Auto farm clash of clans 2022

About-us,1,Airdrop,10,App-paypal,17,Auto,15,Ban-tin-coc,429,Base- hall-10,1,Bay,1,BH-4,2,BH-5,3,BH-6,2,BH-7,1,BH-8,2,BH-9,3,bi-an,6,BIDV,1,Binance,2,Brawlstars,7,Buit-phong-thu,37,Cake,4,Clans-do-sat,21,Clash-roylae,4,Co-the-ban-chua-biet,111,da,1,Dac-tinh-quan,48,Game-lien-quan,50,Game-moblie,43,Game-NFT,6,game-pc,8,Hall-10,15,Hall-11,5,Hall-12,10,Hall-13,7,hall-14,11,Hall-3,1,Hall-4,4,Hall-5,8,Hall-6,14,Hall-7,12,Hall-8,11,Hall-9,20,Hall12,1,Hero,12,hidden,1,Kiem-tien-online,149,Kim-chi-va-cu-cai-2019,2,Lap-mang-fpt-hai-phong,87,Lien-he,1,Lien-ket-tiep-thi,7,MBBANK,2,Mo-the-atm-online,23,Momo,7,Mua-lan,38,Mydefipet,2,Null-clash,1,Office,2,Phan-mem,98,phan-mem-mobile,39,phan-mem-pc,23,Phim-anh,3,Pi-network,27,PUBG,8,Quan-doi-base,9,Remitano,1,Sacombank,2,San,6,spell,1,spell-dark-elixir,9,spell-elixir,13,Suc-khoe,9,Template-app,2,Template-ban-hang,2,Template-game,2,Template-nhac,1,Template-phim,16,Template-thu-vien-anh,3,template-tin-tuc,12,Template-truyen-tranh,8,th22,1,The-thao,14,Thong-tin-cong-nghe,52,Thu-thuat-blog,17,Thu-thuat-pc,5,Tien-dien-tu,29,Timo,3,tin,1,Tin-gioi-tre,31,Tin-tuc,68,Tin-tuc-Bitcoin,100,Toa-nha-tai-nguyen,5,Vat-pham-than-ky,13,Vi-dien-tu,1,video-farm,20,Video-hai,10,video-war,27,Vietcombank,1,Vietinbank,1,Vo-lam-truyen-ky,2,VPBank,2,War-builder-base,4,Xep-nha-hall-12,1,Xep-nha-thu,3,Xep-nha-thu-bh,8,Xep-nha-thu-war,17,Xep-nha-troll,3,

Download our Clash of Clans bot with gold farming, wall upgrades and auto-collect resources.

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Automate Clash of Clans with Naver Bot

Clash of clans, popularly known as CoC, is an Android and iOS game from Supercell. It is one of the best free-to-play or freemium games in the market, and its players are spread worldwide. The game is very interesting, but the complex features often challenge many people.

With our CoC bot, this will no longer be a concern. It’s packed with advanced features and regular updates that will give you an unmatched playing experience.


Get started in minutes!

Our bot only takes minutes to setup! It's as easy as 1-2-3. Check out the video to learn more about how it works.


Bot Features

Automate any task you want in Clash of Clans with our macro bot. Farming is one of the hardest tasks in the game. However, with this bot, you don’t have to worry about this as it can automatically farm, and you get to enjoy the benefits with minimal effort.

Automatic coin gathering

With this bot, you won’t have to play for long hours to accumulate more coins. It can be configured to farm automatically. This will save you a lot of time, and you won’t have to spend money purchasing the coins or elixir.

Automated wall upgrades

Upgrading your wall takes a long time and will cost you a lot of coins. This can make you spend an unnecessary amount of time on this game aspect. However, with this bot, you don’t have to worry about that, as Naver Bot can be configured to automatically farm coins and upgrade your walls as soon as you have the funds to do so.

Auto farm battles

This bot can be configured to automatically train troops, wait until they are fully trained, and then find an opponent to fight. This will help you to farm both trophies and resources.

You just have to love naver bot. I can automate pretty much any PC or mobile game I want, with one software. 10/10!


Now this is how you create a game bot. It can do anything you need on full auto-pilot.


I've used Naver for over a year now and it's smooth as clockwork. No issues or crashes ever. Great bot!


Why Choose Our Clash of Clans Bot?

Regular updates

We have a team that is always on the lookout for any updated patches of the game from Supercell. Once they are uploaded, we take only several hours to deliver them to our users. Our team ensures you always get the best gaming experience with regular bot updates. It also ensures you always remain ahead of your rivals.

The bot is safe

The bot is very safe as we have designed it to mimic every aspect of a human playing. This allows it to remain undetected by Supercell. This will allow you to use the bot for a longer time, and you don’t have to worry about your account getting banned. This protects you from losing long hours of dedicated gameplay and the valuable resources you have accumulated with time.

Very easy to use

Unlike other bots that contain numerous design features that make them complicated, our bot is designed to be very user-friendly. Once you download it to your device, you will be guided through the fast installation process. The different settings to toggle can be seen easily, and you can make any changes you want and achieve your objectives easily. The bot also allows for background running, allowing you to carry on with your activities while the bots continue with the game.

Constant communication

We have a dedicated team that is always available to hear and act on your concerns. In case the bot is unresponsive or runs into some complications, all you have to do is get in touch, and we will guide you around it. We also take any suggestions you might have on how we can further improve the bot. These will be looked into by our team, and we will deliver a response in the shortest time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get banned for using this bot?

No! Our team has designed the bot to mimic the playing mannerisms of a human closely. We have put a lot of attention to detail to ensure it is undetected. You thus don’t have to worry about getting banned.

How do I set up the bot?

The process is very simple. Once you download it, you are guided through the entire process. It is also very convenient for beginners.

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