aubs là gì - Nghĩa của từ aubs

aubs có nghĩa là

A commonly used nickname for the nameaubrey. Generally describing someone kickass and amazing.


"Hey, isn't that aubs over there?"
"Damn that girl is kickass!"

aubs có nghĩa là

American University of Beirut

Established in 1866 in Beirut, Lebanon. It is known to be the most prestigious university in the Middle East.

It has a very beautiful campus with its own, private beach on the Mediterranian sea.


Degrees awarded by AUB are officially registered with the Board of Education in the State of New York.

aubs có nghĩa là

Typically, an individual who associates themselves with the loveliest little village on the plains, known as Auburn University. They are also known to associate themselves with a severe, often unhealthy inferiority complex regarding their cross-state rival, The University of Alabama, the State's flagship institution. This complex is also commonly referred to as the "red-headed stepchild syndrome," which is ironically appropriate because Auburn is a dark shade of the color orange. Historically, you can identify an 'aub' by their country/confused clothing style [sometimes including flannel, yes it's 2008].

The mere sight of anything 'Bama related will send a true 'aub' over a cliff psychologically. They are certain to tell anyone who will listen that Coach Paul W. "Bear" Bryant is dead and was a drunk with a certain morbid glee. They have also been known to proclaim that 'Bama fans live in the past, are delusional, are 'side-walk' fans [an apparent swipe at fans who didn't attend the Capstone], and label them "Bammers," and as a last resort will yell "6." They will call The University of Alabama the "crapstone", UAT, or any number of other school-yard labels. As you can see, this inferiority complex is bred into their herd over the generations. Much like dementia, diabetes, ebola, and avian flu, there is no known cure for this complex. Fortunately, the large animal hospital on Auburn's campus is making great strides while championing the effort to find a cure.


Dude #1: Have you ever experienced a football weekend at Auburn?

Dude #2: No, I've heard the aubs have goat sex and roll the entire campus with toilet paper after they place a football game.

Dude #1: Lame-ass aubs.

Dude #2: Exactly.

aubs có nghĩa là

The act of jizzing on your friends face when they try to add your name to this website in a derogatory manner!


Dude if you put my name on the internet, i'm gonna aube you

aubs có nghĩa là

A nickname often presented to men that have red hair, with arms the size of the atlantic. Oh, and a dick like a python.


Nobody messes with the aub man, he will hit you so hard that you will contract the west nile virus.

Dont cross the path of aub man, blind madness may occur; therefore ending you time on this world.

aubs có nghĩa là

The Act of passing out free hand jobs to someone that is superior to you. To preform the Aube is the act of stroking multiple penis's with both hands for free. An Aube is free of charge and not satisfying what so ever.


Hey good job at work today let me pass you a free Aube Sir. Good Game today team free Aube's your all of you and im passing them out!! Man my forearm is so fucking sore Ive been passing out free Aube's to my chain of command all day. Why do you have that shit eating grin?
Ohhh Mike was passing out free Aube's...
Were they any good?
No but at least it was free...

aubs có nghĩa là

aub, aubbing or aubbed To take or to take away with no criminal intent or malice.
transitive verb: take excess of or more that equal share
verb: to take advantage of for profit or gain
To get into one's possession by force, skill, or artifice, especially:
a. To capture physically; seize: take an enemy fortress.
b. To seize with authority; confiscate.


He came in and aubbed the cookies that were on the table.
Jim got out of his seat to grab a beer and Stephen aubbed the chair Jim was sitting in.
There were excess leftovers from the party and Steve came in later with Tupperware and aubbed what was left.
The company execs received iPads for work and Frankie A Delegate aubbed the last one even though he wasn't an exec but a lowly douche bag

aubs có nghĩa là

Typically a female with a Cactus/Ryan Reynolds fetish, who is the twinsie of Kyle. She is afraid of heights and always be starin'. She's awesome but refuses to keep a 20-foot tall goldfish inside her house. If you ever meet Aubs make sure you talk about pickles or Animal Crossing.


"Oh look, it's Aubs![:"

aubs có nghĩa là

The slang term for the boys hockey team at Auburn Drive High School located in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia Canada. They basically run the school, and have cool track suits. Perks of playing Aub Hockey include Gloves, helmets, gear bags, track suits, and getting their dicks sucked every weekend at the Aub hockey parties


"Hey you play Aub hockey? Here let me suck your dick"

aubs có nghĩa là

Verb: The act of receiving a blowjob where the penis is stuck through the center of a cinnamon roll.


Girl 1: "What were guys doing for so long in the bathroom at Cinnabon?"
Girl 2: "I was totally Aubbing my boyfriend. I got so full."

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