Friend group bucket list

If you are looking for best friend bucket list experiences, look no further. This comprehensive list has ideas from the easiest to the ones that require some planning.

Your best friend is the person you do life with. It makes sense that you would want to have a best friend bucket list so that you guys can experience things together. You should get together and discuss all the things you would like to do and where there is overlap, create the list.

If your best friend has absolute no items on her list, dont add them. You will most likely never convince her to do something she refuses, even if you want to do it. Plus, you want to respect those boundaries. That is what makes you great friends. For example, if you want to go for a soak in the baths in Budapest and she doesnt like crowded areas in public, save that for your Europe bucket list and find different things for you guys to do together.

The Ultimate Guide to Best Friend Bucket List Experiences

1. Take a road trip

There is nothing more fun than creating a playlist, grabbing the snacks and loading up the car for an epic road trip. Doesnt matter where you go as long as it is with your bestie, it is going to be fun! Want to elevate your trip? Rent a convertible.

2. Try new recipes from Pinterest

Pinterest is such a great places to find new things to cook. Make a board together and cook the things you find together and rate them.

3. Spend a day at the beach

Grab the suntan lotion, towels, your favorite bathing suits, and plenty of drinks and snacks, and lay out all day enjoying the weather and going for a swim.

4. Mani pedi days

Whether you go frequently or occasionally, this is a great time to catch up and relax together. For an added touch of fun, get matching nails!

5. Ride all the rides at an amusement park

Pick an amusement park and arrive early with a plan. Head to the back of the park of busiest rides first and work your way around the park. Dont forget to buy a photo of you both on a roller coaster to add to the photo album.

6. Do a Color Run

Even if you both dont love to run, the Color Run makes it fun. There is so much color at the finish line that you cant help but to laugh and smile together. Make sure to take plenty of pictures as you will want to remember how fun this was.

7. Visit Paris

Fashion, croissants, cobblestone, Versailles, Disney, macarons, and the Eiffel Tower. Paris has it all and it is the perfect best friend bucket list destination! Get wonderfully lost in the city and eat all the carbs on your Paris bucket list. No regrets.

8. Start a book club

Even if it is just the two of you, start a book club and make a plan to read the same books and discuss them.

9. See a concert

Do you both share a favorite band or concert series? Go see it live together. Make sure to get new outfits and take lots of selfies. Tailgating before a concert is also a fun time, bring your favorite drinks and snacks and maybe make a few friends before hand.

10. Start a new hobby together

This new hobby could be anything at all: cooking, scrap booking, photography, traveling, visiting museums, etc. The options are endless. Just make sure you are having fun together.

11. Shop till you drop

Spend a day burning through your credit card buying all the things you need and window shopping until your feet hurt. In a world where things are done mostly online, its nice to get back out there to the mall and stores and try things on and see what things look like.

12. Go sailing

Grab the striped shirts, nautical print everything, rose, a picnic, and plan a day on a sailboat. Whether you know how to sail or just take a private sail for the day, it is going to be so much fun. Just remember to go when there is plenty of wind and to wear sunscreen because it can get hot.

13. Get photo booth photos taken

Whenever there is a photo booth opportunity, jump in and take a few crazy photos together. These are the photos that are real and raw. You will want to keep them.

14. Wine tasting

You can do this at home by selecting new wines often and doing pairings, visiting local vineyards or even take a trip to Napa! If you are feeling like checking off one of your Africa bucket list items, head to Stellenbosch and indulge.

15. Spend a holiday together

Best friends are family and it makes sense that we would celebrate holidays with their families from time to time. Whatever the occasion, make sure to integrate your bestie with your family. You can also add this to your Christmas bucket list.

16. Make a secret handshake

All the cool kids are doing it, might as well have one of your own.

17. See a movie at the drive-in

Pack the treats, the sodas, the comfy wear, and the blankets. Stay for a double feature too!

18. Visit Iceland

Take a trip to the land of fire and ice with your bestie! If you want to see the Northern Lights, you can add that to your winter bucket list as well. Just make sure to go for a spa day at the Blue Lagoon.

19. Create photo books of all your memories

Face it, you are your best friend are going to take a whole lot of photos together. Might as well commemorate all your best friend bucket list adventures in one place to look back on.

20. Be in each others weddings

Besties are always in each others wedding. Help plan and be there every step of the way.

21. Make a time capsule

No matter where you are in life, make a time capsule and agree to open it at some point in the future. Write a letter to your future self and a letter to your bestie. Then open it together on the chosen date.

22. Do a fall foliage drive

If your fall bucket list includes leaf peeping, you and your bestie go see the colors together. Now would be a great time to do a photo shoot as well.

23. Adult sleepovers

Remember sleepover from when you were a teenager? Its like that, but better! With wine, and Disney movies, and dance parties, and NO curfew!

24. Spend a day binge watching a show

Make a list of shows you both want to watch a binge a show for a day .. or weekend. Whatever you decide.

25. Roast marshmallows

Whether you decide to go camping or get a tabletop marshmallow roaster for a smores board, just enjoy the sweets!

26. Laugh until you cry

The giggles can be a fun time, especially if you are laughing over the same thing.

