also contribute to innovation in VET policy and delivery. We rely on OECD’s definition of educational innovation as a change in educational context introduced to improve the operation of education systems, their performance, stakeholder satisfaction or all of these together. Considering this, we can establish innovative:

-Forms of collaboration

-Financial arrangements

-Governance arrangements


Accessibility to VET

PPPs for skills development can contribute to ensuring increased access to training opportunities for all. There are two aspects. First, cost-sharing between public and private partners helps to increase the provision of skills. This is particularly important given constraints in the public funding of VET experienced in many countries. Second, certain PPPs also have the potential to enhance social inclusion in VET as they target students who academically excluded.

In fact, a number of PPPs identified within this study helped to increase the reach of VET provision, thanks to complementary private funding, which is one of the key elements defining PPPs.

Quality of VET

PPPs can play a role in shifting VET provision from supply to demand-driven, which can increase the attractiveness and quality of VET. Although VET quality can be understood in different terms, we put an emphasis on PPPs’ contribution to anticipating and developing skills for future needs as well as building bridges between the world of work and training providers.

Youth employment and economic growth

Successful PPPs can eventually contribute to higher employment rates of young people as well as economic growth. Effective collaboration between the public and private sectors can particularly increase the employability of VET school graduates/young job seekers and boost the job placement rate of VET degree holders. When VET is aligned with labour market needs, employers are more willing and able to hire young graduates [even with scarce work experience] as they require less mentoring and training and become productive sooner.

How does public and private sector contribute to economic development?

The public sector plays a prominent role in a country's economic development because it undertakes large-scale development projects, whereas the private sector often lacks the resources and motivation to undertake large-scale development projects for the benefit of the people.

What is the importance of public

Public-private partnerships allow large-scale government projects, such as roads, bridges, or hospitals, to be completed with private funding. These partnerships work well when private sector technology and innovation combine with public sector incentives to complete work on time and within budget.

What are the advantages of public

Advantages of PPP.
The advantages of PPP include: ... .
Access to private sector finance. ... .
Higher efficiency in the private sector. ... .
Increased transparency in the use of funds. ... .
Complex procurement process with associated high transaction costs. ... .
Contract uncertainties. ... .
Enforcement and monitoring..

What should be the role of private firms in the economy of the country?

Although focused on profit maximization, private firms help economic development by enhancing the GDP, employment rate, per capita income, infrastructural facilities, etc.

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