All-in-one nghĩa là gì

All In One Là Gì


Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của doanh nghiệp với English Vocabulary in Use từọc những từ bỏ bạn phải tiếp xúc một bí quyết sáng sủa.

Bạn đang xem: All in one là gì

a piece of clothing that covers the whole body toàn thân rather than being divided inlớn a separate top và bottom part:
all-in-one account/device The company has just introduced an all-in-one device that lets users organize và store music, movies, & games.
To guarantee that no singularities exist between the planned nodes, c6 -heuristic is introduced in the multiple-heuristics tìm kiếm, to lớn keep the all-in-one-step approach of our planning algorithm.
An all-in-one suit was made for hlặng in a new thermal fabric và for the first time in his life he was pink lượt thích everyone else.
For all-in-one models và notebooks that have the same basic case kiến thiết, but differ in form size, only one type is listed.
The degree of automation varies from simple pipetting robots to lớn highly sophisticated all-in-one solutions, offering an automated workflow from gel to mass spectrometry.
Laptop computers, conversely, offer portability that desktop systems [including small form factor & all-in-one desktops] can not due lớn their compact kích cỡ & clamshell kiến thiết.
A number of web technology companies have sầu also developed comprehensive all-in-one packages that provide financing, risk và return analysis, investment strategy and portfolio management capabilities.
He developed a combined architecture and design practice, an all-in-one service which employed all the separate disciplines in integrated teams.
Apple"s own range of computers, including its revised all-in-one designs, were ultimately no different.
These tools can be split into three categories: decrypter, key-finder, & all-in-one [finds the keys and then decrypts].
Versions 2 & 3 were improved versions of the same, basic all-in-one system, working in memory và producing.

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to lớn give something, especially money, in order lớn provide or achieve something together with other people

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