27. New Years Eve in New York

Ready to get dressed up fancy and see the iconic ball drop in Times Square? This is the first place in the USA to celebrate ringing in the New Year and the biggest party in America.

28. Watch all the Christmas Movies on Hallmark

Set your DVR and record them all. Hallmark usually puts out about a month of new movies for the Christmas season. They even show all the old classics!! This is a great way to also cross items off your holiday and Christmas bucket list!

29. Learn a new language

One of the best things about learning a new language is having someone to work with on it and converse with. This is a great best friend bucket list idea. Then you two can go to the country of origin and practice your skills.

30. Bungee jump

Have no fears? Find a reputable place and take the plunge. There are even scenarios where you can be strapped together and do it at the same time. Probably best to go that route.

31. Share each others clothes

While a lot of besties arent the same size, if you happen to be, make sure to share everything. You can double your wardobe!

32. Enjoy a sunset on the beach

If you are already at the beach for the day or checking off items on your camping bucket list, might as well stick around with a wine and watch the sun go down. Now is a great time to enjoy some girl talk and enjoy nature.

33. Take a cruise

Whether its the beaches, food or city destinations that you seek, a cruise is a great way to visit a lot of places with little hassle. You sleep in the same room every night and the boat takes you from place to place.

There are some epic cruises around the world from budget to extreme luxury. You could do Caribbean or even Antarctica!

34. Have a home spa day

No best friend bucket list would be complete without a home spa day. Grab the masks, lotions, polish, and wine. Its going to be a good day. Want to make it interesting? Pull from your funny bucket list items and make the masks edible and dont tell her. Just watch her reaction as you eat it.

35. Volunteer

Spending a day helping those in need is a great bonding activity and a way to give back.

36. Get matching tattoos

Get some fun and cute that symbolizes your friendship. It can be as simple as a heart or as elaborate as you want. Just have fun with it and make sure it is something you both want.

37. Spend a weekend in Las Vegas

Some let Sin City you two are coming to town! Go all out. Get a Penthouse, stay up all night gambling and hitting the clubs, ride the High Roller, eat at celebrity restaurants, hit the pools, ride the roller coaster, and see some epic shows. This is a weekend you wont soon forget and a great addition to your USA bucket list.

38. Weekend visits to the farmers market

If you have a local farmers market, make a habit to visit on the weekends. Get a coffee and go for a stroll. Maybe make something to eat with your finds?

39. Take a workout class together

Nothing feels better than working out .. together. You can both be there while you each get in the best shape of your life.

40. Try a new restaurant each month

Love dining out but eating at the same 5-10 places all the time? Make a list of all the top rated restaurants in a certain circumference of you and plan to try a new one every month. Keep track so you know where to go back to.

41. Make friendship bracelets

This isnt just for when you are a teenager, you can make even better ones as an adult. Add charms of your favorite memories together for some extra flare.

42. Spend a day at Disney pretending to be kids again

We all grew up on Disney movies. Indulge at Disney World and ride the rides, eat the food and run around with your bestie all day smiling ear to ear.

43. Take a ceramics class

Looking for a cool craft project to do? Find a local ceramic studio and pick our favorite pieces and paint them together. Then you can get the studio to finish them and shine them before bringing them home.

44. Get brunch on the weekends

A best friend bucket list always includes brunch. Drinking before noon is acceptable and you can order a bunch of small plates and share.

45. Watch your favorite movies often

Whether you both have the same favorite movies or not watch them often. Laugh often, cry often.

46. Host dinner parties

This is a great way to showcase your cooking and social skills. There is no limit on style, food or themes. JUST HAVE FUN! For an added touch, get dressed up and do courses with wine pairings. Maybe decorate the table.

47. Learn to make charcuterie boards

Charcuterie boards can be so fun and you can take them for picnics, parties or just lounging around home. Have fun with it. You can add whatever you like and design them however you feel!

48. Sky dive

One epic travel bucket list idea is to go skydiving. If you love adventure and adrenaline go jump out of a plane together and celebrate afterwards.

49. Head to the airport and book the next flight out

No cheating! Pack a weekend carry-on and head to the airport. Make sure you have a passport. If you know you dont want to go super far, pick an airline that you know is regional or only flies within a certain area.

AKA Spirit Airlines is in the USA, Caribbean and Central America.

50. Plan each others bridal shower

You know each other better than anyone else! Throw each other the most best friendy bridal shower that ever was.

51. Have pizza and movie nights

You should do these regularly because they are fun and it gives you a chance to watch new movies and try new pizza or stick with the faves.

52. Face masks and catching up

Moisturizing face masks and girl talk. What is better than this tradition of being best friends? Its the simple bucket list ideas that are sometimes the most memorable.

53. Be neighbors

This one is a little bit of a stretch, but if you are lucky enough to fall into this situation, jump on it. Takes borrowing sugar from a neighbor to another level.

54. Be godparents to each other kids

It would only make sense to be the godparent to each others children. Your best friend is someone you should trust with your life, and your children.

55. Go to college together

If you were lucky enough to know each other in high school, follow your college bucket list and attend the next 4+ years together growing and learning.

56. Grow old together

If at the end of your life you only have one friend that was always there and had your back, you have more than most. Cherish that friendship.

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