Can we use contains in list?

What is the ArrayList.contains[] method in Java?

The ArrayList.contains[] method in Java is used to check whether or not a list contains a specific element.

To check if an element is in an array, we first need to convert the array into an ArrayList using the asList[] method and then apply the same contains[] method to it​.



The following code snippet demonstrates how the contains[] method is used to check the presence of an object in a list:

import java.util.ArrayList; public class main { public static void main[String[] args] { // create an array list ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList[4]; // populate the list arrlist.add[10]; arrlist.add[20]; arrlist.add[30]; arrlist.add[40]; // check for presence of an element contained in the list boolean retval = arrlist.contains[10]; if [retval == true] { System.out.println["10 is present in the list"]; } else { System.out.println["10 is not present in the list"]; } // check for presence of an element not contained in the list boolean retval2 = arrlist.contains[90]; if [retval2 == true] { System.out.println["90 is present in the list"]; } else { System.out.println["90 is not present in the list"]; } } }

To apply the contains[] method to an array, we first need to convert the array into an ArrayList:

import java.util.Arrays; public class main { public static void main[String[] args] { // create an array Integer arr[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; // check for presence of an element in the array boolean retval = Arrays.asList[arr].contains[10]; if [retval == true] { System.out.println["10 is present in the Array"]; } else { System.out.println["10 is not present in the Array"]; } // check for presence of an element not in the Array boolean retval2 = Arrays.asList[arr].contains[90]; if [retval2 == true] { System.out.println["90 is present in the Array"]; } else { System.out.println["90 is not present in the Array"]; } } }

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