Cardano price prediction 2023

Cardano price equal to 0.4246 Dollars a coin. Today's range: $0.4217 - $0.4305. The previous day close: $0.4288. The change was -0.0042, -0.98%. Inverse rate: USD to ADA.



Recent changes:

Period 2 Days 3 Days 1 Week 2 Weeks 1 Month
Chng,% -1.5% -2.5% +1.2% -3.8% -8.9%
Ex-Rate 0.4310 0.4356 0.4195 0.4413 0.4661

Month Open Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
Oct 0.43 0.38-0.48 0.43 0.0% 0.0%
Nov 0.43 0.36-0.46 0.43 0.0% 0.0%
Dec 0.43 0.39-0.45 0.42 -2.3% -2.3%
Jan 0.42 0.33-0.42 0.36 -14.3% -16.3%
Feb 0.36 0.36-0.44 0.41 13.9% -4.7%
Mar 0.41 0.32-0.41 0.34 -17.1% -20.9%
Apr 0.34 0.27-0.34 0.29 -14.7% -32.6%
May 0.29 0.22-0.29 0.24 -17.2% -44.2%
Jun 0.24 0.24-0.30 0.28 16.7% -34.9%
Jul 0.28 0.24-0.28 0.26 -7.1% -39.5%
Aug 0.26 0.20-0.26 0.22 -15.4% -48.8%
Sep 0.22 0.18-0.22 0.19 -13.6% -55.8%
Oct 0.19 0.15-0.19 0.16 -15.8% -62.8%
Nov 0.16 0.14-0.16 0.15 -6.3% -65.1%
Dec 0.15 0.12-0.15 0.13 -13.3% -69.8%
Jan 0.13 0.13-0.16 0.15 15.4% -65.1%
Feb 0.15 0.13-0.15 0.14 -6.7% -67.4%
Mar 0.14 0.11-0.14 0.12 -14.3% -72.1%
Apr 0.12 0.12-0.15 0.14 16.7% -67.4%
May 0.14 0.14-0.17 0.16 14.3% -62.8%
Jun 0.16 0.14-0.16 0.15 -6.3% -65.1%
Jul 0.15 0.15-0.18 0.17 13.3% -60.5%
Aug 0.17 0.17-0.21 0.20 17.6% -53.5%
Sep 0.20 0.20-0.22 0.21 5.0% -51.2%
Oct 0.21 0.21-0.26 0.24 14.3% -44.2%

Month Open Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
2024 Continuation
Nov 0.24 0.20-0.24 0.22 -8.3% -48.8%
Dec 0.22 0.17-0.22 0.18 -18.2% -58.1%
Jan 0.18 0.15-0.18 0.16 -11.1% -62.8%
Feb 0.16 0.16-0.20 0.19 18.8% -55.8%
Mar 0.19 0.19-0.22 0.21 10.5% -51.2%
Apr 0.21 0.21-0.26 0.24 14.3% -44.2%
May 0.24 0.24-0.30 0.28 16.7% -34.9%
Jun 0.28 0.22-0.28 0.24 -14.3% -44.2%
Jul 0.24 0.20-0.24 0.21 -12.5% -51.2%
Aug 0.21 0.21-0.26 0.24 14.3% -44.2%
Sep 0.24 0.19-0.24 0.20 -16.7% -53.5%
Oct 0.20 0.19-0.21 0.20 0.0% -53.5%
Nov 0.20 0.20-0.22 0.21 5.0% -51.2%
Dec 0.21 0.17-0.21 0.18 -14.3% -58.1%
Jan 0.18 0.14-0.18 0.15 -16.7% -65.1%
Feb 0.15 0.12-0.15 0.13 -13.3% -69.8%
Mar 0.13 0.13-0.16 0.15 15.4% -65.1%
Apr 0.15 0.14-0.16 0.15 0.0% -65.1%
May 0.15 0.15-0.18 0.17 13.3% -60.5%
Jun 0.17 0.17-0.20 0.19 11.8% -55.8%
Jul 0.19 0.17-0.19 0.18 -5.3% -58.1%
Aug 0.18 0.18-0.20 0.19 5.6% -55.8%
Sep 0.19 0.15-0.19 0.16 -15.8% -62.8%
Oct 0.16 0.12-0.16 0.13 -18.8% -69.8%
Nov 0.13 0.10-0.13 0.11 -15.4% -74.4%

Cardano price prediction for October 2022.
In the beginning price at 0.43 Dollars. Maximum price $0.48, minimum price $0.38. The average for the month $0.43. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.43, change for October 0.0%.

ADA to USD predictions for November 2022.
In the beginning price at 0.43 Dollars. Maximum price $0.46, minimum price $0.36. The average for the month $0.42. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.43, change for November 0.0%.

Cardano price prediction for December 2022.
In the beginning price at 0.43 Dollars. Maximum price $0.45, minimum price $0.39. The average for the month $0.42. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.42, change for December -2.3%.

ADA to USD predictions for January 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.42 Dollars. Maximum price $0.42, minimum price $0.33. The average for the month $0.38. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.36, change for January -14.3%.

