File word bị lỗi security alert office file validation

My office machine has been replaced as the lease expired, they do that by issuing machines on the current lease, previously used by someone else. So I am on the same Windows 7 64bit Pro, running IE 11 and MS Office 2010. None of that changed.

Previously I was able to click on a Word or Excel document in Sharepoint, and it would open after asking Read Only/Edit. But on the new machine I get a windows credentials prompt [the same as when opening Sharepoint site] and the following "warning" and the document does not open.

What can be different between the old and new machines which is causing an authentication challenge and the error opening files?

To help protect your computer from risk, we recommend that you do not open files that you receive as email message attachments, especially if the messages arrive unexpectedly. Additionally, do not open files that you receive as attachments if the files are from a person who is unknown to you.

For Enterprise customers visit the following TechNet webpage:

Install Office File Validation


To install Office File Validation, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • You must have Office 2003, the 2007 Office system, or Office 2010 installed.
  • You must have all recommended updates for all Office programs. To install all recommended updates, visit the Microsoft Update website:
  • You must install the following architecture updates to Microsoft Publisher before you install Office File Validation:

Install Office File Validation

The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

Download the Office File Validation package now.

Release Date: April 12, 2011

For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

119591 How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services

Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

Known issues with Office File Validation

  • Files that were created in Microsoft Excel 2.0, Microsoft Excel 3.0, or Microsoft Excel 4.0 will fail validation when you use Office File Validation in Office 2003.
  • Solver.xla will fail validation when you use Office File Validation in Office 2003.
  • When you paste lots of charts or points of data into an Office 2003 document, the paste function may take a long time to complete while Office File Validation tries to validate the new data.
  • Opening files from a network share that have many charts or points of data will take longer to open in Office 2003. For more information about this issue, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 2570623 Excel 2003 Office File Validation [OFV] opens workbooks slower across the network

Default Behavior

When you try to open a Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Publisher 97-2003 file, and that file fails Office File Validation, you receive the following warning:


For Office 2010

You can manually set the registry entries by using the following values:

Value: DisableEditFromPV Type: REG_DWORD Default value: 0 Description: When Office File Validations fails 0 = Enable Edit in Protected View. 1 = Disable Edit in Protected View.

Add the DisableEditFromPV REG_DWORD to any or all the following registry subkeys to disable Edit in Protected View in Office 2010:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Security\FileValidation HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\PowerPoint\Security\FileValidation HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Security\FileValidation

For the 2007 Microsoft Office system and Office 2003

You can manually set the registry entries by using the following values:

Value: InvalidFileUIOptions Type: REG_DWORD Default value: 0 Description: When Office File Validations fails 0 = Notify user file failed. Give user the option to load the file or not 1 = Notify user file failed. No option to load the file.

For the 2007 Microsoft Office system

Add the InvalidFileUIOptions REG_DWORD to any or all the following registry subkeys for Office File Validation in Office 2003:

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