Does amazon wishlist show your address Reddit

There has been an increasing number of holiday decorations appearing in my neighborhood recently, not to mention the many photos of Christmas trees I've seen posted on Facebook this week. I'm am left with only one conclusion: the holidays are upon us.

Screenshot by Matt Elliott/CNET

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? Better question: do you know what you are getting that certain someone who is particularly hard to buy for each year? If that person uses Amazon, then you might want to sneak a peek to see if he or she has an Amazon Wish List.

Your gift recipient will need to have a public Wish List on Amazon, which is the default setting when you create such a list. Simply navigate to Amazon's Find a Wish List page to search. You can query via e-mail address or name and city or state.

Screenshot by Matt Elliott/CNET

In related news, Amazon makes it easy to make your own Wish List public or private or somewhere in between. Click on the link Manage This List near the top of your Wish List and you can choose "Change privacy settings." From here, you can select public, private, or shared. The shared setting lets you send a link to your Wish List should you want to share it, but it does not surface via search.

[Via Reddit]

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