Cardano price prediction for February 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.36 Dollars. Maximum price $0.44, minimum price $0.36. The average for the month $0.39. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.41, change for February 13.9%.

Cardano Price Prediction For Tomorrow, Week And Month.

Bitcoin Price Prediction 2022, 2023-2025.

Stellar Price Prediction 2022, 2023-2025.

ADA to USD predictions for March 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.41 Dollars. Maximum price $0.41, minimum price $0.32. The average for the month $0.37. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.34, change for March -17.1%.

Cardano price prediction for April 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.34 Dollars. Maximum price $0.34, minimum price $0.27. The average for the month $0.31. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.29, change for April -14.7%.

ADA to USD predictions for May 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.29 Dollars. Maximum price $0.29, minimum price $0.22. The average for the month $0.26. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.24, change for May -17.2%.

Cardano price prediction for June 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.24 Dollars. Maximum price $0.30, minimum price $0.24. The average for the month $0.27. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.28, change for June 16.7%.

ADA to USD predictions for July 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.28 Dollars. Maximum price $0.28, minimum price $0.24. The average for the month $0.27. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.26, change for July -7.1%.

Cardano price prediction for August 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.26 Dollars. Maximum price $0.26, minimum price $0.20. The average for the month $0.24. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.22, change for August -15.4%.

ADA to USD predictions for September 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.22 Dollars. Maximum price $0.22, minimum price $0.18. The average for the month $0.20. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.19, change for September -13.6%.

Cardano price prediction for October 2023.
In the beginning price at 0.19 Dollars. Maximum price $0.19, minimum price $0.15. The average for the month $0.17. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.16, change for October -15.8%.

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ADA to USD predictions for November 2024.
In the beginning price at 0.24 Dollars. Maximum price $0.24, minimum price $0.20. The average for the month $0.23. Cardano price forecast at the end of the month $0.22, change for November -8.3%.

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USD to ADA exchange rate equal to 2.3552 Cardanos per 1 Dollar. Today's range: 2.3229-2.3714. The previous day's close: 2.3321. Change for today +0.0231, +0.99%.



Recent changes for

Period 2 Days 3 Days 1 Week 2 Weeks 1 Month
Chng,% +1.51% +2.59% -1.20% +3.94% +9.77%
Ex-Rate 2.3202 2.2957 2.3838 2.2660 2.1455

Dollar To Cardano Forecast For 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 And 2026

Month Open Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
Oct 2.326 2.083-2.632 2.326 0.0% 0.0%
Nov 2.326 2.174-2.778 2.326 0.0% 0.0%
Dec 2.326 2.222-2.564 2.381 2.4% 2.4%
Jan 2.381 2.381-3.030 2.778 16.7% 19.5%
Feb 2.778 2.273-2.778 2.439 -12.2% 4.9%
Mar 2.439 2.439-3.125 2.941 20.6% 26.5%
Apr 2.941 2.941-3.704 3.448 17.2% 48.3%
May 3.448 3.448-4.545 4.167 20.9% 79.2%
Jun 4.167 3.333-4.167 3.571 -14.3% 53.6%
Jul 3.571 3.571-4.167 3.846 7.7% 65.4%
Aug 3.846 3.846-5.000 4.545 18.2% 95.4%
Sep 4.545 4.545-5.556 5.263 15.8% 126.3%
Oct 5.263 5.263-6.667 6.250 18.8% 168.8%
Nov 6.250 6.250-7.143 6.667 6.7% 186.7%
Dec 6.667 6.667-8.333 7.692 15.4% 230.8%
Jan 7.692 6.250-7.692 6.667 -13.3% 186.7%
Feb 6.667 6.667-7.692 7.143 7.1% 207.1%
Mar 7.143 7.143-9.091 8.333 16.7% 258.3%
Apr 8.333 6.667-8.333 7.143 -14.3% 207.1%
May 7.143 5.882-7.143 6.250 -12.5% 168.8%
Jun 6.250 6.250-7.143 6.667 6.7% 186.7%
Jul 6.667 5.556-6.667 5.882 -11.8% 152.9%
Aug 5.882 4.762-5.882 5.000 -15.0% 115.0%
Sep 5.000 4.545-5.000 4.762 -4.8% 104.8%
Oct 4.762 3.846-4.762 4.167 -12.5% 79.2%

