bengalis là gì - Nghĩa của từ bengalis

bengalis có nghĩa là

Ethnic group that makes up the vast majority of Bangladesh's population and the province of West Bengal in India. Bangalis speak Bangla [Bengali], the fifth most spoken language in the world. There are about 190 million of us. We off the hook. We gonna rule the world one day.


"Man, dat bengali's rockin' a fly lungi."

bengalis có nghĩa là

bengali, usually followed by the word chick or girl, then by a drool.


bengali chicks are hotttt!!!!

bengalis có nghĩa là

The people from the Origin of Bangladesh. These people are from Eastern part of South Asia. They speak Bangla/Bengali. They are mixed with various races, the most significant one is the mongoloid. Believe it or not, its true. That's why many Bengalis from Bangladesh have a very round face with high cheek bones, flat noses, small or chinky eyes, full lips, black strong hair, very short. Bengalis usually have a tan, or a very light brown color. Some do have a more tanned yellow skin. Many Bengalis look Filipino, Malaysian, Cambodian, Hispanic, Indian, Nepalese, Indonesian, and such. This proves that we have mongoloid blood in us. The main religion of Bangladesh is Muslim, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Many Bengalis like hip hop and pop music. The girls love Kpop [Korean Pop] music now and so do some guy but they prefer more of English music such as rap or rock. A significant amount of Bengalis live in Japan, South Korea, USA, and Malaysia.


Ashley: Hey girl, where you from? The Phillipines?
Amita: No girl, I'm from Bangladesh.
Ashley: Oh, what are you called? Bangladeshian?
Amita: Haha, No, I'm Bengali or Bangladeshi to be more precise.
Ashley: Oh, you are pretty & very cute.
Amita: Thank you, Asian girls, especially girls from Bangladesh are beautiful.

bengalis có nghĩa là

People from bangladesh or have bangladehi decent. In the United Kingdom most of them live in Bricklane. In U.S.A, most live in N.Y.C in boroughs such as the bronx , Queens and Brookyln.And Some also live in miami,Florida but they are mostly mixed.

-Most Bengali's are into the hip-pop culture.Some are strictly religious others are not.They come in all different skin tones but majority is either brown or tan ,minority is white [liteskin] about ten percent.

- AND THEY ALL SPEAK BENGALI. Bengali's hate ignorance, they are down to earth people and enjoys to be with cool, free minded people who show them a lot of respect and love.


-Jon: wher'd u get tht good yay?
Bob: From det bengali who livs across tha street frm me.
-Kareem: Who's ur O.G?
Devin: Is tht bengali nikka Ali, who lok lik a replica of Yung Jeezy.
Nora Ali - Junior Miss America 2007 [Minnesota]
Jawed Karim - co-founder of YouTube and lead technical architect of PayPal.
Monica Yunus - daughter of Muhammad Yunus and soprano singer
Saif Ahmad - World Series of Poker winner.
Fazlur Khan - civil engineer, lead architect of the Sears Tower and the John Hancock Center,2 considered "the greatest architectural engineer of the second half of the 20th century.
Bridget McCain- Governor John McCain's youngest Daughter.

bengalis có nghĩa là

ethnic group of indo-aryans from Bangladesh. Bengali race genes consist of the following, indian\pakistani[which are considered asian AND caucasian], and mongolian. They mongolian part is proven through the fact that there are bengalis with the last name "khan" as in genghis khan. Also, in the northern part of bangladesh, there are bengalis with very oriental features. Though Bangladesh is not the most rich country in the world, but it is making very huge advancements everyday. Dhaka, Bangladesh also has the 3rd largest population. There is also a very large bengali population in england, and a pretty small population in Japan. The population in america isn't too shabby.


dammit, why the fudge are bengalis so cheap?

bengalis có nghĩa là

1. The Bengali language, also known as Bangla, the official language of Bangladesh and the main language in the neighboring Indian state of West Bengal. It is the second most spoken language in India after Hindi and belongs to the Indo-Aryan family of languages [which includes Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi and Nepali].

2. A person from either West Bengal or Bangladesh who natively speaks the Bengali language. Prominent Bengali people include Ravi Shankar, an instrumentalist, Irene Khan, the current and seventh Secretary General of Amnesty International, a human rights organization, and, of course, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon from The Simpsons.


1. Apni-ki Bangla bolte paren? [Can you speak Bengali?]

2. Ravi Shankar played the score from the film Gandhi with George Fenton.

bengalis có nghĩa là

people coming from bangladesh. THEY AREN'T THE SAME AS INDIAN PEOPLE. WE ARE ALSO OF MONGOLIAN DECENT. WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, THAT'S THE TRUTH. bengalis are also more oriental looking than indian people in general, if you've noticed. 3 out of 5 of the nobel prize winners from the indian subcontinent/southern asia are bengali. bengalis as a mass are very deep thinkers, though not the most athletic. they are a rather close knit community, and even fought against the pakistani army [which had tanks, while bengalis had spears] to keep their language.


john: ey, u indian?
fahim: naw dawg, im bengali ronald: ey, u filipino?
abdullah: nah, im bengali [THE SECOND PART HAPPENS LOL]

bengalis có nghĩa là

sweetest language in the world. when a person is speaking sweetly with another. language spoken in india[West bengal] & bangladesh. 5th largest language in the world


mary: my fiancée speaks sweetly with me.
john: you mean he talks in bengali with you?

bengalis có nghĩa là

A person of Bangladeshi decent like the Italians of asia because they love good food, talk and argue too much and are cheap as hell They own half of the gas stations in the US and not only do they have terrible english accents but they also have crap grammar they also love rhyming things which make no sense whatsoever as in satha matha [umbrella head] THEY LOVE USING THE WORD SHIT because they think they are blakk their language has the most odd cuss words ever example:
1]shalla[brother in law]
2]batpar [crooked person]- never say this to a bengali they will be pissed
3]gadha/gadhar bacha[ass/child of an ass] some are hindu but as long as most arent jews we love ya bengalis!


bengali: how much the rasgulla is? indian store owner: 5.99 pound bengali: bo, ayy dokanehr guli holo gadha kon rokhom ehr manoosh aatho daam deeya ayy satha keenbeh? [wife this stores people are asses, what kind of people would buy this umbrella for this price?] indian store owner: [who knows bengali but the bengali doesnt know] oyy shalla! [ hey brother in law!] ...and then the argument escalates and the bengali talks about the arguments for years to come...

bengalis có nghĩa là

1. a person from west bengal or bangladesh
2. someone who likes to eat fish. a LOT.


1. "I come from a land called Bengal. " "oh, I never met a bengali before." 2. "oooooh fish! can i cook it?" "crazy bengali"

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