Month Open Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
2024 Continuation
Nov 4.167 4.167-5.000 4.545 9.1% 95.4%
Dec 4.545 4.545-5.882 5.556 22.2% 138.9%
Jan 5.556 5.556-6.667 6.250 12.5% 168.8%
Feb 6.250 5.000-6.250 5.263 -15.8% 126.3%
Mar 5.263 4.545-5.263 4.762 -9.5% 104.8%
Apr 4.762 3.846-4.762 4.167 -12.5% 79.2%
May 4.167 3.333-4.167 3.571 -14.3% 53.6%
Jun 3.571 3.571-4.545 4.167 16.7% 79.2%
Jul 4.167 4.167-5.000 4.762 14.3% 104.8%
Aug 4.762 3.846-4.762 4.167 -12.5% 79.2%
Sep 4.167 4.167-5.263 5.000 20.0% 115.0%
Oct 5.000 4.762-5.263 5.000 0.0% 115.0%
Nov 5.000 4.545-5.000 4.762 -4.8% 104.8%
Dec 4.762 4.762-5.882 5.556 16.7% 138.9%
Jan 5.556 5.556-7.143 6.667 20.0% 186.7%
Feb 6.667 6.667-8.333 7.692 15.4% 230.8%
Mar 7.692 6.250-7.692 6.667 -13.3% 186.7%
Apr 6.667 6.250-7.143 6.667 0.0% 186.7%
May 6.667 5.556-6.667 5.882 -11.8% 152.9%
Jun 5.882 5.000-5.882 5.263 -10.5% 126.3%
Jul 5.263 5.263-5.882 5.556 5.6% 138.9%
Aug 5.556 5.000-5.556 5.263 -5.3% 126.3%
Sep 5.263 5.263-6.667 6.250 18.8% 168.8%
Oct 6.250 6.250-8.333 7.692 23.1% 230.8%
Nov 7.692 7.692-10.000 9.091 18.2% 290.9%

USD to ADA predictions for October 2022.
In the beginning price at 2.326 Cardanos. Maximum price 2.632, minimum 2.083. The average for the month 2.342. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 2.326, change for October 0.0%.

Dollar to Cardano forecast for November 2022.
In the beginning price at 2.326 Cardanos. Maximum price 2.778, minimum 2.174. The average for the month 2.401. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 2.326, change for November 0.0%.

USD to ADA predictions for December 2022.
In the beginning price at 2.326 Cardanos. Maximum price 2.564, minimum 2.222. The average for the month 2.373. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 2.381, change for December 2.4%.

Dollar to Cardano forecast for January 2023.
In the beginning price at 2.381 Cardanos. Maximum price 3.030, minimum 2.381. The average for the month 2.643. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 2.778, change for January 16.7%.

USD to ADA predictions for February 2023.
In the beginning price at 2.778 Cardanos. Maximum price 2.778, minimum 2.273. The average for the month 2.567. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 2.439, change for February -12.2%.

Dollar to Cardano forecast for March 2023.
In the beginning price at 2.439 Cardanos. Maximum price 3.125, minimum 2.439. The average for the month 2.736. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 2.941, change for March 20.6%.

USD to ADA predictions for April 2023.
In the beginning price at 2.941 Cardanos. Maximum price 3.704, minimum 2.941. The average for the month 3.259. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 3.448, change for April 17.2%.

Dollar to Cardano forecast for May 2023.
In the beginning price at 3.448 Cardanos. Maximum price 4.545, minimum 3.448. The average for the month 3.902. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 4.167, change for May 20.9%.

USD to ADA predictions for June 2023.
In the beginning price at 4.167 Cardanos. Maximum price 4.167, minimum 3.333. The average for the month 3.810. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 3.571, change for June -14.3%.

Dollar to Cardano forecast for July 2023.
In the beginning price at 3.571 Cardanos. Maximum price 4.167, minimum 3.571. The average for the month 3.789. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 3.846, change for July 7.7%.

USD to ADA predictions for August 2023.
In the beginning price at 3.846 Cardanos. Maximum price 5.000, minimum 3.846. The average for the month 4.309. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 4.545, change for August 18.2%.

Dollar to Cardano forecast for September 2023.
In the beginning price at 4.545 Cardanos. Maximum price 5.556, minimum 4.545. The average for the month 4.977. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 5.263, change for September 15.8%.

USD to ADA predictions for October 2023.
In the beginning price at 5.263 Cardanos. Maximum price 6.667, minimum 5.263. The average for the month 5.861. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 6.250, change for October 18.8%.

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Dollar to Cardano forecast for November 2024.
In the beginning price at 4.167 Cardanos. Maximum price 5.000, minimum 4.167. The average for the month 4.470. The USD to ADA forecast at the end of the month 4.545, change for November 9.1%.

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News And Rates Online at

How much is Cardano worth in 2025?

The experts in the field of cryptocurrency have analyzed the prices of Cardano and their fluctuations during the previous years. It is assumed that in 2025, the minimum ADA price might drop to $1.45985, while its maximum can reach $1.71983. On average, the trading cost will be around $1.50985.

How high will Cardano go in 5 years?

Cardano Price Prediction in 2022 According to Experts They predicted that Cardano could reach USD3. 10 within a year and USD10. 46 after five years. Meanwhile, according to Coin Quora, after a year of monitoring Cardano's movements, Coin Quora is very optimistic that Cardano will become a very bullish crypto asset.

How much will Cardano reach in 2030?

How much will Cardano be worth in 2030? Our market forecast indicates that by 2030, ADA could reach a new all-time high of $4.21.

How much is Cardano in 2024?

Cardano price prediction March 2024: Cardano's price for March 2024 according to our analysis should range between $3.21 to $3.69 and the average price of ADA should be around $3.45.

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